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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > In brief: it's not legit; you probably can get away with using one; but it puts your account at risk.

    > Is that risk worth it to you to save yourself from 10 minutes of tedium? That's up to you.


    > > @"Nokomis.5076" said:

    > > After clicking left mouse button 600 times myself and pressing key 1 after each two clicks, I wondered if it would be allowed to make it semi-automatical.


    > * No, it's not legit. The rule is `one key = one action`; a macro violates that.

    > * Will ANet go after you for using a macro to spam the achievement? That's extremely unlikely. Before _consume all_, people are known to have used macros for completing drinking achievements.

    > * Does that mean it's safe to use a macro for fireworks? No, for a variety of reasons that come down to: ANet has the tech to tell if you used (or are likely to have used a macro). While they won't go looking for you, if they happen to be investigating your account for _any reason_ and they come across this, the fact that the account shows the use of a macro will influence their response.



    I suspect it would depend on how the key is mapped. If the function is a basic part of the operating system, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. In Windows, "sticky keys" can be used to map a key to a double-click, for example.


    However, if a third-party tool or a keyboard's macro capabilities created the change, then it would be a violation.


    NOTE: Mapping one key to a double-click isn't really a map of two clicks. It's a map of a single mouse action (that typically requires two finger actions) such that it can be done with one action. However, mapping the double-click followed by a click of the "1" key would definitely be a violation.


    However, I see your main point: don't do things that might get you banned.


    I would be interested in hearing from ANet whether my interpretation is valid.


  2. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > My biggest issue is the experience scrolls. It is guaranteed that no account can ever use them all, yet there's nothing else to do with them.

    > >

    > > Birthday blasters are soulbound, so they're somewhat OK. But, Jennah's are just absurd. Let us at least use them in the mystic forge or something.


    > key farm one time each week and your exp scrolls will be gone in afew months. A good day for me is every sunday then I know I have done it right before reset that happens monday.


    When I create a character, I want to keep him or her. But, I suppose I could consider doing keyfarming with an empty slot.

  3. > @"SlateSloan.3654" said:

    > i got it from the blue spirits which are around the hablion arena. but it took me alot kills until it dropped.


    What do you mean by "blue" spirits? I'm slightly blue/yellow color-blind, so I might not have noticed that.


    And, thanks, SlateSloan and Yannir for your replies!

  4. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > Three things. First, I'm sorry that it's so frustrating.


    > Second, you've been through this before. Everyone has a nemesis drop among collection RNG. For me, it's been Tiger Claw, Aged Ecto and [Junuundu Bezoar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Junundu_Bezoar). A tiny fraction of people will suffer from "where's the drop" syndrome, despite dispatching what seems like hundreds of foes.


    > Don't let it get to you. Try different things to defeat the potential frustration: don't give yourself a deadline, don't grind, swap the toon(s) that do the kills, park a single toon in a target-rich environment and spend no more than 5 min/day worrying about it, or simply let it go for a month. I've done all of the above for my "didn't drop" items.


    > Finally, regarding the specific drop... the ghosts referenced include ones that appear at night on the lowest level of Bloodstone Fen. I got mine from Hab's (former) friends, but it took over 2 dozen Hablion deaths plus at least as many pre-events, not to mention killing spirits below and spirits above during off peak periods.


    > I read your wiki comment about "spirit" vs "ghost" and I think you're worrying too much about jargon in a game in which the _Speargun_ achievement refers to Harpoon Gun weapons & the _Harpoon achievement_ refers to Spear weapons. Spirits are ghosts, except when they aren't. The only way to tell is by experimentation.


    Yeah, you're right. I forgot about the harpoon/spear issue. I'll definitely keep trying.


    But, my ultimate hope was to get a list going for the wiki (plus, get one of my own). If people remember for sure where it dropped, that will help future players a bit, when they read the wiki.


    Thank you!

  5. I can't seem to figure out what creatures drop Aged Ectoplasm. I checked the [wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aged_Ectoplasm "wiki"), but there's nothing useful there. The text in the Bloodstone Fen Master achievement says, "Dropped by ghosts in Bloodstone Fen." However, there are no "ghosts" in Bloodstone. Lots of spirits, which might count. And, there's Hablion and his entourage.


    But, I've killed hundreds of spirits in the last couple days, and none have dropped it.


    So, does anybody know for certain which creatures drop it?

  6. > @"calb.3128" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > I think Gaile is telling the truth, because I've seen accounts I reported logged out in the middle of a skill. I assume that meant it wasn't voluntarily.

    > >

    > > GW1 used to "Dhuum" people: a giant avatar of the god Dhuum would, well, doom your account with a huge sweeping arc of his scythe.

