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Posts posted by BlackTruth.6813

  1. Don't get me wrong though, Arc Divider, Gunflame and Decapitate can be VERY NICE if you can figure out how to put unblockables (arms plus the 100% crit chance on burst), burst through blind spam/weakness spam, ACTUALLY LAND your F1s, and have some sustain in your build. The problem is you legit sacrifice adrenaline gain (Signet of fury, berserker heal, 100% crit chance on burst) or you have to sacrifice sustain.


    Condi zerker might be okay but okay is garbage, in the sPvP meta you need DAMAGE to push someone out. Using the old skull grinder build doesn't push people out fast enough, and right now scrapper hard counters conditions.


    Berserker stance is nice to have, sure, but it doesn't ensure that you will have enough adrenaline.


    If new F1s is gonna be the "selling point" of berserker then do something to encourage people to use them. I really doubt they care to do something like 2 adrenaline wihle in berserker mode though.


    I would prefer that they don't add any "defensive" mechanics to signet of fury or the berserker heal though, just do something HONEST for berserker, don't bother doing crazy stuff.

  2. Berserker would be okay if baseline fast hands was a thing, maybe even baseline Warrior sprint. Or if it had the arms trait where you build adrenaline twice if you crit on ANY weapon. It's kinda brutal trying to play Berserker in PvP because it's VERY adrenaline hungry (you legit can't spec without trading off adrenaline gain for invulns) and skills like gunflame/decapitate needs the 100% crit chance on burst trait to be good.


    Berserker F1s are good but there needs to be changes directed to adrenaline issues, ANET needs to make it a VERY attack based spec tbh.

  3. Here's to hoping they can even program something like that in the first place anyways.


    I like the idea that if people are in a 1v1 they die quick. This suggestion forces the team to match rotations makes it so that a very tanky spec wil eventually be bursted, and that one tanky spec can't just tank 3 people and delay. Not bad phanta, but I wonder if ANET could execute something like this in the first place.

  4. > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > WOW holy so this build has the potential to give your team a pseudo-endure pain (10k effective hp from barrier and transfer damage to gyro, literally revenant dwarf but better), ridiculous team cleanse that converts conditions into boons, could probably even use Elixir X and has a "decent" amount of stability. With the right build you could probably delay a 1v3 and beat most "glass cannon builds"

    > >

    > > For a "bunker" this baits dodges and stun breaks VERY EASILY. Chain CC doesn't counter it, condi bomb doesn't really counter it, burst damage? HELL NO. WTH ANET?

    > >

    > > This looks broken this looks like d/d ele 3.0 but a lot worse. Tried it out once and It actually already feels aids


    > Uh.. pardon me? The barrier only goes on the Engineer. You don't give your teammates barrier in any fashion at all. Maybe wait a little bit before further commentary


    My apologies, I just dove straight into pvp with a couple of matches and didn't bother to read the skill description.


    Tho I still think scrapper will need a shave. Superspeed, healing, synergy with sanctuary runes, barrier, one of those will need to get touched. At least scrapper isn't as bad a Mirage, so a shave should be fine.

  5. WOW holy so this build has the potential to give your team a pseudo-revenant dwarf ulti (damage is redirected to the scrapper), ridiculous team cleanse that converts conditions into boons, could probably even use Elixir X and has a "decent" amount of stability to counter a lot of chain CCs, and a lot of superspeed. With the right build you could probably delay a 1v3 and beat most "glass cannon builds"


    For a "bunker" this baits dodges and stun breaks VERY EASILY. Chain CC doesn't counter it, condi bomb doesn't really counter it, burst damage? HELL NO. WTH ANET?


    This looks broken this looks like d/d ele 3.0 but a lot worse. Tried it out once and It actually already feels aids


    But at least it's not Mesmer/Mirage, so a shave will probably be necessary.


    EDIT: fixed because I didn't bother reading skill descriptions

  6. I'll be happy with combustive shot nerfs getting reversed and Kill Shot being baseline unblockable (You're already rooted and it has a high casting time..)


    But I doubt ANET will even revert nerfs in the first place. Rifle has been and will probably be neglected or ANET just wants Rifle to be hard.

  7. Honest question to the guy who said "Warrior is the main culprit of passive garbage." Have you played Warrior after the Frenzy/Quickness nerf back in 2013 that lacked ANY COMPENSATION? ANET's solution was to make defense tree viable because they didn't want to get rid of instant cast evading while attacking with AI or Pet or z-axis teleports.


