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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > Braindead 1 button mashers for you to use:


    > 1. Daredevil Impaling Lotus builds

    > 2. Daredevil Staff survival builds.

    > 3. Flame Thrower Juggernaut Engineer builds.

    > 4. Tanky Condi Mirage setups designed to abuse Infinite Horizon.


    > Other class/builds at least require that a player uses all of their skills to be effective. The ones here in this list can seriously achieve like 75% efficiency by pushing 1 button. If you want truly braindead builds, these are the 4 to look into.


    Lol who uses impaling lotus these days, even most condi builds dont and staff survival build? U mean the old vault spam build using acrobatics which is useless now since the nerfs to the traitline and the nerf to ini on swap trait.

    The braindead spam builds of today are trap gusrd/burn guard, scourge, condo re , imob druid/slb, flamethrower engi/grenade and to a way lesser degree all necros that run lich as a way to just spam autos into team fights as soon as it start to get pressured.

  2. Over the weekend and monday night I was in gw3 and plat 1 and all I saw was guards/dh, necro, renegades and ele's and yes u are right ranger was also played very often, that said there was always a guard or dh on both team as well as a necro and sometimes 2 of either often enough. Necro and guards are 100% the classes most played in those brackets at least.

  3. > @"Filip.7463" said:

    > > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > Hi there. I've been playing PvP on and off for the last six years. Played necros, engis, guards and warriors. I like to be a bit more tanky or the support of the team, because I solo-q and can't rely on having supporters randomly assigned to my team. I'm not into it for any high ranks or tournament wins, what got me playing this time is the legendary trinket, so beside the 20 tournament wins, I'm mostly in for the pips.

    > >

    > > So, with that being said. I'm looking for a new fun class to play. I want to play something strong and easy to grasp, braindead if you want to call it like that. So, what are your suggestions? What classes/builds should I try out and what should I avoid?


    > Flamenthrower, most braindead build in game


    This^ next would be trap dh with trapper runes.

  4. > @"Bear.9568" said:

    > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > @"Masteis.9720" said:

    > > > Hi fellas,

    > > I've mained Guardian, to be honest, I do not have any problem with dealing a Mesmer. If I take right actions like dodging skills or using right skills in right time etc. I can take down any class. I believe that mastering any class and playing it is the right the key. But, the thing i want to mention is that the attention you have to pay.

    > > For example; as a Guardian, I have to calculate every move. I cannot use my skills randomly, I need to use them in a correct situation. To success, I have to play smart.

    > > And about Mesmer; I just started to play with Mesmer a few days ago. I just checked a meta build and never watched a single PvP guide. What I do is just laying down whatever phantasm/shatter I, and spaming F3 F4 and teleport when I am low. I don't even select a target, I just push the buttons and try to survive while laying clones around. I have more win ratio than any other class now.

    > > I am not trying to tell that Mesmer's damage should be nerfed, I just wanted to point that Mesmer shouldn't be a class that is really easy to play.



    > Silly Guardians,

    > If you don't select a target then spamming your F3/F4 shatter does nothing because your clones are standing still lol.


    > Gods of pvp:

    > Guardian Build Difficulty - 1

    > Mesmer Build Difficulty - 4


    Also wonder who has the higher win rate, I could guess.

  5. > @"Armen.1483" said:

    > If we talk about PVE: Well don't get me wrong but first of all in places where boon thief works it is ridiculously OP if we talk about raids. Nothing is as strong as a boon thief where it is playable. Ofc you can't use it on every boss fight tho, or that would be ridiculous. Meanwhile in qadim fights it is hard to imagine squads without thieves. Game literally foces you to play thief on pylons. So Thief got it's own niche. Other than that you have pure dps DD that does the 2nd best dps on golem (39k/s). Ofc same as 1st place dps (chrono) it depends on many things to pull off that sweet DPS in real fights. Drawback is that you got no cleave nor utilities when you play thief and it is has an extremely difficult rotation.

