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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Arewn.2368" said:

    > > @"Grand Marshal.4098" said:

    > >

    > > I'd advocate for banners to fuctions similarly to Gyros. Using the banner adds it to your back (just the flag in an even smaller size, so you can fit 3 from utilities and 1 from the elite). Same effects, constant pusle of the banner ability and traited banners applying a unique boon:

    > > 1) Of strength: 3 might per interval (3 sec?)

    > > 2) Of Defense: Protection for 3 sec

    > > 3) Of Tactics: Regen for 3 sec

    > > 4) Of Dicipline: Fury for 3 sec

    > > 5) Elite: Either improved versions of the current boons, or keep it as is and add retal for 5 sec every 10 sec

    > >

    > > The possibilities are endless, but in a fast moving meta, stationary enhancement skills are usually subpar.


    > I agree about the fast moving meta. But that's why I think we need more counter measures against it, rather then always playing into it.

    > Ultimately it comes down to what direction they want to take the design.

    > Do we want to further enhance warrior mobility in order to keep up with enemy mobility, or do we want to provide more tools to hamper enemy mobility?


    > It certainly is a fast moving meta. But I don't think the answer to that is to remove every thing that is slow.


    Imo warrior mobility is fine, if they returned some damage on cc back to warr than wars could actually punish specs more mobile than it when their caught in the warriors telegraphed cc skills. Imo that would be a better approach than buffing warrior's mobility as its plenty mobile as is.

  2. Well if ur solo q'ing don't worry about ur rank or ull just frustrate urself, just have fun and try to improve. Every season solo q'ing I end up in gold3-plat 2 but only can ever stay in plat a few days at most before tanking and falling to gold 2-3 in which I rarely can climb back to plat and when I do its for a handful of matches before going back to gold. Players come on here and talk and say they are mid or high plat solo q'ing and that u just need to learn to carry better but low behold all their proof, not one streamer or player has ever shown a video of their climb to plat nor them staying in plat all solo q, thats cuz they don't exist.

  3. > @"Shieldbash.5304" said:

    > Good Morning,


    > I left 5yrs ago after playing my Warrior in rated daily for a long time and the game got stale, I left to play other games and have come full circle. That said I have a lot to relearn as I am lost trying to remember how, where , why everything I need to do.


    > I decided instead of relearning with my 80 Warrior, I'd play my 80 Ranger, however even upgrading to get Soulbeast and Druid it seems no-matter what deviation of spec I choose I just am literally destroyed by most classes. Sure I understand I am a noob again, but I am not a horrible player, just relearning.


    > I seem to be missing many damage sigils for pvp build causing Earthquakes when swapping weapons and such? I also notice Ranger seems to be the only class unable to use Fire Conditions? Even the Trap does so little fire damage its not worth even using, I cannot combo and variation of talents or weapons to cause fire damage...


    > Against Warriors, Guardians they literally just move in and start crushing me, I dodge and pop immunity, root, knockback but as soon as thats over I am usually at 20% hp and get deleted.

    > Are rangers just bad now?


    Ranger is heavy on poison and bleeds like thief is, build for those conditions and ull do great damage.

  4. > @"meerfunkuhtron.9725" said:

    > I'm a returning player so I'm not as up to date on these things anymore. What I can attest to is, Warrior was a constant issue from as long as I can remember for this game, and I played since launch. Warrior was always being called for nerfs from players, and every patch we saw (again, at least from launch to a few years ago) seemed to only make them stronger. High baseline armor, high baseline damage, high baseline mobility, so many blocks and invulns and retals, etc. etc. on one single spec always made this class so much stronger than the others. I mainly played WvW, and I remember rolling a warrior, boosted it to 80 and gave it whatever gear I thought would be good as a clueless non-warrior player then took it to the ground. Decimated players and took them far much longer to kill me on a 1vX scenario when, if I was in any of my classes that I actually geared and played well in, I would have gone down so much faster.


    > Looks like some things haven't changed >__<


    Ummm warrior is literally one of the weakest classes right now post feb patch in pvp along side mesmer, they have a good heal support build and the rest are mediocre. Sry but if warrior seems op to someone that person needs to look to themselves, not the warrior

  5. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > Funny, because if you ask most people on this forum, they'll say that damage has been reduced way too much, and that things were better in the "good old days" when damage was way higher. According to them. Even though, as you point out, stuff will still 1-shot you right now if you don't always have an invuln/evade/block up your sleeve.


