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The legendary amulet was a mistake


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I’m all for new people trying PvP, but this is getting ridiculous.


People with zero concept of rotation, spamming team chat “fIgHt On PoInT!!” while they mindlessly die to AoE.


I watched people who play like bots call Chaith a “useless engineer” while they slam their face into mid for their amulet.

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They've got to have a platform to learn and actually want to play PvP. Nothing wrong with new people coming in, even if getting the ammy is their motive.

They should be encouraged to actually learn how to play if they want it though, and not by being able to earn it just as a participation award.


But the collection actually does give them time to learn and they do have to win games to finish it. It's actually pretty smart if you ask me.


I understand the concept, but its nothing new either. Pips and reward chests are far worse at this, and they've been in the game a lot longer. Nothing says community like some PvE pip-farmer hurling insults at his team from spawn after they lose the first mid-fight.

They'll get progress towards their Byzantium chest anyway so why bother learning how to play or win, or even playing at all for that matter?

Or the bots doing the same thing minus the insults ?

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > not their fault matchmaking pairs them with good players


> I'm not mad about the matchmaking. It's the fact that they all think they know the perfect way to play and spend the entire game raging at people with far more experience.


At some point we have all been guilty of this.

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> I’m all for new people trying PvP, but this is getting ridiculous.


> People with zero concept of rotation, spamming team chat “fIgHt On PoInT!!” while they mindlessly die to AoE.


> I watched people who play like bots call Chaith a “useless engineer” while they slam their face into mid for their amulet.


mate just go to unrank and have fun. all other amulets are bound to be obtain through PvE can't you just settle for 1 legendary been PvP.

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> @"Fantasylife.7981" said:

> > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > I’m all for new people trying PvP, but this is getting ridiculous.

> >

> > People with zero concept of rotation, spamming team chat “fIgHt On PoInT!!” while they mindlessly die to AoE.

> >

> > I watched people who play like bots call Chaith a “useless engineer” while they slam their face into mid for their amulet.


> mate just go to unrank and have fun. all other amulets are bound to be obtain through PvE can't you just settle for 1 legendary been PvP.


There not complaining so much about PVP having an amulet, as they are about "supposedly" pve players in pvp that are trying to get the amulet.


OP: It's all very confusing anyway, because either this in AT's, in which case who cares as you can choose your team.


OR its ranked, in which case they were in the same match as you (and apparently Chaith whom I'm assuming is a good player), so they are:

1. Same rank as you (and I guess Chaith)

2. Lower rank, but you're Meta matchmaking to get easier matches and they are on of the infamous "bads" you got on your duo.

3. The matchmaker is just kitten, and it's not the pve players fault (besides the attitude obviously) that they are in your match and not one with fellow pve "bads"




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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> I’m all for new people trying PvP, but this is getting ridiculous.


> People with zero concept of rotation, spamming team chat “fIgHt On PoInT!!” while they mindlessly die to AoE.


> I watched people who play like bots call Chaith a “useless engineer” while they slam their face into mid for their amulet.


Yes because some are naturally gifted at PvP and were in plat since they started. It is a good thing if more people in the game try PvP. This way PvP would get more development time and attention than it currently gets. People have always raged in Pvp and that will never change, but thank goodness for the block button right! The people who bothered to do PvP for the legendary amulet are the ones that are aware about the amulet (unlike many in the game) and the ones that put in time to play the game to get the best gear they can.These are players that PvP would do better with and just like everyone else, they will learn to play PvP.

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> @"Tazer.2157" said:

> > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > I’m all for new people trying PvP, but this is getting ridiculous.

> >

> > People with zero concept of rotation, spamming team chat “fIgHt On PoInT!!” while they mindlessly die to AoE.

> >

> > I watched people who play like bots call Chaith a “useless engineer” while they slam their face into mid for their amulet.


> Yes because some are naturally gifted at PvP and were in plat since they started. It is a good thing if more people in the game try PvP. This way PvP would get more development time and attention than it currently gets. People have always raged in Pvp and that will never change, but thank goodness for the block button right! The people who bothered to do PvP for the legendary amulet are the ones that are aware about the amulet (unlike many in the game) and the ones that put in time to play the game to get the best gear they can.These are players that PvP would do better with and just like everyone else, they will learn to play PvP.


Actually, every time I join a game, I hope my team carries me lol.

I look out to see if there are anyone with special PvP titles like relentless legend etc.

I feel safer when I see those titles because they could possibly carry the game lol.

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The legendary armulett per se is not, its the implementation.


You need to have 120 ranked wins. Why wins and not games? Why is the number so high? Why exactly does it have to be ranked at all?


Compare this to how carefree it is to get the WvW one. You just need to play, steady progress, no questions asked.