    > WVW: lol, thief is the best roamer, nuff said

    > PVP: Learn to play. Thief controls maps and carries games, no nerfs can change that. Stop being stupid and 1v1ing scrappers and crying it is a class problem.

    > Said it many times before by many ppl: THIEF IS FINE !!!


    Lmao thief controls maps and carry's games and no nerfs can change that. Wow

    Yeah teefs fine cuz u say so, I'll trust ur word on it. Cant wait to see all the tourney match were gone see currently where thief carried the matches lol.

    Good ol gw2 forum posters, love em.

  6. > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

    > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

    > > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

    > > > > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > Ok, let me explain this *very* simply. The numbers youre showing? Theyre *impossible* without might and vuln shenanigans. Not "Tricky to achieve" not "extremely niche", *IMPOSSIBLE*. I already showed you what the *actual* damage is. Unless you care to explain how thieves achieves 86% extra damage with the highest amount that can be *possibly* achieved with an extremely bad super-max damage build that will *never* achieve those numbers in a realistic scenario being only around 50%, Im just gonna call shenanigans.

    > > > > >


    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Youre not. But youre supposed to notice when might and vuln shenanigans are at hand, and not post screenshots of those to try and pass them off as totally normal damage numbers.

    > > >

    > > > I've already mentioned multiple times there was no might nor vuln involved (how could it be? A duel in FFA with a thief can't have any of that), and for the 4.4k one I can safely say there was not assassin signet involved either.

    > >

    > > Might or Vuln being involved is less hard to believe than a magical 80% damage boost out of nowhere.


    > IDK how could you possibly get might\vuln from a d\p thief; there's 3 stacks of might from steal AFAIK, that's it.


    Vul on steal if running DA due to even the odds and u also gain more might, due to this, executioner and poison on steal I find DA to provide more reliable damage than CS. That said a DA/TRICK/DD build running zerker/scholar still gets 3-4k as top backstab and 5600'ish if golems near death due to executioner and shadow shots between 1500-2800 on the regular and have gotten up to 3200 with outside help and a good crit, again not near the norm and no where bear ur numbers. Even if what u say is 100% legit can u say the thief was? This is gw2 and a quick google ull be amazed at all the hacks out there lol from speed hacks,teleport hacks and evasion hacks so who even knows anymore.

  7. > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

    > > > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > > some rants

    > > > >

    > > > > Listen, these screenshots come from duels in FFA arena (double checked them, and even the 4.9k/5.5k were from FFA, I've made a mistake 'cause I took the screenshot while I was in a match but the combat log was from a previous sparring in arena). Same goes for 4.3k larcenous strike. There was no vuln\might involved as thief hasn't any obvious way to build them up on its own. Don't like it? Next time I'll have a thief on my kitten trying to kill me I'll ask for his build. If he comes out of stealth long enough for me to go _right click => whisper_, that is.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Ok, let me explain this *very* simply. The numbers youre showing? Theyre *impossible* without might and vuln shenanigans. Not "Tricky to achieve" not "extremely niche", *IMPOSSIBLE*. I already showed you what the *actual* damage is. Unless you care to explain how thieves achieves 86% extra damage with the highest amount that can be *possibly* achieved with an extremely bad super-max damage build that will *never* achieve those numbers in a realistic scenario being only around 50%, Im just gonna call shenanigans.

    > > >

    > > > > But, on a separate note, are you're seriously asking me to give you a build for your class? You play thief, find your own builds, how tf am I supposed to know what a random guy in arena is running? Combat log is all I have.

    > > >

    > > > I dont play thief. I just know youre full of it.

    > >

    > > Thing is with DA/trik and DD even when u gain might and cause vulnerability on steal u still don't reach those numbers. If u run build above and gain might/inflict vulnerabilities u still get 4800k as top damage on back stab for example and definitely not 4k shadow shots, and thsts running zerk amulet and scholar rune while at 100% hp so....


