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Posts posted by BlackTruth.6813

  1. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > You have stealth/z-axis teleports and portal plays to get out of danger. Logically, it should still be playable because Mirage DOES damage even with a 0.75 cloak. The complaint is, when Mirage gets nerfed Mesmer gets nerfed, so why not just target Mirage mechanics instead of Mesmer mechanics.

    > >

    > > But fine how about this, Mirage cloak prevents capturing a point. Sounds fair.


    > No one runs portal anymore.


    That doesn't mean it's useless and garbage.

  2. You have stealth/z-axis teleports and portal plays to get out of danger. Logically, it should still be playable because Mirage DOES damage even with a 0.75 cloak. The complaint is, when Mirage gets nerfed Mesmer gets nerfed, so why not just target Mirage mechanics instead of Mesmer mechanics.


    But fine how about this, Mirage cloak prevents capturing a point. Sounds fair.

  3. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > > @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

    > > > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > > > Are you kidding? We warriors need more CC now that every class got tons of stability and stun breakers with the PoF and HoT expansions.

    > > > > There are classes that get 10+ stacks of stability with duration of 11+ sec.

    > > >

    > > > No they don't need more CC, especially coupled with the damage they can inflict. Infact rampage should see the damage nerfed, or 1-2 cc removed but keeping the damage. Warrior has enough CC already, and the fact that you bring up 10+ stacks stab to support your claim, which we know there's only one classes that can reliably do that, is an indication of how much that should not exist. No more CC, no more 5+ stacks of stability for noone on any given class. It is time to start nerfing everything in this game, since it's already out of control damage, cc, sustain, boons wise.

    > >

    > > * Sword = 0 CC

    > > * Great Sword = 0 CC

    > > * Axe = 0 CC

    > > * Long bow = 0 CC

    > > * War horn = 0 CC

    > > * Rifle = 1 CC (130 melee range constrain)

    > > * Dagger = 1 CC (only 1 target)

    > > * Shield = 1 CC (only 1 target)

    > > * Mace = 2 CC (only 1 target) (3 CC if equip 2 maces)

    > > * Hammer 3 CC (3 targets average)

    > >

    > > The only combination that gives max CC is Mace + Shield and hammer with 6 CC; and the CC are melee restricted. That build makes the warrior the SLOWEST class in GW2 and even the necro can kite the warrior with that build while dealing damage with AoE.

    > >

    > > The truth is, warrior CC got heavily rekt by the HoT and PoF expansions. Try playing with that build I gave you and tell me if you manage to stun a mirrage or a thief or a ranger or any class!


    > Come on don't you forget that warrior have utilities that also CC? _"Fear me!", Kick, bull's charge, stomp, staggering banner, rampage, wild blow, headbutt, fullcounter._


    You don't. Use that. Over. Endure Pain. Zerker stance. Signet of Might. Etc. Or. You. Will. Get. Bursted. Blind spammed. Block spammed. To death.


    Talking about 7-8-9 skills.

  4. > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > > @"kappa.2036" said:

    > > > > > The ability to dodge crucial attacks at the right time has always distinguished good players from bad players.

    > > > > > Dodging is - in fact- a real invulnerability if used at the right time, and is accessible to all classes. In this regard, there are specific effects that prevent dodge, like immobilize, fear and other control effects: all these factors have always balanced the fight in guild wars 2.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Unfortunately, the mirage ability called "mirage cloak" eludes everything I mentioned before. In fact, this ability allows the mirage not only to not worry about being knocked on the ground or immobilized, but also to use his skills while evading attacks.

    > > > >

    > > > > IF you mean while evading- is able to attack this is true.

    > > > > If you mean while stunned- able to attack- this is false.

    > > > >

    > > > > > We need mechanics that promote good and healthy gameplay, and THIS should be against your combat philosophy, Anet...

    > > > > You do for one you do for all-

    > > > > how about this.

