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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"hammu.1752" said:

    > If I get beaten because i sucked, its ok. (most common.)

    > If I get beaten when i managed to play well for a change but my opponent played even better its ok.

    > If I get beaten because of my opponent played a spec that happened to overperform during that particular time period, its ok because nerfs and buffs come and go.

    > If i get beaten by ridiculously broken stupid class mechanics that shouldn't have never been there at the first place, it makes me think moving on to a better game.


    Than I suggest dropping mmo's all together as all of them have teleport and invisiblity and all of them are a main component of the rogue's playstyle. Good news though is theres tons of amazing non mmo games out there with neither.

  2. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

    > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > Inb4 OH Torch/Focus that nobody wants or plays, that will feature a gigabroken traitline that D/P will commandeer, and will thus cause more nerfs to core thief.

    > ^ this, in a nutshell lol



    Agreed aswell 100%

  3. > @"GenerationX.9178" said:

    > I think thief should be deleted from the game. Most thieves spam dodge, stealth or port all day long not to mention most skills are instant.


    That's reasonable, delete a class and playstyle a lot of other players enjoy cuz u dont......gw2 player mentality right here folks, no wonder it's dead:) prob a good thing it is really.

  4. There should be a disclaimer at game purchase or before downloading f2p version stating....this game has stealth and teleports used by some characters and heavily used by the games rogue not unlike all mmo's. If u have a problem with the standard rogue archetype or the use of these mechanics, pls be advised to look elsewhere for ur gaming needs.

    Stealth and ports are in all mmo's and used heavily by all rogue's in all mmo's and their not going anywhere so my suggestion for all these whiny players complaining about those 2 mechanics to save the other players sanity and ur own and play a different game where these mechanics dont exist, which basically takes all mmo's of the list :).

  5. > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > > > @"SuchosCZ.2167" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"SuchosCZ.2167" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

    > > > > > > > >This "community" hates when thieves dodge to survive. They hate when they stealth to survive. They hate when they teleport to survive.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Thats not true. People dont hate these mechanics. People hate, that thief has all of them...

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Name one rogue in any mmo that doesn't. Wow-check, eso-check,bdo,check,ff14-check lol rogue archetype always use stealth, high evades and teleports in pretty much every mmo, it's what its thing is. Other classes have reveals, higher hp, higher armor, barriers, more access to blocks/shields, invulnerability skills and other defensive skills and in gw2 even other classes have access to teleports( rangers,guards,mesmer,ele,necro, rev etc) and also stealth( ranger,mesmer,guards with trappers etc) the real issue is rogue's are just generally disliked by the players who dont play them due to their universal playstyle, which is why the rogue complaining is the same on every mmo forum. Anet needs to learn to ignore the whining if they want to have a rogue like in their game.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Never played most of the MMOs you mentioned. But i did play WoW like 10 years ago. From what i remember, you could go to stealth only out of combat or with Vanish, that had like 2 minutes cooldown. Also ANY DAMAGE would reveal you and i dont remember having any teleport at all, but there might be one. And are you really telling me, that there are skills for reveal ? really? which one ele have? LOL

    > > > > > There is like 9 skills that have reveal in the entire game (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed) and half of them are total garbage

    > > > >

    > > > > I have played rogue in wow, also above 2200 rating in arena and rbgs. WoW rogues were miles stronger than thieves in GW2. Rogues in wow could stunlock you to death and had actual teleports that worked and not GW2 version of "hey let's use long Cds or entire ini just get no valid path message". On top of it they had absolute long lasting evades and condi immunity which thief could only dream about. I spent a lot of time jumping into whole mob of enemies (high rated at that), murder someone quickly and get away. Every time. Unthinkable in GW2 even with suicide thief. You guys really don't know how good you have it with thief in this game compared to WoW and some other games.

    > > >

    > > > This 100%^

    > > > I could only imagine the qq's if the thief in gw2 was designed similar to nightblade in eso, rogue in wow, ninja in bdo or dark runner in AAU lol. I donno something about gw2 attracts players that qq about everything that beats them a few times. There are no better players in gw2 just op builds so eventually every good build on every class gets gutted with 0 compensation leading to a game with all crappy dumbed down builds and playstyle and the few thst slip through the cracks that yr become fotm choice lol.

    > >

    > > You do get that this thread was a QQ by a thief and agreed with mostly by other thieves who also are qq'ing about it right? Not to say gw2 players don't qq about thieves or everything in general.