    The "free balance stance" and "free endure pain" is not a distortion and YES i wish it wasn't necessary in the first place. But before this happens, guess what else needs to go? Garbage where you can evade while attacking at the same time, and monopolistic garbage like z-axis teleports. No Warrior is not the main culprit of "passive gameplay" they are MORE ACTIVE than other classes even if they use healing signet or defense tree because Warrior is the one class that REQUIRES you to ACTIVELY LAND HIGH CASTING TIMES in an instant cast evade game.


    Defense is NECESSARY right now because there is so much instant cast burst in the game that you have to have passives like that. Defense HAD to become viable because ANET refused to "nerf to balance" in the first place back in 2013. **Reminder that least Warrior endure pain and balance stance is not a distortion and is countable**


    Ranger and Mesmer are more evil than "passive gameplay" I'm sorry but that is the reality. Hell even Guardian is another attacking while evading class along with Herald but they are lesser evils because they don't use A.I. (Reneage uses AI but their AI is AT LEAST COUNTERABLE and doesn't follow you like ranger pet and mesmer phantasms). Hence those "passives" that Warrior has are NECESSARY but you only have ANET to blame for that.


    Better be a class that has "passive endure pain and balance stance" than a class that perpetrates an even more monopolistically evil mechanic: which is attacking while evading while having AI bait dodges with you COUGH RANGER MESMER COUGH.


    EVERY TIME mesmer and ranger is "top class" the game is cancer and has no chance of being taken seriously hence why ESL dropped GW2 during heart of thorns. But when Warrior is "top tier" and Mesmer and Ranger are "underpowered" the game actually had viewership (pre-HoT 2015). Because guess why? Even if Warrior is "top tier" at least Warrior isn't using AI or abusing instant casts/pet while evading.


    It's ANET's fault that things are the way they are right now, I don't mind losing the Endure Pain passives and Balance stance passives, but that evading while attacking garbage with AI needs to go first. And then you'll see people saying "classes lose identity" if we go by this, which will be a different discussion.


    TL;DR This game is about "trading dodges and defensive cool downs" fundamentally.There are more "evil" things than defy pain and freew balance stance, because. Playing without "free endure pain and free balance stance" is too obnoxious when ANET doesn't want to tone down instant casting while evading with AI or "high skill" z-axis teleports. And if it is too hard for you to burst down healing signet in the current meta and count Warrior cds and dodges the problem is within yourself and you are beyond help.


    Also Evade/Distortion ALWAYS > endure pain and balance stance. Game would actually be in a good spot if people had common sense.

  8. Actually if you play it right, there's no way for SB to land bulls charge vs. herald or actually touch herald in the first place. Super Speed = warrior can't land anything if you run in a straight line and then just bait warrior dodges and defensive cds, playing around with the juggernaut dota ultimate sword 3 invuln and staff 5. Those skills still do ridiculous damage.


    Herald is obnoxious but at least they don't use AIs and can actually die to well timed conditions (but then they can just get a team cleanse from firebrand, rune of leadership, etc) so biggest evils go down first. And apparently soulbeast is getting a slap to the wrist and will still be a big evil, (like seriously god forbid that a soulbeast knows how to abuse **GS auto-chain 3 stow** to delay a point in a 2v1 possibly even a 3v1. It really does look like a slap to the wrist for slb). Not to mention the stances potency are still really high and affects the whole team. ANET really needs to pick up on the "evil" mechanics.


    Also, ANET needs to consider my thread about Arms.




    For example, ANET could be making changes to Warrior that won't break the class like..


    Turn Deepstrikes and Bloodlust minor traits into something useful and, personally, that will be enough for me. As I've said in the thread Strength is already too strong (i.e you already lose reckless dodge, rampage cool down for the unblockable signet, and potentially pidgeonholed into main hand axe and GS foor 100% crit chance F1), that's why Arms needs some love so that MAYBE it can fit a niche in a meta where unblockables are needed or 100% crit chance burst is preferred by choice. Even if they turn the Deepstrikes and Bloodlust minor traits into something redundant such as precision or critical rate instead of what i suggested in the thread, that will be something. ANET could be making arms into critical strikes focused trait line at the least if you can't make it work for both power and conditions (berserker is better for conditions anyways, plus defense discipline strength) because that's what Arms originally was (critical strikes tree for Warrior).


    Basically give people an incentive to choose builds **by making small changes that won't break the game AND stop breaking the game in the first place (this includes not simply giving a slap to the wrist on a class that evades while attacking)**. The banner changes are a big let down, it didn't give Warrior a different type of spec to try out in the "new balance patch" because a 180 elite banner will NEVER outshine 72 second rampage. But a small buff to arms might make unblockable signet a little more attractive for the sake of build variety and choice.

  9. Necro actually is okay right now as well, it's an "attack to survive" "land your stuff or die" class like Warrior but can be bursted much more frequent. The only thing making them really okay is that they contribute to the damage pool of the game and can really punish stability depending on the rotation in sPvP. They're actually okay right now even with z-axis teleports but again these teleports were never healthy for the game.


