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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. Say, there is one thing they could do without refunding any money: Put a lower limit on buy prices that show in the table (and in the price, if you're searching from outside an actual order).


    In other words, for a major rune that sells for 1s 8c, don't allow any price less than 1s 28c to show up in the list or search results. They might still be there, but they don't SHOW, which is just as good as actually removing them (from the viewer's perspective).

  2. I have 27 characters (3 of each profession) plus 4 mules. I created 30 of them to be able to experience each of the main storyline missions, including all of the branches.


    Of those, 14 are level 80. I play all 27 fairly regularly, but I tend to spend more time on the level 80s, simply because they can receive the ascended crafting materials (stars, dust, etc.) My goal is to get them all to level 80. Then, I'll probably make another set of 9. My long-term (pie in the sky) goal is one playing (non-mule) character of each race/profession pair.

  3. Thanks, guys! That helps a lot. Shiny is OK with me. So is having persistence. Since they capped daily achieves (giving me another 5 years before I get radiant armor), I'm looking for a new shiny-type goal.


    Are the stats any different between gen 1 & 2? For example, Viper gear is only available with HoT and beyond. Do the gen 1 legendaries allow for Viper and those other 4-slot stats?

  4. > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > I don't have anything bigger than 20's, with most characters having 18's. I've only maxed 2 character's bag slots, and still have one expansion in the bank.


    > I haven't paid any attention. How much do the 32's cost? Cuz just last night I bought a permanent merchant for something like 745 gold. Seems much more useful than bigger inventory bags.


    Roughly 250g. It varies a lot, and also depends on how much you want to farm the ingredients.

  5. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > An idea for you: Create a thread for ideas (only) for this AFC .


    > If there's an individual folder for each session, then one thread per question is probably going to work out well. People can easily see the question in the title and whether ANet has responded or not.


    > > Encourage people to not debate within that thread. If there needs to be a debate, create a new one and link to it.

    > On the surface, that sounds like a good idea, to keep focus on the question.


    > However, it seems likely to me that some questions could use clarification and/or brainstorming, so "debate" is sometimes important, too.




    Agree on both counts. However, the determination of whether there will be a second one will be fixed in stone by whether the first one works. I can see a lot of ways this idea could go south. On the other hand, it has a LOT of potential to help them out.


    Personally, if they do it, I would like to see brainstorming even about the thread of ideas before the first session. I put all of the things I could think of in that post, but with thousands of other posters, I suspect I've just started picking away at the Arctic Sea with an icepick.

  6. Thanks for this, Gaile!


    An idea for you: Create a thread for ideas (only) for this AFC . Encourage people to not debate within that thread. If there needs to be a debate, create a new one and link to it.


    For ideas that people would like to talk about, we can sort of vote on them. Give them a "thumbs up" if a member thinks it would be a good thing to discuss. If any of us REALLY thinks it should be included, give it a "helpful" instead.


    That way, you (Gaile) can put forth an agenda to your folks so they are not blind-sided.



  7. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Joe Kimmes is the guest on Community Showcase Live today (Noon Pacific) and he will talk about the new paths and give some background on the decision to offer "alternative routes" for the Wintersday Festival JP.


    > Come join us to learn more.


    I was able to see it, but not hear it. However, sound was working, because there's some background music that I did hear. Odd.

  8. I've got one.


    In another thread, I was convinced that it's cheaper to buy new bag slots with gold than 32-slotters. But, once I'm full up on slots (after the next sale), then I'll make 32s. The fact that 24 and 28 are soulbound will only matter a bit to me, but I do sympathize with those who got hooked by them. There really needs to be a way to migrate those between characters, at least for the purposes of upgrading them. I only have nine characters who have maxed out the armor-making crafting disciplines. So, I'll have to make them on one character until I'm to a 32, then offload it and do another.

  9. > @"FrouFrou.4958" said:

    > Prediction how this will go: Devs get told off for being active at reddit which then results at no communication at all (like it was before they started posting there), only red posts will be patch notes and Gaile replying to random topics here and there.


    I don't think so. As long as they don't reveal anything under NDA, it should be OK. But, it should be clear that what they say is only official if it SAYS it's official. And, per Gaile's statements, "official" would mean it is expected to be posted here as well. Certainly, there will be missteps, but if the practice is well-known and basically adhered to, then there would be a lot less rancor against ANet for not communicating. And, probably other things, too.

  10. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts in this thread. This is a subject we’ve been thinking about, too. I'm Communications Manager for ArenaNet, and I strongly believe in always striving for good and meaningful communications. I feel that our having official forums provides us all -- dev and player alike -- with a valuable medium to accomplish that goal. Like you, I think that a company's *official forums* absolutely should be a reliable source for *official information*.


