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Posts posted by SmirkDog.3160

  1. If they actually had skins unlockable through playing and not just only gem store items, I wouldn't care as much. But the fact that there's zero (0) you can obtain without spending money is pretty scummy.


    People can say "well just don't buy it", but cosmetic items or skins make the game more enjoyable, whether they're gem store ones or not. Devs that make and sell skins and don't put any in the game itself know exactly what they're doing.

  2. > @"Algreg.3629" said:

    > I think pride should rather be something about your own feelings on your accomplishments and less about the perception of others.


    Exactly. If you only value your accomplishment because of how it relates to other people (less people have it, others envy you, etc.) then I think you're doing it for the wrong reasons. If it was challenging for you to do but you still did it, that should make you proud regardless of whether other people also do it.

  3. I think people are missing the point. Regardless of a person's financial situation, why can't we buy them in $5 increments. Why does it matter why someone wants to buy only $5 worth of gems. The suggestion (y'know, in the title) is that it should be an option because it can be more convenient in a number of ways. We're not supposed to be debating whether or not I pay bills or work enough hours 'correctly', it's to point out that $5 being the minimum instead of $10 would be better.

  4. > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > If a $5 total difference is an issue for you, financially, you have bigger life priorities you need to sort without worrying about online gaming.


    > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > If 5 Dollars is not a problem but ten dollars is, you have bigger problems than the cost of gaming microtransactions and the cost of gemstore currency.


    > @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

    > That's not a solution, and not everyone has $10 USD to spend on the game. **And spare me the lecture on "well if you can't afford $10 in gems blah blah blah" because that's not how money works.** Sometimes the money you can spare is less than $10 USD and thus you can't buy a single thing.


    If you're going to argue against me, read everything I said.


    > @"tacticalevilnoodlefox.5694" said:

    > If I budget for all my bills, debts, rent, food, and include a chunk to put into savings each month but give myself $5 as an entertainment budget then how is that not being responsible financially? Are people not allowed to spend extra money on things to make life enjoyable if they can't spare over a certain amount? What is that amount? Is it sorting life priorities if I have $10 left over instead? $20?


    This is exactly what I was saying. If someone takes care of all their bills, fees, etc. and has less than $10 left to spend on wants because all their needs are paid for, that's not being financially irresponsible. That's just having less than $10 to spend on games and other things.


  5. > @"Mea.5491" said:

    > But why? Buy 800 Gems for $10 and save the remaining Gems for later so next time you want something from the Gem Store you don't have to spend money again. Ta-da!


    That's not a solution, and not everyone has $10 USD to spend on the game. And spare me the lecture on "well if you can't afford $10 in gems blah blah blah" because that's not how money works. Sometimes the money you can spare is less than $10 USD and thus you can't buy a single thing.


    > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > Hate to say it. Play one hour less a week. Work one hour more irl a week.


    > Problem solved.


    You really think everyone works jobs with hourly wages, huh.


    It's not a matter of how much money a person has, it has to do with how much they should have to spend to get what they want. Do you pay more than you need with regular purchases so you can have store credit?

  6. Having to spend $10 USD to buy 800 gems when I only want to buy something that's, say, 450 is a cheap tactic to make players spend more money. Why is $10 USD/800 gems the lowest amount we can buy. When so many things are 400 and under, why can't we get 400 gems for $5. I know it can be complicated to adjust pricing for digital currencies, but that seems like a pretty even split to me.

  7. Probably because the circle being bigger that it needs to be wouldn't have stopped you from getting hit. And it will just confuse people because they won't know where in the circle is the actual damage area.

  8. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > I can't believe someone can complain about a currency where the only requirement to get is log in .... ><


    To be fair, it means that no matter how hard you try or how many hours you put in, there's a set limit on how much you can gain. It can be a bit frustrating when you're proactive enough to put in the time to work towards something but the game doesn't let you.

  9. > @"nia.4725" said:

    > > It would put a target on those who don't use DPS meters, rather than on those who do.


    > "t4 dailies 1chrono 1druid 2dps f+p ONLY DPS METER"


    > The fractal lfg would be full of that


    > "VG training only dps meters"


    > The raid lfg would be full of that


    > "no, I only accept players who use dps meters" in wvw


    > Etc etc etc.


    Well, while I see your point, usually someone would just respond to an answer like that with "make your own party" or "get a guild to do it with" so. I think those answers are still acceptable.

  10. I always see people say it's so hard to get into dungeons, but the last few times I've done it (albeit not often because I'm not really interested, but sometimes I need an armour skin) I've gotten a full party very quickly. I only play with my partner, so it starts with the two of us, but the last time we got 3 all at once. I've had to wait longer in other MMOs (like FFXIV) for dungeons than I have in this game. Maybe I'm just really lucky or have a super appealing name.

  11. I don't see why people are so offended by people knowing they're using DPS meters, unless they think they'll be treated different because of it and could have difficulty finding parties. I'm in favor of something like that being made public, because it can make it clear to people that you're using it and may want other players who are using it (like if you've got your own party up in the LFG), and also lets someone know if someone they're thinking of joining is using one in case they want to avoid that.

  12. There's a couple glider skins that exist that you don't have to get with gems (though I think they're all tied to legendary back items), but I agree; it's kind of annoying that all the new mount skins are gem store only. We already paid money for the expansion, and they want us to continue paying for stuff one would think we'd get by playing what we paid money for?

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