    > Ok, the combat log is lying. I didn't take that damage. The guy probably wasn't even playing thief, maybe it wasn't even a player and it was a mob, and maybe I wasn't even playing gw2, maybe someone rolled a 20 on D&D and that's a very very angry fireball.

    > At this point someone could say "_A_", you may claim "_B_" with actual literal proof and you will find all sort of strange characters arguing that your proof isn't real it didn't happen, maybe it was the CIA or some catty pixies with their nasty pranks who tf knows.


    I'm arguing because I sit like most thieves and players other classes in the mists constantly researching and trying builds out and see the common damages done on a regular basis and I'm just saying that screen is no where close to common damages I get and I've seen the damages u can get literally 1000 times on all theif skills even since feb patch lol. That said I dont know any specifics on the screen shots regarding when it was taken or any of the circumstances involving the shot including whether or not ur story is legit and there's funny business going on on that thief's end, this stuff I dont know but those numbers I do know are far from common. I dont run DE as I dislike its playstyle but I know in wvw it can reach high numbers but on dp core with CS/DA/TRICK I have gotten 11k back stabs post feb patch in wvw if the right stars align but again that's not common.

  8. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

    > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > some rants

    > >

    > > Listen, these screenshots come from duels in FFA arena (double checked them, and even the 4.9k/5.5k were from FFA, I've made a mistake 'cause I took the screenshot while I was in a match but the combat log was from a previous sparring in arena). Same goes for 4.3k larcenous strike. There was no vuln\might involved as thief hasn't any obvious way to build them up on its own. Don't like it? Next time I'll have a thief on my kitten trying to kill me I'll ask for his build. If he comes out of stealth long enough for me to go _right click => whisper_, that is.

    > >


    > Ok, let me explain this *very* simply. The numbers youre showing? Theyre *impossible* without might and vuln shenanigans. Not "Tricky to achieve" not "extremely niche", *IMPOSSIBLE*. I already showed you what the *actual* damage is. Unless you care to explain how thieves achieves 86% extra damage with the highest amount that can be *possibly* achieved with an extremely bad super-max damage build that will *never* achieve those numbers in a realistic scenario being only around 50%, Im just gonna call shenanigans.


    > > But, on a separate note, are you're seriously asking me to give you a build for your class? You play thief, find your own builds, how tf am I supposed to know what a random guy in arena is running? Combat log is all I have.


    > I dont play thief. I just know youre full of it.


    Thing is with DA/trik and DD even when u gain might and cause vulnerability on steal u still don't reach those numbers. If u run build above and gain might/inflict vulnerabilities u still get 4800k as top damage on back stab for example and definitely not 4k shadow shots, and thsts running zerk amulet and scholar rune while at 100% hp so....

    If u run CS/DA/TRICK with scholar u get 5k backstabs and 7-8k only if golems very low health and is interacting with executioner.

  9. I dont record but can someone just take a minute with a build, even a power DA or CS dp build, s/d, s/p build and show u have zerk amulet with scholar rune even and perform all the burst skills to show what they actually do. I've played thief for a lot of yrs and on those builds built 100% for damage the only way I get 6-7k on the heavy golem in mists is on a build with DA/CS/TRICK which is so specifically built for top damage potential that it's useless in pvp modes and easily farmed. Most other high sustain tanky classes can reach those numbers while remaining high sustain, that's balanced? Most times on that all out build back stab on the golem is only occasionally 6k'iah and usually 4k on a build with BOTH CS and DA so... On a more realistic power build ex DA or CS/trick/DD backstabs are usually 2k and only approach 3800 when mights added from steal and when using executioner I can reach 4600'ish due to golems low health interacting with executioner. Shadow shots are in the 1500-2300 range at most. So I dont know wth is going on to get those numbers or I'd the shot is pre feb patch or maybe in wvw with added outside boons but those numbers are way higher than the norm. Wish someone would shoot a recent vid in the mists on a power build doing skills on the heavy golem to show the actual common damages.

