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Posts posted by SmirkDog.3160

  1. That would work if it didn't take months or years to bring things back (and some things I have yet to see ever return). Like if they could rotate through their non-seasonal stock every month that would be a lot better. Or maybe give us some general idea of when things are coming back, like "hey x item is coming back on the 7th for a week, and y item is coming back on the 14th". I've been waiting since PoF was first announced for this item to come back, and it's the last item I want to complete my character's look. All this scarcity crap does is leave a bad taste in my mouth and leave me extremely disappointed with ANet. Some items stay there for months, while others don't ever return. There's no pattern to it, and that doesn't actually make me want to buy the bat wing backpack/glider combo, or whatever crap they bring back each week, because that's not what I want.


    'Artificial scarcity' doesn't do anything if the scarce item isn't interesting to the consumer. Just check the threads about gem store items. Hundreds of posts about people who want specific items that are not there. Imagine all the profits from those items if they just brought them back.


    > @Ashen.2907 said:

    > Because your one purchase does not determine degree of profitability for an item.


    Honestly pal you're being pretty condescending and I don't really feel like interacting with you specifically anymore. So.


  2. That's great and all, but you see I didn't buy the thing because I didn't want it when it was available. There was 0 panic because I didn't want it in the first place. I would've bought it if it was still available, but since it's not, they're missing out on that sale until they make it available again. How does _that_ make more profit? Plenty of people (inb4 "uhmmmm that's not a fact that's your opinion" again) have wanted gem store items but they weren't available or couldn't afford them when they were, and had to wait months or just give up and never get it. How does _that_ make more profit?

  3. I've been waiting for months for the God-Slayer Bow Pack to come back, after I found out Renegades would use shortbows. I didn't get it when it was available because I didn't use them on my main character and didn't want to pay for a skin for an alt I hardly play. Since PoF was officially announced until now, it still hasn't returned. Meanwhile many things have been brought back multiple times. And then of course there's some things that have never come back ever. I've heard whispers of a plush ram backpack, that I've never seen in the store ever, but the wiki insists it was a gem store item.


    I don't see the point for things being available for a limited time. It doesn't actually increase sales, because they make it available for one week out of the year. That makes 51 other weeks they could be making money off that item. If all items (or at least most) were available all the time, they would sell more gems. It's just a fact. So what's the actual reason for this sale """tactic"""?

  4. > @Westenev.5289 said:

    > I'd say that given the complete 180 on Revenant development, I think that proves Anet doesn't know where they want to take Revenant... only that they didn't want Revenant to be viable in conjunction with Mesmer.


    Do you know why that is specifically? I play Revenant and my partner plays Mesmer, and I never felt like we didn't work well together, but maybe we just don't have experience with pairing other professions.

  5. I think all classes and specs are good for open world gameplay, as long as you find what works for you. Maybe check out the skills on the wiki or in-game and see which appeals to you more? Also I know it would take twice as long, but you can get both. You don't have to pick just one. You can just only have one equipped at a time, of course.

  6. Yeah it's nearly impossible to just wander around the map or even take a second to look at a scenery, 'cause some sharpshooter you can't even see starts shooting you, so you try to move out of range and suddenly there's 10 Forged all attacking you. So you run to get away from them, but it's not safe to check your map, so you just keep running. Then when you think you're safe and away from them you bring up the map to fast travel, but-- oh wait, you're in combat? Bring down the map to see 3 veterans chewing you up.


    I only go back in the PoF maps if I have to at this point. Can't stop anywhere except settlements, and even then sometimes they still get you while you're idle at a waypoint next to a bounty board.

  7. I got lucky and got one after maybe 10 keys? It was early in the morning so I can't really remember. I didn't spend a lot but honestly it was worth it. It would be nice to at least have them be traded or sold on the TP, but then again people would probably try to sell them for way more than the price of converting gold to gems for keys. Sometimes you just gotta get lucky or be willing to spend the money.

  8. > @SummerRayne.4672 said:

    > And this is sadly the mindset of many mmo players today. Extremely little patience, if any at all. Wanting everything done immediately and if they have to wait for maybe 10-20 seconds to do something on occasion it is just disastrous. And a cutscene that lasts what, 3-4 seconds maybe? Seriously all, this type of thing causes you this much distress?


    > I spent about an hour last night attempting this jumping puzzle and I had a good time even though I didn’t complete it. A big part of that fun was sharing that experience with the other people that was in the instance with me. We were all laughing and crying about our repeated attempts and when someone finally made it, people were excited for that person. Everything doesn’t have to be an “I want it my way and now” type of content in a game. The waiting isn’t near as bad as you are making it out to be, even when there are players who make it close to the end.


    You must be really fun to hang out with, always criticizing people's understandable frustration with the current state of things.


    People want it because in normal gameplay (and like someone else mentioned, the Wintersday JP), you fall and just get back up and do it again. But getting to attempt once every 30+ seconds and just having to stand around until you can go again is a waste of time. There's literally nothing to gain making people wait for someone else to fail or finish in order to go again. You can ~*~laugh, cry, and cheer~*~ without the unnecessary waiting period.

  9. It would definitely be cool, and breathe a bit of life into piles of people standing at the bank or something. Instead of everyone being weird statues it could show actual activity.


    It would also be nice to having one that shows you're typing (if in /say or /map, and only show it for someone if you're in the same party or something). I know back in the day when I was a wee lad and played Second Life, there were typing animations and an AFK one that just has your upper body slumped forward.

  10. I think when it comes to the precious ~meta~ it's important to play what you want and **what works for you**, rather than only choosing what the Pros tell you to play. You assume that playing what you want is guaranteed to be ineffective compared to the meta. I don't even know what the meta is, I just picked stats, traits, etc. that I think work well for my playstyle, and I do great.


    I think you need to adjust your perspective.

  11. I was super bad two years ago when I first tried it, like it took me probably a whole day of playing. But it was easy to see that as I continued trying I would get further and further. Now the previous year and this year I was able to finish it in one or two instances.


    It's supposed to be challenging (I wonder if these same people complain about raids or high level fractals? Hm....) but assuming you don't have hardware limitations or lag, it is possible. I'm _awful_ at jumping puzzles, but I eventually learned it. You just have to keep trying.

  12. > @Malediktus.9250 said:

    > Btw there is a title called Relentless Legend you can earn in pvp. So "Relentless" means nothing


    The fact that you think it means nothing because it's like another one is so bizarre... 'Relentless' is literally for having a character reach its fifth birthday, which is the oldest you can have right now... It's one of the most veteran-iest thing you can own. You clearly don't want people to see you're a 'veteran', you want them to see you with something they can never acquire ever no matter how much they play.


    > @Fengzhou.9853 said:

    > Looking at your signature on these forums, you have this desire to be something special beyond all the lemmings and I get the feeling that you wear a snide expression as you look down your nose at others.


    Basically this.


    I was stumbling around like a blind idiot during the first Halloween and had no interest in getting these back items. So now I get to finally add them to my wardrobe. Should I not be allowed to get them even though I meet the requirements of a veteran by your standards?

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