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Posts posted by SmirkDog.3160

  1. > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > So...to make a proposal based on the feedback and possible consensus. When you have unlocked full legendary gear (6 armor pieces, two weapons, one back item and 2 trinkets) you can get a regular make over kit that gives the option to put different colors for each eye. I think this would make it very rare and keep it rare, while also giving the incentive to get it.


    That sounds stupidly hard and inaccessible to 99% of players all for a single eye colour change. Most players don't have the time for that even if they wanted to. Plus, it'll just make it even easier for elitists to cause problems. What, you don't have two different coloured eyes? Kicked from the raid. No casuals allowed.

  2. > @"Ojyh.9842" said:

    >So maybe it should be possible only if it's really hard to have access to this option ?


    For the low low price of $150, you too can have heterochromia. Or, you can pay $5 to get a random eye colour to use in one eye.


    Sorry, but if things like mount skins can't even be earned in-game, you won't get a 'hard' way to get it. Just pay lots of money.

  3. > @"Ojyh.9842" said:

    > I hate the fact that the professions are losing their identity, partly because of outfits and some elite specs that don't always respect the profession theme.


    I don't agree with your main point, but if that's what you want, then no other heavy armour profession should be allowed to wear the Mistward skins, and no one but the elite spec that it's for should be able to use the unique collection skins they get to unlock.



  4. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > If you see someone in raid under performing dont kick help person get better


    I agree with this, but unfortunately players like that treat other players like NPCs or tools to help that person win, not someone they're actually _playing a game with_. I just avoid everyone that even mentions using a DPS meter because I don't play like that. Don't need that negativity in my life.

  5. The only reason I can see it being difficult is that each armour weight isn't designed to match with pieces from other armour weights. This can cause clipping, seam problems, and just Look Bad. So they would have to either change pieces to match all weights or only include ones that are already fine.


    I don't think that mix-and-match is going to happen, but it would be nice to able to sort of 'toggle' whether your character uses skins for a certain weight class. Obviously your actual armour stats are the same, but like a Warrior could toggle to use light armour skins instead of heavy, y'know.

  6. > @"Anthony.3207" said:

    > Auras exist so people can buy gold.


    And people can still buy gold. No one is saying to take them out, we're saying to have the option to turn off the visual effect in our client so we don't have to see it. There's an option to mute player instruments, but I haven't seen anyone complain about their wasted money because some people can't hear them 'play'.

  7. Most ads are just algorithms or whatever. You seem to have interest in it based on your browsing history and searches, so they tailor it to you. I've heard people say that when they get annoyed by certain ads they go Google stuff like "I hate [thing that's being advertised" and a bunch of similar things until it stops showing up.

  8. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > They actually 'give away free' more than just skins and Level Boosts. They also give away Gem Store items, such as VIP Passes, among other items.


    So because I didn't mention it I guess that means I said those don't get given away, huh? Like I said that explicitly? Do you really think I'm going to sit here and list out every single item that's even been given away for free?


    Either way, I don't recall VIP passes giving an unfair game advantage, such as better stats. Convenience and QoL changes =/= unfair advantages or P2W. Get it now?

  9. > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > One free account bound 1st generation Legendary of the players choice. (except for the dreamer)



    And what about the people that put in the effort to make their own legendaries? Some schmuck can get one just by having an old account and not putting in any work? Not only is it a seriously unfair suggestion, but you _know_ ANet would never do that. Why would they? All they ever give away for free or sell is skins or level boosts. They can't just give you a legendary weapon, because that gives an _actual_ gameplay advantage (given that legendary weapons deal the highest damage, being the highest rarity).


    But while we're suggesting ludicrous and beyond unlikely things -- can ANet just send me $500 cash money? I've played their game for nearly 6 years, after all. I think I deserve it.

  10. Nah, people will still want to do The Most Damage Possible even if it means they die every 10 seconds, then they'll just make threads about certain fights being too hard because they couldn't one-shot an enemy, and how they think condi builds are being favored now. The desire that MMO players have that drives them to try to do everything as quickly as possible will prevent them from venturing outside their comfort zone of a herd of zerker warriors.

  11. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > Wouldn't it be great if blocking someone also blocked their sound and visual "spam" turning them into the standard human model?


    I would love that. And it would at least somewhat counter the players that are like "weh I spent 30,000 gold for all these auras, people should see me!!!!" because we _will_ see them. And then no longer see them.

  12. Something like a guaranteed wardrobe unlock but you get to choose the item you get from a selection would be cool. Maybe like you get to pick a Black Lion weapon skin out of any past ones. Something like that. That way it doesn't make them lose money on potential gem store purchases (boohoo) and it's not just a loot bag of stuff that you're only lucky to get if you actually want what's in it.

  13. But like people have said, seizures are real, and although there's warnings on most games about seizures, most games are generally okay in terms of risk. My partner gets seizures and he has no problem playing GW2 normally, but the aura stacking hurts his eyes and gives him migraines. It makes sense for games to be flashy sometimes, but I doubt ANet intended for certain things to be deliberately seizure inducing without an option to turn it off on the client side.

  14. > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > Perhaps OP can create a shortbow design that we can all critique?


    Do you think that's some kinda 'gotcha'? It doesn't even deny that I'm right. It's a complete waste of a response.


    Just look at any of the longbows and short bows in the same set (especially the fancier gem store/BL ticket ones) and tell me the short bows are just as fancy or appealing.

  15. Most greatswords, swords, and daggers share almost identical skins in the same set, but longbows often get pretty cool skins while short bow skins always seem to look like toy versions of the longbow ones. They aren't just smaller versions of the same skin, they're way simpler and boring. Why does that have to be the one area where corners _aren't_ cut and yet somehow it's still disappointing?


    It leaves a really narrow selection of actually visually appealing short bow skins, so the only one I like is a gem store one that randomly shows up maybe once a year (that isn't seasonal) that I seem to always miss.

  16. Like others have said, it's a step in the right direction, but it's far from good. Letting people finally choose is a good idea, but making the RNG option way more affordable baits in people who don't have enough for the higher priced choice, and they're still likely to get screwed. I really don't see why all the skins can't be released individually.


    I mean, glider skins never had pseudo loot boxes. They were added to the gem store one by one, and you bought the one you wanted. And not to mention, a handful are obtainable in-game. Why are mount skins treated differently?

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