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Posts posted by BlackTruth.6813

  1. The reason why they nerfed adrenaline is because ANET allowed hambow back in the day to happen when berserker stance first came out. Warrior was really strong when this hambow build back in 2013 was the meta. So their solution was making it so your adrenaline goes down after combat. The problem with this change is that it's a target nerf for long bow F1 and hammer F1, every other adrenaline skill was essentially gutted at that point. A different nerf could've happened tbh (such as healing signet not healing so much and making Warrior heals active instead of passive), but they went with a really stupid change for whatever reason.


    But like it's whatever, I'll be happy if adrenaline goes down after 15 seconds when out of combat, not immediately after combat. Gives you time to rotate in sPvP at least. Seriously who gets hit by Eviscerate nowadays. Full counter already nerfed and dagger F1 isn't even that hard hitting. Arcing slice is strong, sure. But at least it isn't instant cast and it's only really a threat below 50% hp.

  2. I don't know about Defy Pain and Rousing Resillience, it's too pointless to nerf those right now because it's not like you can't use conditions on Endure Pain and it's not like the healing does anything when there is so much damage right now..1000 toughness but no soldier amulet to back it up should still be killable within seconds.


    Passive gameplay like Defy Pain needed to go a long time ago but I don't know if it's the way to go nowadays when the damage pool is high.


    MAYBE shake it off needs to be looked at, but that's a maybe.

  3. The OP is definitely being sarcastic, well.. 97% sure he's trollng. But see here's the catch, if nobody talks about how to "counter warrior" then ANET won't see how badly they designed "open world pvp" for this class. It's so hard to play in open field vs. people who have COMMON SENSE and are actual legit players. I stopped caring about WvW and just focused on sPvP because of how badly designed WvW open world is for Warrior.

  4. Ranger has historically been cancer everytime it's been "viable"


    Early 2013 ranger had quickness res/stomp, evading while doing ridiculous condition damage

    Spirit ranger = conditions and buffs for team mates while spamming evades, there was a point in time where one of the spirit lightning strikes half healthed you and they could wear tanky amulets with NO TRADE OFF

    Druid post-HoT could tank a whole team if played right with that one amulet that got deleted because of druid's scaling with it (was healing power/vit/toughness)


    Soulbeast is almost the same thing as Mirage, aka evading while attacking with AI except replace the phantasm with pet, minus z-axis teleport BUT can actually hold a point if played right even with x1000 damage going on currently.


    Assuming that this is "true" that boonbeast got a slap to the wrist this meta, ANET has a couple of days to do something.


    But yeah, don't pretend for a second that Ranger or any of it's "viable builds" are "high skill cap" and hard. Ranger is one of the easiest classes since launch (attacking with pet/spirits/etc + evading). The only time ranger was reasonably hard to play or anywhere near balanced was pre-HoT 2015.

  5. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > Like c'mon, at least put a cd reduction on banners trait, seriously rampage is already too good to not have. And elite banner would have to be lowered down to 135 second cd to be even worth picking up in sPvP.


    > Just pick your Banner up before it runs out and you'll get 60 seconds off the cooldown. Will be the new micro management for the class.


    Well I'm talking about sPvP, elite banner does need a cd reduction for that to even compete with rampage. Other banners are like w/e, nothing will change in PvE.

  6. Common sense?


    For example, like seriously, if it's too hard to understand why Mirage (evading while attacking and being able to reset a fight with ease compared to other classes) is not balanced then there is a problem. Some of the concepts apply to soulbeast too but at a lesser extent, though in soulbeasts case, the boon application makes them able to trade so easily.




    But yeah, it should be common sense that is through how players see balance. Some people might say "this class beats me it's op." Well sometimes common sense also makes sense in a way that "mirage is the only class that can stealth reset the fight while being able to disengage while attacking" and soulbeast is just so tanky, escapes easy, has decent mobility, it has AI pet, and still deals damage while other classes have actual trade-offs.