  10. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > >

    > > > No offence, but that would make malicious backstab insanely OP if sleight of hand, bountiful theft and mug all went off when it hit. There would also be virtually no reason to use mark if the damage on the non-mark boosted sneak attacks was sufficient, and if you needed to mark in order to do enough damage to kill something it just forces people to run more one trick pony builds. This is unless mark still applied steal traited effects of course, which again would be a straight up buff if the sneak attack applies them too.

    > >

    > > The idea is to turn their "Steal" into a manual function, applied through an extremely strong Stealth Attack.

    > >

    > > Deadeye Mark will become more like "Loading a Bullet"

    > >

    > > It will turn the next Stealth Attack into Malicious Stealth Attack and apply Steal effects **IF IT HITS**

    > >

    > > If anything, this is more of a function nerf and it doesn't let Deadeyes have an "ez" button that applies like 7 effects without even putting them into danger melee range.

    > >

    > > The "mark" will no longer mark at all, and Malice will only consume when used on a primed Stealth Attack.

    > >

    > > So if they missed their Malicious Stealth Attack, boo hoo hoo.

    > >

    > > Will it make DEs try to go for 1 shot cheese builds again?

    > >

    > > Yes. I'm counting on it.

    > > Snipers should be aiming to deal a bulk of their damage in a single important shot anyway, and not spamming Spotters and 2k damage autos.

    > >

    > > And if they missed their important shot?

    > > They are punished by not having access to it for awhile and need to reposition to avoid retaliation.

    > >


    > Honestly, all of this would make next to no difference, and require substantial reworks in the process. The thing that killed malicious backstab as a build was the introduction of mounts combined with the damage nerf in the Feb 2020 patch; you can't one shot a guy who's mounted because excessive damage to the mount does not overflow into the player's health (it's rather like throwing your 25K backstab into 5k of necro shroud, it ain't gonna work), and if the player is dismounted you no longer have the damage to one shot the majority of builds whether you build malice or not.


    > So unless you're going to suggest a mechanic that bypasses the mount health and strikes a player's health directly, or that simply does enough damage to overpower the opponent in one shot, it will achieve nothing. And even if it did, frankly, the way DE burst before the Feb patch was plain unhealthy for the game, I don't really want to see a return to that. I'd rather see a more useful set of rifle 2 and 3 skills so that spamming standing rifle 2 for malice isn't always the best choice, and so the 3 skills aren't damage dealers, but so they do something else that sets up the opponent for the spike. That would make DE gameplay far less spammy while not overpowering or breaking it in the process.


    This^ regarding DE especially. That said thief needs a buff in spike damage on its kits considering its hit and run design. A class like thier needs to hit hard and fast so if it needs to run if pressured than atleast the hits it got off were significant. Unless it gets sustain buffs it needs its active defences and disengage potential intact or it's a free bag.

    I dont understanding why gw2 pvp community had such a issue understanding the concept of a hit and run class, it's what all rogue likes are in mmo. Look at eso for example and ull notice nightblade is top burst class, wow subtlety is top burst class, shadow dancer in archeage or ninja in bdo on and on yet gw2 thief doesn't burst any higher than tanks or jack of all trades builds lmao seriously. Anet seemed like they new what the rogue like class design is about and that it's a class that in every mmo gets hated on by their design but all mmos have them yet over last couple yes they have listened far to much to thief hating and has allowed it to dictate them destroying the class.

  11. > @"Raiden The Beast.3016" said:

    > Teef is garbo in all modes


    > I main teef as well since beta.

    > The latest nerf Session in pvp from the last 12 month killed the class.


    > As sindrener said in stream: cmc cannot balance the game bc he do not have the know how and the people from the pvp community who bring in the bala input in the shadow meetings with cmc r just not gud enough to bring in gud input.


    > Result: teef is dead


    > The top playzers want it and they got it


    Lol and look at the state of pvp now and how low its population is, yeah was never huge but compared to now lol. Good job anet, good thing u listened to those players. I figured sind would have left this game by now.