    > Well, point is this debuff locks out the class out of their main mechanic. People justify it with thief having supposedly too much stealth and bring in other games (which is stupid at best, imo).

    > I personally would love if just for 1 day mesmers would be locked out of clones, guards out of heals/blocks, necros out of life force etc. by this this debuff in WvW. Maybe then people would understand the issue. Once again, the community should really blame themselves for having so many thieves ruining their roaming experience - you guys are the one who kick thieves from zergs thus forcing them into roaming solo existence. Some thieves switched to something zerg friendly, other perfected their roaming builds and skills. There are plenty of classes and builds that can easily deal with builds BUT most people don't run them because they prefer to zerg. And then they complain about thieves. Find the error here.


    Again this 100%

  6. > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > > @"SuchosCZ.2167" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"SuchosCZ.2167" said:

    > > > > > > > @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

    > > > > > > >This "community" hates when thieves dodge to survive. They hate when they stealth to survive. They hate when they teleport to survive.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Thats not true. People dont hate these mechanics. People hate, that thief has all of them...

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Name one rogue in any mmo that doesn't. Wow-check, eso-check,bdo,check,ff14-check lol rogue archetype always use stealth, high evades and teleports in pretty much every mmo, it's what its thing is. Other classes have reveals, higher hp, higher armor, barriers, more access to blocks/shields, invulnerability skills and other defensive skills and in gw2 even other classes have access to teleports( rangers,guards,mesmer,ele,necro, rev etc) and also stealth( ranger,mesmer,guards with trappers etc) the real issue is rogue's are just generally disliked by the players who dont play them due to their universal playstyle, which is why the rogue complaining is the same on every mmo forum. Anet needs to learn to ignore the whining if they want to have a rogue like in their game.

    > > > >

    > > > > Never played most of the MMOs you mentioned. But i did play WoW like 10 years ago. From what i remember, you could go to stealth only out of combat or with Vanish, that had like 2 minutes cooldown. Also ANY DAMAGE would reveal you and i dont remember having any teleport at all, but there might be one. And are you really telling me, that there are skills for reveal ? really? which one ele have? LOL

    > > > > There is like 9 skills that have reveal in the entire game (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed) and half of them are total garbage

    > > >

    > > > I have played rogue in wow, also above 2200 rating in arena and rbgs. WoW rogues were miles stronger than thieves in GW2. Rogues in wow could stunlock you to death and had actual teleports that worked and not GW2 version of "hey let's use long Cds or entire ini just get no valid path message". On top of it they had absolute long lasting evades and condi immunity which thief could only dream about. I spent a lot of time jumping into whole mob of enemies (high rated at that), murder someone quickly and get away. Every time. Unthinkable in GW2 even with suicide thief. You guys really don't know how good you have it with thief in this game compared to WoW and some other games.

    > >

    > > This 100%^

    > > I could only imagine the qq's if the thief in gw2 was designed similar to nightblade in eso, rogue in wow, ninja in bdo or dark runner in AAU lol. I donno something about gw2 attracts players that qq about everything that beats them a few times. There are no better players in gw2 just op builds so eventually every good build on every class gets gutted with 0 compensation leading to a game with all crappy dumbed down builds and playstyle and the few thst slip through the cracks that yr become fotm choice lol.


    > You do get that this thread was a QQ by a thief and agreed with mostly by other thieves who also are qq'ing about it right? Not to say gw2 players don't qq about thieves or everything in general.


    Yeah, my post was regarding the post I quoted, about gw2 players complaining about thief and how they have it easy compared to rogue likes in other mmo's which are usually paired with even stronger mechanics. I also agree with the OP about sentey's needing a review for today's version of gw2 wvw. They also need to review the stealth debuff duration as it's far to low.

  7. > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > @"SuchosCZ.2167" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"SuchosCZ.2167" said:

    > > > > > @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

    > > > > >This "community" hates when thieves dodge to survive. They hate when they stealth to survive. They hate when they teleport to survive.

    > > > >

    > > > > Thats not true. People dont hate these mechanics. People hate, that thief has all of them...

