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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > Yes, but I also roam all areas outside of core Tyria. I have 27 mains, and it's been a good number of months since I did NOT play every one of them in any given month.

    > >

    > > Exception: I avoid the four HoT areas, because they're too difficult for casual play like this, and because the later ones pose extreme navigation issues. If they would only improve the mini-map to show elevations and tunnels … :(.


    > Do you main each just one day a month?


    Oh, no. I'll play at least 5 a day, maybe 10. Weekends even more.


    But, I usually have a target. Like, I have 10 level 80s at the 10 sunken chest locations to harvest them on their turn. But, I also take them for a spin around the zone each time I go in, and do a few hearts and events along the way. So, I get on one of those 10 every day.


    Then, I have guys scattered all over the maps to do dailies.

  2. > @"Jarl Petter Hinrik.1409" said:

    > I keep creating new characters when pof and hot are too harsh on me or I get lost in the story. Nothing like going back home and finding bits of lore you never got before.




    A while back I completed a dream that started maybe a year after the game launched: complete all of the storyline missions. That includes the ones that have decisions you can make, and the 15 starting paths the races have (3 each for the 5 races).


    There is lore EVERYWHERE. I can't believe how much I missed the first time through. There are events all over the newbie zones and the second-tier zones that have a direct link to the storyline. And, they cross-reference each other even when they are disparate/unrelated choices you can make. Yeah, they converge at certain points, but it's really fun figuring out how they tie together.


    It wasn't cheap (it requires at least 30 characters, and I kept all of them). But, it was worth it. To me, anyhow.


    The newer storylines are good, but they have nowhere near the depth that the original had, with all the choices you could make along the way. It was a lot of fun.

  3. Yes, but I also roam all areas outside of core Tyria. I have 27 mains, and it's been a good number of months since I did NOT play every one of them in any given month.


    Exception: I avoid the four HoT areas, because they're too difficult for casual play like this, and because the later ones pose extreme navigation issues. If they would only improve the mini-map to show elevations and tunnels … :(.

  4. > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

    > > > > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

    > > > > > I know I shouldn't even be writing here, but I'm always surprised by how much importance people give to AP. For me, the APs could disappear tomorrow and everything would stay the same. Is interesting to read all the intricacies, though.

    > > > >

    > > > > For some folks, it's knowing the rewards/skins are out of reach.

    > > > > For others, it's a sad ego thing.

    > > > >

    > > > > From where I see it, I used to want the daily cap scrapped and lower the daily award post-15k, but.. after a number of days where the dailies just weren't worth it, or I just didn't feel like logging in, I'm actually glad for not "losing" anything when I decide not to do them. It's sort of liberating and allows me to wander to other games.

    > > >

    > > > One must wonder how they think a cap is good for the game. Your post has been echoed hundreds of times, but no change.

    > >

    > > Encourages players to get their AP by doing other content compared to low effort dailies, for example.


    > By that philosophy, they should take away gold farms or put a daily limit on the amount of gold one can earn from doing Istan or SW all day, so those players will get out and do other content.


    They do.

  5. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"Zaoda.1653" said:

    > > I think the achievement point cap was one of the most stupid decisions ever made in GW2. I'm stuck at 28,002 points - at this rate, I'll NEVER have full hellfire or radiant armour.


    > you are only 2k away, i am sure that would be easily possible even if you have 0 historic ap

    > the backpacks might be out of reach, but they are ugly and outdated anyway


    He's 8K away, and that's only if you don't count the back armor. If you count that, it's 11K.


    A few thousand is a LONG ways to go at 1-5 at a time. Further, everything bigger than 1 AP takes a VERY long time. Longer for people who don't PvP. Even events are capped. I figure 10-12 more years before I get just the chest armor (I'm a little under 26K).

  6. > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

    > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

    > > I know I shouldn't even be writing here, but I'm always surprised by how much importance people give to AP. For me, the APs could disappear tomorrow and everything would stay the same. Is interesting to read all the intricacies, though.


    > For some folks, it's knowing the rewards/skins are out of reach.

    > For others, it's a sad ego thing.


    > From where I see it, I used to want the daily cap scrapped and lower the daily award post-15k, but.. after a number of days where the dailies just weren't worth it, or I just didn't feel like logging in, I'm actually glad for not "losing" anything when I decide not to do them. It's sort of liberating and allows me to wander to other games.


    One must wonder how they think a cap is good for the game. Your post has been echoed hundreds of times, but no change.

  7. > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

    > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

    > > > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

    > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > All they need to do is offer some fancy skin to entice players and lock it behind a personal instance that requires players to learn to deal with break bars otherwise it'd be impossible to succeed.

    > > >

    > > > No because there's still going to be the worst of the worst, the players who literally do not care about anything like that and plague events scaling them up and failing them for the entire map.

    > >

    > > you wanted this kind of content in open world, now deal with the consequenses

    > > and this is the reason why other mmos dont do the same


    > I never said that, Anet said they wanted that, but Anet doesn't seem to appreciate just how lazy and ignorant their playerbase can be, and how many of them never try to improve themselves, never listen to instructions, and don't give a kitten if they screw over dozens of other players for 2 hours at a time. The only way to make these players learn is to literally force them to do it.


