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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > We live in a world where traiting Unholy feast into Devouring darkness corrupts... 1 boon


    > Where firebrand gives out 1 second of protection in PvP and heals for less than 1% of their hp with their heal skill


    > Where 10 (non-overloading) engineer turrets on a node manage to be less useful than a ranger pet


    > Where mirage can't even afford to take advantage of most ambushes not named sword.


    > Where guaranteed crits crit for 17 damage.


    > Where executes execute for 5 damage.


    > Where 5 minute cooldowns on mediocre traits are abundant


    > But sure, more nerfs will fix it.




    This^. I'm sry but one sec of anything but a well timed interrupt is completely useless and may as well not exists in this games state, seriously what dev thinks 1 sec of any boon or effect is usefull or fun.

    Seriously just give everyone a stick with 4 basic skills that do the same thing to every class, people will still complain that certain classes are op in some way lol.

    Game gets 0 support, lame and lazy changes on the infrequent patches it gets and has been nerfed and dumbed down to the point most classes are 0 fun to play = why the population is so low and getting lower and u guys want to ruin it more haha. See the players are doing a great job helping anet destroy the games pvp, trust me they dont need ur help.

  2. The funny thing is most players are so short sighted or close minded they fail to realize powercreep can happen and even be worse after such a bad patch as the feb patch. For example there were builds right after the patch that ended up in a crazy power crept spot in relation to the rest of the roster ie necro with shroud, hp on the ranger vines, holo and so on and so on and compared to a class like warrior they are badly power crept in comparison as when compared to pre patch. The feb patch basically put a nail in the coffin.

  3. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > > > In a podcast it was said that the skills team(the team incharge of changing/reworking skills/traits) doesn't interact with the PvP balance person right now.

    > > > > All they can really do is change numbers, increase/decrease CDs, and remove things from the PvP build panel.

    > > > >

    > > > > Reworking those 'placeholder' traits to do something else isn't possible if they can't work together, so they're probably going to be placeholders for a really long time .

    > > > > Really hope that changes at some point.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Really? How effed is their workflow at this point? Did they all become developers somehow and not take a single course remotely related to technical communication?

    > >

    > > Cmc can work on number stats, but not on reworks, the guys with the power to do it are busy with expansion elites. Next they'll still be busy balancing the new broken elites.

    > >

    > > If we get lucky we'll get some huge patch before expansion release, or it won't be touched till 2022 prolly.


    > Translation:


    > "We screwed up some trait lines and made them go from OP passives to totally useless wastes of space, we understand this is a issue of our own doing, but we just don't care what the players want, we have an expac coming that we can monetize, and if you think we are going to let the skills team spend the 30mins needed to fix this and change it to something at least some what useful, well, you are exactly the gullible player base we want."


    This^ they couldn't even be bothered to lower the CD's to a degree that their at least somewhat useful.this among other things are seriously messed up, then again ya all still log in so....

  4. > @"Dangus.6572" said:

    > I play thief for like... 8years in WvW. The only thing that needs to be removed from thief is teleport. Then DE or DrD or whoever can hide in keeps as much as they want.


    I hope u meant portal tele and not tele in general cuz wtf...

  5. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > > Not what power creep means.

    > >

    > > Fair, but I don't really have a word for it.

    > >

    > > Like it or hate it, Feb 25th was a big patch that changed a lot within in the game. It was something new that invalidated a lot of ways to play through nerfing everything, and there were plenty of outliers for months after because certain things just weren't nerfed or weren't nerfed equally. Call it power creep, power dip, call it whatever you want really.

    > >

    > > > It's never going to be perfectly balanced so...? What are you proposing, that we stop trying, just stop implementing balance patches? It is obvious that a game as complex as this one will never be perfectly balanced, and there are two ways to deal with this:

    > > > 1. Occasionally change up the meta so people dont get bored. This is what most popular pvp games do.

    > > > 2. Make most char/build be very fun and deep so people keep enjoying it for a long time. Smash melee for example. One of the big problems with achieving this in gw2 is that builds that are a bit easy and shallow are often pretty effective, like minion necro, kalla ren, healbreaker and so on.

