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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. > @Danikat.8537 said:

    > As I said before I think commanders and squads can invent whatever rules they like (I saw a few yesterday saying you must wear pink, for Pink Day in LA, which was nice) and it's up to players to choose a map/squad that suits them. But if you're going to invent a rule you really need to tell people about it before they start 'breaking' it and even then accept that they may not know or understand what you're asking.


    Squad: yes. Map: no.

  2. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

    > > The guy's a jerk. Leave the squad, and do your own thing, including opening doors ahead of the squad. He won't learn, but at least you won't be impacted by his behavior.


    > Don't do that. Leave the map and find one that fits you. Commander might be a jerk, but they are doing the hard work of organizing, so cut them some slack. Also, the rest of the squad might support the commander's choices, in which case by opening doors ahead of the squad, you'd be ruining it for lots of people, not just the commander.




    Does he own that instance? Perhaps he paid ANet to buy it?

  3. > @DeadlySynz.3471 said:

    > However, you don't need to complete the puzzle for the boots; buy the recipe and craft them, and leave the JP. The recipe is what, 1 candy corn cob? You'll farm far more bags in the labyrinth anyway than the JP.


    Two (one for the insignia recipe), plus one of each of the other three combined Halloween materials (to make the insignia).

  4. I was incorrect. You actually CAN finish the meta (backpack) without doing the JP.> @Nightshade.5924 said:

    > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

    > > You are correct, although I have never heard it referred to as a "twitch skill". I like it.

    > >

    > > Regarding the JP, I don't even bother trying any more. My reflexes are far too slow to succeed; I'm just too old to react that quickly. (And, it has NOTHING to do with memorizing the path, folks. So stop saying that.)

    > >

    > > I would spend the time to fail 100 times if they then changed the difficulty so it could be completed once. But, 100 attempts wasn't nearly enough to "learn the path" (as others have depressingly stated). I'm pretty patient, and I tried it far more than 100 times. But, like the Wintersday one, I can't even make a dent in it.

    > >

    > > (To those who mentioned that the wait is long, the delay does provide a service: it tells you how much longer other people are able to stay without dying. So, not only is it impossible for me, I get the long delay telling me that lots of kids are able to do it just fine. Thanks for the encouragement, ANet. :()


    > Exactly. This is how the MCT and WD JP are for me. I gave the WD one more big push in 2016, tried something close to 100 times over 2 weeks. Did NOT get past the 22nd snowflake, which is about 1/2 of the way. Hail and well met fellow aged person. Did you play 1st Ed D&D when it came out?


    Odd question, but yes, I did. (I still have my books.) I'm not quite old enough to have played Chains & Chainmail, though. Well, I'm old enough, but never heard of it.

  5. > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

    > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > > > > This puzzle has been around for FIVE years, and it's already been made easier (more readable) once. If it was designed to be all easy for everyone, why would the tower be still part of Halloween?

    > > > >

    > > > > Because it would fit right in with "Mad King Says" and costume brawls.

    > > > I could just say hey let's make Mad King Says hard, it would fit in with Clock Tower and Horror/Lich bosses.

    > > >

    > > > How is it that hard to understand that we need content for all categories of players...

    > > > Ask for an easy mode all you want, but do not alter the original CT or the value of its reward.

    > >

    > > I have no problem with hard content. It's locking the metas behind impossible (for some people) content that I object to.

    > If I have a full time job and I can't do 250 doors to get all AP (assuming thats what you call Meta) should it be removed just for me and other people in my situation?

    > How do we define what content is doable by everyone or not?


    > Clock Tower certainly requires patience and dextery, but some other parts of the meta requires grinding, which not everyone can do. We all have the same content offered to us but we wont get them all.


    Your arguments are getting worse and worse. It's 30 doors, not 250.


    But, to answer your question, YES, if something is too hard for ANYBODY to do, then it should not be required for a festival meta. For example, I object to Ancient Grudge (AG), because it requires people to own PoF (even though I own PoF and expect to complete AG). Festivals are for fun; it's right in the definition of the word.