    > Anet needs to decide, when their playerbase is filled with lazy casuals who won't even pay attention to chat to learn how to deal with a breakbar, to either.. make all the bosses 11111111111 zergfests that don't require any strategy so they can be done with open maps and a bunch of zombies like typically get, make the breakbars not scale so much so that the few people who actually give a kitten and bring CC can successfully do it in the short amount of time given (often I can't get through more than 3, maybe 4 cc's tops personally before the window is gone, so iyou figure if you have 5 people each use 3 CC's that should be enough, don't expect everyone to bring multiple CC's because they quite simply don't. they don't care to learn strategies or improve themselves. You're punishing the people who actually do try by relying on those that don't to step up their game), or, make a tutorial that cannot be skipped, and halts progress until you complete it that everyone is forced to do to learn how to deal with breakbars.. Your choice or serpent's ire will continue to be dead forever and the joko interrupting event will for the most part, be given up on because it attracts too many people who don't bring necessary CC and scale it up.


    You have violated the law of the excluded middle. Your argument is invalid. (In addition to purposely insulting.)

  8. > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > All they need to do is offer some fancy skin to entice players and lock it behind a personal instance that requires players to learn to deal with break bars otherwise it'd be impossible to succeed.


    > No because there's still going to be the worst of the worst, the players who literally do not care about anything like that and plague events scaling them up and failing them for the entire map.


    There would be a lot fewer of them if they had a tutorial. Very few people are purposely bad.

  9. > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > > Some bars decline with chill. Others don't. Same with cripple, slow, and other conditions.

    > > > >

    > > > > Some break bars regenerate over time. Others only regenerate after the are broken.

    > > > >

    > > > > Some break bars, when broken, have an effect that weakens the monster. Others make them more powerful.

    > > > >

    > > > > Some break bars require a high amount of breaking attacks, while others are relatively easy.

    > > > >

    > > > > Etc.

    > > >

    > > > you have a few outliers, (i only know one OW boss that requires chill) but in generall they all work the same.

    > > >

    > >

    > > We're not discussing just bosses; we're discussing break-bars. And, those aren't outliers; there are dozens of exceptions to the main "rules".


    > Where? I don't think it's intellectually to demanding that people will notice that cc bars are not functioning the same every time. It's about giving a general introduction. Not every mechanic in an instance or ow needs to be explained 100%. And that general intruduction is lacking or better, not there at all. It seams to be very confusing to be honest. I had a talk with 3 25k+ap players that thought you can only cc when the blue bar is gone.


    Yeah, that would be OK. But, it would still help to distinguish them. As it is, once you've figured out what they are, you have to memorize each creatures non-defaults/regeneration. If they're going to do it, they should explain it. It wouldn't be much more effort in a tutorial.

  10. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > Because when they left to raid, the other parts of the game became less toxic.

    > >

    > > When ~10% of the players moved, and ~80% of the toxicity left with them, well, you do the math.


    > This assumes that people who raid do not play other parts of the game. Given that raiding requires a lot of dedication to a game both time and commitment wise, it seems a wierd assumption to make.


    > I'd assume people who raid specifically play the game more in all areas versus some who only occasionally play open world content. Especially since open world pve content is required for so many things.


    No assumptions, but it is my own perception of the facts (and thus, perhaps even less valid).


    However, your point is valid. Where I saw the greatest reduction in toxicity was in dungeons and fractals. Those are more "high-end" (at the time), which is similar to what raids are. But, I was going through fractals when the first raid came out, and it was like night and day. And, it happened almost overnight.


    Now, to give the raiders their credit, at the same time as they left for raids, they also took a lot of skill with them. PUG fractals were harder for a few months as players upped their game to make up for the missing player-skill capabilities. And, seriously, I don't think it ever rose to the heights of skill it had attained while the raiders were still there.


    Now, don't get me wrong: not all raiders are toxic. Heck, my son-in-law raids a LOT, and I like him. No, probably only a small percentage of raiders are toxic. Unfortunately, they tend to be the most vocal as well, so I'm probably doing a disservice to the majority of raiders.


    I'll probably eventually join in raiding, but it won't be with PUGs. It will be with my guildmates, all of whom are decidedly un-toxic (including the aforementioned son-in-law).

  11. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > I use most of them, and I lay them out in a certain order on each character: normal, equipment, oiled, craftsman, siegemaster, and invisible. The order is so that all my characters' inventories work the same way in practice.


    > But, only half of my characters have oiled bags 18-slot or higher, mainly due to the price of leather.


    > Also, a couple of toons have one of the Olmakhan bags as well.


    I should clarify: all of my mains have at least 2 extra purchased bag slots. So, they all have room for at least one of each type (minus Olmakhan).

  12. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > All they need to do is offer some fancy skin to entice players and lock it behind a personal instance that requires players to learn to deal with break bars otherwise it'd be impossible to succeed.


    I like this idea. It would allow them to deal with all the different types of break-bars.


    And, it might fit well with my idea of using different colored break-bars.

  13. > @"sigur.9453" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > Some bars decline with chill. Others don't. Same with cripple, slow, and other conditions.

    > >

    > > Some break bars regenerate over time. Others only regenerate after the are broken.

    > >

    > > Some break bars, when broken, have an effect that weakens the monster. Others make them more powerful.

    > >

    > > Some break bars require a high amount of breaking attacks, while others are relatively easy.

    > >

    > > Etc.


    > you have a few outliers, (i only know one OW boss that requires chill) but in generall they all work the same.



    We're not discussing just bosses; we're discussing break-bars. And, those aren't outliers; there are dozens of exceptions to the main "rules".

  14. I use most of them, and I lay them out in a certain order on each character: normal, equipment, oiled, craftsman, siegemaster, and invisible. The order is so that all my characters' inventories work the same way in practice.


    But, only half of my characters have oiled bags 18-slot or higher, mainly due to the price of leather.


    Also, a couple of toons have one of the Olmakhan bags as well.

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