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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Anomaly.7612" said:

    > > @"felix.2386" said:

    > > when we going to nerf holo and thief?

    > > completely the most busted classes for the entire 2020

    > > devs you realize that 2020 is ending right?

    > >

    > > remove leap from sword and remove superspeed from holo 2, if you want to keep all the core stealth, and S

    > > and explosive entrance is stupidly busted

    > >

    > > thief will literally shutdown anyone that isn't a holo with 0 counter play if the thief actually has half a brain

    > >

    > > pvp is literally a joke to this point


    > And how exactly does thief "shut down anyone" when they're squishier than most other meta classes and builds and the best thing they can do is just stealth and run away.


    > What exactly do they do that other classes don't to "shut down anyone?" They have less CC than other meta builds. No joke... If you're a thief and step into a teamfight for even a second you're going to get CC chained and die unless you use your one source of stability and the only other stunbreak you have.


    > Thief is really not the problem in this meta. They're relegated to +1 and decapping for a reason. You're not meant to 1v1 and you're not meant to teamfight. So how exactly is a class that's been so neutered save pigeonholed into that role shutting down anyone? Headshot spamming? Cool, there goes your initiative and therefore your damage. Steal? Ok, that's an interrupt. Not a stun, knock back, knock down, etc. Choking gas? Ok yeah that's an interrupt but again it uses initiative so there goes your damage. Basi venom? Sure I'll hand it to basi. That's a stun.


    > The only build that's capable of chain CC is sword/pistol with pistol whip and basi venom but that's not even the meta build and rarely seen in play.


    > There are so many other classes that ACTUALLY shut down someone with CC like condi core necro fear spam yet....you don't mention that at all. Ok.....


    He's a warrior player and I can see why a warrior player would say that thief shuts him down due to the fact the common meta dp build has a lot of access to blinds and is very effective at shutting down a warrior if timed right. That said I believe the thief does not need a nerf and has more to do with the devs absolutely destroying warrior due to their incompetence with regards to balancing, namely the ridiculous blanket patch in feb that tanked this games pvp further.

    My opinion anyway.

  2. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > @"felix.2386" said:

    > > i like how u skipped warrior because everysingle thing about warrior other then greatsword,shield,dagger are completely garbage

    > > basically 4/5 weapons are garbage

    > > other word, warrior has more trash weapon then all other classes' weapon combined including good weapons.


    > I skipped warrior because I have single digit hours played on it :^)


    No one came blame u for that haha

  3. > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"MatyrGustav.6210" said:

    > > > > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > > > > I think ele will lose 2 attunements, but gain weapon swap.

    > > > >

    > > > > Warrior will be staff and midrange heal/support.

    > > >

    > > > The idea of Ele losing two atunments and gaining weapon swap is very interesting since its like specializing. You would have access to like 10 of one type, and 10 of another instead of like 5, 5, 5, 5. I'd be happy with this.

    > > >

    > > > Im really feeling warrior will get a healing support spec, but maybe since its Warrior there will be a small aspect of offense to Empower your healing, or have an adrenalin Aoe heal with a Bo Staff weapon.

    > >

    > > Yes warrior having now 2 of it's most viable builds being heal/support build would truly add to the warrior aesthetic that all warrior mains love lol


    > The answer is fixing the myriad of dps weapons that warrior has, not making another and then also making it subpar.


    > Naw, give us a proper healing support spec. And buff the other stuff without overdoing it.


    True enough but u live in a world where u believe anet will fix any of warrior's weapons where as I do not.

  4. > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Well considering warriors current meta build is a heal support build ima gonna say no, warrior doesn't really need 2 heal/support builds but what it does need are builds that again make the class feel like it's a warrior class and maybe a espec that does the same, just my opinion.

    > You still don't get it do you, a support elite means that the support parts of warrior get shifted there so every elite will be in their own lane doing their own thing like Reaper became Full Power build.


    Hahaha naw u dont get it, this is Anet so warrior would just end up with one support spec viable or not pending and the heal build it has now while other builds like now will be left as garbage. It's like u havent seen how anet works, or doesnt lol

  5. > @"MatyrGustav.6210" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"MatyrGustav.6210" said:

    > > > > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > > > > I think ele will lose 2 attunements, but gain weapon swap.

    > > > >

    > > > > Warrior will be staff and midrange heal/support.

    > > >

    > > > The idea of Ele losing two atunments and gaining weapon swap is very interesting since its like specializing. You would have access to like 10 of one type, and 10 of another instead of like 5, 5, 5, 5. I'd be happy with this.

    > > >

    > > > Im really feeling warrior will get a healing support spec, but maybe since its Warrior there will be a small aspect of offense to Empower your healing, or have an adrenalin Aoe heal with a Bo Staff weapon.

    > >

    > > Yes warrior having now 2 of it's most viable builds being heal/support build would truly add to the warrior aesthetic that all warrior mains love lol


    > Lol. Is there no good dps builds for spellbreaker? Does everyone us it for support?

    > Dont really know what else to give Warrior besides maybe shortbow / Dual Pistol and have its traits compliment ranged fighting in general.