    > >

    > > No, I agree its good to shake up the meta and it would stagnate quick if they just stopped.

    > >

    > > I just think that nerfing everything to achieve that adds nothing to the game, and makes it progressively more boring to play. Why not instead of nerfing the meta to the point of unplayability every 3-6 months, they do the opposite and focus on buffing/reworking weak and underused skills/traitlines to rival the current meta for that time?

    > >

    > > Like I say, either way it's going to be imbalanced. It's really up to people on whether they want an imbalanced and boring game, or an imbalanced but fun game.

    > > If you actually play Melee, i'll figure you're a fan of the latter. Melee is incredibly broken, but that's part of what makes it fun.


    > thats what they did and the game got powercrept to kitten and it wasnt fun


    > "melee is broken" is a fun buzzword-like thing people like to say but isnt actually that true, sure it has minor glitches that make the combat more fun and deep but most of the gamebreaking glitches (like game crashes) got fixed in the later game versions (check version change notes on the wiki), ofc with certain exceptions esp wobbling which is pretty broken


    Well turns out most people disagree with u about what fun lol, turns out players like to feel powerful on their chosen class. Soon after the big lazy de-powercreep patch the pvp population plummeted. In 6 yrs I havent seen the pvp and wvw population so low. The games has been in a steady decline for yrs but as soon as the heavy blanket nerfs happened it was only a few months and pvp was basically dead.

    Obviously something's wrong and it's no coincidence the population left when it did. They should roll back to pre feb patch and nerf the outliers where they need nerfed and then continue nerfing individual outliers as needed while maintaining a builds viability. The feb patch everyone thought was magical was actually a lazy doomsday patch that killed the game despite some warnings given,, great job.

  6. The games dead, most players u see are new players trying it out in pve, pvp is dead as a game can be, erana always has 2 maybe 3 players in it unless its prime time, then there's like 7 lol. Long q times and u can see the same players 4 matches in a row. Anet neglected this game and its potential to such a great degree I have 0 clue as to why ncsoft hasn't closed it yet.the team has zero direction and the game gets less than the bare minimum support. Players cling to the hope of the new expac but good luck.

  7. OP would love bdo if what u described is ur jam as that's basically 75% of the whole mmo and the combats insane. Of course If u only want this for a side activity for a break from the rest of the game bdo would be horrible for u on the other hand lol.

  8. Just a hint, making a buff thread in a forum that has a universal thief hating population isn't gonna yield great results. The community gives 0 $hits if u enjoy the class, how many enjoy the class or what kinda state it's in balanced or not as they truly only want the class to be unusable or deleted from the game.

    For yrs players have said that thiefs mobility was broken and that their mobility should be hard nerfed then maybe the could get some damage back to get away from the decap runner role. As anyone coulda guessed though even when thee tool that gave them such mobility is hard nerfed they still want the class mobility nerfed more and any idea of buffs to other areas are not unfathomable, funny though how when the nerfs to mobility do actually come know one wants to discuss buffs in other areas lol. I'm glad the pvp population dead, well deserved and not a surprise at all.

  9. The q's are long cuz gw2 population is dead. Anet devs along with the games own players killed it. To bad players of this game couldn't look beyond their own classes and were so quick to rally for the destruction of any class they didnt like. The pvp community of this game 100% deserves its sad state as do the devs for balancing their game based on emotional biased rants of the community instead of basing them on their own somewhat objective means of balancing with consideration to the scarse contructive information given in the forums.

  10. > @"m k m.2014" said:

    > It's beautiful, a ranger rapid fire kill a FB minstrel, press a key, how much skill, how much balance THANKS ARENANET

    > Healthy WvW, fun ....



    And all the condi spam everywhere is skillful as well? Games literally a skill less spam fest, been that way for a while. Conquest nodes now resemble zerg fights in wvw, circles spammed ontop of each other while everyone spames all their condis off CD... skillful. Games pvp is not competitive in the slightest and is not meant to be these days, just play it for fun man and enjoy out of it what u can and it makes the devs horrible balance ability effect ur games less lol.

