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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. You guys are all reading way too much into this.


    Scenario 1:

    1. Player changes his password.

    2. Player gets email.

    3. End of story.


    Scenario 2:

    1. Player does NOT change his password.

    2. Some hacker DOES change his password.

    3. Player gets email instructing him to contact support immediately.


    **I'm only referring to that last step (3) of scenario 2.** That step is impossible, as there is no way to contact support "immediately". They take weeks to respond.


    Hence, there needs to be another contact method for situations where an account may have been compromised.


  2. I saw a lot of posters say to just select the target. "Select" being my generic term for a number of things, like double-click.


    **Please explain how.** You can't just select the chest. You select an item, and the game doesn't allow you to choose which object. Whatever is "on top" is what you get.


    What's needed is a "select next object", similar to a selecting an enemy multiple times. Or a dead zone. But, not lame instructions that do not explain how.

  3. When I got my account cleared today, I noticed a sentence in the email Support sends when you've changed your password. It says:


    * If you didn't request this change, please contact the Guild Wars Support Team immediately.


    So, we have a situation where an account has been compromised by someone other than the player. This is thus a time-critical situation for the player.


    But, contacting support simply cannot be done "immediately". They don't respond for weeks.


    There needs to be another support process for compromised accounts.

  4. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > If there was a major security breach, the forums and social media would be overrun with posters calling out the issue. I would be communicating via a ticket to support immediately if you haven't already


    Already done: #6910922.


    I don't agree that they would be overrun by now. This tends to be a low-tide timeframe.


    But, it wouldn't matter. This would be an initial probing of whatever tools the hacker is using. So, I would expect only a handful of accounts would be affected at this point.


    The key points in my estimation of "major" security issue are that no email was sent and 2FA wasn't used. Those are automatic, so why didn't they go out. The only possible answers (there are dozens I can think of) all lie inside the company's infrastructure or man-in-the-middle attacks.

  5. I tried that for the PW change. I can log in, but I can't change my password. It won't accept either my old or my new password once I get to the change password interface.


    I DID change it earlier today from that same page. When I did, I should have received both a 2FA code on my phone, and an email announcing that I changed it (and, if it wasn't me, blah, blah). But, I got neither.


    Looking at the IP addresses, they're all from my metropolitan area. The one in use right now matches my Internet-facing gateway. The others are probably old.

  6. This goes from bad to worse. I used the web interface to change my password, apparently successfully.


    But, neither the new nor the old password works now. Plus, I can't change my password again.


    So, I went back to the email they sent, and it didn't say my password changed. It said I should follow the link to "activate my … account". Activate? I was in the account just a few hours earlier.


    And, why am I not getting requests for a code from my phone when I change passwords?


    I think they've got a major security breach going on, and they don't know it.

  7. > @"Schnuschnu.9857" said:

    > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:


    > > I can't escalate or "jump the queue" on any tickets, as I'm sure you can appreciate. (I mean, that would just be inappropriate and unfair to do, right?) However, because the last two are so far outside of what I was told were the norms, I will ask about them and if I have any information to share, will post it later.

    > >

    > Since this seem to happen more frequently (I had this problem too as you know) I think a general information (some step that are normaly taken)on how the support really works would be good, so we know why such things happen etc. Also I want to suggest you could implement a new system. I don't know if this would be possible. The people from the support team work there for years and should know what is a normal queue. There should be a system which measures the queue length and if the queue length is far above the normal value a automated hint is shown on the support page that answers could take a bit longer due to large quantities of tickets in the system. This would give players a hint at why tickets may take longer to get an answer. Also a quick "We received your ticket but additional work is required until we can give an answer to you." would be nice as a generic reply if something like you mentioned in the top of your post is going on so players know. Sometimes we don't need an answer right away but would like to know what happend to our ticket.




    Actually, understanding why it's slow is obvious: there aren't enough trained people doing support.

  8. I tried the "forgot my password" link for the forums, and that worked. However, I tried it for my game account, and it still doesn't work.


    Curiously, my game account didn't prompt me for two-factor authentication, but the forums did.


    Also, the Wiki doesn't seem to have a problem.