    Nah the problem is glassy high burst specs don't one shot anymore but tanks high sustain builds almost do. Balance is all screwed up and all over the place.

    Tanks now match the bursts of glassy builds or specs, some classes that are innately designed to be tanks now can just build for high bursts and still remain very tanks.

    Good times, surprising the population is abysmal in pvp.

  6. More often than not teammate goes far at start of match loses to enemie leaving mid 3v4 so in most cases enemies starts match with their close and mid. Not always but this is what I see most often. Going far at start is only a good strat if the teammate knows they can quickly kill and decap or cap far and get back to mid or home to help their teammates.

  7. This thread is pointless. The majority of high plat players are there because they have another competent teammate to team up with. If u removed the ability to q with friends most of the top players would fall hard, if not all. Some of these players will admit that but most won't cuz its to hard for them to admit, kinda sad. I've heard sindrener and other known players state on their streams they wont solo q on their main for obvious reasons, they'd be in gold most of the season. Im not saying u can't reach plat solo, I have many times but with the matchmaking and low population there are matches even these highly skilled players can't carry. In 6 yrs I've watched popular streamers not one solo q'd to plat and not one stayed in plat solo q'ing.

    The times I've seen a few steamers solo q they are raging by the end of their 2nd or 3rd match.

  8. This gbage meta is what u get when u balance damage around whats being done to glassy builds not on higher sustain builds like the tank builds we see now. Generally classes like thief, mesmer etc that are the fast high burst classes are usually the classes/builds used in mmos to keep tanks classes in check by providing high bursts that happen quick, usually while +1'ing for ur teammate to burst the tanks down in a reasonable time. The damage has to happen quick due to the tanks re-sustain capabilities. These tanks now if played well can stall 1v2's and even 1v3 sometimes for far long. Thief as a example gets complained about from players on glass builds and complain about the spike being to significant comparative to their hp and armor, a 6-9k spike is huge on a glass build with 11k hp and low armor so thief gets its damage spike nerfed. Thing is that damage was a sweet spot against the tangier classes and now is nerfed down and tickles them, especs when their re-sustain ability is considered.

    Instead of those glassy players being like well I could added the sustain but sacrifice damage but instead the just want the damage nerfed so they can survive on glassy builds and still have their damage bursts.

    Bring back the high bursts on the bust classes to deal with tanks and if u build glassy dont complain a burst class hit u for a ton of ur hp on a pre set up bursts, if u don't like it build higher sustain and sacrifice a bit of damage.

    U see very few thiefs actually complain or wondering why they get destroyed so fast by another classes burst ie evicerate or any other classes heavy hitters cuz most thieves know that's normal and par for the course when playing a rogue like, u outplay and burst hard or out play by evading and disengaging properly OR u make a mistake/mistakes and get pounded into the ground very hard and fast.

    Look at the bursts necro or guards can release and how many mistakes they can make while sustaining themselves in the fight continual trading damage, a thief can make mistakes and disengage but thief that disengage leaves the fight ceasing to do damage and to reset also allowing opponents to reset.

    Anet needs to do a actual balance pass looking at each individual class.

  9. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > >the games a loss either way lol.


    > Just me but if a game is loss either way, I don't wanna get pm'd after the match asking why I didn't +1 xDDDDDD




    But u will anyway cuz ur thief, its always the thiefs fault. U can be heading far to decap just after seeing 2 enemies on close and someone in chat will flame u for not decaping home not looking at map knowing ud be in a 1v2 if u tried. U can plus or help in team fights where ur constantly left vs their team cuz ur always the last man standing on ur team and the only one who hasn't died yet and ull still get flamed. At bell if u and a couple teammates are trying for it ull get flamed for not decapping if u win bell but if u were decapping and ur team loses bell they'll flame u for not being at bell lol.

    The majority of the player base in gw2 aren't generally very good at competitive pvp, sry but its true and why a lot were drawn to it and they act like children when they lose or are losing and blame everyone but them selves. Do to the bias hate and how thieves are spoken about in general from the community they are easy targets for teammates to blame. Honestly any other pvp game id say chat is useful, in gw2 its more of a detriment to the game cuz the players mentality, just turn it off and have fun. Gw2 is a meme now so who cares in the end who wins as long as ur having a good time.