    > > > > Any skill not labeled as a stunbreak is unable to be used while controlled by stun, knockdown, knockback, pull, push, float, launch, or daze.

    > > > > This means no more steal while CC'd

    > > > > No more controlling your pet while CC'd

    > > > > No more switching attunements while CC'd

    > > > > No more inflitrators return while CC'd

    > > > > Etc.

    > > > > Because this would be against the combat philosophy anet never shared.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > I'll take it. Being able to use zerker stance on warrior while stunned is and was always kinda stupid anyways. Warror should be using it offensively but here's the catch I don't know if this logic can apply to any other class. Maybe just by "nerfing" the evade spam and make it easier to punish by making it 80% of what it was will be enough.

    > > >

    > > Honestly you don't evade any more or less than other classes.

    > > Still has less evasion than a thief.

    > > and almost the lowest vigor uptime thanks to all the nerfs.

    > > What's honestly the biggest grip for people has been the ability to dodge while CC'd and I don't blame them, but other classes have effects while CC'd as well.

    > > *Lets just nerf them all*

    > > If that is really the issue, then nerf the issue for everyone.

    > > No need to be biased right?

    > > > Also, you're saying you can't shatter while you're stunned? Honest question.

    > >

    > > You can shatter while stunned. You have been able to do that since launch IIRC.

    > >

    > > Which is why I can't figure out what the "combat philosophy" that people keep harping about is, when every class has something they can use while CC'd.

    > >


    > Other classes do have effects while CC'd as well, effects that are triggered by a CC, but not nearly on the same degree of frequency in which Mirage can Mirage Cloak while CC'd. I'd agree with your logic if that were not the case.


    Yes definitely. I agree with this. KEYWORD is FREQUENCY and EFFECTIVENESS.


    We can have a civil discussion but DO NOT DEFLECT to a lesser sin if your sin is a lot graver.

  5. > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > Title of this topic should be: "101 ways to powercreep a class that is already powercreeped".

    > The only thing I could agree on would be "Throw Bolas" buff, everything else you ask for is pure powercreep wish.

    > I've wrote it many times already, Warrior doesn't need any kind of buffs, never. It does need a bug fixes here and there.

    > Instead of asking for buffs (that will increase overall powercreep), think how to balance game properly by tuning down everything on every single class to the pre-HoT level of "power".


    I agree that pre-HoT 2015 is the best era, but those days are not coming back. ANET is not going to release a "classic GW2" expansion nor do they actually listen to people who think pre-HoT should be the best balancing point. Let alone know how to balance around pre-HoT level because history has shown really negative things about ANETs decisions.


    A new standard will have to happen, and having core specs being balanced with elite specs doesn't sound too bad right now if ANET will not be bringing back 2015 pre-HoT.

  6. -Z-axis teleport (meaning disgusting disengage/rotation potential)

    -Evade Spam and can bait your cds while doing so. Evades are UNCOUNTABLE or UNPUNISHABLE borderline if played right.

    -Stealth disengage is intensely good for disengages and decap mind games

    -Okay damage even with celestial amulet, so it can actually tank hits too with Prismatic Understanding. Actually it won't even need the Chaos line to survive either. But like -You could use w/e amulet you want. Hell you could probably have no amulet and be fine just because of how hard your evade tilts casuals.


    I'm sorry one of it has to go. I don't mind that it does damage personally, more damage is great for the game.

  7. Yeah but apparently shiro "super speed" and "GS" being too good for rotations and trading cds, ultimately a culprit of pidgeonholing, means I don't know what I'm talking about.


    You need mobility in sPvP to get to fights quickly, if that's not pidgeonholed, then I don't know what is XD

  8. > @"Bashi.8902" said:

    > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > Herald is broken cause of that defiant stance heal. Renegade is just so bad because it has no invulns. Super speed is nice on all the rev specs because it helps them rotate, but they are legit pidgeon holed into Shiro, much like how Warrior is pidgeonholed into GS because there is just so much evades in the game you have to be an evade spammer yourself.


