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Posts posted by SmirkDog.3160

  1. > @Malediktus.9250 said:

    > > @SmirkDog.3160 said:

    > > Well y'know, there's the Relentless title. Unless you don't have that yet....


    > It is a boring title that can easily be mistaken for other titles.


    Sounds to me you don't have it. Maybe don't put so much importance in having items that can't be obtained anymore or something?

  2. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > I'd love a **skin only** (like OP) inspect feature!


    I was about to say this, but you beat me to it.


    I don't mind people looking at me and going "oh what's that skin?" and then just being able to inspect me to find out. I do mind, however, players inspecting me and scoffing and kicking me from a dungeon because I'm not in full zerker ascended/legendary gear. Making it easier to identify skins is good, but letting people see our actual gear and stats makes for elitism and conflict. I know this from first-hand experience playing FFXIV.

  3. I'm so sick of standing at the bank, or the trading post, or the crafting stations, etc. etc. and having to walk somewhere else because someone felt like they absolutely had to level up 78 times right there and couldn't bother walking away to an unpopulated part of the map. It always lasts so long and I can barely hear myself think. ANet, I don't care. I don't care if some rando is leveling up. I don't plan to congratulate them for using 78 Tomes of Knowledge at the bank 5 seconds after being created, so please let me disable that sound.

  4. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > I say take the idea from Phantasy Star Online 2.

    > You get loot as long as you're close enough.


    Unfortunately that would allow for easier AFK farming . Just go to a busy area and do the same thing they also do, but they'll be able to benefit from it by doing nothing. Unless you mean only if you're in a party/squad/whatever with the people who kill it, in which case that can work.

  5. In lots of other popular games (FFXIV, Overwatch, etc.) healers get contribution for either gaining aggro from healing (FFXIV) or healing people while they damage enemies (Overwatch). Because of that, they're not required to attack anyone and still contribute.


    At the very least, it would be nice to get contribution for healing and buffing people in your _party_.

  6. It would be nice to be able to do PoF content as an alternative way if you don't want to do HoT stuff. I disliked the requirements for crafting HoT legendaries, so although I like some of them they just really aren't worth it for me. I was hoping for PoF legendaries, especially since I actually did all the map completion for it unlike HoT, where I haven't completed a single non-LS3 map.

  7. I seriously doubt a video is what did it. Can you show me in patch notes somewhere where ANet said "we saw a YouTube video about how to make gold in Lake Doric by farming centaurs, so we nerfed it"? The burden of proof is on you here, friend.

  8. I agree with OP. I've definitely encountered players running directly at me in order to transfer aggro and then going back to their intended path. Like if they're running along a road and I'm idle at a waypoint in my inventory or something, I've seen them literally veer off their path to run through me and dump all the enemies on me, then go back onto the road. And no, it wasn't to unlock the waypoint, because that's visible to everyone around you when you do that.

  9. The original post says to suggest new stuff, but this seems to have become the "bring back x" thread too, so.... Still hoping for the God-Slayer bow pack to come back. After it was announced that the new Revenant elite spec used shortbows, I'd wished I bought it while it was still in the store. It's the last item/skin I want for my Renegade, and there's no amount of playing that will get it for me.

  10. > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    > You said wiki and not the Internet tab. There's a big difference between the wiki and those other websites.


    It's literally the same physical actions to alt tab out of the game and click around somewhere else and go "oh okay got it" and then go back to the game. The wiki is in an internet tab. Those websites are in an internet tab. This isn't that complicated to understand, and I really didn't think I'd have to explain it.


    Everyone acts like ANet has like 5 employees and they should all be working on like metas for the Pro Players. There are plenty of things that would be considered 'low priority' that still gets added to the game instead. I mean hello, Catmander? I'm sure I can name more things that are totally pointless that are in the game and this isn't. Why does no one ever want changes to be added if those changes can't benefit them?

  11. > @Ardid.7203 said:

    > I have the inverse problem: almost all weapons on Asura are virtually invisible. There are maybe 3 rifles that actually you can distinguish as fire arms. And all the pistols are basically toothbrushes.


    I don't have a lot of experience with Asura characters, but it's unfortunate that they're so difficult to see. I suppose there's more room to make them bigger (as smaller size increases may make a larger difference), so weapon size should really be scaled to the size of the person, like the mounts are. My pal who plays a Sylvari has smaller mounts than my Human character, so why does my human look like he's wielding Norn weapons or something?

  12. > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

    > People expect it because people pay for this stuff and I dunno it doesn't seem too out of line to expect their preferred class' new spec to work well in their preferred game mode. Also you've got it wrong. Standard old Condi Rev with Renegade traits is what works well, the actual Renegade itself (especially shortbow) does not.


    You're right. And I paid for all the expansions, so uh, I should get to have all the legendary weapons that were added with them.


    And I don't know if you actually read what I said, but nowhere did I say "Renegade using Legendary Renegade Stance with Shortbow". I said Renegade with mace/axe.


    Also I hate to be the person stating the obvious fact, but every class and build can do raids. Good builds don't make you good. It just comes down to elitists not letting them join their Good Group. Sorry.


  13. > @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    > There are external websites already dedicated to doing just this. Adding this in game just adds more UI clutter.


    Did you miss the part about switching back and forth between the game and an internet tab? And it doesn't have to be "UI clutter", it could be an extra tab in the hero menu or something. And I seriously doubt it would seem like clutter for people who want it, and people who don't want it don't have to see it. It can't be any more clutter than the daily achievements it keeps bugging me about.

  14. > @JVJD.4912 said:

    > Lmao you haven't played an Asura have you??


    Maybe I would understand why you asked that if you specified what you meant. Are you saying they have more weapon size related problems? Less? You've provided nothing to this conversation.


    > @Ashantara.8731 said:

    > I would give the OP ten thumbs up if I could.



  15. > @RandomWolf.3986 said:

    > Renegades work fine as general PvE specs. But sadly it won't manage to find its place in raids and PvP content.


    I'll never understand how some people think every profession and build should be perfect in every game type. Not to mention, I've heard Renegades with mace/axe have some pretty high DPS and are appreciated in raids. But maybe I got the wrong info, huh?

  16. You can see how much of the required ingredients you have when you're crafting stuff like the Gift of Metal because it actually requires a recipe and stuff, but it would be nice to be able to track how much of everything you have in a menu somewhere. Both generations of legendary weapons have a whole crap load of things that you need to get, and it would be much easier to keep track of if we could see it all in one place in-game. Y'know, instead of flipping back and forth between the game and the wiki to look at what you need and what you have.


    And no, mentioning the collections for precursors doesn't really count.

  17. It would be nice to at least have a size option that you can check off in the equipment menu. Like "scale up" or something. So people who want huge weapons can have them, and people who want that same design but at a slightly more manageable size can have them too. It can be quite a battle trying to find skins for weapons you like that also don't clip through the ground or your other weapons/armour.

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