    > I feel like since berzerker exists i dont really see anet adding another melee powerhouse unless it has some supporty role.


    > Hey maybe its a ranged spec for warrior, could be a pirate like dual pistol spec.


    The only build viable in pvp right now is a heal support build as the rest of the builds were nuked to hard. Now imagine if warrior got a actual heal/support spec.

    I dont consider pve cuz after 3 or so years u can do any content naked with a lv 80 weapon on any build lol

  6. > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

    > > Ele staff is actually one of the best designed and balanced weapons. Its just fallen very far behind after 8 years of power creep.


    > You do realise by saying that it has fallen very far behind after 8 years, is that Staff is not balanced.


    Nope, just like warrior it's at a good balance, u guys will have to wait out the many many years of unguaranteed nerfs to the roster until all other weapons get nerfed to ele staff levels of crap.

    I laugh everytime we talk about how ok it is on classes we dont play that their perceived bad state is only due to the op state of others and will be fine once the others are nerfed to their level, if it ever happens. But when our class is in the same situation it's not ok and we need buffs lol. Truth it with the frequency that anet makes significant balance changes I'd be far more healthy for the few "balanced classes and weapon skills be buffed to compete with current roster as it would be far less work and a higher probability than properly nerfing most the roster. If anet balanced often than the whole leave it unviable till the nerf on other classes hit would make sense but with anets current frequency it does not.

  7. Well considering warriors current meta build is a heal support build ima gonna say no, warrior doesn't really need 2 heal/support builds but what it does need are builds that again make the class feel like it's a warrior class and maybe a espec that does the same, just my opinion.

  8. > @"MatyrGustav.6210" said:

    > > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

    > > I think ele will lose 2 attunements, but gain weapon swap.

    > >

    > > Warrior will be staff and midrange heal/support.


    > The idea of Ele losing two atunments and gaining weapon swap is very interesting since its like specializing. You would have access to like 10 of one type, and 10 of another instead of like 5, 5, 5, 5. I'd be happy with this.


    > Im really feeling warrior will get a healing support spec, but maybe since its Warrior there will be a small aspect of offense to Empower your healing, or have an adrenalin Aoe heal with a Bo Staff weapon.


    Yes warrior having now 2 of it's most viable builds being heal/support build would truly add to the warrior aesthetic that all warrior mains love lol

  9. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > Cmc stated in a stream that they are unfortunately there to stay do to the effort required to change them. Clear indicator that the current anet devs do not have the resources for a game the size of gw2.

    > > >

    > > > I keep hearing this about various facets of the Feb update. Anet made half baked work, that shattered a stable game mode, and now does not have the time to fix it. Am I supposed to give them credit for lack of planning, lack of vision or lack of knowledge?

    > >

    > > Nope! U just gotta accept the realization and reality of what support or lack there of anet has given to this game in the last couple yrs and the fact it only has gotten less over time. Regardless of the upcoming expect the future of this game is not bright unless some major things change within the company, of course if ur happy with the mediocre pve content/bread crumbs that have been recent additions than game future is promising indeed.


    > I understand that, but if Anet already knew this is the case, pre Feb sPvP was in relatively stable state, and would have shrugged along fine with minor updates. Why kitten with all sPvP systems, do an incomplete job then claim you do not have the resources to fix it? This is not only a lack of support issue, it is mianly lack of vision and competence.


    True! But there were constant pressure from the community for a lot a big changes, some needed. Evaluating each class and changing what's needed within each one would require the effort and resources of a adequate sized team which anet no longer has, unlike most other popular mmo's. So the only way for anet to achieve such a large impactful patch with the least amount of effort or resources would be to do as they did, a large thoughtless and lazy blanket damage reduction across all classes. Most vets understood why some players complained about some classes having to small of a ttk ratio but could easily see how destructive a blanket patch like the feb patch would actually be to the game as a whole. Vets also easily should of known how likely anet would adhere to their post patch plans, I knew thos exact situation was likely to happen and am not surprised at all. As much as the community wants to pretend things are fine due to the content still being produced for pve, if u actually look at the mediocre content released over the last couple years its obvious the company is struggling. There wasn't even soposed to be a expac but now their rushing one as a last ditch effort. Not sure made the decision over the last few years to hualt development and fixes to the vast content they've already produced and or abandoned. Honestly anet needs as much as a restructuring as the game does.

  10. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Cmc stated in a stream that they are unfortunately there to stay do to the effort required to change them. Clear indicator that the current anet devs do not have the resources for a game the size of gw2.


    > I keep hearing this about various facets of the Feb update. Anet made half baked work, that shattered a stable game mode, and now does not have the time to fix it. Am I supposed to give them credit for lack of planning, lack of vision or lack of knowledge?


    Nope! U just gotta accept the realization and reality of what support or lack there of anet has given to this game in the last couple yrs and the fact it only has gotten less over time. Regardless of the upcoming expect the future of this game is not bright unless some major things change within the company, of course if ur happy with the mediocre pve content/bread crumbs that have been recent additions than game future is promising indeed.

