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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > Inculpatus: I know that. I'm asking WHY. Or, rather, why can't I at least salvage it (or get the black diamond instead of the jewel in the first place).

    > >

    > > Azizul: Seems odd, but it could be their logic. Sad, if true.

    > >

    > > Drecien: It's a black diamond JEWEL, not a black diamond.


    > I thought the jewel could be swapped for the diamond at that vendor?


    Yes, the "black diamond" gemstone can be, but the "exquisite black diamond jewel" is the crafted gemstone plus a setting piece.

  2. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > The Op has a point.. there are a few items that drop or given as rewards that include Jewel upgrades.

    > The items are soulbound, which is understandable to protect the requirement to purchase the expansions to gain new stat combo's, but why are some items salvageable to obtain the jewel, which in turn you then exchange for the base gem for crafting and some are not. I am of the opinion ANET forgot a few of the items in the trinket list that had the same jewel combo's.


    I HOPE that this is true, because then there's hope they fix it. I sure with they would respond to this kind of question.

  3. Caps in general are bad for a game. It punishes the most loyal players, the exact opposite of what the game should be doing.


    Diminishing returns would have worked. I'll never understand why they stopped the progression of luck needed per point. They could have eliminated the cap with zero effect on the game if they just let the amount of luck needed per MF point keep rising (by an ever-increasing number). What's so magical about the 218th MF point that it stopped the progression at 30,000 per point?


    If they did the math right, they could completely fix this, remove the cap, AND make the luck worth something again, with zero impact on the players or the game. Just change the points needed such that the amount needed goes up by 10 more than it did in the previous step, as it did on the 217th point. So, point 301 would require 30370, point 302 would require 30750, etc.


    As an option, if they do it retroactively, nobody would be at 300 yet. (Although, doing it retroactively would mean having to find a way to compensate for people who trashed their luck after they hit 300. But, they can just check the date when the account got capped and estimate how many they should have since then.) So, 217 would need 30300, 218 would need 30670, 219 would need 31050, etc.


  4. > @"aandiarie.7195" said:

    > I tried to open chests. I still have a problem. Basically there are 10 different locations and when I open 1 of them then 24 hrs later it won't work again. Someone said you can only open a location again when you have done all 10 on this list. This isn't good :/ I opened all 10 already. Then weeks went by and if I open some then it is a pain. We should just be able to open ANY sunken chest as long as 24 hrs has gone by :(


    To repeat: log out to character select with that character, and then log right back in. It will then work.

  5. > @"Vallune.8150" said:

    > I kind of understand why this was "fixed" _**BUT**_ a much better solution would have been to increase the amount required for the Daily Berry Acquisition from 5 to, say, 8. That way the node would work the same as the Fire Orchids. Your home instance node would still contribute towards completion, but you would still need to visit Bitterfrost Frontier to actually complete the daily.


    I would prefer if they counted harvesting strikes, in this case you would get credit for one.

  6. > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > "I sure wish my Winterberry Bush would stop completing the Daily Berry Aquisition achievement for Bitterfrost Frontier." - said no one ever.


    Wrong. I actually reported it as an exploit. Which it was. And, now that someone mentioned it, so are some of the other nodes.

  7. > @"jpersson.7368" said:

    > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > If there are continuing issues, could you please post details in this thread? Thank you.


    > I still have an issue...what kind of details do you need?


    > Today [6 chests was "looted already"](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hvfPiieQEzltiufjkZ8GX0p4UMDZQZWc "6 chests was "looted already""), using 9 characters, basically one parked per chest.


    > Cheers


    Try logging out to character select and then back in. So far, that has worked every time I tried it. It's still a bug, but at least you can get the chests.

  8. See my posts above. It's still not completely fixed. Characters already in the zone when they log in will see a looted chest. Log out (to character select) and back in, and the chest can usually be looted (I predict, Udolpho, that your experience was a special case). I reported this in-game, but it probably needs to be reported often, or else they may not know about it.


    I looted 14 chests the second day it was back, getting master diver twice and three chests towards the third time. So, there don't appear to be any limits; any limits that were speculated to exist (before the fix) were obviously just offshoots of the bug(s).

  9. First character, in the zone that didn't work yesterday, worked. Could not loot a second time (which is probably expected). Second and third characters also could not loot. I then logged all the way out (to get the patch that just was issued), and they both worked this time. First character checked again, and could not loot.


    Fourth character could not loot. Logged all the way out and back in, and now he can. Fifth through tenth characters could not loot. Logged out to character select and back in (with each character). Then they could each loot.


    Back to the first character, just to see if it had reset. No. Went to character select, and then it had. I looted it, and received the Master Diver achievement a second time. However, this was slightly after midnight (my time). Could be an unintended effect.


    So, I don't think it's working perfectly (we shouldn't have to zone twice for every chest). But, it does seem to be working.

  10. > @"Doghouse.1562" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > Oh, and I tried logging out and back in; no luck.

    > In my case, zoning seemed to be the key (if you'll pardon the weak pun). I logged in on a bugged chest; it still looked bugged. Zoned to somewhere else for a while; came back - problem sorted.


    I did the ten with ten different characters. And, to the later posters, no, I hadn't already done it in the cycle. I'll try again today.

  11. I think PoF was orders of magnitude better than HoT. PoF is very solo-able, and there's plenty of action going on. The maps are understandable, something that cannot be said of HoT.


    However, I would play more than one character, both in PoF AND HoT. I found that taking a second and third character through HoT was a lot better than the first. Plus, they nerfed the creatures, so they're no longer grossly overpowering. I'm finding PoF improved even more after I tried a second character. Once I had the mount masteries (from the first character's trek through PoF), it has been much easier to get map completions on other characters.

  12. > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > Man, you guys are pedantic. Have any of you ever thought that perhaps they made the status words ambiguous on purpose? That's what I would do: give away as little information as possible, while at the same time conveying SOMETHING about what the status currently is.


    > Honestly, I thought it was kind of ambiguous because we software developers are, like, super-duper pedantic about accuracy, and so the wording is vague because we literally break out in hives if you ask us to say "it *is* fixed" rather than "it is probably fixed" ;) Seriously, though, that.


    That's a point I hadn't thought of. Good point!

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