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Posts posted by BlackTruth.6813

  1. It would be easier to stop caring about rank tbh, rank is disgustingly hollow nowadays since abjured, all the old EU teams, and all the old players who played this game and took it seriously are all gone because of ANET's failure in the past.


    The only thing that matters is whether you win cash prize in tournaments or not, but we don't get tournaments anymore. Just stop letting ranking get to you, it's a hollow accomplishment nowadays, Even getting legend is as empty as it get:. You don't get cash prize, you don't get to put food on the table, that's why @OP stop caring about rank.


    There's no point in getting worked up anymore when ESL dropped the game and still hasn't took it back. It's literally all about having fun at this point and yes new players will mess your game, but it's just easier to accept that ques are RNG and just laugh at people who say that rank matters when it doesn't.

  2. If they can separate bloodlust and deepstrikes for pvp, that would be cool. Arms condi berserker just feels like a pve build. It's like how do you make a berserker build without defense and discipline work even as condi in sPvP? You go Arms discipline zerker, you will get farmed. That's why even arms condi traits aren't that great for condi berserker because defense and disc too good to not have if you wanted a serious berserker build in pvp.


    Ever since the confusion on interrupt was deleted (good riddance, no room for passive condi specs for a healthy game. And same goes for other classes), yeah condi warrior is probably dead in pvp anyways. Arms won't bring that back, but it can at least do something for stunlock/guard break builds.

  3. The 2 minor traits Deep Strikes and Bloodlust are really really bad.


    In sPVP, If I were to do Arms Def Disc for example instead of Str Def Disc on core warrior, I get unblockable signet, 100% crit chance on evsicerate, 100% crit chance rampage juggle combo because of unsuspecting foe, 100% crit chance on a stunned foe (where as good luck trying to actually stunlock someone in this meta).


    Strength already has reckless dodge, lower rampage cool down, higher power gain on might gain, might on crit, lol. Strength line is already much stronger overall, could at least give Arms a niche on Eviscerate/stun builds/vs. guards or any other block classes.


    Deep Strikes should be **precision on fury** seriously Arms stopped being a condition trait line ever since Berserker came out


    Bloodlust should be converted back to https://i.gyazo.com/f3595f5f8e4091b964a5964c90df6696.png

    But this time, instead of 10% more damage vs. bleeding foes, it should be **7% more damage on a for that has a condition or 10% of precision is converted into ferocity**


    **And if that's not enough, probably lower the cool down on the signet of might proc at 50% hp to 16 seconds.** Like c'mon ANET, it's already hard to make stunlock builds and fit arms into anything, a small buff would be great.



  4. Actually renegade might not be so bad if it had invulns, power short bow is nice. But getting touched once is literally half your health it's kinda bad.


    Tho giving it an invuln is probably power creep, there needs to be less stun break spam, z-axis teleport, super speed and invulns in the game tbh, or at least in sPvP.

  5. Sadly, they would have to bring back the logic of pre-HoT 2015 before this happens (The one where you could use fire/air on weapons, and how strong each weapons were, IIRC sigil of energy gave 50% endurance back as well back in the day but I can't remember if it was like that at pre-HoT). I don't know if they even have people who reverse code or are they even willing to bring back an "Expansion" that simulates pre-HoT 2015 that keeps the elite specializations around on a separate server. GW2 viewship was AT IT'S PEAK pre-HoT but I doubt ANET will care.


    Might be easier to simply attempt to balance out the core specs and the elite specs for them, but they legit put themselves in such a bad position already that I doubt the game will get back to it's former glory.


    If there was only a core only league, people would only play Core-guard core-Warrior. Pre-HoT 2015, every class had representation.

  6. It SHOULD have been that way from the beginning. But ANET honestly believes attacking while evading or attacking while anything else is going on is smart, it really isn't.


    The game could've made it big tbh if it was like that FROM THE BEGINNING. And as much as dodges NEED to be pure for a healthy game, it's ANET's game and I DOUBT they will even care to understand this type of logic.