  10. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > Imo just decap and focus on +1.


    > There is always one idiot who breaks off during the teamfight (due to being focused or whatever) and after recovering they proceed to run off and cap instead of fighting.


    Well it smart to break off if ur teams comp is losing hard in the teamfight or if the other teams just slaughtering leaving u in a soon to be 1v3 etc, ur better off leaving to decap.

    Also there's to many variances to say never cap as some matches ur teammates get slaughtering before u can plus for them combined with the fact some players ignore nodes completely, so u may as well try and full cap cuz ur the only one trying and the games a loss either way lol.

  11. > @"Dexay.1962" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Dexay.1962" said:

    > > > I wanted mention condi thief, because it wasn’t a theme in the balance discussion.

    > > >

    > >

    > > It was already nerfed. Builds don't have to be nerfed to the point their un viable or never used, yet seems this way in this community.

    > > Its effective but easily shut down as well.


    > It’s 333333 and no, it’s definitely not easy to shut down unless the condi thief bursts into reflect or glint heal :)

    > Anyways 333333 builds which are at least A tier should get deleted and I think everybody would be happy with that. It’s not like you nerf a broken, but hard to play build (which doesn’t exist anymore) to Zoo tier... no, you nerf a build which should never exists in pvp.


    Yeah actually it is easy to shut down and all those builds i mentioned have brain dead effective builds and some even passive ie like burns on guard. Condi teef was op and was nerfed but these days its definitely not. Yes the rotation is braindrad as well, im just stating it fits in the current game lol

  12. > @"Dexay.1962" said:

    > I wanted mention condi thief, because it wasn’t a theme in the balance discussion.



    It was already nerfed. Builds don't have to be nerfed to the point their un viable or never used, yet seems this way in this community.

    Its effective but easily shut down as well.

  13. > @"Dexay.1962" said:

    > I hope you put a at least 30sec cd on revenant shiro ports.


    > Also, youre aware how degen condi thief is? Because that’s one of the things you didn’t speak about in the balance talk. I played it myself. Super high value for super lazy trash gameplay. 6confusion on an insta and invisible condi burst 33333 :-)




    Lol and burn guard, dh trapper, condi slbeast, scrapper/holo nades or flamethrower builds, necro and its spec( scourge in wvw lolz) etc etc are any different?

    Sry but.....

  14. > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I've noticed going far at match start is a popular strategy to some for players for some reason in plat 1 and g3, I don't understand the reasoning unless I'm missing something, all it does is leave mid 3v4 which ends up the enemies owning far and mid cuz 9/10 times the player that ran far dies to the enemy on far then shortly after mid is 3v5 or at best 4vs5 or that enemies just goes to ur home and decaps it lol.

    > > Who started this going far at start tactic?


    > This actually works because of what I was saying here:

    > > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

    > > Zerg down the one or two guys on close (or whatever point) and use that 5v4 / 5v3 to your advantage..


    > You kill the guy at far, usually either by sending a side noder (that's expected to win a 1v1) or 2 guys to far.. alternatively you are lucky and their thief went to their close then it should be an easy job.. that's actually a good reason to NOT send thief to close at start. High risk, medium reward imho.. Thief will obviously be a tiny bit faster at close and can join the mid fight a bit faster but on the other hand you are almost guaranteed to lose close if the enemy sends someone. It's pretty unlikely for the thief to win a 1v1 let alone a 1v2 so it is almost always a waste of time to stay. That's actually another advice I would give any thief in this situation: just disengage to mid and +1 there.. Like I said in my opening:

    > > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

    > > Know your matchups and disengage and be useful somewhere else, instead of wasting your time, waiting for your team to come and help you..

    > That's honestly a mistake I've made two matches ago (prior to writing this) so.. yea, I don't claim to be perfect and on legendary skill level or anything but I know a bit of stuff too and at least I'm recognizing my mistakes and try to improve on it (I don't think it's worth anything tbh but I used to be top 250 for several seasons around the time of season 16 with peak into top 100 if someone's interested - never managed to actually end the season there so yea.. unfortunately no achievements or titles)


    > Anyway: For this whole far-at-start-tactic to work you obviously need to win the far fight (fast), that's why often times there's a "team fighter" (basically any class other than teef tbh) or side noder and a +1 who roams off to mid as soon as far goes down.