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Name one rogue in any mmo that doesn't. Wow-check, eso-check,bdo,check,ff14-check lol rogue archetype always use stealth, high evades and teleports in pretty much every mmo, it's what its thing is. Other classes have reveals, higher hp, higher armor, barriers, more access to blocks/shields, invulnerability skills and other defensive skills and in gw2 even other classes have access to teleports( rangers,guards,mesmer,ele,necro, rev etc) and also stealth( ranger,mesmer,guards with trappers etc) the real issue is rogue's are just generally disliked by the players who dont play them due to their universal playstyle, which is why the rogue complaining is the same on every mmo forum. Anet needs to learn to ignore the whining if they want to have a rogue like in their game.

    > >

    > > Never played most of the MMOs you mentioned. But i did play WoW like 10 years ago. From what i remember, you could go to stealth only out of combat or with Vanish, that had like 2 minutes cooldown. Also ANY DAMAGE would reveal you and i dont remember having any teleport at all, but there might be one. And are you really telling me, that there are skills for reveal ? really? which one ele have? LOL

    > > There is like 9 skills that have reveal in the entire game (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revealed) and half of them are total garbage


    > I have played rogue in wow, also above 2200 rating in arena and rbgs. WoW rogues were miles stronger than thieves in GW2. Rogues in wow could stunlock you to death and had actual teleports that worked and not GW2 version of "hey let's use long Cds or entire ini just get no valid path message". On top of it they had absolute long lasting evades and condi immunity which thief could only dream about. I spent a lot of time jumping into whole mob of enemies (high rated at that), murder someone quickly and get away. Every time. Unthinkable in GW2 even with suicide thief. You guys really don't know how good you have it with thief in this game compared to WoW and some other games.


    This 100%^

    I could only imagine the qq's if the thief in gw2 was designed similar to nightblade in eso, rogue in wow, ninja in bdo or dark runner in AAU lol. I donno something about gw2 attracts players that qq about everything that beats them a few times. There are no better players in gw2 just op builds so eventually every good build on every class gets gutted with 0 compensation leading to a game with all crappy dumbed down builds and playstyle and the few thst slip through the cracks that yr become fotm choice lol.

  8. > @"darren.1064" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"darren.1064" said:

    > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"Gandrogh.1530" tif players CAN sidenode, and beat the kitten out of things like warriors with degen perma blind fields pistol builds that spam leech on blind.

    > > > > but its boring as kitten tbh, s/d can for example easy win against burn DH, you have hard time beating renegods but then again everyone has hard time beating them so its not much of an argument is it

    > > >

    > > > So your argument for thief being able to fight on sides is that they're able to kill another dead profession?

    > >

    > > and your indicator that thief cant be on side nodes is since it cant beat 1 specific prof? despite being able to beat other classes that are also meta?

    > > cought DH, holo cough


    > both DH and Holo counter thief. If they're dying to a thief then it isn't because thief is superior, it's because the thief was just the better player.


    People often forget that one key factor.....there ARE better players.

    A thief can 100% beat any class if the player is clearly more skilled than his opponent. Thief also has counters and is countered just as every class has counters and is countered. I love how people use s/d as a side noder example cuz it counters revs and guards not to mention its thiefs only decent weapon set for that scanario or team fights for that matter as if that makes them viable sidenode now lol. These forums are too much.

  9. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I don't know bout the rest of the stuff but I can assure u thief did far more damage in the past. Ur crazy 8k backstab was basically my low BS's and only required eagle and mauraders in conquest and in wvw a build built for power and just cs could do 14k on squishies. As we speak a cs/da/trick build with zerk and scholars now gets 8k or slightly more if u crit and opponent is squishy and meets hp criteria for executioner on top of might stolen. Couple yrs back that same build would give my 18k crits against squishies in conquest and 20k in wvw.

    > > > > > That said I'm definitely not saying thiefs damage is low by any means in today's version of gw2 but to say it does same damage as in the past is wrong.

    > > > >

    > > > > You did not get those numbers pre trait rework. After HoT yes, 14k backstabs were a thing and after PoF 20k+, but that's not what i'm talking about.

    > > >

    > > > Haha oh I assure u post pof I certainly did.

    > > > Core da/tric/cs with hidden data 213, tric 312 and cs 322 with scholars and zerk great in wvw often produced 20k crit backstabs when hitting squishies at half or lower hp and 16-18k at full hp :) 14k was doable with dd if u ran cs/zerk/scholar. Then damage nerfs kept coming in every patch, some where easily called like assassin sig, thief was still good at bursting.