  7. Ventari tablet 8 skill can heal for 5ks in pvp, but bunker revenant doesn't even protect vs. burst in the first place. Doesn't give team aegis, reliable stability, isn't very good at condi cleanse either. Only saving grace is probably dwarf ultimate which gives 50% mitigation vs. power and condition damage. But all in all, it literally it dies to chain CCs. So yeah, your best bet is Guardian/Firebrand because they actually help your team through chain CCs and burst damage. Guard is kinda better at cleaning condis too.

  8. Nah, I don't believe Warrior has a legitimate "favorable" match up, all classes have a way to deal with Warrior lol. What I mean is, it felt like you did legit things to be in control and put yourself ahead. If it had clips where you had to be the one to react on an uphill battle tho (where the guy forced you to mess up and you escape/comeback), would be cool too.


    Stow mind games tho, say you use dagger F1 and cancel with weapon switch, the guy dodges for nothing. You saved adrenaline, you baited a dodge, and a semi-free GS F1 right there lol. That's a basic example of a good deal.

  9. All in all tho, not bad. Bunkering on a point as a Warrior is actually legitimate. Using bulls charge to escape/rotate is always a good thing too. Some of the plays and decision making are actually convincing even tho it's a lot of winning battles in the video.


    Pretty much at a point where the only thing he has to master is stow weapon/weapon switch cancel certain animations like with dagger f1 for example (to conserve adrenaline vs detarget/stealth or. people who have insane reaction time) for mind games dodge baits. People DO react to the telegraphed animations after all and stow is really insane once you get into it.

  10. In this sPvP meta, if you build it right Warrior has more escapes/mobility too. More burst mitigation, block-break, more damage. Probably can stand on a point better as Zerker amulet too if you play Rampage right.(Hint: Spellbreaker sucks/mediocre and Berserker around the same)


    In the past Guard was so much more obnoxious to fight against and was easier to play overall, but now they're both comparable.

  11. Damage is fine right now, it HAS to be high because there is so many evades. Just a small shave should reach balance. More damage gives people a reasonable chance vs. spamming defensive mechanics and spamming evades. This meta is a lot better than HoT release, and that's a good thing that there's more damage because there's more back and forth.


    I'll make it easier to understand actually, if it is REASONABLY becoming more reasonable to count people's defensive cds and evades (with the exception of Mirage), then the meta is becoming better.


    In a tanky meta, the team who 3 caps first wins, people SHOULD NOT die within 1 minute MINIMUM, THAT's boring and pointless. Obviously the best meta was pre-HoT 2015, just need a few more changes and it'll be close to there.

  12. All of the meditations are just flat out useless, you're not using featherfoot over zerker stance because it will mess up your burst combo if that gets corrupted. The pulsing resistance is VERY helpful vs. blind spam and weakness. And boon stripping? That's a necros job, this is why just flat out scrap everything and turn it into conjure or kit and rename the spec to Spellsmith because "Spellbreaker" such a lazy designed spec. It's not a REAL anti-mage or "mage" warrior if that's what ANET was trying to do.

  13. ^And "anarchy," or leaving things as is, isn't a real thing either and those "options" are too hard over actual legitimate builds. The reason why the meta exists is because people widely accept certain things as valuable over the other. There is a common ground and people simply agree that kick, stomp, and bolas are useless in sPvP because it is COMMON SENSE that without berserker stance or shake it off for example, you will get blind spammed to death. Warrior is a class that is easily blind spammed and block spammed to death. This is why it should be common sense that kick, stomp, and bolas are bad.


    If you are so scared of change, then all the builds in the meta will just go full damage and do damage.


    TL;DR If you want to win, you don't use kick stomp and bolas OVER zerker stance, shake it off, signet of might, endure pain, etc. I would like to "see" you use CC Warrior builds on actual good players and see how hard it is.


    ANET creates the meta AND in turn affects "common sense" in gw2 logic, not the players "fault" for the meta. Why? It isn't the player's fault there is so many evades and stability in the game right now compared to what it was during launch that CC builds are effectively pointless over builds that can flat out kill without needing much CC.



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