  7. Was just putting it out there, incase someone brings it up or maybe ANET will care/glance through. Just don't want ANET to be repeating history is all because MAYBE they have better staff now.


    In team fights, rampage is melee so the amount of AoE blind spam and weakness that gets thrown there is lolz, the same argument applies against it as well.

  8. Seriously, if it's hard to "press 1 button" and counter rampage, then there is a problem. Even casuals should be able to understand how to counter a non-instant cast class in 2019. Rampage becoming a problem is legit bottom percentile skill level problems. Specific circumstances would legit have to happen for rampage to be nerfed like I said (z-axis garbage teleport that isn't really high skill cap and is borderline just gamebreaking privilege).


    Also, for the love of god please do not nerf the damage by too much, if the overall damage is getting nerfed. Because people have complained about the damage pool and some people not realizing that the damage pool currently is VERY IMPORTANT (because it gives you a chance vs. evade spammers, people actually die in a timely manner, and it gives that back and forth feeling for when it counts)

  9. No, what I'm saying is current Warrior and current rampage doesn't need to be touched/nerfed at all IF z-axis isn't getting touched anytime soon. And it depends on the nerf that will happen for other classes. Because from what it looks like, ANET won't really be adjusting classes to the point where rampage "deserves" to be nerfed. The only legit time that I can think off for rampage to be nerfed is when z-axis teleports is finally out of sPvP.


    Rampage doesn't make you "extremely strong" for 10 seconds btw, and Warrior by itself CAN be tolerable if, as you said, other classes get toned down.

  10. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > Until z-axis teleport is nerfed and some compensation happens here and there, Rampage can't be nerfed. That's just being unreasonable.


    > Comapared to how strong elites generally are in this game (with a few outliers), rampage is very strong. Gw2 is a game with weak elites unlike for example overwatch. For many/most builds, having a 4th utility would be stronger than having an elite in this game.


    And it takes a 30 second cd (blink, invuln, blind, stealth, etc) to counter a 72 second elite. Rampage is NECESSARY, it has to be strong as is. Even tho everything else is getting nerfed. It gives core warrior a chance, it gives spell breaker even berserker a chance.


    You're taking away the only Niche Warrior can fill: a DPS that can somewhat hold a point


    I don't mind rampage getting nerfed, but nerf braindead ledge teleports first because THAT in itself is not really balanced, even tho it "creates" an identity.

  11. It depends on what the next big evil will be. Tho I'm wondering if the mirage dodge nerf will be enough in all honesty.


    I'm assuming Soulbeast and Guard are still going to be strong, tho I'm wondering what new evils are going to come out.


    Tho reducing the CD on battle standard would be interesting too, in it's current state there is no point in picking that over rampage. Maybe make it 120 seconds so people might find a way to make it work.


    But otherwise, I'll be happy having no changes if all the other evils get gutted, personally. Maybe a small buff on Arms, I'll be happy too. Nerf to balance was always the answer to make Warrior tolerable to play.

  12. 95% of the people count as casual at this point sadly, can't really call yourself "pro" when you don't participate in cash prize tournaments. And guess what.. we RARELY have that anymore because of the people who released 10 minute point holding specs in HoT.

  13. Don't get me wrong tho, I'm liking the unblockable signet on the power build vs. certain match ups i.e block spammers. I'm actually stacking signet of might too whenever there's a guard on the other team. It's been working decently. ANET just needs to change the 2 minors, they're absolute garbage. Buffing those two reworking them into power/ferocity nodes, personally I'll be happy with that. Tho i'd like to see what change the majority would consider good for Arms to be viable

  14. Actually even just Warrior sprint becoming baseline wouldn't be bad, I think i'll be able to play some Warrior builds without fast hands but without having to sacrifice for rune of the lynx.


    It fits with the class too, Warrior's are supposed to be athletic as well. It's kinda brutal to play without Warrior sprint or any movespeed rune too cause people just run in a straight line and dodge everything without having to press endurance dodge.

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