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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Did the game kick you at 2:45 or so? Or did it relocate you to LA, and then restart a couple of minutes later (or give the choice to wait ~2 hours as it is PvE)? Just wondering, because being moved to LA is not restarting the game. /shrug


    Good point. They booted me to Draconis Mons (where I was before I went to WvW). Then, I logged out (after submitting a support incident), since I was going to be booted anyhow.

  2. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > > > > @"Zedek.8932" said:

    > > > > > So you had a warning and did not act. You got another warning about very soon disruptions and you still did not care because you didn't expect it to be shutdown. The question is: Why would you think they put a message on-screen when it could be silently added in the background? Giving out several warnings WITHOUT any consequences (like being booted from the game) would be rather silly, wouldn't it?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I know many drivers that ignore the red lamp or warnings on the LCD display about the low fuel level. They want to see the needle in the fuel gauge literally sitting on zero. And then the calculation is wrong and the motor dies 2km shy of the next gas station. Who is to blame...?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Excelsior.

    > > > >

    > > > > The second warning was saying that he had 3 minutes before being booted but they actually kicked him after only 15 seconds so there was still 2 minutes 45 seconds left in the countdown. That was the problem.

    > > > >

    > > > > I mean why have a countdown timer at all if you're going to ignore the actual timer and reboot early? It's a simple thing; if you tell people they have 3 minutes before they're reboot then you should actually give them 3 minutes.

    > > > >

    > > > > Otherwise tell them they have 15 seconds.

    > > >

    > > > Read the OP's message again, he specifically said the warning at 2:45 said they would be booted from WvW, and that is exactly what happened, not sure what his complaint is honestly. You're always booted from WvW/PvP before the client closes down and restarts, it's never been an instant boot and restart.

    > >

    > > No he didn't, there seems to be some confusion here, what happens is this (I know this because the same thing happened to me before and I thought it was kinda daft).

    > >

    > > The game says: "A new build will be available in 10 minutes." - Fair enough.

    > > 10 minutes later the game says: "A new build is available. Your game will restart in 3 minutes." - Fair enough.

    > > 15 seconds later it says: "A new build is available. Your game will restart in 2 minutes 45 seconds." - Fair enough.

    > > Immediately after that 2:45 warning the game says: "A new build is available. Your game will restart now." and the game logs you out to Lion's Arch. - This is the issue.

    > >

    > > So the complaint is this: why say it's a 3 minute countdown when it's actually a 15 or maybe 16 second countdown? Why boot you when there's still 2:45 seconds on the clock?

    > >

    > > In my case I had just respawned after a disagreement with some green or blue people and so I was already in base camp and just running to throw some stuff in the bank when it kicked me out. No big deal, but I'd imagine it'd be somewhat more annoying if you were actively attacking a lord or supply camp.


    > There's a huge difference between being kicked out of WvW and sent to Lions Arch(which is what you say happens, and I know it happens that way) and the game just logging you completely out and restarting...which is what the OP is implying. That is not the case, it kicks you out of WvW and sends you to LA, with a 15 second warning that is going to happen...I used to play WvW, I know the messages...maybe someone needs to play closer attention in the future, but it has been that way since the beginning.


    Not quite. It kicked me back to the map I was on (Draconis Mons, in my case).


    The big problem is that it didn't give a 15 second warning, as Pifil said: It was a three minute warning that evaporated at the 15 second mark.


    I understand the need for server stability. What I don't understand is announcing the three-minute warning, but then not granting it. Surely after 5 years then can send separate messages to WvW, can't they? I KNOW they can, because I've seen messages that only go to WvW (and, I imagine PvP).


    And, goodness gracious, can't they plan better than this?

  3. > @"Zedek.8932" said:

    > So you had a warning and did not act. You got another warning about very soon disruptions and you still did not care because you didn't expect it to be shutdown. The question is: Why would you think they put a message on-screen when it could be silently added in the background? Giving out several warnings WITHOUT any consequences (like being booted from the game) would be rather silly, wouldn't it?


    > I know many drivers that ignore the red lamp or warnings on the LCD display about the low fuel level. They want to see the needle in the fuel gauge literally sitting on zero. And then the calculation is wrong and the motor dies 2km shy of the next gas station. Who is to blame...?


    > Excelsior.


    Did you READ my post? 15 seconds, not 10 minutes. That is NOT a warning.


    The first warning did not say anything about kicking. Typically, the build comes out, and THEN they tell us we're going to have to exit in some amount of time. Lately, it's usually measured in hours.

  4. Today marked a new low in communication by ArenaNet. After playing a while in WvW, we get the warning that a new build will be ready in 10 minutes. Nothing said about having to restart the game, just 10 minutes until the build.


    7 minutes later (I'm guessing they got that right), we got a 3-minute warning. This one DID include that the game will restart in 3 minutes.


    Then, immediately after the 2:45 warning, we got a warning we would be kicked from WvW. Then we were booted. The time gap between the warnings and the boot was less than a second each.


    Was this update THAT important?

  5. Abusive speech isn't necessarily profanity. The guy I reported didn't use any curse words; he was just amazing attacking and harsh.


    (By the way, it wasn't directed at me. And still I was offended enough by it to report it. I'm sure almost everybody else was as well.)

  6. Just a couple days ago, I had to report a WvW player twice in a minute, for DIFFERENT violations (first spamming and then verbal abuse). I suspect he has a nice "timeout" going on now. (In fact, the spamming came so quickly, I almost reported him for botting as well, but I suspect ANet can figure that part out on their own.)

