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Posts posted by BlackTruth.6813

  1. To be fair, you SHOULD use kill shot but only to bait out a dodge and make people overthink. Normal F1 has mind game potental.


    I.E Stow weapon or switch weapon cancel the animation so you don't waste adrenaline


    I can't see myself playing Rifle without Arms either, really want that 100% crit rate incase they overtihnk and don't dodge.

  2. Warrior is balanced, at least in sPvP. Once you know how z-axis and stealth and resets works, Warrior is the least of your problems


    They don't need to be "pitied" upon but they are CERTAINLY the most balanced class of all time minus the hambow era. If you noticed, everytime Mirage and Rangers complain about Warrior, you can tell that they are already bad because those classes can fight Warrior easy because of evade spamming while doing damage baiting evades and cds with no real effort. If people are losing to a Warrior when they have z-axis and evade spam and complaining about it, they're just borderline being entitled tbh.


    Yes Rampage is strong once you run out of dodges, yes a lot of Warrior skills hit hard once you run out of stun breaks, but baiting those cds and dodges vs. good players in the first place is hard because assuming you don't need to fight for a point yet, you can just run in straight line and dodge every TELEGRAPHED cc warrior has. If you dodge a Warrior's attacks, you successfully dodged something, not like Mesmer shatter where you can LEGIT dodge for nothing because it's instant cast and you can't tell if the Mesmer will shatter or not. We can't have Warrior getting nerfed because people did not want to honestly improve vs. an already honest class.


    Hell, hypothetically, if someone finds out a new Warrior meta right now and it's actually OP, I won't defend it. Not like Mesmer/Ranger mains do with their already privileged class.


    Once you fix your build and get used to the game (aegis spam/block spam/evade spam/blind spam/z-axis teleport) you will realize that Warrior NEEDS that high damage because ANET doesn't want to give Warrior cool things like 3 weapon swaps (And they would still be balanced even if they did have 3 weapons).


    Elementalist Fresh Air would be okay too BUT the problem is bunkers hard counter it. A more damage oriented meta actually might allow Fresh Air to be decent, but having FB/scrapper AND power builds viable feels like a good change.

  3. I remember SO MANY people asking for the quickness nerf, but Warrior needed 100% quickness back in the day. Really stupid, ANET nerfed Quickness and didn't compensate Warrior. Obviously Warrior was gutted for a while because of people having absolute garbage things to say and blindly listening to people who are just flat out lacking.


    ANET does listen to people, but most of the time they listen to the wrong ones.

  4. Because axe chop is NOT instant cast, that means you need to improve your reaction time

    Because axe chop isn't untargettable phantasms or Ranger auto-attack

    Because Eviscerate has obvious tells

    Because Warrior can't teleport to ledges

    Because you could literally run in a straight line while fighting back and chop does no damage

    Because Warrior CC has HIGH CASTING TIMES that you can walk in straight line while baiting Warrior dodges and stun breaks

    And because Warrior can't simply instant cast while evading or bait dodge while evading like obnoxious rangers and mesmers


    P.S This game is ABOUT trading cds and dodges. Effective HP is garbage (Adrenal Health + Heavy armor toughness + HP), look at how easily scrapper gets bursted vs. coordinated people. If you're having trouble bursting a Warrior down, your build isn't good enough at baiting stun breaks and dodges (because Warrior cds are the easiest to bait out in the game) OR you are not good enough yet and need to improve.


    They HAVE to have high honest damage. Give it time and you will get used to them. Though, there is one skill that nobody has caught upon yet that is actually really strong in sPvP though if you figure out how to deal with retal.


    I agree that Warrior is much stronger in sPvP than in WvW and depending on the Warrior skill level they actually can be okay, but see here's the thing Warrior is at a point where only a damage nerf will be fine if they were objectively OP.


    TL;DR LEGIT learn how dodge count and defensive cds work and you will see that Warrior is the least of your worries when other classes can be a lot worse even though Warrior has so much damage right now if played right. And it's OKAY to lose point for a bit so you can ACTUALLY win the fight in sPvP.

  5. Bunkers will probably need a shave (Scrapper, FB, etc), if anything. Not gutted, More damage is healthier for the game after all, but at least were not fighting obnoxious evade spamming while attacking with AI classes as much as before anymore.


    A meta with both Bunkers and power builds dominant is probably the best meta and is somewhat close to pre-HoT 2015.

  6. "The only thing that counters thief is defensive build"


    Are you kidding me, you think cleave doesn't counter thief in sPvP for example or when a Thief's team mates are getting cleaved? This class can't attack while evading like mesmer does once dagger storm goes on cd. Thief has legitimate openings near the end of MOST of their dodges. And if you build pistol whip you die to retal. What. The. Hypocrisy. Mesmer is A LOT more anti-fun be it WvW or sPvP. Legit anti-fun since the beginning of the game.


    Mesmers and their "first world problems" are getting obnoxious. If we listen to your "nerf everything but Mesmer" or "Mesmer is absolute garbage" rhetoric, the game will not improve.


    And of course he doesn't say that Mesmer contributes to the "real problems" of the game because it's just bias. It's as if Mesmer doesn't have obnoxious mechanics such as phantasms, specifically GS4, which also contributes to some anti-fun mechanics to the game. Literally untargetable AI that baits dodges and plays the game for itself COMBINED WITH evading while attacking plus z-axis teleports. You ACTUALLY believe, revenant and thief are the only cancers in the game? Think again because there are badly designed mechanics from your class as well and can potentially be worse than what revenant and thief does.


    Because at least revenant has builds that are actually hard to control (dwarf/ventari bunker for example), and Thief has legitimate counters. Mesmer is a class that spams evades while attacking no matter how you build it.