    > > > This feb patch was a complete disaster for all classes, even more so for some. Not suprising population in pvp is trash compared to yrs ago.

    > >

    > > This type of build you are talking about didn't exist pre trait rework. You probably didn't play back then, otherwise you would know what i'm talking about.


    > I'm on 7 yrs now man lol


    Except last 6 months I've played maybe a match or 2 a week. That said I'm not one thsts so into mmo's I remember exact spacifics from yrs ago but I remember hitting those numbers regularly and also remember constantly defending thief on constant threads qq'ing about said numbers and such lol. But u are right I dont remember exact dates but more so saying thief most definitely used to pull far higher numbers than they do now. When I do log now it's not on thief cuz yrs of mostly playing thief got boring asf.

  10. > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > >

    > > > > I don't know bout the rest of the stuff but I can assure u thief did far more damage in the past. Ur crazy 8k backstab was basically my low BS's and only required eagle and mauraders in conquest and in wvw a build built for power and just cs could do 14k on squishies. As we speak a cs/da/trick build with zerk and scholars now gets 8k or slightly more if u crit and opponent is squishy and meets hp criteria for executioner on top of might stolen. Couple yrs back that same build would give my 18k crits against squishies in conquest and 20k in wvw.

    > > > > That said I'm definitely not saying thiefs damage is low by any means in today's version of gw2 but to say it does same damage as in the past is wrong.

    > > >

    > > > You did not get those numbers pre trait rework. After HoT yes, 14k backstabs were a thing and after PoF 20k+, but that's not what i'm talking about.

    > >

    > > Haha oh I assure u post pof I certainly did.

    > > Core da/tric/cs with hidden data 213, tric 312 and cs 322 with scholars and zerk great in wvw often produced 20k crit backstabs when hitting squishies at half or lower hp and 16-18k at full hp :) 14k was doable with dd if u ran cs/zerk/scholar. Then damage nerfs kept coming in every patch, some where easily called like assassin sig, thief was still good at bursting.

    > > This feb patch was a complete disaster for all classes, even more so for some. Not suprising population in pvp is trash compared to yrs ago.


    > This type of build you are talking about didn't exist pre trait rework. You probably didn't play back then, otherwise you would know what i'm talking about.


    I'm on 7 yrs now man lol

  11. > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > >

    > > I don't know bout the rest of the stuff but I can assure u thief did far more damage in the past. Ur crazy 8k backstab was basically my low BS's and only required eagle and mauraders in conquest and in wvw a build built for power and just cs could do 14k on squishies. As we speak a cs/da/trick build with zerk and scholars now gets 8k or slightly more if u crit and opponent is squishy and meets hp criteria for executioner on top of might stolen. Couple yrs back that same build would give my 18k crits against squishies in conquest and 20k in wvw.

    > > That said I'm definitely not saying thiefs damage is low by any means in today's version of gw2 but to say it does same damage as in the past is wrong.


    > You did not get those numbers pre trait rework. After HoT yes, 14k backstabs were a thing and after PoF 20k+, but that's not what i'm talking about.


    Haha oh I assure u post pof I certainly did.

    Core da/tric/cs with hidden data 213, tric 312 and cs 322 with scholars and zerk great in wvw often produced 20k crit backstabs when hitting squishies at half or lower hp and 16-18k at full hp :) 14k was doable with dd if u ran cs/zerk/scholar. Then damage nerfs kept coming in every patch, some where easily called like assassin sig, thief was still good at bursting.

    This feb patch was a complete disaster for all classes, even more so for some. Not suprising population in pvp is trash compared to yrs ago.

  12. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > @"noiwk.2760" said:

    > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > > > @"Raizel.1839" said:

    > > > > > Well I like the nerfs, I always hated thief in PvP/WvW so this nerf is welcome for me.

    > > > >

    > > > > If balance would be based only on subjective feeling of the players then we wouldn't have anything to play lol. "I hate thing XY so it should be removed from the world" - every snowflake ever.

    > > >

    > > > My post was deleted

    > >

    > > Anet are the masters of deleting posts that speak the truth about the current state of the game..

    > > sad /funny part is.. if only they would;ve spend these hours of effort that they spend into deleting posts into testing out the points these posts

    > > state and balace the game we would be in another situation... thats true for balance/bots/hacks

    > >

    > > but hey its easier to hide the truth and pretend all is fine than face the truth and change things


    > **10/10**


    > You Are Exactly Correct




    Lol now that u and noiwk have been acquainted........subject matter is thief.