    > Now, ArenaNet Team members may choose to engage in conversations on Reddit or other places, and that’s totally fine. However, I recognize that many of you are not concerned about those conversations, but are concerned about the fact that essential game information may be posted somewhere else, even though it is relevant to you as a player. For instance, knowing a dev’s favorite profession isn’t critical to you; that's a conversation that could take place anywhere. However, knowing that the team is working on a bug fix, a balance change, or something else that will potentially impact your game experience is critical info. You should be able to get that info here on these forums, even if it’s posted elsewhere, as well.


    > We’re going to continue to look into how and where we communicate with an eye to potential changes that will broaden our ability to keep you informed. Thanks again for your thoughtful comments on this subject -- they are very informative and helpful.



    That's exactly what I've been pushing for in this thread. Thank you very much.


    I do think that SOME information comes out here, and on occasion firstly. But, it seems to me that there is a decided lack of communication here.


    Problem is hurt feelings, I think. Devs who post here are likely to receive an earful, no matter which side of an argument they're on. And, that shuts people down. So, it's kind of good to have a go-between (like yourself) to "take the hit" for the team.


    Here's one specific item that I would like to see regularly and officially addressed here on the forums: logic behind any game changes (after the fact). For example, let's say ANet nerfs a necro skill. A small amount of reasoning that went into the change would go a very long ways. And, if such things were ~~discussed~~ communicated regularly, there might be a whole lot fewer arguments.


    Things like that would be good. (And, however, expensive. Someone has to write it up, and their time isn't free. Plus, it probably has to be reviewed.)


    Thanks for chiming in, Gaile!

  11. > @"Astraea.6075" said:

    > @"Daddicus.6128" To receive "3 times the value" they would have to have used 32 times the storage space.

    > To put it bluntly, your definition of value seems to be "how many snowflakes do I get from conversion", and you are using that to dismiss arguments that point out that the purchasing power is relatively unchanged or that the TP value has increased.


    Well, that IS what we're arguing about, isn't it? And, since there is NO OTHER measure of value for the old flakes, I guess ... yeah, that's it.

  12. > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > Just remove soulbinding completely. It serves no viable purpose with the state of the game today.


    Alternately, allow other characters on the account to handle (but not use) the soulbound items. Specifically for purposes of upgrading them, but I can think of other things where it would be nice, too. (Like, mystic forging things that can't be sold or salvaged. Every one of my characters has some garbage collected long ago, but not enough of the same rarity to forge them.:p)

  13. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > > > For the umpteenth time, devs are not required to answer your posts on their work time. They browse the web on their spare time. They're entitled to browse anywhere they like or anywhere they feel comfortable. Your options would be something like this:

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > A. Forbid devs from posting anyone but on the official forum.

    > > > > > > B. Forbid devs from posting at all.

    > > > > > > C. Make posting on the forums part of their job, which it's not.

    > > > > > D. Make sure _someone_ is making sure all the responses from other media do end up on forums eventually. Sure, that's not devs' responsibility. It's the jobof people responsible for the communicating with the community. And if there are no such people, theye definitely _should_ be.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > > > > You think the devs' preferences should not matter.

    > > > > > Because they don't. I mean, it's okay to have different preferences on individual level, but on _company_ level there should be a unified communication strategy. Even if a specific individual doesn't wont to post on official forums (and is not paid to do so), someone else _should_ do so (and _be_ paid for it).

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > But apparently their preferences do matter or we wouldn't have this problem.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > If the Devs want to post n Reddit as opposed to here, because they think Reddit is better, then these forums are a waste of money and resources. They should shut them down and let the Devs just post on Reddit, from here on out.

    > > >

    > > > It's that simple. If you don't like coffee.. working at Starbucks was bad carrier choice mistake.

    > >

    > > I have no argument.

    > >

    > > I feel these forums have their strengths and weakness just like Reddit has its strengths and weakness.


    > Anyone's feels on the matter are irrelevant, The only reason for Exclusive Company sponsored Game forums to exist is serve as a bridge of communication between the players and game company's staff and development team . If they don't serve that purpose then they have no reason to exist.


    Actually, they can exist for another reason: to give players a place to vent, chat, whatever. If the company maintains some other communications medium, then forums could exist for only that reason.


    But, that's not the case. Someone earlier said that if there's a problem, contact support. Yet, support will OFFICIAILLY tell people to post it here in order to get it fixed (if it's a design decision or something like that).


    So, one arm of the company is offloading its problems to the forums, but the forums are not being frequented by staff. Seem like a black hole to you?

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