Dont get me started on the tournament wins.


Its just a cheap try to artificially getting PvP numbers higher.

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The tournament wins will be harder. Even if it is only matches - not winning the whole tournament. Since you need to get a party first and play on a high level to even get to participate and win.


120 ranked wins is easy. Just lose until you are bronze 1 ... then somehow you might win automatically. :D

The problem of such achievements is that it might encourage to lose to get into a lower tier where it is easier for you to "farm". At least for players that don't care about rank.


Other newbies might "try too hard" by thinking they are the best and complaining about others if the team loses - since they are salty that they did not get 1 more win. Instead of slowly playing and trying to have fun while accumulating the wins automatically.


Tbh I found the ranked matches to be lower quality than unranked conquest in the mini season (where 2 vs. 2 was ranked). But I'm not sure if this is because unranked always has higher quality (more people playing for fun not for rank or achievements) - I did not play unranked enough until 2 vs. 2 removed conquest from ranked in the mini season.


Might be because unranked always offers higher quality matches. Might because 2 vs. 2. guys now are in unranked not playing the map (side mechanics, capin) and going for kills and fights only. Might be because of the additonally added achievements. (Then it should only be a problem in lower tiers with more beginners joining as new PvP players. They still should need to learn to play for the win since wins are required here.)

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new players often mistake kiting for being useless and it's ok. conquest in this game is a tad different.

if you nudge new players in the right direction, they learn and perform far more better for the team than just crying and complaining about how bad someone is.


as for the amulet, it's not because of it, it's going to be harder. but more like, there are of course more players wanting to grind the game mode to get it. it's not the amulet's fault, nor players' faults. lol. though, it feels cheap they have to force it into ranked to make the game mode more populated.


ranked matchmaking is a joke since you're throwing off across different divisions when it comes to pairing. unless you whisper ask each player what division they belong to, or have seen their badge around in the mist, you'd never know.

in my personal experiences, unranked matches do provide better quality matches. i believe unranked matches base off the pvp ranks you got at the corner of your screen. so usually players with closer ranks will get to team up against each other, with a plus of a newbie or two across 2 teams if they queue up at the same time too.

i end up owing 2 accounts and i'm playing both now. thought i'd lost my first account, so i made the 2nd one and got everything going before i tried my best shot to get the first one back.

my main account is rank 216, where as my new account is only rank 23, just enough to play ranked sometimes to test out some theories.

for the new account: new players during unranked matches, off season or during season, are more than skilled players. it's also much easier to stay in plat, and maintain plat for the whole season on solo queue.

it's completely opposite on the veteran account. new players during unranked matches, on/off season, are scared. usually up against good players, who have marinated in this game for years, providing great matches. it feels like an uphill battle in ranked though. few matches you got thrown against top 20, which i'm nowhere close to that at all. then next matches you got monkas fighting 3v2 and 2 of them die. lol. it's harder to solo queue in ranked and expect a win in those situations. because you can make less mistakes for your team, but it won't cover. duo queue, on the other hand, could make better outcomes in monkas situations.

so often, i see even top 10 players solo queue struggle in matches with monkas. i love how they just accept the loses with grace because those don't reflect on their skills, or their knowledge of the game mode at all. it's just crazy matchmaking at work.


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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Sunshine.5014" said:

> > Elitism is a major turn off for new comers. Keep yours in check. You're paired with them in the same match for a reason. Think about it.


> Chaith is also paired with them in the same match. Is that also for a reason?


Ranked Pvp is for farming BiS gear

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> I’m all for new people trying PvP, but this is getting ridiculous.


> People with zero concept of rotation, spamming team chat “fIgHt On PoInT!!” while they mindlessly die to AoE.


nice contradiction there bud.

Are you the guy who tried to help the enemy team after your teammate called you a noob for saying you don't always wanna fight on the point?



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> @"dikkejonko.5803" said:

> > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > I’m all for new people trying PvP, but this is getting ridiculous.

> >

> > People with zero concept of rotation, spamming team chat “fIgHt On PoInT!!” while they mindlessly die to AoE.


> nice contradiction there bud.

> Are you the guy who tried to help the enemy team after your teammate called you a noob for saying you don't always wanna fight on the point?




First, I’m not your bud. Second, what did I say that was contradictory? Third, nice straw man argument. I gave no indication of “helping the enemy team.”

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > @"dikkejonko.5803" said:

> > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > I’m all for new people trying PvP, but this is getting ridiculous.

> > >

> > > People with zero concept of rotation, spamming team chat “fIgHt On PoInT!!” while they mindlessly die to AoE.

> >

> > nice contradiction there bud.