    Aaannddd go! Lol

  13. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > They are doing this to every Profession, not just Thief.

    > Every single Profession has been brought down to a pitiful state with just numbers nerfs.


    > Don't count on anything "Strong" right now to remain so.

    > We all saw what they did to Firebrand earlier in the year.


    > Thief mobility needed a nerf yea, but Anet loves to just nerf without buffing, so yep, the one last thing Thief had for them which is mobility got slapped.

    > Like I truly wish that when something gets nerfed, some other lacking aspect gets buffed in the same patch, but I guess it's just wishful thinking now.


    This^ the nerf was heavy handed but with communities help their gutting every viable fun builds and further dumbing the game down which is kinda funny cuz the players of this game continue to help anet kill the pvp and its population, as if anet needs the help.

    It's not just happening to thief.

  14. I find this community halarious I really do. If this want a nerf to thief and was a more favored class most the community would have the opposite reaction.

    First no class should have to use a traitline when using a weapon like thief does now lol and before anyone says well u dont have to chose trickery with sb, its ur decision to do so.

    Well think about how much 8 ini of

    12 really is and with the continuation of anets lazy methods of nerfing thief via ini cost how much of hit it would be for any class to be shut out of half thier weapon skills or more because they used one skill on one weapon lol. Nobody would be ok with this on any class but thief lol.

  15. > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > > > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > > > > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"dani.5680" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > In my experience, build diversity went up quite a lot. Sure, there are still many guards and necros, but there were just as many before the patch. Now there are more variations on warriors, tempests are coming back, even seen more mesmers (though not yet statistically relevant).

    > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > Put an ICD on Eternal Armory and guard is fine. Maaaybe change Rune of the Trapper. But I am having fun blasting them out of existance from range, they are horribly slow and once out of stealth can't really surprise you with anything. Only watch out for F1, that's about it.

    > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > So basically kill of the last bit of dmg/build guards have? Theyve been over neef in everytbing else.

    > > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > > So instead of trying to delete a class how about suguest buff on other parts before you call for nerfs

    > > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > > see how things works? players start to cry about the dh, they nerf the dh into the ground, deleting one more viable class instead of buffing others!

    > > > > > > > > > > > so, why devs nerf things instead of buffing? isnt that crazy? i watched few weeks ago some patch notes of different games, guess what: 96% OF THE PATCH NOTES WAS ABOUT CLASSES/HEROES GETTING BUFFED, 4% OF SMALL NERFS!

    > > > > > > > > > > > I think the build diversity is lower than when the game started and you could see at a 5vs5 ranked game at least 6 different build, sorry but its the truth!

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > Dude, you must be new to gw2.

    > > > > > > > > > > Buffing every class instead of nerfing 1 is what got us to what we got now. They used to just buff everything and the powercreep went out of controll, everybody just oneshotting each other. Thats the whole reason why they toned down everything and they sure as hell dont want to start the same thing over again.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > This!

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Even builds that are currently bad are still way stronger than meta builds before pre-HoT trait rework. The powercreep in this game has been insane and it didn't do any good.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Not even *close*. The best builds right now are actually weaker than the worst builds back then. Like, thief from back then would actually destroy everyone in a 1v1 right now, and it had losing matchups back then.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > No. You basically only had access to 2 (+ 1 adept trait) instead of 3 full traitlines and the vast majority of traits were much weaker. You also had lower base stats as well as less stats from gear. There is no way a few stronger skills can make up for this.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > And you could mix and match the traits more easily. A lot of traits were actually *stronger* too. Oh and while stats were lower, they were lower *across the board*. Offensive *and* defensive. We'd compare them with the same gear. And no, the stronger skills more than make up for it. Just take a look at [this](

    ). Notice how, even though all stats were lower (including health), the Theif hits a lot *harder* than right now? And that wasnt even an optimal build (Sadly I had to work with what Ive got since there are barely any videos from around that time that arent WvW). An optimal build would run circles around that. And that is already just current thief, but *way* stronger.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Lol no, the thief shown in the vid hits about as hard as thieves do right now, but has way way less survivability.