  12. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > Well guess i'm alone on thinking that 150s is absurd if they gut the damage. Maybe if its reduced in CD.

    > >

    > > 150 is to long, max cd on any skill should be 120. My issue is simply the damage the autos do for 2 reasons 1 its spamable and 2 its ranged. These combined with it's high damage promote a spamming braindead playstyle that's far to effective for effort involved. These skills are part of the reason pvp in gw2 is considered a joke. Ex classes are on node teamfighting and fights going well playstyle wise until a necro goes lich and starts spamming 4.5k autos lmao or guard starts passively burning players for high damage or within that medium length fight a dh drops 2-3 rotations of his traps cuz their low CD's. These types of playstyles are not healthy and on top due to their skill designs even if not built for it they can be pretty tanky as well.

    > > Decrease lich CD to 120

    > > Nerf its damage on autos by 15% but lose ranged, melee range only or

    > > Nerf auto damage 30% but keep the ranged autos.

    > > Do that and necros are pretty balanced.


    > 30% on autos is more reasonable 50% is huge.


    > Having 50% less damage whats that like 2k? plus with 150 sec cd or even less is huge.




    Yeah when I considered it after i typed it I agree 50% is to large of a nerf for any skill. Imo small nerfs that are tested over time and reassessed is a better approach than just hammering any skill with a huge nerf. Even a 25% instead of 30% would prob be significant enough as 30% is a big nerf at once. Unfortunately anet doesn't usually fallow this precedence.

  13. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > > > And do you know how that "passive" damage happens?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Right, the guardian has to hit you 3 times, and that triggers 1 stack of burning which will do a total (not per-tick, total) damage of roughly 1500-2000.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Do you think doing 1500-2000 for hitting an opponent 3 times is too much?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > How much damage will a spellbreaker, or any other class, do with 3 hits? In many cases its more than 1500-2000.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Your argument basically comes down to "I think its unfair that guardians do damage when they hit me". Yikes.

    > > > >

    > > > > Guardian already did 10K with the 3 hits and additionally you get the burning stack for 2K which can not dodge, block or evade.

    > > >

    > > > LOL what condi-guard build is hitting for 10k power?

    > > >

    > > > Go on, link the build.

    > > >

    > > > The only guardian build that has any hope of doing that much power damage in that many hits is a full-glass meme-zerker hammer build.

    > >

    > > Did u seriously just say passive damage happens, what does that even mean?

    > > Yeah passive damage happens but things like how often, for how much damage, the duration and is it aoe are all important factors no?

    > > The issue is on top of high passive damage aplication it also occurs often and also in combination with the guards actual skills.

    > > If I catch a war burst on someone the were caught off guard or made a mistake and didnt avoid highly telegraphed cc's or have burned their blocks or stunbreaks and ate the burst, that in no way can be compared to how burn guards or even trap spamming burn guards inflict their damage. Guard/dh need a decent rework with nerfs and buffs to delete the garbage braindead playstyle that they promote currently, and their not the only class that needs thos either. As I said games pvp population is very low for reasons and it's not cuz people are too busy, especially in times like were experiencing now.


    > I mean, I listed how often and the exact damage that happens in the post.


    > But since you can't read, I'll post it again.


    > Every 3 hits = 1500-2000 damage. (And that's assuming Virtues, on other builds it is Every 5 hits)


    > How much damage does any other class do every 3 hits?


