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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. It would be unreasonable to even try to do all 45 trait lines in one expansion. 9 per expansion is probably the most that would be practical, and even that could be pushing sanity to the edge. Perhaps if they came out with living story episodes, it might be more feasible.


    But, if they did do 9, WHICH nine, you may ask? I would say the least-played trait line in each class.

  2. > @"segman.3560" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > It seems to me that right now, one really has to play an elite spec. or else play sub-optimal character.


    > Yes, that's the idea for most professions, some core builds are meta by accident I suppose. The reason is they sell elite specs with expansions, while core professions are now free to play. Why making something free as powerful as the other othing behind the paywall?


    Oh, no. Sorry, I may have miscommunicated.


    What I meant was in place of or alongside another elite, WITH an expansion (or, possibly, living story content).


  3. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > Thats what they all do tho, the point of elite specs is to give access to new things so going back and making core spec lines elite would be pretty silly.

    > Imagen if anet made blood magic for necro elite the moaning about why they dident do any of the other 4 elite instead would be endless and thats just one of the 9 classes.


    They would have to do all of the traits at once, but you could only use one of them as "elite".

  4. That's a good point. Perhaps the "coupon" triggers when you use it, and works for 24 hours, or something like that.


    Which also brings up another point they would have to think about: would it apply on top of an already reduced price? I only buy things that are price-reduced (typically), so it might not work for me unless you could apply it to anything.

  5. Here's an idea to generate sales of gems, if that's needed by ANet: Offer coupons to accounts that buy (with real money) gems at a certain level (possibly over a period of time). For example, an account which buys 5000 gems (with real money) in a month gets 10% off purchases for a day or a week.

  6. Starlinvf: I didn't realize toughness was a liability. So, I looked it up, and it can be (depending on the enemy). Since toughness barely works anyhow, that makes it an extreme liability (imo).


    Rhyse: I see what you mean. My guy with viper is probably my biggest damage dealer.


    Thanks, all!

  7. I've been trying to figure out what kind of gear to outfit my characters with. But, I've run into a quandary.


    First, none of the core Tyria gear is as good as similar gear with HoT or PoF stats. The total points granted is always lower.


    So, looking over HoT and PoF gear, I noticed that there are really only two that seem useful in PvE: Viper and Marauder. Marauder is the best for power builds and viper is best for condition builds.


    Am I missing something? With all the available gear choices, it would seem the should be a few more that provide viable stats.


    NOTE: I'm only interested in PvE, and to a much lesser degree, WvW.



  8. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > The only solution is forgeable for a random mini. That is about the only thing will come close not to annoying all those who deleted theirs. Brand new items is the wrong way forward and unfair to those who binned them


    It would be trivial for them to correct the issue of previously deleted minis: just count characters with more than 1 year in existence, and then deliver the right number of Jennas to each account. (This could only be done once, though.)

  9. > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > @"costepj.5120" said:

    > > Imagine how old you'd have to be before your kids recognised Beethoven's fifth or Rossini's William Tell overture? ( to name just a couple of popular classical pieces!)


    > Loony Toons have been on reruns for decades


    I can still see my son the first time he ran into Bugs Bunny cartoons and Abbott and Costello movies: he was literally rolling on the floor laughing. In pain, because he laughed too long, but from the floor, so he couldn't pause it to get a break.


    And, yes, for both.

  10. > @"costepj.5120" said:

    > Imagine how old you'd have to be before your kids recognised Beethoven's fifth or Rossini's William Tell overture? ( to name just a couple of popular classical pieces!)


    Actually, BOTH of those were heard when I was growing up. There was a song called "Roll Over Beethoven" (I think) in the 70s that I really liked. And, I was a HUGE Lone Ranger fan growing up, so I heard the short version of the Overture a lot.

  11. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > Songs don't just disappear once they're 'old' (unless they're also unpopular and no one keeps playing them). My CD collection goes back to 20 years before I was born, and that's just the stuff I've chosen to buy, I'm not sure how old the oldest music I know is. Although one of the songs played during my wedding ceremony was 'The Beauty Song' originally a poem written in China around 80 BC so that probably wins. How do I know about it? It's sung by Zang Ziyi in House of Flying Daggers. (Other music for the ceremony included I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing by Aerosmith and Concerning Hobbits from the Lord of the Rings soundtrack...it was an odd mix but very appropriate for us.)


    > Back to the original topic I love the idea of applying this to Guild Wars, but unfortunately I've named all my mounts so I can't do it. Unless you allow for the fact that I can't put the names in-game, so technically they are nameless.


    I just believed her; so, they CAN actually be named?


    So, maybe she should have rephrased it as "I haven't named my mount yet …". :)

  12. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > I don't know what to say.....this post is so silly.


    > Drop malicious scepter, select parasitic contagion trait with the minion heal, and you're virtually immortal unless you eat one shot mechanics.


    > You're gaining about 1k health or more per second just by grabbing parasitic contagion and the healing minion if you want the training wheels.


    > Otherwise you can just use the healing minion and still be fine since unlike the other necro specs, no shroud is stopping the minion from healing you up.


    What do you mean by "malicious scepter" and by "minion heal"? Those are terms I haven't seen before.


    Thank you!

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