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Posts posted by SmirkDog.3160

  1. Stuff in Core Tyria is easier with a mount (I've started doing world completion on another character recently), but all the stuff is still doable. Getting to a high up vista is still possible with very little suffering, just not as time efficient.


    And I'd like to agree with the main complaint about this, but those people could just.... buy PoF.... if it's too much, just save or something. It's not like being annoyed that someone has a pre-order item that isn't obtainable in the game or anything. It's a problem that those players can solve by buying PoF.

  2. The whole point of a level system is so you can learn and become stronger and better. Starting at the top leaves you inexperienced. I've seen level 80s that didn't know how to dodge (maybe they were just dumb) and do basic fight mechanics. If it's your first character, you should take the time to play and learn the game from 1 to 80. The level 80 content isn't going anywhere.

  3. I mean single two-handed weapons (greatswords, staffs, hammers, etc.) can be big, because there's no risk of them clipping with other weapons. But a lot of the one-handed weapons really could be smaller. They don't need to be _that_ big in order to see the details. It just looks clunky and unrealistic for weapons to be like that.

  4. Having a big weapon is one thing, but dual-wielding two weapons, like mace/axe, sword/sword, etc. has them nearly clipping through each other or smacking the player in the face. Why can't I just have normal sized weapons that aren't plain?


    Additionally, it would be nice to have an option to preview main- and off-hand weapons in the preview window. If I could, I might not have bought the War God's Axe skin because it nearly clips through Shiverstone and I can't afford or acquire any good mace skins that are smaller.


    And I mean, the charrzooka.......

  5. I would do hearts last when I was doing map completion because I too dislike doing them. There just isn't that momentum that you get with running around and getting POIs and vistas. But if you've already done everything else, just.... do them. Lmao. It seems like you think there's too many, but if you do a few every play session or maybe a map a day, it goes by quickly. It isn't really that much.

  6. Yeah I'd like some kind of small home specifically for our guild that isn't someone else's. So not the Guild Initiative HQ, or a home instance (which personally for me doesn't feel like a home at all), or some random "this is our special place" spot.


    Considering how so many guild features (missions, halls, etc.) require you to have at least like 5 people or something, there's very little advantage to having a guild when you're only a couple people. So it would be nice for us to have at least something of our own.


    It's clearly possible, because the game at least has enough capacity to allow some players to access the Hall of Monuments despite being a single person (and can be accessed just by owning GW1, even if you've barely played it) , so why can't a 2-person guild get a place similar?

  7. > @Samnang.1879 said:

    > No to all of the above, and in game marriage.


    I think in-game marriage would actually be pretty cool. My partner and I did it in FFXIV (but don't play anymore because of steep monthly fees), and really the only advantage (so you loners don't whinge about unfair advantages) was that you got a special ring that let you teleport to them with like a 30m cooldown. But it was nice to have a more permanent bond in-game.

  8. > @Adenin.5973 said:

    >The downside of it is that I often can already play when the map hasn't loaded in properly, resultin in a stuck camera fow afew seconds, bnumping into things, looking into the abyss, because even the ground has not loaded in.


    I forgot, but I noticed this too. I find myself loading it to seeing weird shaped ground and forgetting where I waypointed to, only to have all the buildings and stuff pop in. I guess it still takes a similar about of time to load, but I get to see the end of it or something.


  9. I'm not really a fan of huge trains of people sucking up all the bounties and insisting I join them if I want to do them, so I've just gone back to the vanilla game stuff for the time being. Getting achievements I skipped over and stuff. I'll come back for bounties once all the Meta Train People get burnt out.

  10. If they made it have like a 50% chance to spawn out of any chest/container, not just ones labeled 'chest', it would be easier. I scoured a few maps with my friend for a while before finally finding one, and I was just lucky enough to get the item that time after being only the second attempt.

  11. Less veterans and more reasonable aggro radius would be nice. Running through an area on my mount lasts for one second and then I'm kicked off by 3 veterans and have to slow run away while they chase me into another group of veterans, repeat.


    Oh, and putting a veteran branded enemy in the brand next to a vista in an area that you have to stay on your skimmer in lest you get killed by lightning is pretty frustrating.

  12. I much preferred PoF, mostly because I prefer the aesthetic, I found navigating the HoT maps to be way too difficult (oh, that POI is above me? Okay, so how do I get up? Okay I'm up-- oh, now it's below me......), and I liked the story a lot more. Can't really go into detail about the last one obviously because of spoilers, but I felt way more invested and interested in the story this time around.


    Oh and now I get a sand dog that clings to my back. Hands down the best part.

  13. The friend that I play with and I love doing Clock Tower every year, but the way it's set up is kind of clunky. I shouldn't have to wait for other players to finish or die in order to go again. It shouldn't even be a group thing, really. There's no advantage to being pvp or whatever. Just make it an instance like with story stuff, and you can do it with friends if you want or alone.

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