> > Are you the guy who tried to help the enemy team after your teammate called you a noob for saying you don't always wanna fight on the point?

> >

> >


> First, I’m not your bud. Second, what did I say that was contradictory? Third, nice straw man argument. I gave no indication of “helping the enemy team.”


Wow you are very defensive aren't you. Goes to show how confident you feel in this conversation ...

The contradiction was quoted, but here it is again


I’m all for new people trying PvP (first statement)


but this is getting ridiculous. People with zero concept of rotation, spamming team chat “fIgHt On PoInT!!” while they mindlessly die to AoE.(contradicting the first one)


The second one shows that you are actually not all in for new people trying to pvp, because having no concept of rotation, mindlessly dying to aoe are things that happen to new players. As such it contradicts your first statement.


And then the strawman argument? I made no argument I asked you a simple question wether or not you were someone I recently met in pvp who 'tried' to help the enemy team after being called a noob by one of the 'newbies'. No statements were made.


I'll make one now though, one in which I assume you were that guy or someone as petty as him, because you are immediatly claiming 'I gave no indication of helping the other team' while I had not even accused you of it, I was merely asking if you did.


Also a hint for future reference. Bud is just a word used by certain people to adress random people on the internet, you are indeed by no means a buddy of mine, but that's not at all what I meant by bud.



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> @"dikkejonko.5803" said:

> > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > @"dikkejonko.5803" said:

> > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > > > I’m all for new people trying PvP, but this is getting ridiculous.

> > > >

> > > > People with zero concept of rotation, spamming team chat “fIgHt On PoInT!!” while they mindlessly die to AoE.

> > >

> > > nice contradiction there bud.

> > > Are you the guy who tried to help the enemy team after your teammate called you a noob for saying you don't always wanna fight on the point?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > First, I’m not your bud. Second, what did I say that was contradictory? Third, nice straw man argument. I gave no indication of “helping the enemy team.”


> Wow you are very defensive aren't you. Goes to show how confident you feel in this conversation ...

> The contradiction was quoted, but here it is again


> I’m all for new people trying PvP (first statement)


> but this is getting ridiculous. People with zero concept of rotation, spamming team chat “fIgHt On PoInT!!” while they mindlessly die to AoE.(contradicting the first one)


> The second one shows that you are actually not all in for new people trying to pvp, because having no concept of rotation, mindlessly dying to aoe are things that happen to new players. As such it contradicts your first statement.


> And then the strawman argument? I made no argument I asked you a simple question wether or not you were someone I recently met in pvp who 'tried' to help the enemy team after being called a noob by one of the 'newbies'. No statements were made.


> I'll make one now though, one in which I assume you were that guy or someone as petty as him, because you are immediatly claiming 'I gave no indication of helping the other team' while I had not even accused you of it, I was merely asking if you did.


> Also a hint for future reference. Bud is just a word used by certain people to adress random people on the internet, you are indeed by no means a buddy of mine, but that's not at all what I meant by bud.



You are making the incorrect assumption that I care about winning or losing. I’m at a ~65% win rate for the season so far. I never intentionally throw or keyboard rage during the match.


I’m happy that new people are trying it. What I have an issue with, is the mentality that the PvE players are bringing with them. Instead of learning something, they’re parroting false information to each other, requiring me to play cancer hard carry builds if I want to win.


For example. I had a necro run 1v4 onto point and instantly die. He never tried to kite. He never regrouped. He never did anything someone without a smooth brain would do. His response? Flame chat about how everyone else is a ruhtard and he can’t wait to get his amulet so that he never has to PvP again.

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If more people are trying PvP it's great. If more people made an effort to understand PvP, it would be even better. In a world where you can only pick from one of the two per person or face the alternative (no new players), I think it makes the fact clear: any amount of new players is a good thing.


I understand that many of these people are fair-weather PvP players, but there's nothing wrong with that.


The mode had no new blood for a long, long time. And now that we get new players people want to complain about something they *knew* would happen if PvP ever got revitalized?


C'mon buddy. C'mon.

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> @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

> If more people are trying PvP it's great. If more people made an effort to understand PvP, it would be even better. In a world where you can only pick from one of the two per person or face the alternative (no new players), I think it makes the fact clear: any amount of new players is a good thing.


> I understand that many of these people are fair-weather PvP players, but there's nothing wrong with that.


> The mode had no new blood for a long, long time. And now that we get new players people want to complain about something they *knew* would happen if PvP ever got revitalized?


> C'mon buddy. C'mon.


Yes, new people is a good thing, but their attitudes are trash.


I have no idea how to build a deck. I’m not experienced. I don’t start raging at carpenters and tell them how to do their job, because I know how to make a bird house.

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