  6. > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > > This puzzle has been around for FIVE years, and it's already been made easier (more readable) once. If it was designed to be all easy for everyone, why would the tower be still part of Halloween?

    > >

    > > Because it would fit right in with "Mad King Says" and costume brawls.

    > I could just say hey let's make Mad King Says hard, it would fit in with Clock Tower and Horror/Lich bosses.


    > How is it that hard to understand that we need content for all categories of players...

    > Ask for an easy mode all you want, but do not alter the original CT or the value of its reward.


    I have no problem with hard content. It's locking the metas behind impossible (for some people) content that I object to.

  7. > @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

    > > > @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    > > > People are forgetting that this is a festival event, so it isn't like raids. Festivals are meant to be fun and easygoing. They are specifically designed so that any player, new or old, can do it. That's why Ascent to Madness is set to such a low level. Raids are hardcore endgame content, it is unfair to compare the two.

    > > >

    > > > Should everything in the game be easily available to everyone? No. That would devalue other people's time and hard work.

    > > > Should festival rewards be balanced to be easier to achieve then end-game content? Yes, that is the nature of festivals.

    > > >

    > > > PvP is also an unfair comparison, because PvP at least gives rewards for showing up. It may not be the same rewards as winning every match but I could throw in hours of PvP time and still have something to show for it. Whereas I could, and probably have, thrown in hours of Clocktower time and gotten absolutely nothing.

    > > >

    > > > However, Anet did provide a way to get the boots without the JP. If you look up guides you can get to 400 in any crafting profession with minimal gold. Whether this was intended as a way to help people who struggle with JPs or not, it does help people who struggle with JPs.

    > > >

    > > > Would it really hurt to give a no-ap, no-title pity prize to people who donated hours to the JP to try and complete it but just don't have the skill or physical ability? No.

    > > ...

    > > >

    > > > That being said, I am only trying to offer helpful and friendly discussion on the topic. My personal feelings is the pity prize is unnecessary for this festival.

    > >

    > > Excellent response! Thank you. (Except the part I commented out.)

    > >

    > > One question, though: how do you get the recipe for the boots? At least then I could get ONE more achievement.


    > You can buy the recipes from one of the halloween vendors. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lunatic_Alchemist


    Thank you!

  8. > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > @Shard.4791 said:

    > > STIHL, are you saying every reward in this game should be achievevable by everyone? Raids, dungeon & fractal titles, SAB, grind titles (wvw ones mostly) et cetera? If not why are JPs an exception?

    > >

    > > I do not agree with that sentiment. IMO GW2 is already casual enough.


    > No.. I am saying that **Festivals** should be designed with everyone in mind, (notice I have only ever talked about the Clock Tower and Wintersday) where everyone ca and should be included and get prizes and enjoy themselves. That is the whole point of a festival, to include people, in fact festivals embrace the idea that everyone gets a prize, which is why people, old and young flock to them.


    > Festivals are not the time for people to stroke their ego, they can do that all the rest of the year, doing all that other stuff you mentioned like Fractals, Raids, etc.


    I would like to have a conversation with the people you are addressing 30 years from now. They may have changed their tune by then.


    But, yes, you're right on target with the festival point. I just wonder why some people can't see your point? Probably just ego, as your second paragraph implies.

  9. > @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    > People are forgetting that this is a festival event, so it isn't like raids. Festivals are meant to be fun and easygoing. They are specifically designed so that any player, new or old, can do it. That's why Ascent to Madness is set to such a low level. Raids are hardcore endgame content, it is unfair to compare the two.


    > Should everything in the game be easily available to everyone? No. That would devalue other people's time and hard work.

    > Should festival rewards be balanced to be easier to achieve then end-game content? Yes, that is the nature of festivals.


    > PvP is also an unfair comparison, because PvP at least gives rewards for showing up. It may not be the same rewards as winning every match but I could throw in hours of PvP time and still have something to show for it. Whereas I could, and probably have, thrown in hours of Clocktower time and gotten absolutely nothing.


