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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > > > > I think the question here is not whether is Reddit or GW2 official forum a better place to seek answers from Anet but rather WHY Anet admin/forum staff chose to reply in Reddit when their own OFFICIAL GW2 FORUM has many topics created by their anxious players seeking for a simple reply but gets none?

    > > > >

    > > > > One example is the most recent login problem after the patch. I wondered why too.

    > > > >

    > > > > If the argument is a matter of their choices to reply where they wanted to, that is invalid. We are talking about **technical issues** here and not just any queries, like ' when is Wintersday is going to end? '

    > > >

    > > > A question for you with regards to your question:

    > > >

    > > > How would you respond if certain devs simply answered you by saying they just prefer posting on Reddit? Or that they browse other interests on Reddit?

    > >

    > > I'd instantly cease wasting any time on these forums, if the devs think they suck and not worth bothering with.. why should players use them?


    > It doesn't matter if you stop going to these forums or not. Because you're still making the assumption it was made pimarily as a tool to contact devs. That's an unwarranted assumption in my opinion. Devs will go, off hours on their own time, to what they want to go to. Reddit is likely to be a better place, because the community will have a louder voice there more generally.


    > Not everyone but the idea of downvoting completely worthless posts means you have less silly stuff on the first page. It's easy to find a meaningful critique there. If I were a dev it's where I would go, because trawling through something like the official forums would take more time and would be considerably less efficient.




    No, he's not. You're extending his argument beyond its meaning.


    It's not that these are the primary communications tools. Nor is it that these are the only ones.


    It's that IF they are going to communicate official information, HERE should be one place where they do it. They can also disseminate information elsewhere, but THIS should be one of their first methods of communication with the players. Certainly before any third-party forums.


    He also said that if they're going to listen to the fanbase, then they need to be listening HERE first.


    If that's not a true-ish set of statements as to the way things are, then these forums should be abandoned. THAT is what he said.

  2. > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > > > No one at Anet owes you a response on the forum.

    > >

    > > I think they do.

    > >

    > > But, even if they don't, if they're going to post anywhere, it should be here.


    > The forum is mainly for users to talk about the game. It's also a place for Anet to place information that they feel is necessary for players. Too many people think that Anet should be forced to respond to their casual conversations. If you have an issue with Anet's product, customer service is where you should go. To require Anet to respond to every person's query is just unreasonable, and in order for ANet to do so, would at least double the cost of the game.


    That's not what we're asking for, but your point is valid anyhow.


    IMO, they need to respond to strong sentiments (i.e. lots of posts on the same subject). What is "lots"? I'm not sure.


    The problem is that they respond to next to nothing here. Way short of "lots".

  3. Now, I don't want us to forget the flip side of this: these "official" forums can get pretty heated at times. For someone pouring their life into creating a masterpiece, it can be pretty demoralizing to get blasted when it first comes out. I'm not a creative person, but I've worked with quite a few over the years, and their spirit can be crushed by negative statements made about their creation.


    So, if they DID post here, there would have to be some toning down of the conversations. ;)

  4. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Odinens.5920" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > >

    > > > If I were a dev, I wouldn't want to post on the official forums anyway, because they're far more hostile territory. Why would I open myself up to that kind of abuse. Ridiculous posts on reddit tend to get downvoted and disappear. I prefer it for that reason myself.

    > > >

    > > Because it's their job, and Anet is the company they work for?

    > > I don't have a reddit account, and don't plan on ever registering for one. I'd like to hear official comments about the game on the OFFICIAL forums for the game.

    > >

    > >


    > Nope. being on the forums is not their job. Unless you know something I don't, Anet devs were not hired to post on the forums. Their job is to make a game. That's what their job is. Talking to you or me? Not their job. I don't really care if anyone has or doesn't have a reddit account, but if someone tried to tell me that I couldn't post on the forum of my choice in my off hours, I'd tell them where to go.


    You're completely missing the point. The problem is not posting on Reddit. It's that they DON'T post on their own forums. But, on Reddit official statements are made.


    Official statements should ONLY be made on their own forums or other official communications mediums.

  5. > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > Quaggan path is nice. Ty indeed. However, I think I'm not quick enough to react for the exploding presents section. (stairs of presents)

    > Just like previous years, I am and was able to get there, but then the ground (presents) vanish under me while I place my jumps.


    For that, ignore everything. Just point yourself at the higher platform you're trying to get to. Then, when the steps appear, press and hold w while spamming the spacebar. There's apparently not enough room between successive steps to fall through, so you don't even have to pay attention to the boxes at all. Just make sure you're heading straight up the middle.


    NOTE: When you get to the next platform, stop right away. There's a knockdown wind just past the middle of it. I was ecstatic the first time I made it up to the top, only to get knocked down for not noticing the wind. Once you realize it's there, it's easy to time it. But, it sneaks up on you the first time.

