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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > > Can someone (preferably from ANet) please explain why the diflourite earrings cannot have HoT stats? They can do core stats, but not HoT?

    > > >

    > > > They don't even have full core stats, such as assassin, magi, carrion etc. . While trinkets from HoT have full combos from core+HoT.

    > >

    > > I hadn't noticed that. That makes my statement (that diflourite trinkets have no value) in the previous post a gross understatement.


    > actually they do as it's the only way to get second 'harrier', 'plaguedoctor' earring from open world


    > Ember bay is tough love, it doesn't look friendly but it grows on you, give the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Petrified_Wood a chance


    Where does the other harrier/plaguedoctor come from? There's only one source of trinkets at vendors in PoF areas. Is there another source somewhere?

  2. > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

    > Ultimately, the stats are separated by expansion to encourage people to buy all the expansions. Always follow the money; it usually leads to the ugly truth.


    > That said, it should be noted that probably 80% or more of the level 80 game revolves around two stat sets: Berserker (core) and Viper (HoT). That's a problem in several ways, and could be a topic all its own.


    Following the money doesn't work. That's the whole point of this thread.

  3. > @"phs.6089" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > Can someone (preferably from ANet) please explain why the diflourite earrings cannot have HoT stats? They can do core stats, but not HoT?


    > They don't even have full core stats, such as assassin, magi, carrion etc. . While trinkets from HoT have full combos from core+HoT.


    I hadn't noticed that. That makes my statement (that diflourite trinkets have no value) in the previous post a gross understatement.

  4. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > > By that logic, neither HoT nor PoF trinkets should include Core stats as an option. Hence, this thread.

    > > >

    > > > The logic was stated: core stats (a.k.a. "vanilla" stats) are _always_ included, as they don't require any expansion but are (naturally) tied to every expansion, because that is where you character starts.

    > > >

    > > > The core is, well, the _core_ game. You cannot play any expansion without it.

    > >

    > > Now, that's a reason why. It's a bad reason (IMO), but at least it offers thoughts on my actual question. Thanks.


    > It's what has been answered before, only that I was more explicit in my explanation (as in spelling it out for you). Unless, of course, you are new to the game and did not grasp the fact yet that you cannot start anywhere else other than the core campaign.


    No, it was fundamentally different. The earlier posts all said what had happened. This one explained the logic behind it.


    But, I sure hope ANet has a better reason than that. They had to write extra code to exclude the HoT stat combos. My question is why did they do that extra work?


    PoF isn't done yet, so this may change, but IMO there are currently zero useful PoF stat combinations available for PvE. So, there's no reason to ever buy another diflourite trinket (and I wish I could recover the volatile magic I spend on these useless things).


    That can't be what they intended. (Or, at least I hope not.) If it were, then they shouldn't have bothered even adding them to the game in the first place. What's the use of having just one ring and one earring available? Maybe the back items, amulets, and more rings/earrings are coming.

  5. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > By that logic, neither HoT nor PoF trinkets should include Core stats as an option. Hence, this thread.


    > The logic was stated: core stats (a.k.a. "vanilla" stats) are _always_ included, as they don't require any expansion but are (naturally) tied to every expansion, because that is where you character starts.


    > The core is, well, the _core_ game. You cannot play any expansion without it.


    Now, that's a reason why. It's a bad reason (IMO), but at least it offers thoughts on my actual question. Thanks.

  6. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > No, it doesn't. By that logic, neither HoT nor PoF trinkets should include Core stats as an option. Hence, this thread.


    > Yes it does because the core game is free and is given free with either expansion to begin with. The reason they keep PoF and HoT separate and many other things for that matter is to keep both expansions as viable for purchasing. If you bought PoF and not HoT and want those HoT stats you need to buy HoT. If you buy HoT and want PoF stats you need to buy PoF. Same goes for guild stuff, gliders, mounts, etc.


    Yeah, but I own BOTH.


    PoF came out after HoT. HoT included all previous stat combos, i.e. core stats. Logically, PoF should have done the same. (Personally, I think HoT should be retrofitted with PoF stats as well, but backstitching is another subject.)

  7. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > Vanilla content gives access to vanilla stats.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Do the mist trinkets restrict the available set of stats based on which expansions you have?


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mist_Talisman

    > > Available prefixes

    > > Heart of Thorns prefixes are only available to players who have the Heart of Thorns expansion.


    > In short, yes.


    Well, that statement in the wiki is clearly incomplete, since you can also get the mists stuff with PoF stats. I'll fix that.


    But, you have inadvertently made my sub-point for me: BOTH are available to mists players (presumably if you own the matching expansion).

  8. I cited that Core stats are available from PoF items. I'm asking for logic to defend the choice to leave out HoT stats. If they're going to be consistent, then HoT stats should also be available, because HoT preceded PoF, just like Core did.


    Here's the big issue: you can't wear two earrings of the same type, because they're unique. So, now I'm stuck with one HoT earring and one from fractals or some other part of the game. Or, I have to use winterberries to make earrings. But, those have to be reserved for breathers, because there are effectively no other breathers available. (The ones from Astora come even less frequently than Wegloop's, so that's no help.)

  9. Oh, it's easy. I gave a step-by-step. The only tricky part is whether you're an admin. If you don't know, do the third bullet instead of the second.


    The only tricky part about the command is that there is a space between "ipconfig" and "/flushdns". I should add that you hit enter after typing "ipconfig /flushdns", and click the X to close the window when it's done (5 seconds or less, I suspect).