    > You literally have no idea what you are talking about.


    Wanna tell me where I screwed up? Honest question. Still waiting. But I guess I don't know what I'm talking about without pointing evidence is the new norm.

  9. Herald is broken cause of that defiant stance heal. Renegade is just so bad because it has no invulns like the defiant stance heal so it is hard to go "all-in" on it. Super speed is nice on all the rev specs because it helps them rotate, but they are legit pidgeon holed into Shiro, much like how Warrior is pidgeonholed into GS because there is just so much evades in the game you have to be an evade spammer yourself.

  10. > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > @"kappa.2036" said:

    > > The ability to dodge crucial attacks at the right time has always distinguished good players from bad players.

    > > Dodging is - in fact- a real invulnerability if used at the right time, and is accessible to all classes. In this regard, there are specific effects that prevent dodge, like immobilize, fear and other control effects: all these factors have always balanced the fight in guild wars 2.

    > >

    > > Unfortunately, the mirage ability called "mirage cloak" eludes everything I mentioned before. In fact, this ability allows the mirage not only to not worry about being knocked on the ground or immobilized, but also to use his skills while evading attacks.


    > IF you mean while evading- is able to attack this is true.

    > If you mean while stunned- able to attack- this is false.


    > > We need mechanics that promote good and healthy gameplay, and THIS should be against your combat philosophy, Anet...

    > You do for one you do for all-

    > how about this.

    > Any skill not labeled as a stunbreak is unable to be used while controlled by stun, knockdown, knockback, pull, push, float, launch, or daze.

    > This means no more steal while CC'd

    > No more controlling your pet while CC'd

    > No more switching attunements while CC'd

    > No more inflitrators return while CC'd

    > Etc.

    > Because this would be against the combat philosophy anet never shared.



    I'll take it. Being able to use zerker stance on warrior while stunned is and was always kinda stupid anyways. Warror should be using it offensively but here's the catch I don't know if this logic can apply to any other class. Maybe just by "nerfing" the evade spam and make it easier to punish by making it 80% of what it was will be enough.


    Also, you're saying you can't shatter while you're stunned? Honest question.

  11. ^Some of these ideas are actually plausible, the problem is 90% of the population can't handle high casting times so inevitably some of it will be vetoed. Basically people will come up with the most pathetic excuses as to why they don't want "triple weapon swap warrior" or "baseline fast hands" or anything that will make stunlock Mace viable. Like Warriors are the most susceptible class to blinds and random aegis due to having low range and some weapon skills having high casting times but as plausible as some of those ideas maybe, it's hard to hope.


    Now that condition and confusion stacking is nerfed, Mace is actually not in a good spot. Berserkers used to be able to stack 8 confusions at a time, but that is so boring and literally the least rewarding feeling ever.



    These combos are what I want to see come back.

  12. There is no more geomancy or hydromancy sigils, why are people still worked up about and are so against baseline fast hands?

    Is it THAT hard for people to stow weapon full counter or just flat out proc and then dodge it? Is it still hard for people in 2019 to count 2-3 dodges and then bait a Warrior cd, rinse and repeat and then kill the Warrior?


    I don't get it. Also, for some reason people don't think "telegraphed skills" is too hard to counter and is having trouble dodging Warriors in 2019.


    And yes elementalist needs a buff, that doesn't mean baseline fast hands will put it out of the meta. But obviously it's better that we don't get d/d ele aids back, it's better to make elementalist into something different and balanced if it's going to be buffed.


    Seriously, name me a build that is going to be OP with baseline fast hands. Go. What build are you going to say? Gunflame? YOU NEED ARMS TO MAKE GUNFLAME WORK IN PVP LOL. You legit have to sacrifice defense to make Gunflame berserker work. That's how bad that build will be even with baseline fast hands.