    U are being disingenuous so no point in furthering the discussion. If u are doing 2k damage over 3 hits ur either lying or a very bad guard. If left unchecked for a very short time a burn guard can do 20k just in burn tics alone lmao, u act like no one has experienced how much damage a burn guard or trap dh can do just by spamming their skills. I refer u to the experience of a new guard player that mains mesmer who recently just posted a thread regarding the braindead spammy but highly effective playstyle of guard/ trap dh lol. I believe ur already defending guards in that new thread ad well lol

  14. > @"Masteis.9720" said:

    > Hi fellas,


    > I know there are plently of QQ reviews about Guardians but I just wanted to share mine as well and I am going to keep it really short;


    > I've mained Mesmer, to be honest, I do not have any problem with dealing a Guardian. If I take right actions like dodging skills or using right skills in right time etc. I can take down any class. I believe that mastering any class and playing it is the right the key. But, the thing i want to mention is that the attention you have to pay.

    > For example; as a Mesmer, I have to calculate every move. I cannot use my skills randomly, I need to use them in a correct situation. To success, I have to play smart.

    > And about Guardian; I just started to play with Guardian a few days ago. I just checked a meta build and never watched a single PvP guide. What I do is just laying down whatever trap I, and spaming F2 F3 and Sword 5 when I am low. I don't even select a target, I just push the buttons and try to survive while laying traps around. I have more win ratio than any other class now.

    > I am not trying to tell that Guardian's damage should be nerfed, I just wanted to point that Guardians shouldn't be a class that is really easy to play.



    Yup, what u described is the braindead spammy playstyle that this class and a few others promote and are far more effective than they should be. This and other reasons are why this games pvp are suffering so bad, anet needs to rework these classes to promote healthier playstyles within a competitive environment.

  15. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > And do you know how that "passive" damage happens?

    > > >

    > > > Right, the guardian has to hit you 3 times, and that triggers 1 stack of burning which will do a total (not per-tick, total) damage of roughly 1500-2000.

    > > >

    > > > Do you think doing 1500-2000 for hitting an opponent 3 times is too much?

    > > >

    > > > How much damage will a spellbreaker, or any other class, do with 3 hits? In many cases its more than 1500-2000.

    > > >

    > > > Your argument basically comes down to "I think its unfair that guardians do damage when they hit me". Yikes.

    > >

    > > Guardian already did 10K with the 3 hits and additionally you get the burning stack for 2K which can not dodge, block or evade.


    > LOL what condi-guard build is hitting for 10k power?


    > Go on, link the build.


    > The only guardian build that has any hope of doing that much power damage in that many hits is a full-glass meme-zerker hammer build.


    Did u seriously just say passive damage happens, what does that even mean?

    Yeah passive damage happens but things like how often, for how much damage, the duration and is it aoe are all important factors no?

    The issue is on top of high passive damage aplication it also occurs often and also in combination with the guards actual skills.

    If I catch a war burst on someone the were caught off guard or made a mistake and didnt avoid highly telegraphed cc's or have burned their blocks or stunbreaks and ate the burst, that in no way can be compared to how burn guards or even trap spamming burn guards inflict their damage. Guard/dh need a decent rework with nerfs and buffs to delete the garbage braindead playstyle that they promote currently, and their not the only class that needs thos either. As I said games pvp population is very low for reasons and it's not cuz people are too busy, especially in times like were experiencing now.

  16. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > Well guess i'm alone on thinking that 150s is absurd if they gut the damage. Maybe if its reduced in CD.


    150 is to long, max cd on any skill should be 120. My issue is simply the damage the autos do for 2 reasons 1 its spamable and 2 its ranged. These combined with it's high damage promote a spamming braindead playstyle that's far to effective for effort involved. These skills are part of the reason pvp in gw2 is considered a joke. Ex classes are on node teamfighting and fights going well playstyle wise until a necro goes lich and starts spamming 4.5k autos lmao or guard starts passively burning players for high damage or within that medium length fight a dh drops 2-3 rotations of his traps cuz their low CD's. These types of playstyles are not healthy and on top due to their skill designs even if not built for it they can be pretty tanky as well.

    Decrease lich CD to 120

    Nerf its damage on autos by 15% but lose ranged, melee range only or

    Nerf auto damage 30% but keep the ranged autos.

    Do that and necros are pretty balanced.