    > >

    > > **Gaile**, I think it would be a good idea to give players a summary of actions. No details (which could compromise security), but just something like:

    > >

    > > Reports received this month/year/quarter/whatever: W

    > > Investigations resulted in suspensions: X

    > > Investigations resulted in perma-bans: Y

    > > Average time between report and suspend or ban: Z days/weeks/months, etc.

    > >

    > > No details, just the raw numbers. Maybe even include appeals and reinstatements (which would show how well appeals work).

    > >

    > > I would expect the number of reports to be far higher than the number of suspends and bans. But, just seeing that action occurs would be helpful.


    > The risk with what you propose is that, because we like to draw meaning from numbers, players align those numbers with the game’s financial situation. I am a proponent of transparency, but in this case I think it would cause more problems (particularly with speculation and conspiracy theories) than it would solve.



    You may be right, but I think it would be worth trying for a while, and then seeing if there are consequences such as you suggest.

  7. I think Gaile is telling the truth, because I've seen accounts I reported logged out in the middle of a skill. I assume that meant it wasn't voluntarily.


    GW1 used to "Dhuum" people: a giant avatar of the god Dhuum would, well, doom your account with a huge sweeping arc of his scythe.


    **Gaile**, I think it would be a good idea to give players a summary of actions. No details (which could compromise security), but just something like:


    Reports received this month/year/quarter/whatever: W

    Investigations resulted in suspensions: X

    Investigations resulted in perma-bans: Y

    Average time between report and suspend or ban: Z days/weeks/months, etc.


    No details, just the raw numbers. Maybe even include appeals and reinstatements (which would show how well appeals work).


    I would expect the number of reports to be far higher than the number of suspends and bans. But, just seeing that action occurs would be helpful.

  8. > @"aandiarie.7195" said:

    > What makes you think they are a bot? Some people camp nodes to make money. Like they go back hrs later or a day later because they can sell what they are gathering. O_O


    There are a few dead giveaways. For example, someone running in place against a wall indicates they are at least AFK. Someone repeatedly using a skill, but doing nothing else, can indicate a bot. If they're doing the skill with no enemies nearby, but in a place where enemies spawn ... .

  9. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"BloomEngery.1592" said:

    > > Yesterday, as I tried to log on to my account, I was shown a message stating that my account was suspended for 2 months due to using a 3rd party program. Needless to say, I was shocked. I have never used a 3rd party program of any sort. I spend 90% of my time in WvW (Mithril Rank), and rarely pve. Even though I have PoF, I have barely gotten out of the starting area. Same for the current Story season. None of my 11 characters have over 40% map completion. In fact, most are far below that in map completion.

    > >

    > > I did, however recently purchase the Garden Plot for my home instance and realize that I did not have seeds. Therefore, I finally got around to spending the better part of the other day in pve land harvesting in many of the areas mentioned previously in this thread. I did this mostly by walking and mounting up. There was no teleporting (other than WPs), illegal movement speeds, use of bots, etc. I did not cheat in any way. All I did was play wvw (again, no hacking or cheating), and some very tedious harvesting for my Garden Plot. That is all.

    > >

    > > I contacted Support with the above information and was able to clear up the confusion and was able to get my account back as a "one time" exception for doing nothing wrong. Whoever it was that was trigger happy and decided to report me, thank you for messing up my game and leaving a bad taste in my mouth. For those of you who are certain that there are bots "everywhere," please think twice before reporting everyone you see harvesting. Believe it or not, there are actually people out there who are harvesting like a normal person, without any xtra help.


    > Maybe Gaile could shed some light on this cos I can't see how they could make the error in the first place unless there is more to this than is being said.

    > Such posts have often been cleared up by Gaile with more a more factual account of the issue. If however this is truly an inexcusable error on the part of ANET then that tbh is even more concerning.


    Unfortunately, if Gaile explains what they saw, that knowledge could open a hole that hackers can exploit (further). In the security biz (which I've been doing off-and-on for almost three decades), much information has to be kept secret as long as possible.

  10. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > You definitely CAN and should report bots through the in-game report system. I just confirmed with the head of the CS Department that in-game reports are read and reacted to, including pulling data, researching game files, etc.


    > If you have screenshots, you can offer to send them if an agent requests them. It's not necessary or even of value to send them with your first contact, but you can make your report, say you have saved screenshots, and if the agent wants or needs to see them, you then can submit with your response to the ticket.


    I can confirm that what Gaile says is correct. I've actually seen a botter logged out in the middle of using a skill, which I presume means it was booted. I had JUST reported it. (Although, it's possible it was someone else's report earlier in the day or in the past.)

  11. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > > It's about time they do something to inform people about the cap in-game. It's been years now, and posts like these pop up ever so often because it's completely unclear what's happening.