    > > > >

    > > > > You're impressively wrong in every single point you just made. Lets start. [This](

    ) is the damage his backstab does against a squishy. Keep in mind, even the raw number of 6315 is a lot higher than thief can currently hit (thief currently maxes out at 5k, usually 4.5k). But remember how you said "stats were lower"? That *includes* HP. That 6315 did a lot more damage relative to the targets HP than 6315 would do right now. So no, he hits *way* harder. As for survivability, well, lets start with his HP. This build is suboptimal, so it has a lot more HP than normal. Currently the standard thief has 15417 hp. But again, remember, *stats were lower*. That 14k hp is actually a lot more effective hp than the current 15417. Well what about his defenses? Withdraw has a *15* second cooldown. 10 seconds lower. He has a passive 320 healing in stealth (back then people hadnt yet figured out stealth wasnt so good in-combat), but also immunity to crits and 25% damage reduction. Cheaper, more accessible blinds. Better mug. And just better defensive stats. He has *way* more survivability. This thief would completely wipe the floor with a current thief.

    > > >

    > > > Can't argue about delusion ...

    > >

    > > No, you cant argue against numbers you know are right. Thief back then did *way* more damage than thief does now. Its not even close.


    > Thieves didn't had way more dmg, they were **building** for more dmg. Big difference. Pick up crit strikes (and nowadays you don't even have to give up trickery unlike that poor fella in your vid), boom, 6k backstabs. Same dmg, more survivability/utility. And still worse than meta thief.


    I don't know bout the rest of the stuff but I can assure u thief did far more damage in the past. Ur crazy 8k backstab was basically my low BS's and only required eagle and mauraders in conquest and in wvw a build built for power and just cs could do 14k on squishies. As we speak a cs/da/trick build with zerk and scholars now gets 8k or slightly more if u crit and opponent is squishy and meets hp criteria for executioner on top of might stolen. Couple yrs back that same build would give my 18k crits against squishies in conquest and 20k in wvw.

    That said I'm definitely not saying thiefs damage is low by any means in today's version of gw2 but to say it does same damage as in the past is wrong.

  16. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > New players should pick warrior and a greatsword and just go out and be slaughtered by every class cuz it makes the game more fun, is that part right?

    > yes. This is one of part of fun.


    > > Secondly u think it would be and should be normal for 2 necro's to destroy 10 warriors?

    > yes. We need some good balance for necro.


    > > Lastly u think necros and thieves need buffs but warrior is....ok?

    > no warrior is not ok. They need nerf and make other class more easy win vs warrior.


    > > Let me know if I missunderstood any of what u said, and I believe we kno the 2 classes u play :)

    > I play all classes, and try all builds. Prev sesason player mostly on condi chrno, this on sraper 90% and thief 10% aprox. It not easy use only 2 classes and have 5000+ ranked games. I have plan try sup warrior next


    Lol well to that I say.....Wow

    Thief and necro need buffs and warrior nerfs? Warrior should lose to every class cuz that's fun and lastly 2x necros should be able to beat 10 warriors lol. U definitely see the game far differently than I haha

    I can only hope ur joking but considering these forums u probably are dead serious.

  17. > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > @"Armen.1483" said:

    > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > > > @"Armen.1483" said:

    > > > > > @"Anomaly.7612" said:

    > > > > > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > > > > > Escape/reset potential needed a nerf, I approve of the change.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You realize this is the entire playstyle of Thief, right? Thief isn't a bruiser meant to stand there in a fight for long. They get in, do damage and get out. Now that's even harder. Basically just dunked on the basic Thief playstyle.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Anet has zero clue what they want to do with Thief. I'm sick of this kitten. I was already taking a break from the game and now I'm done.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > All while Necro lich form saw no changes at all. What a joke.

    > > > >

    > > > > I mean it's broken right ? When you play any non-support class you want to do the same. Get in do damage and get out. But other classes can't do that unpunished. If they get in, do their kill, it's nice. But if you get in and screw up and still get away with it ? Does it really sound fair to you ? It is not about the thief it is about any other class. If you are a guardian and you want to +1 some fight, do you want to get in there, do damage and stay forever ? Apart from some specific bunker classes, everyone class wantsto be able to do that, they don't because they can't.

    > > > > I don't agree with you that cheesing the hell out of the blink mechanic is the "thief's basic playstyle". It is toxic for the game and it makes playing thief also kinda boring. Thief is just so much more than that. Now you actually gotta play thief how it is supposed to be played. You calculate your chances before engaging in a fight. It is how it should be, just deal with it.