    > However, Anet did provide a way to get the boots without the JP. If you look up guides you can get to 400 in any crafting profession with minimal gold. Whether this was intended as a way to help people who struggle with JPs or not, it does help people who struggle with JPs.


    > Would it really hurt to give a no-ap, no-title pity prize to people who donated hours to the JP to try and complete it but just don't have the skill or physical ability? No.



    > That being said, I am only trying to offer helpful and friendly discussion on the topic. My personal feelings is the pity prize is unnecessary for this festival.


    Excellent response! Thank you. (Except the part I commented out.)


    One question, though: how do you get the recipe for the boots? At least then I could get ONE more achievement.

  10. > @Ashantara.8731 said:

    > > @Nightshade.5924 said:

    > > "I tried for hours...." kinda says it all for me.


    > So you want everything in this game to be made super easy to accomplish? Now, _that_ would feel pretty unrewarding after a while if you could get stuff without effort.


    Nobody has said that. Stop putting words in people's mouths; straw arguments aren't worth your time, really.

  11. > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > You all realize that something being challenging or hard by definition removes it from the "everyone being able to do it" category, just wanted to point that out, as some people don't seem to grasp that.


    > Anyway.. so how about it Anet.. a reward for at least giving it a good try?


    So, you're OK with discriminating against the elderly?> @MoarChaos.8320 said:

    > There's no place for such a change. It's an achievement for being good enough at the jumping puzzle to complete it. And if you need it for the new blue book backpack you have the option to just craft the missing skin for completing one set of lunatic armor. So there's nothing you're missing except the achievement points for specifically doing the jumping puzzle, and to get all of them you have to do it 15 times.


    Really? You want to explain how to get the end of the Mad Memories chain without it?

  12. > @Coulter.2315 said:

    > > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > > @zombyturtle.5980 said:

    > > >

    > > > You can craft the armor with a recipie you can buy. You dont need to do the JP to get it, its not gated.

    > > Be that as it may, how does it diminish you if I get some token completion in a Holiday festival in a game? Is your ego that fragile that it would hurt you in some way to allow people to have their paltry rewards and complete objectives?

    > >

    > > Are we really going to be that petty over a Holiday event?


    > Because you did not complete it. You can get the boots elsewhere, you're complaining over 5AP which you do not deserve as you did not achieve.


    Ummm, it's a lot more than the AP. BOTH of the Halloween metas require completion of the JP. Without being able to do it, we're locked out of significant rewards.

  13. > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > Reflexes would fit a description of aoe triggering that you need to quickly dodge. Where AoE are "random"

    > Here it's the exact same puzzle with everything happening exactly the same at the same time everytime you try it.

    > It's how you beat it, not by having super reflexes but by knowing what's coming and the muscle memory to properly turn the camera, jump etc.


    You're missing the point completely: I CAN'T turn the camera and jump at the speeds which the puzzle runs at. Yeah, some of it is memorization, but when you have to stop and wait for a pad to appear, plus turn towards it and then jump, it's just too hard for old people. You'll understand in a couple of decades.

  14. > @Zaltys.7649 said:

    > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

    > > Regarding the JP, I don't even bother trying any more. My reflexes are far too slow to succeed; I'm just too old to react that quickly. (And, it has NOTHING to do with memorizing the path, folks. So stop saying that.)

    > It's all about memorization. There's no moving parts, so nothing that needs reflexes. The route is always exactly the same. It can be completed with muscle memory alone, I don't even pay much attention to it anymore when running it.


    Well, we'll see what you have to say 30 years from now.

  15. You are correct, although I have never heard it referred to as a "twitch skill". I like it.


    Regarding the JP, I don't even bother trying any more. My reflexes are far too slow to succeed; I'm just too old to react that quickly. (And, it has NOTHING to do with memorizing the path, folks. So stop saying that.)


    I would spend the time to fail 100 times if they then changed the difficulty so it could be completed once. But, 100 attempts wasn't nearly enough to "learn the path" (as others have depressingly stated). I'm pretty patient, and I tried it far more than 100 times. But, like the Wintersday one, I can't even make a dent in it.


