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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > I think the main issue with any japanese style sword added to the game is that the combat itself is not based on japanese combat styles and those kind of swords are based on precise that.

    > Why isn't there an upcoming expansion with an asian theme to introduce combat styles like japanese sword fighting styles??

    > Wait!!


    That would be awesome. Currently in the roster warrior would make most sense for bushi complete with land spear, it would be amazing if the devs reworked the animations for gs,sw and lb to suit a more Japanese sword fighting style but that's probably too much to ask of them.

    Maybe a new Japanese themed class will be introduced:)

  2. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > > Is bandits defense still a thing? Last time i seriously played gw2 pretty much every thief ran that kitten op skill with low cd, stunbreak, block and knockdown.

    > > > >

    > > > > Impossible to lockdown when that thing is on 16s cd

    > > >

    > > > I honestly never encounter it, and I fight a lot of thieves in WvW. Its all shadowsteps and Assassin's Signet.

    > >

    > > Theres a lot of them using it now, that or roll for ini.


    > Hmm not the ones I've fought recently. It's a great skill to be honest and I wish warrior had it instead.


    I don't get how its great lol, I rarely see thieves using it cuz the 1 1/4 length block. If it was 3 secs or so similar to Ranger or shield block maybe. I'd way rather have bandits defense work like shield block or rangers gs skill where u can block for a duration instead of having to block right as the damage is occurring. Knock downs great but I think most thieves would give it up for a longer block duration or a block like rangers with push back, even with loss of the stunbreak.

  3. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > > I can't speak for PvP, but in WvW I find Thief extremely powerful. It may not be powerful in zerg-play but we never were, and most likely never will be due to our kit. We are a small-scale and solo damage machine and not really in need of any buffs. I feel like Thief is in a good spot, and could actually do with a few minor nerfs here and there.

    > > >

    > > > And no, I am not a main of another profession. I exclusively play Thief and have over 4,000 hours on it.

    > >

    > > What would you nerf?


    > Daredevil line lol. Its busted


    Its not busted at all man, are u a warrior main cuz if u are ur simply countered by DD and thats all and combined with mesmer these are the only two classes DD counters and has good 1v1 match up with. The rest of the roster has winning match up against DD if equal skill is concerned hence why in large DD and rest of thieves have always been delegated to +1 roles and decap. U seriously just need to practice vs thieves more, I play warrior a lot and have little issues with thieves.

  4. > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > > I hope this is troll post

    > >

    > > Other than mesmer he's not wrong so prob not a troll.

    > > Things may be different in plat 2-3 and up but the rest meaning 90% of pvp is dominated by the fotm braindead cheese builds aka core necro,burn guard,trapper dh, sb renegade, and some very cancerous ele builds. Every match u join in gold 3 is 2 guard types aside if not more and the same with necros. I had a plat one match with 6 necros, 4 on one side and two the other and their was still 2 guards as well lmao.

    > > The balance is a joke right now and if anet showed the statistics on what classes have been most played in last 8 months guaranteed its guards,necros and ren's by a huge margin and ele not far behind. U can defend this gbage all u want but anets had to have noticed that the now tiny population has almost completely jumped to these fotm classes for a reason.


    > Ok right. Im main holo. Pls nerf core necro, scourge, burn guard, dh, crev, mirage and condi thief. Ty


    > If i play class that is countered by condis, that doesnt mean condi classes should be nerfed.


    So ur totally ignoring the fact 90% of classes played in pvp are guard/gh, necro and lastly at slightly lower numbers ren's and else's. There a reason so many playing all ran to these fotm classes. I never said if a class counters u it should be nerfed, I fact I believe that's the cause of most nerf threads ie wars and mesmers rally'ing for teef nerfs when in fact just so happens it counters em. I play warrior as much as thief and see so many war mains asking for thief nerfs simply cuz their countered by thief's blinds.

    I'm saying there's a huge disparity in class representation in favor of these classes for obvious reasons.