    > > > > I agree about the necro tho. It needs some nerfs too.

    > > >

    > > > Yes when other classes can shake of 3x the dmg a thief can take.

    > >

    > > When a fight is happening just 4k damage from a +1 on a good moment can be enough to decide a fight, so having 10 times more damage won't help much either. And btw I can assure you as a mediocre thief player I can demolish 1vs1s with a thief, thief doesn't lack damage at all, especially if you go for a damage build :) It's been showcased so many times by actually good thief players. **Because truth is people just don't know how to play thief, because without his broken mobility, it is actually a hard class to play.** But with so much overtune it doesn't feel that way. Playing different thief builds after the last patch I still think that thief is in a good spot. I can feel the difference, but not as much as I thought. My experience might vary from yours, but it is what it is.


    > I am actually confused now. I thought the main consensus was that thief is ez to play, free win, etc. which people basically used to justify any kind of hate/nerf wishes for the class. Now i read this. So which is it actually?

    > Also, i really would like to remind the community that there have been been times in this game when thieves were built more around evades/dodges and dueling - everyone screamed bloody murder and begged for nerfs, because, oh wonder, thieves playing those builds didn't just lie down and gave free point. Honestly, be careful of what you wish for.


    > Does anyone remember the initial explanation from Anet, why thief fighting capability got heavily nerfed pre-HoT? Right, it was mobility. Every patch since then has been justified with "teef should be decapper, not dueler". Now they nerfed mobility (once again) and i do have one question at dev team: what should thief be? What does dev team actually invisions thief to be? It is like mesmers should be clone masters yet balance patch would reduce max number of clones to 1 because people get annoyed by the screen clutter or just hate to fight mesmers.


    It's funny cuz if u search the class sub forums thiefs forum is the one that has by far the most thread about new players or new thief players asking for help and tips on how to be effective on thief and not get destroyed in sec's lol weird.

  18. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Lol who the hell plays a warrior to support and do little damage?

    > I have warrior heal for dungeons and warrior for 25 might in past, and bonnstrip warrior for wvw .. may be in past too ..But warrior -is main meat by concept, all non skiled player should create warrior, take big great sword and be killed by any class. This is one of concept in mmo game. It make more fun.


    > >Players play a warrior class to battle it out with their steel

    > thay should think that they can do it, but only think .. So in normal game concept 2 necro should kill 10 warriors. So next after boost thief necro alos need some boost.


    Let me see if I understand correctly, not ur fault man I k o English is not ur native.

    New players should pick warrior and a greatsword and just go out and be slaughtered by every class cuz it makes the game more fun, is that part right? If so u and I have very different ideas of what a melee heavy warrior archetype is and if u think what u said is common in mmo's u and I have played vastly different mmo's as all the mmos I've played between eso,bdo,ff14,wow,rift, and archeage every warrior class is durable and very effective if not most effective at strait up melee fighting.

    Secondly u think it would be and should be normal for 2 necro's to destroy 10 warriors?

    Lastly u think necros and thieves need buffs but warrior is....ok?

    Let me know if I missunderstood any of what u said, and I believe we kno the 2 classes u play :)

  19. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > > @"Chris.2183" said:

    > > > > > > i mean cmon...

    > > > > > > 8 ini is just to much, just the fact that many, many points of ini disappear into nothing, because of "no vaild path", before u kinda had a chance of getting away, u would steal, dodge and could inf shot again. I have been playing thief in platin for years now, so i now a thing or two, i do realize that i have a major handycap in playing with action cam compared to the avarage player, so "nvp" is much more of a problem for me, but still if u are in a fight just putting a reflex inf shot to the side as a last way of getting out and nothing happens "nvp", your ini is gone and u are dead.... its just a great feeling and now you are telling me those events are going to multiply and be even more finite.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The problem here is that this fix is aimed at the meta dodge devil, but now it will be the only thing that can cope with the cost, because he does not depend as much on the sb as others.

    > > > > > >


    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Because now u are even further forced to play meta, which i dont and never will, meaning now im playing something that is even more inferior to meta than it was before, which is great for diversity and even greater for gameplay.... not...

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > BTW: easy fix for the problem, take away the energie on signet of agility, because now u have to think and can not go full kitten in fights knowing u always have a extra dodge when u need it, changes the whole gameplay.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > the fact that thief could kitten up their get away tool and still get away is the reason this nerf is in place, if I kitten up my blink I die as it should be, and hopefully thief will die on kitten ups one day

    > > > >

    > > > > After all this time ur still hating on thief lol too funny.