    Mace + Hammer? Guard and it's elite specs counter that, stability all day = that build is useless.


    Name me a build that will be OP with baseline fast hands. I'm sure you won't even know what you're talking about.

  13. When the game is bad for Warrior's, I would say it's just ANET's hypocrisy.


    When the game is actually in a decent spot right now for Warriors, it's probably because of Rampage, whirling axe, gun flame, is why ANET thinks Warrior gap closers should suck.


    The only thing that I don't think is justified is z-axis teleport. That's it, Warrior gap closers can stay as is but ledge teleporting in general has to go. I don't like the "it's limiting gameplay argument" advocating these z-axis teleports cause classes that can do this can already hold their own without it.

  14. Meditations are bad, but like how do you make it so that they're actually more useful than Berserker Stance and Endure Pain? Assuming were talking about PvP that is. The only good meditation is probably the super speed one, but it takes on corrupt and you're gone. Berserker stance at least ensures you're not weaknessed or blind spammed while landing your burst through most corruptions.


    Even Signet of Might is useful because it counters block/reflects. Frenzy is pretty much better than most


    Break enchantments? Why not just play a Necro. Imminent Threat? Why is that a 35 second cool down, it's bad.


    At this point. Scrap meditations, replace with "Conjure" (At this point just recycle the hammer, longbow, etc 1-5 and f1 abilities BUT make it so that it has a "counter" as well, so you can only use skills or auto attacks like 30 times for example) so Warrior can have 3 weapon swaps and rename to something else like "Spellsmith" so we can have a 3 weapon swap class without useless Meditations. Because face it, Spellbreaker is just Warrior with a "block" for a class mechanic. How unoriginal is that? BOON STRIPPING? NECRO DOES BETTER. That's why simply make "Conjure" weapons that can use F1 burst so spellbreaker can have a legitimate identity. Berserker at least has legit more damage with the NEW bursts and kinda makes RIfle work at least cause of gunflame. What kind of lore is spellbreaker? A Warrior that can use magic and can't conjure? Lol very "well designed" and creative, sigh.


    P.S WTB baseline fasthands

  15. Casual players have trouble vs. Mirage because evade spamming while attacking is the most skill-less garbage ever. A casual will probably quit PVP because it's hard to count dodges on a dodge spam class like Mirage or Mesmer for that matter.


    Veteran players abuse/have trouble vs. Mirage because Mirage just has potential insane Map Control, can require 2 people to kill them cause the other team to be outnumbered, and is overall too strong of a class. Why can't this class just be "balanced" in 1v1 and not require ganks to be killed within time? It's the same case as the old d/d ele, most of the time you had to 2v1 it to kill it on a point.


    Invuln/evade spam I think is the root of the problem. Warrior can only defend vs. power OR condition, can't be both. Guardian can die to unblockables. Thief has to be careful of AoEs because of low HP pool. Core grenade Engi has to skill shot. Necro doesn't have a single invulnerability skill. The only other class that's possibly just as obnoxious is probably Ranger, but everything else **you can actually count their cool downs and dodges. ** So it begs to question, why does Mesmer have no legitimate trade-off once "Mesmer mains" grow a brain and stop being entitled? That is probably the root of the problem.


    If for some reason Mirage, or MESMER evades FOR THAT MATTER, become "count-able" instead of praying you hit the mirage giving a sense of RNG, then you balance for the majority. I'll be happy with them gutting z-axis teleports personally, but Mesmer can keep z-axis teleports if the evade spam just gets flat out gutted and they get compensated elsewhere. I don't get why common sense is hard.


    TL;DR Maybe nerf Mirage evades in general (maybe a 20% nerf so a 1 second evade is a 0.8 second evade), and give them a "decent" auto-attack so they take more risk to play. You can keep your z-axis teleport even though that crap is the most broken garbage ever. Once Mirage gets nerfed, we can move on to the next evil and decide if nerfing that is healthy for the game.

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