  5. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > everyone is so doom and gloom about the megapatch, but it was the lack of follow up that was the suicide move. the one shot meta was garbage and anyone who wants to return to it probably relied on cheap builds. sustain meta isn't much better but at least noobs can't roll some brain dead build and gank you with zero brain effort. now they run around and deal no damage, better then them getting kills imo.


    So its better now if bust type specs or builds that one shot run around doing no damage than doing a appropriate damage for a burst spec, or its better now there's braindead builds like core necro,burn guard/trap dh etc? I mean atleast pre feb u saw more classes represented, now every match is multiple guards/dh, necros, rens and holo's with the rest spattered here and there, was definitely better pre feb imo. Most it seems agree as post feb pvp lost even more players at a faster rate. Had they did proper follow up then who knows maybe more would stayed.

  6. > @"megilandil.7506" said:

    > love those rand posts:


    > stealths is ok but if someone else gets acces to it it becomes OP... mmmm OK



    Yeah cuz thiefs burst out stealth is anywhere comparable to a burn dh using trapper, gimmie a break. If thief had that burst out stealth everyone would cry so hard lol. Dh was designed to have less mobility than trapper rune gives it and isn't designed to have access to stealth, that is the difference and why now that dh is using it for its braindead cheese build it makes the class stupid. People can go on and defend guards just like necros defend lich and cores sustain yet there's a reason they are the fotm classes. Braindead cheese low effort good reward gbage. Most matches have two guard or necros on each team....for a reason. Literally the same handful of classes/builds are seen over and over cuz gw2 players for the most part regardless of their main scramble to the fotm broken classes to spam em, pvp in this game lol can't surprise anyone its almost dead.

  7. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > I can't speak for PvP, but in WvW I find Thief extremely powerful. It may not be powerful in zerg-play but we never were, and most likely never will be due to our kit. We are a small-scale and solo damage machine and not really in need of any buffs. I feel like Thief is in a good spot, and could actually do with a few minor nerfs here and there.


    > And no, I am not a main of another profession. I exclusively play Thief and have over 4,000 hours on it.


    wvw yeah damage is good but pvp conquest is a whole different beast entirely and uve got classes that have no right to be bursting anywhere close to a rogue like while having tank stats.

    If u can tank a lot of damage than the reason why USUALLY that class does not have high burst is because u can stay in the fight and build ur dps up through sustained dps while a rogue like cannot and has to do its damage entirely through bursts unless of course the rogue is far more skilled than opponent and is able to stay in the fight.

    Right now uve got classes that can take continuous long bouts of pressure all while bursting as much or more than the thief, thats so messed up.

    Anyway just my opinion, I hardly play these days so matters little.

  8. > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"felix.2386" said:

    > > > > > how can a thief abandon pvp/wvw, where it is the most busted class that destroy the mode for years

    > > > > > i can see thief quit pve, but pvp/wvw? a lot of people play thief only for pvp/wvw too

    > > > > > even when underperforming as 5v5 organized meta comp for tournaments.

    > > > > > it will always be good in ranked, top10 top25 will always have multiple thief mains.

    > > > >

    > > > > Lol cmon. In pvp teefs a loss vs every class but war and mesmer, even then a good warrior can definitely out play and destroy a thief, especially if thief misses a couple blinds. It has to +1 most classes to down them, and in this meta that can even take too long when u combine the tanks builds around now with the Feb damage nerfs. Thief has to make good on decapping to pull its weight which just got nerfed with IA cost nerf and jump on already engaged targets to get its downs more times than not, that sound op?

    > > > > A class designed like thief/rogue already produces salt, combine that with +1 playstyle which creates salt on its own is a recipe for hate, but its not thief players fault that they enjoy rogue classes and that this particular one isn't great at 1v1's.

    > > > > Wvw, Teefs excel at roaming, shouldn't they though? They certainly have far less presence in zergs than almost any other class ie warrior. Almost ever class contributes to zerg fights far more than thief if not all so shouldn't it be allowed to be good at roaming.