  11. > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > Fc is definitely op, especially when u see the obvious visual tell and u simply dont attack the warrior, very hard counter play and completely makes evey fight for warrior a easy win

    > >

    > > Straw to counter straw: Warrior that have a bit of brain will notice that lingering AoE field that deals damage and willingly go inside of it to trigger FC. I'm pretty sure it must be the most difficult thing to find some random AoE that will deal some pepe damage in this gamemode that is about holding circular points. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    > > P.S. Have they fixed that permanent FC animation bug yet?

    > The animation bug would not be fixed cause it is a bug from start of the game, since FC is Protectors strike with different color particles on the animation , so yeah oof.


    Unfortunately the animation bug can not be fixed due to our ability to only adjust numbers, unfortunately due to the effort needed to fix bug......

  12. Lmao thank you for proving how useless forum q's are regarding how the classes should be balanced.

    Here's of the list of true reasons 99% of nerf threads are created.

    1- got owned by said class/classes.

    2-dislike said nerf classes and have no intention of playing them and or learning how to fight them.

    3- said classes have a few skills they wish were on their class which means in any case those skills are OP.

    4- class counters their class, so not fair right?

    Lesson over.

  13. > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Fc is definitely op, especially when u see the obvious visual tell and u simply dont attack the warrior, very hard counter play and completely makes evey fight for warrior a easy win


    > Straw to counter straw: Warrior that have a bit of brain will notice that lingering AoE field that deals damage and willingly go inside of it to trigger FC. I'm pretty sure it must be the most difficult thing to find some random AoE that will deal some pepe damage in this gamemode that is about holding circular points. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    > P.S. Have they fixed that permanent FC animation bug yet?


    Theres a difference here which is I never made any comments regarding ele or any of its skills, why are u bringing ele up in response to my comment? I made no comparison and in fact my only statement made was towards the idea of fc being OP. Is this another thread regarding warrior as a subject that AGAIN got railroaded into a discussion concerning ele? Why would anyone compare warrior to ele in any way, and them being completely different archetypes from one another what relevance is there in comparing the skills between the two? Sometimes 2 classes have a similar skill or even mechanics but doesn't mean both should be balanced so the both do the exact same damage or whatever as u have to look at the 2 classes as a whole and how those things fit into each class. This idea of comparing to completely different classes and any similar skills they may share is a very bad way to decide how a skill or mechanic should be balanced as both require individual consideration, this is why the dev team should never let balance qq's influence balance decisions.

  14. I say gw2 is dead or dying because the pvp population is way lower than previously and the pve content quality and frequency of patches/changes/balance over last 2 yrs feels like their being produced by a team quarter the size of other mmo's. Pve areas are still very populated, atleast few months back when I logged in. For a new player there's a incredible amount of content to experience and explore.

  15. Lmao I love this communities mentality. Seriously! The thread is about op's opinion on the current state of WARRIOR not ele so what in the f....... does any of what op's thread have to do with ele and it's current state? Absolutely nothing so.... if u want to make a thread regarding ele do so ffs, every thread someone posts about the state of the clsss they play players of other classes almost always railroad the thread to complain about the state their prefered class is in, it's funny but annoying.

  16. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > Would not the title make more sense that GW2 sPvP is bad? And it is not bad on its face value. Pre Feb infamous patch, it was pretty good. And conquest does work well. After the Feb patch it still is not bad, but for someone like me who played the game for years, post Feb it is vastly inferior to what it was before.


    Yeah they done messed up

  17. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > > > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > > > > stealth destroys any guild fighting. Both groups try to outstealth each other and the side which pulls it off, wins. This results in up to 10min of both groups moving around, retreating whenever the other side stealths up.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > This is beyond stupid.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Anet, remove stealth from wvw. It is toxic, it makes the game more boring. It has no reason to exist and no valid defense to keep it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You've been asking this for 7 years. Aren't you bored yet?

    > > > >

    > > > > 100% this^ seriously except that even though u don't like it others do and it's always been part of the game and isnt going to see any significant changes after 8+ years, seriously.

    > > >

    > > > since I am playing for less than 5, I can't ask for it for 7.

    > > >

    > > > That said, so far I haven't seen any reason to keep stealth.

    > >

    > > The last sentence totally disregards the fact that a lot of people like stealth gameplay and a lot learned to play against it which tells me ur mentality. Instead of spending time on this forum talking nonsense use that time to improve at the game, just a helpful tip for ya :)


    > I play a lot, and a lot of talk in game is 'this stealth kitten is so boring'. Or 'I wish stealth was gone, this stealth/restealth dance is annoying'.


    > It has nothing to do with 'improve at the game'. Stealth is inherently broken. It punishes people who do nothing wrong and rewards players that play the most toxic style.


    > Stealth must go away. There is no way to fix it,




    Naw u just need to accept that its here to stay and that a lot of people DO enjoy it, what's boring is the constant whining about the same mechanic for years on end expecting anything to change cuz THEY dont like the mechanic disregarding other playstyles that other people Do like just cuz they dont. Go play a mmo without stealth if u have a problem with it, it's part of the game accept it, U are the one with the prob not gw2 for having stealth :)

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