  7. > @"Airdive.2613" said:

    > According to my calculations, if you open 177 chests *after* there's only the ballista missing, the probability of getting it is about 99.982%.

    > If you consider this a negative binomial case, the expected number of chests you need to open (again, after there's only the ballista missing) should be 21.

    > (edited again for more silly mistakes)


    You said that SO much more easily than my first post. Thank you!


    (Mathematicians may know math and even probability and statistics, but they don't necessarily know how to articulate that knowledge. :))

  8. > @"Faaris.8013" said:

    > > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

    > > A probability is, what its meaning tells without ambiguity: A probability = Nothing certain. Whatever the result of the calculation is, it does not tell when you will get what you are waiting for. You can play a lifetime without to get anything or play for 5 minutes only and get it twice in a row. Nobody can tell.


    > I think OP is well aware of that. Thing is, with the arguments in the recent posts here, it sounds like you shouldn't get suspicious if, after 300 dice rolls, you didn't get a single "6". Since the expected event should occur every 6th roll, it is reasonable to check if the die even has a "6" after 300 rolls without that event to occur.


    Actually, a better illustration would be rolling a 21-sider 177 times and not getting a 21. (Or, using dice that actually exist, rolling a 20-sider 160 times and not getting a 20. The odds are against that, but it's a lot closer than rolling a 6-sider 300 times.

  9. Your math is incorrect. Or, rather, the math is correct, but your statistical analysis is incorrect.


    To count all 177, you have to measure the odds for each of the 21 options, from the start. But, you're only looking at one of the 21 items available.


    What you really want is the expected wait time RANGE for each of the 21 items. I forget the formula (hey, I haven't seen it in over 40 years, and that book was lost in a basement flood a couple decades ago). But, once you have tabulated your 177 entries, your "wait" starts over. In other words, RIGHT NOW, there is a 1 chance in 21 for each time you check (assuming they are all equal odds). That translates into an expected wait time for THIS item of 21 more turns, from right now.

  10. Why? Because it's one of only a handful of ways to get envelopes. Dailies, once a day. Adventure, once a day. Races are a bit better, at 96 times a day, but for 3 envelopes?


    But, the worst part about Dragonball is the rewards are pathetic. For the time spent, and considering how often people leave, it's just not worth playing.

  11. Dragonball absolutely stinks. You get in alone, with two people against you. You naturally get killed. Then, someone joins your party, but immediately leaves (because you are behind 20-0). Then they show up on the other team. You're down 3-1 now. How can that happen?


    What is wrong with you, ANet? Please implement dishonor again. It worked amazingly well compared to this fiasco.

  12. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > In brief: it's not legit; you probably can get away with using one; but it puts your account at risk.

    > > > Is that risk worth it to you to save yourself from 10 minutes of tedium? That's up to you.

    > > >

    > > > > @"Nokomis.5076" said:

    > > > > After clicking left mouse button 600 times myself and pressing key 1 after each two clicks, I wondered if it would be allowed to make it semi-automatical.

    > > >

    > > > * No, it's not legit. The rule is `one key = one action`; a macro violates that.

    > > > * Will ANet go after you for using a macro to spam the achievement? That's extremely unlikely. Before _consume all_, people are known to have used macros for completing drinking achievements.

    > > > * Does that mean it's safe to use a macro for fireworks? No, for a variety of reasons that come down to: ANet has the tech to tell if you used (or are likely to have used a macro). While they won't go looking for you, if they happen to be investigating your account for _any reason_ and they come across this, the fact that the account shows the use of a macro will influence their response.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > I suspect it would depend on how the key is mapped. If the function is a basic part of the operating system, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. In Windows, "sticky keys" can be used to map a key to a double-click, for example.

    > >

    > > However, if a third-party tool or a keyboard's macro capabilities created the change, then it would be a violation.

    > >

    > > NOTE: Mapping one key to a double-click isn't really a map of two clicks. It's a map of a single mouse action (that typically requires two finger actions) such that it can be done with one action. However, mapping the double-click followed by a click of the "1" key would definitely be a violation.

    > >

    > > However, I see your main point: don't do things that might get you banned.

    > >

    > > I would be interested in hearing from ANet whether my interpretation is valid.

    > >


    > A "double-click" is "one action". Or at least, computers can treat it as such. And sure, ANet won't care about that. That is not what the OP asked about though.


    > Then asked about using a macro to press once and let the clicking continue unabated. That is clearly disallowed (and more/less already covered in some of the examples ANet's used in the past).




    Agreed. My post was merely intended to show that there is room for at least one keyboard mapping. (And, IMO, the most important one, since it's done far more often than any sequence that people might -- illegally -- map.)

  13. > @"Texas.4861" said:

    > > @"Moonlit.6421" said:

    > > Starting to work on character number 42 soon so I still enjoy the scrolls lol. Wouldn't mind if it was just 20 levels for example instead of just the first 20 levels but I still get use out of them.


    > 41 Queens Jennahs? lol 41 Birthday boosters..

    > Each toon (character) should get different stuff.. we did in GW1 doesn't have to be something expensive .. just different things. A key would be nice.


    I like the scrolls I can use, too. (I have 27 characters I play more-or-less all the time, most of which have used one.)


    But, each of those characters can use only one scroll, and each generates several through birthdays.


    I'm beginning to like the idea of key-farming with one slot I keep just for that purpose.

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