    > > > > U know its funny u see very very few thiefs complaining about thief short commings in zerg fights yet tons of players who on their own accord chose to play a class/build more suited to zergs complain about thief being strong at roaming compared to their class yet dont consider how and why when their killed on their way to their zerg where they become 2x more useful than a teef could dream of. To add some classes like warrior as a example have both effective zerg builds and roaming builds so its fine if the warrior tho great at roaming isn't as good as a class like teef who specializes in the roaming role.

    > > > > Honestly bias has led this game down the drain but that's on anet in the end.

    > > >

    > > > It's funny, though; thief's traditionally been one of the better roamer classes in WvW, yet is clearly being overtaken by revenant, ranger and engineer. Thief is cleanly out-DPS'd in every game mode even if they choose a non-stealth build with a focus on dueling. Stealth is the sole reason the class is even able to exist at the moment. Sad, so kitten sad.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Yeah I honestly couldn't imagine thief trying to 1v1 these days without stealth lol its been nerfed to the ground, its sad the main burst class gets out burst by tanks nowadays lmao.


    > Rune of Durability + marauder gear > thief. The sad truth.


    Honestly though its not a huge loss, it will be if the actually start balancing and supporting this games pvp modes but till then its a meme lol just play few matches with thief for a fix than move on, ghost of tsushima and valheim have been helping me from playing gw2 to often which for me leads to frustration lol.

  9. > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"felix.2386" said:

    > > > how can a thief abandon pvp/wvw, where it is the most busted class that destroy the mode for years

    > > > i can see thief quit pve, but pvp/wvw? a lot of people play thief only for pvp/wvw too

    > > > even when underperforming as 5v5 organized meta comp for tournaments.

    > > > it will always be good in ranked, top10 top25 will always have multiple thief mains.

    > >

    > > Lol cmon. In pvp teefs a loss vs every class but war and mesmer, even then a good warrior can definitely out play and destroy a thief, especially if thief misses a couple blinds. It has to +1 most classes to down them, and in this meta that can even take too long when u combine the tanks builds around now with the Feb damage nerfs. Thief has to make good on decapping to pull its weight which just got nerfed with IA cost nerf and jump on already engaged targets to get its downs more times than not, that sound op?

    > > A class designed like thief/rogue already produces salt, combine that with +1 playstyle which creates salt on its own is a recipe for hate, but its not thief players fault that they enjoy rogue classes and that this particular one isn't great at 1v1's.

    > > Wvw, Teefs excel at roaming, shouldn't they though? They certainly have far less presence in zergs than almost any other class ie warrior. Almost ever class contributes to zerg fights far more than thief if not all so shouldn't it be allowed to be good at roaming.

    > > U know its funny u see very very few thiefs complaining about thief short commings in zerg fights yet tons of players who on their own accord chose to play a class/build more suited to zergs complain about thief being strong at roaming compared to their class yet dont consider how and why when their killed on their way to their zerg where they become 2x more useful than a teef could dream of. To add some classes like warrior as a example have both effective zerg builds and roaming builds so its fine if the warrior tho great at roaming isn't as good as a class like teef who specializes in the roaming role.

    > > Honestly bias has led this game down the drain but that's on anet in the end.


    > It's funny, though; thief's traditionally been one of the better roamer classes in WvW, yet is clearly being overtaken by revenant, ranger and engineer. Thief is cleanly out-DPS'd in every game mode even if they choose a non-stealth build with a focus on dueling. Stealth is the sole reason the class is even able to exist at the moment. Sad, so kitten sad.




    Yeah I honestly couldn't imagine thief trying to 1v1 these days without stealth lol its been nerfed to the ground, its sad the main burst class gets out burst by tanks nowadays lmao.

  10. > @"felix.2386" said:

    > thief beat warrior all the time, because warrior can't catch thief at all, either its draw or you lose as warrior.

    > since 2012

    > and if you using a slow hitting weapon, dp thief can blind spam you to death

    > d/p thief used to beat hambow, even tho hambow was one of the most op build at the time, rather funny.


    > the entire warrior kit loses to thief

    > only tether beats thief.