  17. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > > > Here is an interesting look at a bit of truth beyond the psychology of these power vs. condi debacles:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Imagine how much more it would kitten people off, if Maul & WI dealt the same exact damage that they did now, but it happened over the course of 10 seconds. So I hit a guy with Maul into WI and then he tries to run away, only to watch his health pool disappear over the course of 10s as he teleports away around a corner and completely disengages me, but still goes into downstate. There is something about "Getting away but then still dying" that really triggers people. And as much as some would not want to admit this, it is absolutely 100% true.

    > > > > > Agreed some peeps think of condi like "damage already done overtime" but they would not consider the same for power damage because that would be outrageous.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > When the Feb balance patch happened all power damage and **sustain** was nerfed but not the condi output and damage. As such Conditions are overtuned at the moment and it should be addressed.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I don't understand why that concept is that is that difficult to grasp.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Ummmm, he wasn't agreeing with you.

    > > > >

    > > > > If Maul did the exact same total damage over 10s rather than instantly, nothing would change with regards Ranger's strength. Infact, if anything, it would become weaker, because it would give people a chance to heal through it. But it would result in a whole lot more people whinging about it.

    > > > >

    > > > > While we're on the subject of Ranger: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hunter%27s_Call

    > > > >

    > > > > Is everyone crying about how OP this is?

    > > > >

    > > > > And I already said I'd be fine with Power damage happening over time (as, in fact, it does already on some skills). But you seem to have ignored that.

    > > >

    > > > What people seem to forget when they start whining about condi doing xxx damage in total is that it's not instant, they go 'zomg 5k in one skill. Op!' because the tooltip said so. Not only can it be healed through by not being instant, but in the case of condi it can be cleansed and entirely negated after someone got hit with it. A more accurate comparison using Maul would be that it did the same damage over time but could be healed through and negated by another skill after you already got slapped. I can already picture the QQ if Maul or WI worked like that.

    > >

    > > Lmao 5k what? No the issue is when stacks and tick damage are so high AND reapliable with such ease that not only is the damage in the 20k-25k range (sometimes more) but it's also easily reapplied which is the problem as even if u wait for full stacks and lose 50% of ur hp before cleansing they just get reapplied so the just cleanse argument falls flat, not to mention on certain classes their availability promotes braindead spammy gameplay which is bad for the game but also on a class like guard a lot of it is passive lmao. Keep defending this gbage and whatcha everyone who doesn't play these classes simply quit as most have hence the population being nil.


    > 5k per skill use was the example, not when everything is stacked on you. And in those cases you already ate the skills that applied or are continuing to apply them so chances are you would have died much earlier if it was a power build. The cleanse argument doesn't falls flat if you waste them, and that's not the fault of the cleanses. Learn when to cleanse as you learn when to block and dodge, not every single attack has to be avoided and you have to learn what to save your resources for.


    U do realize a lot of burns guards stack are passive right, waiting to cleanse until u have stacks on u does nothing as they will just be reapplied and cleansing as soon as u get afflicted burns ur cleanse far to early and unlike the burn stacks for guards classes don't have constant reapliable cleanses. U say block and dodge lol ya that will definitely keep the guard from reapplying stacks. That's like saying geez trapper rune DH's arnt spammy brain dead builds either as u just avoid the traps lmao cuz u kno the can't just reapply the traps on a way to low of a cd lol. The game needs huge reworks to a lot of brain dead passive spammy cheese builds and guards/dh are included in that group. U cant tell me u haven't noticed trap dh/burn guards in every match and somtimes 2 on a team. I got to plat as a power splb and thru gold 3 and plat 1 these, reaper/scourge, renegades and ele's where way way more played than any other class, and for a reason.