    > > >

    > > > had no reason to stop, there should never be a class that automatically loses you the game if you dont have it on a team

    > >

    > > Again......lol I kno the standard rogue archetype is hard to eccept for some and learning to fight them is difficult, in time u and noiwk will learn to fight them like the rest of us have :) gl on ur thief removal ventures though as I agree its definitely easier to complain and cry OP on forums constantly compared to leaning to face things, dont worry though u guys arnt alone as most of the gw2 player community agrees :)


    > keep thinking that, yet thief will still be mandatory, maybe its you who should learn to play thief and know its potential huh ?

    > the fight that you think people get to "fight" thief already means you miss the point so there is no point in even talking about it


    I do well enough on thief and don't think it's a weak class at all, did I say that cuz don't remember doing so. I just think u guys dislike the class and are way exaggerating its "op'ness". Why is it I and a lot of players who don't play thief much or at all don't have these issues u guys have and don't view thief as some op god as u guys do?

    Thief is strong at what it does and that's decap +1 and reply's on a cheap and gimmicky playstyle that actually does require skill but cheap and gimmicky all the same and once u learn them they arnt this huge problem like u guys make them out to be. Honestly at this point in the game this really is a l2p or get gud situation. Just cuz u have troubles with a class or find its methods annoying or unfun does not make it automatically OP.

    Leo u play mesmer thee other class that uses cheap gimmick playstyle and skills and also happens to be countered by thief so... I see why'd be frustrated with the class but again it's normal for classes to have a couple counter within the roster. Noiwk I could be way off but u come off as a newer player who hasn't really played long enough to have learned all the ins and outs yet of each class. U also sound like warrior is ur preferred class and u having issues with thief on warrior probably has more to do with u not learning how to fight thief yet and the fact warrior is in a bad state right now wouldnt help ur situation either but still doesn't mean thief is OP.

  20. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"Chris.2183" said:

    > > > > i mean cmon...

    > > > > 8 ini is just to much, just the fact that many, many points of ini disappear into nothing, because of "no vaild path", before u kinda had a chance of getting away, u would steal, dodge and could inf shot again. I have been playing thief in platin for years now, so i now a thing or two, i do realize that i have a major handycap in playing with action cam compared to the avarage player, so "nvp" is much more of a problem for me, but still if u are in a fight just putting a reflex inf shot to the side as a last way of getting out and nothing happens "nvp", your ini is gone and u are dead.... its just a great feeling and now you are telling me those events are going to multiply and be even more finite.

    > > > >

    > > > > The problem here is that this fix is aimed at the meta dodge devil, but now it will be the only thing that can cope with the cost, because he does not depend as much on the sb as others.

    > > > >


    > > > >

    > > > > Because now u are even further forced to play meta, which i dont and never will, meaning now im playing something that is even more inferior to meta than it was before, which is great for diversity and even greater for gameplay.... not...

    > > > >

    > > > > BTW: easy fix for the problem, take away the energie on signet of agility, because now u have to think and can not go full kitten in fights knowing u always have a extra dodge when u need it, changes the whole gameplay.

    > > >

    > > > the fact that thief could kitten up their get away tool and still get away is the reason this nerf is in place, if I kitten up my blink I die as it should be, and hopefully thief will die on kitten ups one day

    > >

    > > After all this time ur still hating on thief lol too funny.


    > had no reason to stop, there should never be a class that automatically loses you the game if you dont have it on a team


    Again......lol I kno the standard rogue archetype is hard to eccept for some and learning to fight them is difficult, in time u and noiwk will learn to fight them like the rest of us have :) gl on ur thief removal ventures though as I agree its definitely easier to complain and cry OP on forums constantly compared to leaning to face things, dont worry though u guys arnt alone as most of the gw2 player community agrees :)

  21. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I play warrior not thief if I log on, mostly to remind myself why I dont log on much :)

    > one of best support class and meta wvw class can't be compared whit thief.


    Lol who the hell plays a warrior to support and do little damage? Players play a warrior class to battle it out with their steel and be a wrecking ball not a med pack carrier, I say nerf the heal build more and return the melee prowess to power builds so warrior can again actually feel like a warrior.

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