    > Close may stay open, depending on the matchup.. Forcing a 2v1 on far and trying to stall a 3v4 on mid.. sometimes one of the opponents will also go far in this scenario then it's probably a 3v3 on mid which is even better.

    > With far being "secured" the roamer can go +1 mid and you essentially gain early map dominance. The key obviously is to keep it, this needs reactive play and good game sense/decision making on what to def and where to go after the enemy comes out of the spawn again.

    > Another approach for the far-at-start-tactic is to go there as a bunker and immediately waste someone's time because especially at the start people tend to overstay on the node they want to cap (like I did as previously mentioned).


    > As a friendly reminder tho since I've just discussed this topic with a streamer: I'm not saying "NEVER GO FAR!!1!1 OMEGALUL".. There are obviously numerous exceptions like the early far strat, side noder, decapping as roamer, ... maybe you can roam off to far because mid won't be attacked for a while because opponents are on respawn and your roamer is caught up in a +1 on close or something.. but they all have something in common: There's reasoning behind it. If someone's just going far because there's no ally already then that's a bad reason.. That's what my first couple lines tried to clarify: As long as you know what you are doing it's fine. Always have an eye on the map and roughly keep in mind when enemies will come out of their spawn after you've won a team fight.. Sometimes you can kill one or two pretty early in the team fight but the third one can face tank a lot more or kite or whatever.. Happened a lot of times too that when the last guy finally died, team mates instantly roamed off to far or close because there was no enemy at mid _**at the moment**_. As soon as they went off node the respawned opponents reached mid and were able to decap..


    Problem is more often than not the teammate that goes far dies resulting in just leaving mid outnumbered from the start, I get how I'd work if the teammate was successful but they usually aren't.

  15. I've noticed going far at match start is a popular strategy to some for players for some reason in plat 1 and g3, I don't understand the reasoning unless I'm missing something, all it does is leave mid 3v4 which ends up the enemies owning far and mid cuz 9/10 times the player that ran far dies to the enemy on far then shortly after mid is 3v5 or at best 4vs5 or that enemies just goes to ur home and decaps it lol.

    Who started this going far at start tactic?

  16. > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > @"dontlook.1823" said:

    > > > Where are they? They used to come out at the end of each PvP season. We have been stuck in this stale meta for such a long time. I think June was the last time I saw balance notes. These are my favorite notes to read. They change traits, add new traits, replace old ones. They also address power creep. ANET said they would be visible about these things yet we haven't heard a word about them. Are they just putting all their eggs in one basket with EoD cause that would be a very unwise thing to do... I want answers ?

    > >

    > > Pls...this forum has been crying "Power Creep" since the game inception....as long as somebody dies to something....it's always powercreep


    > The power creep crying is about core classes getting nerf to nothing so the elite spec. are balanced kind of. That is the def of powercreep and pay to win for pvp games.


    It definitely seems this way most of the time, tho there have been odd occasions where core on some classes were meta. Imo it's better to buff core and give SLIGHT nerfs to especs so the especs are more of a side grades to core (as they were apparently supposed to be) last couple yrs games been on the "depowercreep" phase and anets going to far to the point a lot of the fun factor gained from the classes and their specs is dwindling along with the powercreep which results in player loss. Anets gotta find the line where u keep things in control but also not decrease the enjoyment of use or the effort is completely wasted. They need need to actually go through each class and spec and make changes and reworks instead of this half ass approach of just changing few numbers of the specs most complained about. Game wont Improve until then.

  17. Honestly anet shouldn't be looking to its players for balance decisions at all. Their the "professional" game developers who get hired and paid to do a job, balancing, reworks and maintaining the game ie bug fixes, skill fixes etc are part of that job. Anet needs to balance and rework their classes to adhere to their vision and design they had for each class than do their best to adjust each one to coexist within the roster in a way that provides as much of a balanced experience as they can, or at least continually strive to do so along side other content releases. If they listened to the community more than half of the classes would no longer even play like the archetypes their designed after. Anets should only be looking at forum's for info on things that need quick fixes like bugs or skill/traits not functioning as advertised, the rest should be acquired through them actually playing the modes themselves enough to get the data needed.

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