  10. Try this fix (given to me by ANet customer service):


    * Bring up a Command Prompt (command shell, or CMD) window as administrator. To bring up a Command Prompt window, click the Start button and type "cmd".

    * If you are an administrator on the PC with the account you are logged in to, just click "Command Prompt" and skip the next step.

    * If not an administrator, right-click the "Command Prompt" line on the Start menu. Then, choose "Run as administrator."

    * In the "Command Prompt" window, type:


    ipconfig /flushdns


    I know what flushing the DNS resolver cache does, but I can't figure out how that would affect Guild Wars. I've asked the support team. If they give me an answer, I'll update this thread.


    If this works (or not), please reply again.

  11. Support asked me to clear my PC's DNS resolver cache. I did it Monday morning, and I haven't seen any instances of the problem since then. I'm going to wait 3-4 more days to be safe, but I think this one is solved.


    However, I'll post again if it starts failing again (and purging DNS doesn't solve it). I'll also post again in a few days, when I close the support ticket (assuming it doesn't fail again).



  12. > @"alchemist.6851" said:

    > The recent updates to the Sigils/Runes as well as the Winterday patch changed a lot of game play. When it would have been possible to buff professions to the level of usefulness, ArenaNet decided to go with nerf instead. The latest patch affected almost everyone, even chrono haters. More importantly it made a lot of gears less relevant - gear that many players spend a lot of time and money to obtain.

    > I think it would only be fair of ArenaNet to allow for the players to have a reset of gears with such significant changes. It is only fair for the players of every profession to be given a chance to rework their gear without grinding through the pain or spending money. I am only suggesting 3 aspect of free reset:


    > 1. Reset all soul bound items to original account bound or free bound

    > 2. Reset all select-stat weapons so we can reselect stats for the new builds ArenaNet suggested for us

    > 3. Extract the runes and sigils from current slots so we could repurpose or trade them, without spending gems on extractors


    > I would like to see how many of the players supportive this suggestion. (Anonymous poll)



    I didn't vote, because neither yes nor no is my response.


    They need to undo the terrible changes they made to runes and sigils. They were implemented as if they fixed some problem, but there were no problems with the old system.


    A free reset won't solve the problem. The solution is as radical as what caused the problem: reverse it.

  13. I'm seeing a problem where every once in a while (maybe one in ten), keystrokes are simply ignored. But, it only happens in combat or moving. The mouse still works normally.


    Once in a while, like tonight, it stops working almost completely. No keystrokes are accepted except maybe one in a hundred.


    But, the keyboard works perfectly in all other applications, and even in Guild Wars 2 for chats and submitting in-game tickets. I tried all the same keystrokes, and not one of them failed. But, just a minute or two earlier, I had to drop out of a fractal because I was useless to the team.


    Is anybody else seeing anything like this?


    (Yes, I submitted a ticket, but I'm gathering information here.)

  14. > @"Chichimec.9364" said:

    > > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > Re-balanced is the last word that comes to mind. More grind, more expensive crafting, gem store sales, etc. Re-balanced for for Anet but not for me.

    > Agreed. Maybe I'm missing something but I'm not seeing any balance at all - just a hard, sharp tilt toward the more difficult and expensive side of things. The problem for me isn't with gear for lvl 80 chars. End game gear should take more effort and gold than lower level stuff. It's generally a one time expense and that keeps it acceptable. No, the problem is with low level chars. I have lvl 80s in all professions and most of the elite specializations. Even so, I still like starting new chars and experimenting with a variety of gear and skills as I run those chars around core Tyria before key farming with them. The auto-salvage and increased cost of sigils and runes really bites when you are re-gearing a char every 5-10 levels. Before, I was able to salvage and re-use most sigils and runes using the Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic. The ones I lost were easily replaced. Now I can't salvage any and some have gotten ridiculously expensive. The Minor Rune of the Warrior which used to be standard on any new char I started jumped in price from a few silver to 85 silver and 37 copper as of the last refresh on GW2 Efficiency. Yes, I've switched to other, cheaper Runes but I'm not seeing any benefit to the new salvage system, just more hassle and expense.


    > Oh, and I have yet to craft a single sigil or rune. The price of the Charms are currently: Skill for 40s & 96c; Potence 72s & 21c; and Brilliance for 2g & 89c. When you are talking about sigils and runes for 6-7 pieces of armor and 2-6 weapons every 5-10 levels, those prices really do bite. If there really is some reason why auto-salvage can't be optional, another solution might be a significant increase in the drop rate for those Charms. That could bring the prices down to much more reasonable levels.



    I agree almost completely. However, there is one benefit to the process: players can save a step by not having to sell the runes and sigils. That's a significant benefit, but imo, it's grossly outweighed by the horribly overpriced upgrades.

  15. > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

    > The choice won't really help. Folks rarely got all the runes or sigils they needed from salvage; they relied on them being available on the tp. That supply is gone now.


    So, why don't they auto-salvage trophy salvage items? So people have a choice, that's why.


    It WOULD help, because then the market could balance itself properly, instead of the artificial (and gross) inflation we now have. Then we could make the same choice as with trophy salvage items.

  16. Why isn't there an option to NOT auto-salvage runes. The price for crafting new versions of even the masterwork ones are astronomical. And, the drop rate for the items needed to craft runes and sigils is abysmally low. Together, that means you only get enough components for about 1-2% of what you need to make them.


    Make it a check box instead of an auto-salvage. I'll take the pain of salvaging them myself, if given the choice.


    If you can't do that, then scrap this new system completely. As it sits, it's garbage. The concept is sound, but it is horribly implemented (without that choice).

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