  7. Mesmer sadly needs to be UP to be "balanced"


    Everytime Mesmer was "viable" according to Mesmer mains, people start hating GW2 and on one hand ESL dropped it and never took it back (chrono bunker)


    This game was at it's prime when Mesmer was apparently "UP" during pre-HoT 2015, that is the sad reality.


    Right now though I think it's pretty close to being okay. All classes should be okay vs.. Mesmers now even though they will still be realistically too obnoxious for a Warrior to fight assuming that the Mesmer isn't entitled and actually understands how instant cast and evade spam works. (z-axis teleport, spamming evades while attaacking not allowing an non-instant cast class to counterpressure if played right, instant cast "hard" shatters) The fundamental playstyle of Mesmer should still be viable really because it's an obnoxiously designed fraudulent class.

  8. > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > It is strong though in WvW, I will say that it's actually not bad if you're in a zerg and they don't focus you too much or you catch someone offguard with an unblockable gunflame


    > I main Gunflame on WSR and I often do more damage than Weavers and Heralds. Double Gunflame and Volley with unblockable > Arc Divider downs. Its meta if played well.


    It's great to know you're doing well with the berserker heal and unblockable


    I actually like to play gunflame with Arms/Disc/Zerk with rampage so I can at least have some survivability using unblockables.


    I like to use signet of fury too, it feeels awkward without signet of fury imo

  9. You know what else I would be happy with as well?


    "When you enter berserker mode, add 4-5 seconds of unblockable to attacks" - make it a grandmaster trait even, idc. Though it will still be ridiculously big trade-off for eternal champion as well.


    So much for a "berserker" which is supposed to be attack heavy but gets trolled by aegis/block spam and is forced to use signet of might from time to time, sacrificing defense, so the F1s are actually significant.

  10. Not really, you can have a balanced game and still have diverse builds, identity and etc. Clearly you never played in pre-HoT 2015, they could've made elite specs legitimate horizontal progression and people would still be playing.


    And since you're saying "people will quit if the balance is good," want to account for the people who quit/charged back when they say how bad HoT was?


    Seriously that type of logic makes you a suck-up, and if you were the only type of people around the airplane probably would not have been invented.

  11. They could have just made Banners into a "kit"


    ANET has the power to do interesting things for Warrior but they don't want to. And it would still be balanced so long as it isn't invuln spam and somewhere around effective hp.

  12. > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > It is strong though in WvW, I will say that it's actually not bad if you're in a zerg and they don't focus you too much or you catch someone offguard with an unblockable gunflame


    > Firebrands and tempests say hi. With current defensive support in WvW, it is unpractical to use rifle warrior imo. For small scale fights, it can somehow work, but you are better off taking hammer revenant.


    And here's why Berserker has ridiculous trade-offs, you're actually forced to use signet of might vs. those comps or gunflame doesn't do anything. Then the rest depends on your own realm.'s zergs


    The moment you use signet of might, you lose a slot of endure pain/shake it off/etc.


    Really wish ANET would re-evaluate their design of this spec tbh it has potential but it needs help from ANET

  13. If the Berserker uses blood reckoning, just go for him. But basically that's what I mean by adrenaline issues, Berserker has to sacrifice so much defense just to do what legit happened there.


    I bet he's using Arms + Discipline too. Intelligence sigils could be fine but then you're predictably using gunflame twice that way,

  14. Bunker meta (post-HoT) killed e-sports


    Balanced meta showed e-sports potential (pre-HoT 2015)


    But right now since ANET added too many obnoxious defensive mechanics, there BETTER be more damage. So obviously the best meta right now better be high power critical builds so bunkers don't give people cancer by being undecappable for 15 minutes and there is actual back and forth games.


    More damage = evade spammers are actually a little bit more tolerable.

    More damage = dodging ACTUALLY feels rewarding

    More damage = maybe your game has a chance of people taking it seriously again

  15. > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > That's why scrapper's condition cleanse should stay and force people to play an honest power meta, that's a lot better than last season,


    > Yeah I don't know how many Scrappers will be running Purge Gyro because without a second stunbreak and second stability it can be rough. You can't assume the enemy Scrapper will be invulnerable to conditions.


    > Scrapper can be either anti-condi or survive vs. CC reliably. No EU Scrappers seem to favor condi removal I've noticed too


    I'm okay with cleanse condis on granting protection (specifically the gyro heal toolbelt) not getting touched either. That gyro heal F1 and elixir gun is enough vs. conditions and forcing people to play an honest meta.

  16. I like that scrapper makes the game honest and forces people to play power builds, but like there is legit no point in playing condition builds vs. one.


    It does objectively lower build variety in a sense, and strangely I'm fine with it.


    Another thing is that effective HP < invulns so Scrapper is actually a lot less evil than Mirage from last patch.


    Sure you can say "burst damage" counters scrapper, but what is to stop a Scrapper from using toolkit shield, sanctuary runes, and elixir X to mitigate power burst? With "cleanse conditions on protection" on the toolbelt gyro heal and elixir gun cleanse, you don't lose much by only having bulwark gyro. Literally if you think you're going to get bursted just pop the stability from bulwark gyro toolbelt or pop elixir X before hand and they waste time on you even as power. Getting tornado is ACTUALLY good right now (because wells work while the elixir is going off so you virtually can be tanky and useful even if you get RNG tornado'd) if you're a scrapper because vs. certain match ups you can full cap them and they'll never get the point back from you.


    Don't get me wrong, **scrapper perpetuates a greater good** but it is still too strong and NEEDS a small shave. Not something big like 0.25 seconds off mirage dodge.


    Let's start with the barrier passive on it's trait line, that might be good enough. Or maybe a cd increase on some of the gyros too. A small change on those will make the complaining stop and we'll actually have an okay meta.



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