    (To those who mentioned that the wait is long, the delay does provide a service: it tells you how much longer other people are able to stay without dying. So, not only is it impossible for me, I get the long delay telling me that lots of kids are able to do it just fine. Thanks for the encouragement, ANet. :()

  16. > @Daddicus.6128 said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > It's funny; I don't believe ArenaNet ever stated the reason for the AP cap was so new players could catch up. As far as we can tell, the cap has always been there, or at least since very near launch. I think it's just one of those rumors that get repeated on the forums/Reddit/elsewhere so much, it becomes 'fact'.

    > >

    > > But, if someone can provide a quote, I'd love to see it. = )


    > ANet has never stated ANY reason on their official forums, not in official information releases. Well, not so far as I have checked.


    > I think I'm right in the above statements, because none of the supporters of the cap have ever quoted ANet in support of it.


    > The biggest problem is that they seem to think this is a good thing (lack of communication).


    This was wrong. As posts after the one I quoted show, one (very lame) reason was given: to force me to play WvW and PvP.


    So, I'll rephrase: no GOOD reason has ever been given.


    (But, I'll stand pat on my assessment that they simply don't care enough to discuss it.)

  17. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > It's funny; I don't believe ArenaNet ever stated the reason for the AP cap was so new players could catch up. As far as we can tell, the cap has always been there, or at least since very near launch. I think it's just one of those rumors that get repeated on the forums/Reddit/elsewhere so much, it becomes 'fact'.


    > But, if someone can provide a quote, I'd love to see it. = )


    ANet has never stated ANY reason on their official forums, not in official information releases. Well, not so far as I have checked.


    I think I'm right in the above statements, because none of the supporters of the cap have ever quoted ANet in support of it.


    The biggest problem is that they seem to think this is a good thing (lack of communication).

  18. > @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

    > There is an option to solve the problem and help both the veterans and the new players. It is quite simple. Once a person has hit the cap, the daily APs are 5. So a veteran needs twice the time to play, to get the next 15k than a new player. Reached 30k? 2 AP per completion. 45k? 1 AP per completion until the GW2 servers shutdown for good.


    > I would also be fine with 1 AP after reaching the first 15k cap.


    > And as we are at the topic: Agent of Entropy

    > Could you (devs) please add some sort of minor reward upon completing the 200. Does not have to be valuable, an Unindentified Dye, a blue bandit purse or even one of those shiny baubles which sell for 50s at a vendor. Or just remove the repeat, once the AP cap is reached?


    I like this idea. That's why I proposed it several years ago, and repeated it occasionally. But, as is typical for ANet, they didn't respond in any way. Including telling us a good reason for having the cap. I've given up, but I still respond when people post the obvious, as you have.



  19. > @Mercury.9784 said:

    > > @UnbentMars.9126 said:

    > > Oh no! Someone offered/accepted a better deal than what I gave! What am I to do but demand the system be changed so that I either win in all circumstances or the people I am competing against be controlled even though I am engaging in the same behavior as they are!


    > I'm not demanding anything. I'm pointing out a problem. Nobody in this thread, so far, has disagreed that it's a problem. They've just told me to stop crying about it, and (audaciously!) that it's not meant to be fun and I shouldn't expect it to be fun.


    > I look forward to hearing from a dev.


    It's not a problem. There. Now I have.


    If you're selling a low-demand object, then split the difference or something. If the highest current buyer is 1g and the lowest seller is 2g, don't try to sell for 1g 99s 99c. Sell it for 1g 50s.


    Oh, and patience is an outstanding virtue to have when playing the markets. Unless something fundamental changes the supply or demand curve, the price will eventually get back up to your price.


    In 5+ years of trading, I've had maybe 10-15 items that I had to take down and repost. Millions of items bought and sold. But, I don't let a month delay in getting my money bother me. (Unless there has been a fundamental change, like the demand is changed by the addition of some new crafting item.)

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