  11. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Aihao.5824" said:

    > > and all problems went on after our favourite february patch


    > Except that patch was pure and distilled garbage.

    > Everything done there (except toning down Power damage) is the opposite that should have been done.


    I think he was joking by saying favorite

  12. > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

    > > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > > It's still amazing to see unskilled players who were carried by their crutch that was their broken build complaining about how powercreep should have not been addressed. Even World of Warcraft, which I've been following recently, just recently came out with some nerfs to prevent the one shot kitten that was flying around (most noticeable with marksman hunter and rogue). Just git gud 4Head

    > >

    > > You can call them unskilled but on the other side of the coin it looks like someone that doesn't know how to handle or fight strong builds to learn and adapt, it's basically too spicy for some people that can only ever handle mayo. Not to say there wasn't broken builds before (Clone death mesmer from core, Prime mirage) Let me give you some insight, since I've been playing WoW. Those nerfs did nothing but shave an extra second off before you die to those classes, they also removed baseline pvp talent choice to remove stun (medallion/adaption) and stuck them on trinkets in this expansion. Sub rogue can still delete someone in 2 to 3 seconds(not including the ability to stun someone for 10s lol), it was just before they were doing with with the Kyrian covenant skill(expansion skill). Meanwhile demon hunters are flying under the radar since one of their covenant abilities can almost one shot, and Shadow Priests are also busted.


    > My whole point is, even WoW is working on cutting powercreep from their game, since it is a problem. And they're doing it in a timely manner.

    > GW2's first step in cutting powercreep was a big step in the right direction with the Feb 25th patch. While there are things that were missed, it was still a big step in the right direction. Where gw2 fails currently is their timely manner of their balance passes, even the small ones.

    > As well:

    > Hunter

    > (With realm restarts) Aimed Shot no longer deals 10% increased damage in PvP situations.

    > (With realm restarts) Double Tap's extra Aimed Shot deals 50% reduced damage in PvP situations.


    > This, as an example, is a pretty big deal. It's a good nerf, seeing that Hunters could literally one shot tanks with 38k hp. That's definitely not just something small. 50% damage reduction on a specific talent is huge, but necessary. I agree that there are still some things in WoW as well that still need looking into, but I expect them to move in a timely manner to address those issues.

    > GW2 should follow suit. We don't have to have huge balance passes all the time, but the bigger ones should take a little longer, while the smaller ones should take a shorter time frame than 2 months to implement.

    > As well, if ONLY nerfing things is the way to go to cut powercreep, then so be it. And the only ones who are angry at the nerfs are those who are horrible at the game. (basically I'm agreeing and disagreeing with you at the same time, if that makes sense)


    100^ wow defenitly has far more frequent and impactful balancing than gw2 has, even when gw2 had somewhat frequent changes, at least for them.

    I've been playing wow for last 4 months and gw2 very little but one thing I love gw2 for and why I'm probably gonna return and unsub from wow is that in gw2 u dont have to commit to hrs on hrs farming dungeon and pve content weekly to stay competitive in gw2. Wow is a great mmo but its designed for players who have a lot of gaming time every week, gw2 u can pop in for a hr here and there and play the content u enjoy (pvp) and still be competitive in the pvp modes. That one design is one of the things that sets gw2 apart from other mmo's, it respects ur time.

  13. > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I'm on 7 yrs now man lol

    > Are you drunk? He writes about 2012-2014 days when traits were still giving stats and you could invest max 70 points between all 5 trait lines.

    > These 10k+ were rare but could happen in core days, but damage was like doubled after HoT and PoF release.

    > He's talking about apples and you bring your banyanyas on the table.


    No not drunk, are u? That was obviously in reply to the fact that I'm aware what damage thief used to do as it was the only class I played 7 yrs ago and for 5 yrs after. Not sure how that is confusing for u?

    And for ur bananayas on table wtf that means I apologize I'm not the type of player nor have ever been or will be that takes screen shots or goes all detective mode to gather concrete evidence of stuff in a game from yrs ago to post and back up my claim cuz who has time for that shit or even cares enough, it's a mmo video game for ...... sakes haha who cares really.