  6. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > If they'd had conversion rates corresponding to the old exponential upgrade rates of snowflakes, it's extremely likely we wouldn't have ended up in a situation where we'd be getting 32 new flakes per flawless flake, we'd still only have 10 per flawless flake and only 1 for every 3 tiny flakes. Because they'd obviously base the conversion rate on the type of flake that exists in the largest volume.


    Yes, and I would have no problem at all if they had done that. (However, if they had been smart about it, they would have chosen a power of 2 as the conversion factor, rather than something in the neighborhood of 3. Then all of the transactions would have been trivial to carry out.)

  7. > @"Wanze.8410" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > This did NOT have to affect people differently, as I showed earlier. It COULD have been done with every tier of snowflake based upon it's relative cost to the other tiers. In fact, it would have been much easier, since there would be zero math to perform.

    > >

    > > _Edit: "zero math" assumes they chose a power of 2 as their baseline. If they chose elsewise, there would be some math._


    > And it was already mentioned several times that this conversion would have flooded the new snowflake market substantially, which would result in lower prices for them.


    > Please tell me, why you prefer to have 32 stacks of new snowflakes worth 10c each from 1 stack of flawless snowflakes compared to 10 stacks of new snowflakes worth 32c each?


    You are completely off base. It's not what I can get for the flawless flakes. It's what I SHOULD have gotten from them: their fair value.


    Please tell me why you (generic you) should get three times as many snowflakes as I do, just because you ignored their inventory management stuff? I did what they implied I should do, and it cost me a bundle of money. Why are different people treated differently?

  8. > @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

    > You really did create 32-slot bags? This is ridiculously expensive, if you look at the cost per inventory slot. Usually, you start from a 20-slot bag, so you get 12 more slots with a 32-slot bag. A 32-slot bag costs about 239 gold if you upgrade one 20-slot bag, which makes the additional slots cost about 20 gold each.


    It's expensive, but not ridiculously so. Compare to upgrading from 18-slot bags to 20s. Ignoring the materials and the fact that the 18 is now useless, it cost 4g per slot to "upgrade".


    Compared to the jump from 15s to 18s (about 2/3 of a gold per slot), that was a tripling of the per-slot price. If the 4g per slot for 18-->20 were tripled again, a 24-slot bag should cost 48g, which isn't too far off from the actual price.


    I think the price is about right. However, one must carefully evaluate that against the price of buying bag slots vs. extra pack slots per bag; your analysis of this is pretty good. It's probably unwise to buy a 32/28/24 before you have your bag slots maxed.

  9. TL;DR most


    I suspect the reason is practical. If you're going to spend the funds necessary to buy a 24-slot bag, you're already over half way to a 28, and the 28 will be way over halfway to a 32.


    What I did was build a 24 and use it for a while. Then, when I had saved up the stuff, I converted it to a 28. Finally, I upgraded to a 32.


    My guess is that they don't think anybody is going to drain money into a 24-slotter without eventually finishing the process.


    But soulbound? I don't know why they chose that and not account bound. Probably there's a technical reason they didn't make the 24s and 28s account bound. Because it doesn't make a lot of sense to do what they did.

  10. > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > > > > I think the question here is not whether is Reddit or GW2 official forum a better place to seek answers from Anet but rather WHY Anet admin/forum staff chose to reply in Reddit when their own OFFICIAL GW2 FORUM has many topics created by their anxious players seeking for a simple reply but gets none?

    > > > >

    > > > > One example is the most recent login problem after the patch. I wondered why too.

    > > > >

    > > > > If the argument is a matter of their choices to reply where they wanted to, that is invalid. We are talking about **technical issues** here and not just any queries, like ' when is Wintersday is going to end? '

    > > >

    > > > A question for you with regards to your question:

    > > >

    > > > How would you respond if certain devs simply answered you by saying they just prefer posting on Reddit? Or that they browse other interests on Reddit?

    > >

    > > Then they should abandon this forum completely, and shift to Reddit.


    > Are you talking about Anet abandoning this forum or those certain devs that answered?


    If ANet refuses to respond on their own forums, then they should get rid of them and use Reddit instead.


    In my opinion, of course. They obviously have different priorities, and they have to have a way to present a unified front. One misplaced "official" comment can generate a firestorm. But, again in my opinion, they are decidedly too quiet, especially here.

  11. > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > > I think the question here is not whether is Reddit or GW2 official forum a better place to seek answers from Anet but rather WHY Anet admin/forum staff chose to reply in Reddit when their own OFFICIAL GW2 FORUM has many topics created by their anxious players seeking for a simple reply but gets none?

    > >

    > > One example is the most recent login problem after the patch. I wondered why too.

    > >

    > > If the argument is a matter of their choices to reply where they wanted to, that is invalid. We are talking about **technical issues** here and not just any queries, like ' when is Wintersday is going to end? '


    > A question for you with regards to your question:


    > How would you respond if certain devs simply answered you by saying they just prefer posting on Reddit? Or that they browse other interests on Reddit?