  18. For one the auto's do to much damage regardless of the lich's cooldown because thier ranged, and obviously can be spammed which promotes the opposite type of playstyle that anet should be going for. Necros have two teleports that are commonly used if the so chose to use, a save me button in the form of shroud that regenerates pretty quickly making them have great sustain so they already have a oh shit skill as part of their playstyle and don't need a second one. Necros use lich auto spam as a brainless spam crutch in team fights and is far to effective for how spammy and brainless it is. Anet should be trying to avoid playstyles as such not promote it, until they start changing things like this the games pvp will continue to decline and will never be taken with any remote kind of seriousness.

  19. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > Here is an interesting look at a bit of truth beyond the psychology of these power vs. condi debacles:

    > > > >

    > > > > Imagine how much more it would kitten people off, if Maul & WI dealt the same exact damage that they did now, but it happened over the course of 10 seconds. So I hit a guy with Maul into WI and then he tries to run away, only to watch his health pool disappear over the course of 10s as he teleports away around a corner and completely disengages me, but still goes into downstate. There is something about "Getting away but then still dying" that really triggers people. And as much as some would not want to admit this, it is absolutely 100% true.

    > > > Agreed some peeps think of condi like "damage already done overtime" but they would not consider the same for power damage because that would be outrageous.

    > > >

    > > > When the Feb balance patch happened all power damage and **sustain** was nerfed but not the condi output and damage. As such Conditions are overtuned at the moment and it should be addressed.

    > > >

    > > > I don't understand why that concept is that is that difficult to grasp.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Ummmm, he wasn't agreeing with you.

    > >

    > > If Maul did the exact same total damage over 10s rather than instantly, nothing would change with regards Ranger's strength. Infact, if anything, it would become weaker, because it would give people a chance to heal through it. But it would result in a whole lot more people whinging about it.

    > >

    > > While we're on the subject of Ranger: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hunter%27s_Call

    > >

    > > Is everyone crying about how OP this is?

    > >

    > > And I already said I'd be fine with Power damage happening over time (as, in fact, it does already on some skills). But you seem to have ignored that.


    > What people seem to forget when they start whining about condi doing xxx damage in total is that it's not instant, they go 'zomg 5k in one skill. Op!' because the tooltip said so. Not only can it be healed through by not being instant, but in the case of condi it can be cleansed and entirely negated after someone got hit with it. A more accurate comparison using Maul would be that it did the same damage over time but could be healed through and negated by another skill after you already got slapped. I can already picture the QQ if Maul or WI worked like that.


    Lmao 5k what? No the issue is when stacks and tick damage are so high AND reapliable with such ease that not only is the damage in the 20k-25k range (sometimes more) but it's also easily reapplied which is the problem as even if u wait for full stacks and lose 50% of ur hp before cleansing they just get reapplied so the just cleanse argument falls flat, not to mention on certain classes their availability promotes braindead spammy gameplay which is bad for the game but also on a class like guard a lot of it is passive lmao. Keep defending this gbage and whatcha everyone who doesn't play these classes simply quit as most have hence the population being nil.

  20. Thief has great mobility even with sb nerf, that said for a rogue class their burst is absolutely garbage now, anet over the last year and a half have utterly destroyed the class and its build deversity almost as bad as warrior. The whole hit and run playstyle usually comes with high burst and mobility but now in gw2 u can match or surpass thiefs bursts easily while also being able to stick it out in the fight. Basically thief in it's current form has great mobility, great evasion potential although usually most is needed to disengage, mediocre burst, poor sustained damage and 11k hp. Its probably the weakest rogue like class in any mmo right now, name me another rogue like that doesn't have not only high burst but thee highest or near highest bursts in the game in question. Gw2 players are 90% casual care bears and theres a reason they chose gw2 for their mmo pvp needs, they can't handle a proper rogue like that actually bursts hard during the hit phase before it reaches the run phase. Bursts needs to be high and occur fast enough to make a significant impact vs its enemy before taking heat and having to run. Even +1'ing for ur teamates in today's iteration of gw2 takes to long in most cases on thief cuz ur damage is so lame ur like a annoying mosquito buzzing around ur enemies head while they tank most ur damage, sure u can down them but takes so long it's no longer worth it.

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