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New Maps


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I've always thought we should have a way to change the layout of towers and keeps even if there were a few different pre made layouts would make the attacking and defending feel more fresh and perhaps tactical. Only stipulation would be the layout can only change when not being actively attacked.

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100% think a new map (which can serve as a basis for a BL balance between who gets Alpine, Desert, and this new one) would invigorate the mode.

Also was a fan of seasons added to Eternal Battlegrounds, so a bit more Sun and maybe sunflowers during the summer, Autumn leaves and stuff during Fall and Icey water and snow during the Winter. The current look for EBG would be Spring.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> I think that's the opposite of what we need, isn't it? We want people spaced out and all over the place!

Yes we do, but having a whole lot of available maps won't accomplish that. Some maps will be ghost towns, others will be queued. That is how it already is now.


@"Sykper.6583" Neat idea on the seasonal EBG. I'd enjoy that.


~ Kovu

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I always thought they would introduce a water-based map ever since they added swim infusions into the game. Who knows, if Cantha is the new expansion, that could be the new WvW map. Then they would have to give attention to the water skills, right? Right? Underwater stomps? Return of the krait or quaggans? Davy Jones locker shrines? Submarine mounts? It’s late and I’m going loopy.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > One request though, as I've suggested before, if we add more maps they need to be disabled during off-hours to limit coverage.


> I think that's the opposite of what we need, isn't it? We want people spaced out and all over the place! Sure, we also want fights, but if we begin with the premise of us being so near to one another that it's impossible to attack anything effectively, what's the point in trying?


> The mounts have effectively shrunk the playing area of WvW, so another map might help to counter that effect.



Social distancing is important these days

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > ...Last time Arenanet created new maps for WvW, they said it would take years to make it

> Hold the phone. These guys are churning out new sizable pve maps every 2 to 3 months and decent sized instanced maps on the interim. I understand there's a competitive element to wvw maps so more time has to be taken to look over the maps and adjust for balance. But multiple years?

> Seems like a bit of stretch. That said, all people are looking for is a different aesthetic, correct? They don't need to introduce fancy (often unbalanced, abusable or game breaking) mechanics, people asking for new maps just want something different to look at.


> ~ Kovu


This. We should be getting a new map every 2-3 months. By now they should have been rotating weekly. Maps keep things fresh when other things aren't changing. And I am not just talking about reskinning, full new maps. And if they have issues, so be it since they should be rotating.

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Game needs where a tower is actually a tower, not a giant outdoor courtyard with a little covered spot where the lord is at.

Underwater fighting is perfectly ok in this game, nothing wrong with underwater fighting areas too.

Full blown new maps arent going to be attractive, people already don't play on desert map much, because its samething, just more annoying to get too. They need to make the actual fighting areas better, more closed cant see whats inside unless you go inside type of areas.


Right now too much wide open. Wide open tower fighting inside, Wide open SMC fighting while inside, Wide open Keep fighting while inside. It needs more rooms with a ceiling, the entrance can be big, and wide, but it should be difficult to see whats inside until you actually go inside. Unlike how it is right now.


Because it's samething every map. Break through the gate or wall, go upstairs run around the wall and up more stairs to the lord and kill him. Same boring thing no matter how different they make the environment.



They don't need to make weird mechanics for lords either, all that does it make the content require you to have a zerg with you to take it. Making WvW too zerg dependant.


The new maps EoTM and Desert hardly being played on, new maps wont cut it, its new fighting experience, thats why I say you got to have more closed quarters, I mean closed as in you don't know whats inside until you go inside. A zerg can hide in wait easily because there are ceilings and walls allowing them to hide and do tactics besides the usual.

EoTM samething, break wall or gate, go up the walls run around the walls to the lord area, while your breaking the gate or wall you can easily tell whose inside. It should be a mystery not big wide open, everything.

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I'd like a map with some of the basic WvW mechanics mixed up to promote fights, reduce snowballing and increase the impact of roaming.


For example, objectives that could either upgrade, stay the same, or downgrade depending on how many Dolyacks they received in the last ~1h. Increasing the importance of camps and escorts. Also it would hopefully move the fights more to inside the objectives rather than being siege vs siege.


Similarly, upgrading could upgrade some aspects but downgrade others, resulting in trade offs. For example, giving T1 keeps waypoints rather than T3, that way increased map mobility comes at the cost of objective vulnerability and the map mobility of each team becomes much more dynamic.


I imagine more than a few players would be interested in a no down state border.


There could even be a list of mechanic changes that cycle per matchup or even day.


You could put these changes onto one of the alpines and not even need to make new assets.


For a new map design though, I would be interested in a well templated (for balance sake) procedurally generated map that redraws itself every matchup. Each camp, tower and keep could be pseudo-randonly selected from a list of options. Things like towers and camps could potentially swap places if the assets for each can be designed to fit each location and avoid exploits. It may take some fine tuning but there would be new cata spots, treb spots, choke points, etc, every matchup.


Maybe there could even be a smaller chance of moving keeps somewhere else...annoying as an unlucky layout could be in some matchups, the variation would be worth it. I wouldn't mind occasionlly zoning at the start of a matchup to find a mix up on the level of red keep and the ogre camp swapping places....

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