    I donno in g3-plat1I killed quite a few thieves while on power spb, they miss a blind or make a mistake and one eviscerated or arc and their f....ked. war is countered by teef cuz blinds not its mobility as warrior has great mobility.

    War vs thief definitely is not a 100% loss or draw lol.

    For the record I love warrior and think it needs some significant buffs by returning damage to cc and slightly increasing the heal gained by the heal significant and mmr combo as it was a cool synergy but that all said just cuz wars are countered by a class ie thief doesn't mean the class needs nerfs, all classes have counters.

  11. > @"felix.2386" said:

    > how can a thief abandon pvp/wvw, where it is the most busted class that destroy the mode for years

    > i can see thief quit pve, but pvp/wvw? a lot of people play thief only for pvp/wvw too

    > even when underperforming as 5v5 organized meta comp for tournaments.

    > it will always be good in ranked, top10 top25 will always have multiple thief mains.


    Lol cmon. In pvp teefs a loss vs every class but war and mesmer, even then a good warrior can definitely out play and destroy a thief, especially if thief misses a couple blinds. It has to +1 most classes to down them, and in this meta that can even take too long when u combine the tanks builds around now with the Feb damage nerfs. Thief has to make good on decapping to pull its weight which just got nerfed with IA cost nerf and jump on already engaged targets to get its downs more times than not, that sound op?

    A class designed like thief/rogue already produces salt, combine that with +1 playstyle which creates salt on its own is a recipe for hate, but its not thief players fault that they enjoy rogue classes and that this particular one isn't great at 1v1's.

    Wvw, Teefs excel at roaming, shouldn't they though? They certainly have far less presence in zergs than almost any other class ie warrior. Almost ever class contributes to zerg fights far more than thief if not all so shouldn't it be allowed to be good at roaming.

    U know its funny u see very very few thiefs complaining about thief short commings in zerg fights yet tons of players who on their own accord chose to play a class/build more suited to zergs complain about thief being strong at roaming compared to their class yet dont consider how and why when their killed on their way to their zerg where they become 2x more useful than a teef could dream of. To add some classes like warrior as a example have both effective zerg builds and roaming builds so its fine if the warrior tho great at roaming isn't as good as a class like teef who specializes in the roaming role.

    Honestly bias has led this game down the drain but that's on anet in the end.

  12. Core burn guard, trap DH,core necro and lastly healbreaker. Thee most braindead for good reward in the game.

    Read burn guard rotation in metabattle "most ur damage comes from passive burns" lol gj anet. Necro just shroud when u get out played and if the extra hp/carry bar doesn't help and u still get outplayed even further just lich for auto's that rival most classes bursts lol gj anet.

    Healbreaker just rotational spam ur heals/shouts and just be there as another body to distract the enemy.

    If u want to do good but not great while literally turning ur brain off and drooling on ur kb these are great choices.

  13. Honestly class stacking is good because it easily gives anet the ability to see the fotm broken classes that everyone jumped to for obvious reasons, not that anet pays attention anyway. In g3-plat 1 I've had matches with 6 necros lol and the majority have a multiple assortment of necros, guards, and ren. Its actually nice to see a holo, ele , Ranger or warrior these days.

    I know that's not exactly what u meant as class stacking but its still a version of it.

  14. If there's a balance pass anytime before eod it will be very evident little effort was put into it so careful what u wish for as it could result in the game being in a even worse state, if possible.

    I wouldn't expect anything significant until after eod as these devs can't multitask worth......, even after I wouldn't hold ur breath.

  15. Oh and pls don't forget to nerf reapers lich autos lmao what carry bull$hit, u destroy a brain dead reaper and they just lich for 5k or so autos and are carried so hard, gw2 shouldn't be promoting such gameplay obviously.

    Lastly as mentioned in op some classes are also carried by ridiculous downstates and insta rez should not exist either. These devs really need to Crack down on these brain dead promoting skills and traits if this game has any hope.