  9. I don't care about the price, but I would like a way to actually get them. You only get around 2 per chest (average), and you need thousands of them to do anything useful.


    With only being able to open one chest a day, and with drops of keys being exceptionally rare, there's just no way a normal player can ever get anything useful out of them. We're talking years of play time for the skins. Longer if you want higher-level infusions (one skin is the same cost as a +9).

  10. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"Eme.2018" said:

    > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > Had a lot of skill lag in WvW today, but I blame the 60 vs 60 vs 60 fights we had for 3 hours straight

    > >

    > > > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > > > I have a guildie who's been suffering horrid lag, only in GW2, for many months, to the point she's about quit of the game. She's talked exhaustively with Support and they can't find anything wrong so they opine it's on her end. But again, it's only this game.

    > > >

    > > > For my part I am lucky enough to only get lag on rare occasions and fps drops only in large active zergs.

    > >

    > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > Can't say I've noticed anything more than the usual occasional spikes. I thought I was getting horrible lag when I went to Southsun yesterday, then I realised the karka queen was up just outside the settlement I'd started in and there were about 100 people just off screen.

    > >

    > > Wait, are we talking about FPS drops, cause these are common, especially if you don't have a really strong PC. I've also noticed that the newer maps tend to be less and less optimised.


    > At least I was talking about skill delays. You press a button but the skill doesn't happen until like 2 seconds later, while movement and damage are all still real time.


    Yes, that's one of the symptoms I've seen, too. Only a second or two, but in combat that can really hurt.

  11. Artemis and Mewcifer, I think I'm going down that path partway. I have 27 regulars I run, but only 16 of those are level 80 (so far). Of those, 11 more need to finish mapping it, so that's 1100 right there. By the time I get through those, I'll probably have enough geodes from farming WvW to push me over the top.


    All good ideas above, folks! Thank you all very much!

  12. I should clarify: a "memory leak" is where a program inadvertently marks some memory as its own, but then doesn't return all of it. It's never purposeful (except for hackers doing it), and always a bug. But, it's a whale of a problem figuring out where it is. I get tired just thinking about it. (Which is why I haven't opened a ticket on it. I suppose I'm just being lazy.)

  13. I agree, Just a flesh wound: the odds are against it. I just can't help thinking of that man from Kansas, though. Yes, he died because an idiot got the address wrong. But, the idiot got an address ... THAT'S the worry.


    But, you're right, it will probably amount to nothing. My post is probably on the extreme end of the paranoid scale. I hope ANet says "you're safe". But, it can't hurt to be careful.

  14. > @"Talindra.4958" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > Thanks for all the tips! I'm up to only needing two more insects, and 10 more recipes. I've completed the WvW track now three times, working on number 4. It's slow going for a non-WvWer, but it's a lot faster than doing events in Dry Top.

    > >

    > > I am also taking all my level 80 toons through mapping it. Once you get the hang of it, it goes pretty quickly.

    > >

    > > However, I still haven't seen a tier 6. Yesterday, there were quite a few tier 5s, because it was event day. I'm going to save up for my last 10 until either I see a tier 6 (with 3400), or when I have 4000. With 4000, I only need tier 5.

    > >

    > > I wish they would let you sell the insects, though. The real gate is the geodes, so the insects become garbage once you get the last one.

    > >

    > > Anyhow, thanks to all!


    > EU community organise T6 once a week.


    Do you when? (Like, what time and day, and what time zone?)


    Thank you!

  15. Yeah, I've seen some. I've also figured out why, in my (Windows PC) case:


    GW2 is using significantly more memory now than it used to. There's also a "memory leak" in the game that kicks in when the game is running, but the system goes into screen saver or is task-switched to some other application. It's inconsistent, though.


    To check if this is your problem, use Task Manager to watch your memory usage. If it hits around 2/3 - 3/4 of your available memory, Windows can start thrashing, which is expensive in terms of computing power.


    If you see 2/3 - 3/4 of your memory used, try closing other windows. Also, you can change GW2's settings to ones that use less memory.


    However, if the memory leak has hit you, no amount of closing apps will help. Restart the computer. (Logging out and back in MIGHT fix it, but I haven't tested that theory yet.)

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