    The only classes that have potential to break the game nowadays is probably between Ranger and Mesmer. Both are obnoxious and has the highest anti-fun potential.


  10. Elementalist is borderline UP, but very close to being at an okay state which is how it should be. Thief is the same. But out of all of them, warrior on the other hand would be a prime example of classes that are "as fair as it gets," no z-axis teleport, no high invuln uptime and it's more specifically on power or condi, no attacking while evading after whirlwind attack and full counter is down (and even then these aren't that bad).


    All time, with the exclusion of the hambow meta (which was the only time Warrior was legit op) most balance class is Warrior. Shoutbow was balanced because you can burst shoutbow with chain CC and power damage, easy to play easy to counter. A lot of that easy to understand, easy to counter, yet can still be challenging to land high casting times vs. evade spammers with half a brain concept applies to Warrior today hence why it's the most balanced class. **Legit you can tell who is bad when they imply that high casting times have no counter and don't know how to burst healing signet when there is so much damage going on nowadays because some people actually think it's so hard to time something vs. a class with limited dodges or can't spam evades while attacking.**


    Though if Warrior does happen to broken next patch, then a small damage decrease across the board should be fine on PvP only. Don't need to do stupid garbage like back in 2013. But I highly doubt that will even be necessary when other crap is just flat out cheesier and evil.

  11. Ranger Greatsword 3rd chain stow/cancel says hi while the pet does damage/bait dodges, you can count a Warrior's evades, Ranger evades are borderline uncountable if you play ranger right (been this way from the start) meaning how do you catch a ranger in the first place. While Warrior you can catch it with something inevitably. You can out-burst healing signet, it's very possible in this meta because of the fact that Warrior can be caught with something more often than Ranger just because of the fact that the only attacking while evading mechanic Warrior has is full counter and whirlwind slash, which is a lot less evil than anything in the game.


    You don't need an immob vs. a class where you count 2-3-4 dodges (including whirlwind slash) and then go in for the burst. That's why ranger is more evil every time it is "top tier" another reason on why "complex blueprints" on developing a class =/= harder class.


    Yes Warrior does have better cleave damage than Ranger, and can be much stronger, sure. But it is less evil in so many ways compared to Ranger.

  12. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > > > Ranger has historically been cancer everytime it's been "viable"

    > > > >

    > > > > Early 2013 ranger had quickness res/stomp, evading while doing ridiculous condition damage

    > > > > Spirit ranger = conditions and buffs for team mates while spamming evades, there was a point in time where one of the spirit lightning strikes half healthed you and they could wear tanky amulets with NO TRADE OFF

    > > > > Druid post-HoT could tank a whole team if played right with that one amulet that got deleted because of druid's scaling with it (was healing power/vit/toughness)

    > > > >

    > > > > Soulbeast is almost the same thing as Mirage, aka evading while attacking with AI except replace the phantasm with pet, minus z-axis teleport BUT can actually hold a point if played right even with x1000 damage going on currently.

    > > > >

    > > > > Assuming that this is "true" that boonbeast got a slap to the wrist this meta, ANET has a couple of days to do something.

    > > > >

    > > > > But yeah, don't pretend for a second that Ranger or any of it's "viable builds" are "high skill cap" and hard. Ranger is one of the easiest classes since launch (attacking with pet/spirits/etc + evading). The only time ranger was reasonably hard to play or anywhere near balanced was pre-HoT 2015.

    > > >

    > > > Even if slb is nerfed engi, war just takes its place and it's the same kitten.

    > >

    > > Engi and War and eons more easier to handle than Boonbeast. Heck Spellbreaker isn't anywhere near where it was February of last year and it's previous stronger Dagger+Defense version isn't as strong as boonbeast is now.


    > I disagree, defense War is even harder to +1 than soulbeast.


    Depends on the build. Defense by itself won't work, it will have to be with GS + sword or GS + axe. And even then...


    Warrior doesn't use AI and is more honest than soulbeast/ranger ever will be and ever was. I pop endure pain I will at least get condi bombed, I pop berserker stance I will at least get bursted by power damage. If I'm stunned I stay stunned, I won't have AI to counterpressure while I am stunned.


    Warrior "taking soul beast's" place will be the greater good because it's flat out a more honest class than ranger/soulbeast ever will be and will probably be the least cancerous class even as a "top class" in this meta assuming that Warrior does become top tier.

  13. LOL deal with it he says on "grenade barrage" something that is supposed to go through blinds. This is why we can't have good things, people thinking blinds are well designed in a sense that it should not go by a "per hit" basis. Yawn

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