    > >

    > > Oh, what's happening is perfectly clear. It's WHY it's happening that is the problem.

    > >

    > > And, yes, you are exactly correct. I simply cannot understand why ANet will not speak to this subject.


    > Why? Because it's simply unfair that new players would never have a chance to catch up to older players in terms of AP, it's bad enough that there's still no way to recoup Season one AP. Imagine if someone could stay ahead of the AP leaderboards simply by logging in ad eternum.


    So, your solution is to penalize the most loyal players?

  12. Donari is correct.


    However, you CAN get rid of them, albeit slowly. When you have four of the same rarity, take them to the mystic forge. You will get one of the same rarity (or higher), and that one usually can be salvaged.


    NOTE: Many of the very early ones can be sold to vendors, even though you can't salvage them or give/sell them to other players.

  13. > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

    > > I think this is the best black lion chests have ever been.

    > >

    > > Im grabbing the elementalist sword after only a $50 purchase of keys.

    > >

    > > I opened 50 chests and now have 59 black statues. Only 1 key farm away from the elementalist sword!

    > >

    > > At first, I was dissapointed that I didn't get the baby griffon backpack and glider. But then I noticed that I received the Svanirir Gloves and realized that I actually had pretty good luck.

    > >

    > > I'm even tempted to try another $50 worth of keys this week.

    > >

    > > And this is coming from someone who has never spent more than $100 on keys over 2 years of playing.

    > >

    > > Im planning on unlocking with karma as many skins I can, before using the random Wardobe unlocks to guarantee a better chance for rare skins.

    > >

    > > And the best part, even if I don't get the Griffon backpack after another $50 purchase this time, at a later date the griffin backpack should eventually be offered as a black statue reward.

    > >

    > > As long as you value dye and realize that it is a common drop, I think you are really going to like the black lion chests now.


    > Dude, you could have converted 3300 gems into 610g in order to directly buyout the sword from the TP.

    > And by doing this you would have saved 700 gems ( maybe an outfit, or something else ).


    You are forgetting that he also received the standard three items, which are worth more than the cost of the keys. The $50 wasn't JUST giving him just the statuettes.

  14. For those of you who can't see why I'm excluding discussion on the two premises: it's that we've already talked about them. Nobody is going to change their minds, so I don't want this thread derailed.


    This thread's purpose is for ANet, in case they hold that the cap isn't such a great idea, but they don't want to eliminate it completely, either. I don't know what ANet's position is, because they have never stated it. I'm HOPING they realize that it's not a good solution, and this idea offers a way they can partially remove it.

  15. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > In https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/23795/pve-dailies#latest, Dashiva had an excellent idea:

    > > >

    > > >> @"Dashiva.6149" said:

    > > >> I am fine with the normal dailies as it is. Plenty of options and usually varied and easy enough. I am however quite bored with the repetitive map-specific dailies in the LW-maps.

    > > >>

    > > >> I have been wondering lately if the pve-dailies should be split up between "expansions":

    > > >>

    > > >> * 4 Core dailies

    > > >> * 4 LS2 dailies

    > > >> * 4 HoT dailies

    > > >> * 4 LS3 dailies

    > > >> * 4 PoF dailies

    > > >> * 4 LS4 dailies

    > > >>

    > > >> and so on.

    > >

    > > > I LOVE this idea! It makes great sense, and the only downside is the length of the list. It should be not only trivial to code, but actually easier and less error-prone than the current system (which has to compare specific daily types across expansions).

    > >

    > > This thread assumes two things. First, that something like Dashiva's idea gets implemented, and second that the daily achievement point (AP) cap is not a good thing. If you disagree with either premise, please either ignore this thread or avoid commenting on these premises. All other posters: please ignore arguments against either of these two conditions, so the thread doesn't get derailed.

    > >

    > > My idea is that instead of a hard cap, daily APs be made successively harder to obtain, and/or have lesser value at completion.

    > >

    > > Previously, I and many others have suggested using diminishing returns. But, with 24 dailies (Dashiva's idea) to choose from, ANet could, instead of (or, in addition to) the diminishing returns, raise the requirement for further daily APs.

    > >

    > > For example, at 5,000 AP, players would need 4 dailies per day, and obtain only 9 APs for completing them. After 10,000, 5 a day and 8 APs per day. Etc, eventually coming down to needing something like 10-15 dailies completed, and only getting 1 AP per day for the effort.

    > >

    > > NOTE: The exact numbers in the example above is for illustration only.

    > >

    > > 2nd NOTE: It's possible that PvP and WvW dailies might need reworking as a result of this idea. But, because I barely play WvW and never PvP, I can't comment intelligently on that.


    > You do realize there's already a cap on how much AP you can obtain from dailys, right?


    See the second half of my second sentence.

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