    Then they should abandon this forum completely, and shift to Reddit.

  12. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > For the umpteenth time, devs are not required to answer your posts on their work time. They browse the web on their spare time. They're entitled to browse anywhere they like or anywhere they feel comfortable. Your options would be something like this:


    > A. Forbid devs from posting anyone but on the official forum.

    > B. Forbid devs from posting at all.

    > C. Make posting on the forums part of their job, which it's not.


    > None of those options are really good.


    > If I were a dev, I wouldn't want to post on the official forums anyway, because they're far more hostile territory. Why would I open myself up to that kind of abuse. Ridiculous posts on reddit tend to get downvoted and disappear. I prefer it for that reason myself.


    > And if I were a dev, posting on my own time,. this is the last place I'd be.


    Actually, option C is not only a good one, it's the right thing to do.

  13. > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

    > Wish the Hardest level was even harder. If you can hold w the whole time through the easiest mode then you can easily do the hardest mode. They should make some really Hard JPS but give Legendary Armor for winning them... Ha Ha..... Ok I can only dream .


    No, I sure couldn't do that (hold down "w"). I can do sometimes 3-4 jumps in a row in certain spots, but if I try much beyond that, I'll certainly fall.


    But, I think it would be good for them to have an even harder track, for the true pros. Clearly there are some, and there's no reason my reactions should keep them from a challenge like that. Tiers was smart of them. Perhaps more would be smarter?

  14. This did NOT have to affect people differently, as I showed earlier. It COULD have been done with every tier of snowflake based upon it's relative cost to the other tiers. In fact, it would have been much easier, since there would be zero math to perform.


    _Edit: "zero math" assumes they chose a power of 2 as their baseline. If they chose elsewise, there would be some math._

  15. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > 49 here. I still remember when my mom brought home our first video game...PONG.


    > I played Pong on the deluxe cocktail table version in a hotel lounge till my eyes went square during one particularly rainy holiday when I was young. There was little else to do, Space Invaders hadn't come out yet.


    Oy! I REMEMBER those! I had forgotten all about them until your post.


    Yeah, I played one they had on campus, I think. It was always crashing, but it was almost the size of a ping-pong table. (Well, to my memory, anyhow!)


    Thanks for the memory boost!

  16. > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

    > Correct me if this was already pointed out but only flawless snowflakes had value beyond recipe discovery.


    > By converting all snowflakes to a quantity of the new snowflake, the stock of all types are now useful in both exotic and ascended recipes while keeping lesser equipment and food recipes compatible.


    > I am fine with the conversion rate but hope there will be more uses for the new diamond tier.


    My problem is the DIFFERENT conversion rate for different people. People who dutifully did what ANet clearly wanted us to do were severely penalized compared to those who ignored the upper tiers. I have 2000 flawless flakes. That SHOULD give me 64000 flakes, but 44000 just evaporated. But, the ones that I hadn't gotten around to upgrading yet are worth full value.


    Now, they might have intended to give people 1/3 of a flake as the base conversion rate (which I wouldn't have minded). In my illustration, because the math is correct, one would simply divide all of the pazoolas by 3. (Or, whatever ratio they wanted.)


    But, they didn't. There's simply no excuse for what they did do, as my illustration proves. It's not an exchange rate problem. It's a matter of treating different people differently.


    There are people loudly proclaiming that they like it, because they got lots of extra flakes than the 10-to-1 flawless conversion gives. They're kind of missing the point, because that IS the point: it's different. Some people were favored heavily, and others were treated poorly. Why?


    This has really soured my perception of the festival this year. And, there was no reason to do it.

  17. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > How about looking at it from the more realistic viewpoint of setting the flawless conversation rate as the baseline, because you can be sure that there were a lot more flawless snowflakes in people's inventories than any other type, because of the obvious fact that it saved tons of storage space.


    > That gives you:


    > * Flawless: 100% - baseline

    > * Pristine: 142.9% - 42.9% extra snowflakes at a cost of 100% extra storage space over flawless

    > * Unique: 200% - 100% extra snowflakes at a cost of 300% extra storage space over flawless

    > * Glittering: 333.3% - 233.3% extra snowflakes at a cost of 700% extra storage space over flawless

    > * Delicate: 1000% - 900% extra snowflakes at a cost of 1500% extra storage space over flawless

    > * Tiny: 1000% - 900% extra snowflakes at a cost of 3100% extra storage space over flawless


    > I'm pretty happy with what I got for the rows upon rows of flawless snowflakes in my private guild storage that I amassed over the years. Storing them in smaller denominations would've been impractical for pristines, insane for uniques, and impossible for any smaller short of buying extra accounts.


    That's not valid, because we already know the baseline: one snowflake. And, it just so happens that one snowflake is what you get from a tiny or a delicate.


    Furthermore, my question is intended to make people realize the absurdity of the other argument, not to show math. I had 44,000 snowflakes taken away, only counting my flawless storage. It's just that simple.

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