  16. > @"appelflap.8310" said:

    > Ofcourse wvw roaming is full with toxic thiefs, what do you expect in a gamemode where thiefs are the superior roaming class. There is a reason why thiefs gets toxic since the class is designed to not die and when they die they get salty and make it their mission to "hunt" or "try to hunt ;)" ppl that killed them. You gotta remember that thief players in wvw roaming feel the need to bm when they kill someone because they think their class is garbage, but that's wvw. The only problem here is that the thiefs that were toxic to you make roaming vids even for MRGA so you would think they want to make the wvw (roaming) community better when in reality they are the ones that destroys it for many ppl (not for me).


    Haha wow, a thief definitely had his way with this one....a few times I'd guess :)

  17. Return damage to all cc's and adjust damage done based on cast tines, cd, ease of counter etc. Uve got one cc doing a single target knockdown and another pulsing knockdown for .....secs,the damage needs to be adjusted for each individual cc, blanket adjustments are lazy and just cause issues elsewhere.

    When adding damage back to cc remove their ability to crit.

    Increase healing signet slightly as its literally useless and never used now.

    Remove passive burns on guard, change the 6th bonus on trapper rune.

    Slight shave to core necro sustain, its still too high post feb.

    Ren sustain needs hammered and aoe's coverage reduced.

    Return dodge on Mirage so it feels less clunky for Mirage players but shave its evade frames elsewhere or else its evade potential will be too high.

    Lower the hp on Ranger vines further to match feb damage nerf.

    Explosive entrance needs a nerf as does flash bang.

    Revert the cost of Infiltrator’s arrow, remove the blind and lower range to 800.

  18. I've said this before and for some reason players are ok with it cuz its easy to spam said skill types for good gain. Ge2 conquest has became similar to wvw blob fights where each team fight consists of a constant spamming of aoe's,traps etc with zero skill regarding timing or countering of the opponents attacks, its all build tanks and spam for reward. U look at the node and area around node during engagement and its aoe's upon aoe's and traps upon traps with smattering of cc's and lock downs reminding u of zerg fights in wvw. Can't be Suprising this games pvp isn't taken seriously, even fora mmo.

  19. > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > @"Kachros.4751" said:

    > > > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > > > @"Kachros.4751" said:

    > > > > > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > > > > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > > > > I can somehow buy why DD or even DE could somehow "deserve" mobility shave (then again in the grand scheme of things it is questionable but it is topic for other discussion) HOWEVER there is absolutely no excuse for core thief mobility/resources to be hurt this badly. So my suggestion is, as long as elite spec is **not** equipped the Infiltrator's Arrow costs are reduced in pvp.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > What is the big difference between core and dd, that core should need buff mobility?

    > > > >

    > > > > Core doesnt have 3 dodges, or perma swiftness, and overall always did less than DD in every aspect, id like core to keep the initiative from before the nerf if condi thief was slightly changed since its still quite unhealthy.

    > > >

    > > > Why do u need perma swiftness while u have perma teleport?

    > >

    > > DD doesnt have perma TP, even if its not massive the perma swiftness is really good which barely any class can have, adding that onto the rest it made DDs mobility unmatchable, im jus comparing the 2 specs.


    > Sb5 is like perma tp

    > Also, nearly all other classes have perma swiftness, except necro.


    Sure if u call being able to use it twice IF u have full ini (haven't previous used any skills) and at best not more than twice before having to wait for ini regen locking u out of any other skill defensive or offensive permanent access lol.

    Far different.

    Also I love how the player base squawks about dash and all the things it does but conveniently leave out the exhaustion effect if a condi is removed and the fact that the main damage trait in the whole line is dependent on dodge use to gain said damage boost which promotes dodging for offensive purposes and is a gbage design for a damage trait for those reasons and is only less gbage due to DD providing 3 dodges.

    2 secs of reading these forums and anyone could almost choke on the obvious bias poster's have for and against certain classes. I really hope anet stops taking any ideas from the forums regarding balance. Sure there's some decent ideas but in the huge sea of bias I don't have faith that anet would be able to pick em out.

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