  14. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > > Chinese samurai? That's really not a thing...

    > > >

    > > > I think there's a degree to which the flavour can follow. After all, if you look at the PoF elite specs mechanically, none of them really shout Middle Eastern/African themes. Maybe the Mirage, since the entire specialisation was built around the 'Mirage' key word and that's associated with deserts, but that could have been associated with any desert region. But all of them except the Renegade have some connection to Elona fluff-wise - Weavers were inspired by djinn, Firebrands were keepers of Elonian history, and so on.

    > > >

    > > > Similar connections could be made here. For instance, consider the popular 'support warrior' concept. The first Ascendant Emperor of Cantha was a Warrior Monk. I'm sure ArenaNet could bring in a tie-in from that. Like the PoF elite specs, the broad concept is region-neutral, and the fluff can then be made to fit whichever region Arenanet decides to associate it with.

    > > >

    > > > Something like 'Sheriff', on the other hand, is very clearly coming from a Western origin. Give it pistols, and everyone's likely to be immediately thinking Wild West.

    > >

    > > I said asian, is east asian not include Japanese cuz Japan's in east Asia no? Also the expac is oriental themed, no spacific japanese or chinese context has been given for the expac.


    > You did say "chinese samurai warrior". That's either implying that "chinese samurai" is a thing (which they're not, samurai is purely a Japanese concept where I don't think China ever had a direct equivalent) or a really unfortunate way to write "samurai/chinese warrior".


    > Point is, though, at the point of talking about what elite specialisations bring to the table, they don't have to be oriental-themed, since a concept that's fairly culture-agnostic could them be given fluff that has it coming from Cantha. However, they're probably not going to do something that is specific to some OTHER culture like a Wild West gunslinging sheriff.


    Ur right, my bad as it was a mistake, I meant to say rev already has the chinese warrior vibe with its staff skills and dragons themed skills. Put a halbert like skin on the staff and rev skills fit the theme well.

  15. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > Chinese samurai? That's really not a thing...


    > I think there's a degree to which the flavour can follow. After all, if you look at the PoF elite specs mechanically, none of them really shout Middle Eastern/African themes. Maybe the Mirage, since the entire specialisation was built around the 'Mirage' key word and that's associated with deserts, but that could have been associated with any desert region. But all of them except the Renegade have some connection to Elona fluff-wise - Weavers were inspired by djinn, Firebrands were keepers of Elonian history, and so on.


    > Similar connections could be made here. For instance, consider the popular 'support warrior' concept. The first Ascendant Emperor of Cantha was a Warrior Monk. I'm sure ArenaNet could bring in a tie-in from that. Like the PoF elite specs, the broad concept is region-neutral, and the fluff can then be made to fit whichever region Arenanet decides to associate it with.


    > Something like 'Sheriff', on the other hand, is very clearly coming from a Western origin. Give it pistols, and everyone's likely to be immediately thinking Wild West.


    I said asian, is east asian not include Japanese cuz Japan's in east Asia no? Also the expac is oriental themed, no spacific japanese or chinese context has been given for the expac.

  16. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Runiir.6425" said:

    > > All of these ideas and NO ONE suggested giving the Guardian 2 pistols and calling them Sheriff?


    > Sheriff.... in an Asian setting... whut?


    Dont kno if u noticed but no spec suggestions for any class for the most part have taken any consideration of the expacs general theme. Warrior for example...what's the first asian warrior themes come to mind, or thief' as its obviously a warrior/ fighter or used to be but now is outlaw'ish in nature.

    My vote goes to a spear warrior, rev already has the chinese warrior vibe with its staff skills and dragon themes. Warrior could have a mix of offensive and support options and use spear like attacks unlike the DD or revs staff skills.

    Thief ronin with OH sword, quick offense skills and defenses less reliant on stealth and teleports.

    Those of course are suggestions for ideas that follow the theme, which obviously probably wont happen, also not following the theme may allow more creativity.

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