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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. Putting a note out about it won't solve the root problem: the cap punishes the game's most loyal players. We are singled out for punishment.


    The cap has another side effect: only seventeen people in the world have reached 39,000 APs. Eleven Million customers, but only seventeen have reached the top. With Living World Season One points unavailable now, if you weren't here for that, it's essentially impossible to attain a full set of the AP rewards' armor.


    I still love this game, but that's a very bitter pill to swallow: I will almost certainly die of old age before I can ever get the radiant armor skins I started working towards sevenish years ago.


    I had hope in Guild Wars 1, and eventually attained the highest rewards. It took almost nine years, but I did it: I bear the title Champion of the Gods. But, in GW2? It's hopeless. There is (likely) not enough time left in my life to get to 39,000.

  2. Nerashi's (Plaguedoctor's) stats are not available for ascended breathers. I don't think the exotic breathers can have Plaguedoctor's stats, either, but that's not important to me in this post.


    When I previously posted this in the forums, I was told to open a ticket with support. The end result of that ticket is ... that I should post here.


    ArenaNet needs to either


    1. Add breathers with Nerashi's (and Plaguedoctor's?) stats, or

    2. Make a statement that there either are not going to be any, or

    3. Make a statement that they're coming with a future update.


    And, please don't tell me to open another ticket.

  3. It needs more than dishonor. It's needs a complete overhaul, or it needs to be scrapped. It's just AWFUL.


    I just had a game where the other team outnumbered ours the whole game. First 2-1. then 3-1, 3-2, 3-1 again, 3-2, 4-2, and finally the remainder of the game at 4-3.


    I had a game before that where there were 3 on each side. Before the match even started, two on my team left, reentered, and were placed on the other team. Two must have left the other team as well, because it was eventually 3-1 for most of the game.


    How can this be considered fun?


    And the fix is obvious and simple: put all new players on the losing team, and put dishonor on anybody who leaves. Even without dishonor (which might not be simple), just only adding people to the losing team makes it unprofitable to leave with intent to return.

  4. > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

    > How do you differentiate between players who left a match on purpose and players disconnected by server failure or other complication?


    > Is a punishment system (and the resources devoted to its implementation) worth it when a massive backlash could brew on the basis of 'I got disconnected and then punished for it during what was supposed to be a fun festival game'?


    > If anything, the festival _dailies_ should be adjusted, as that's more feasible than any kind of changes being made to dinosaur content.




    "Massive backlash"? No. I have NEVER been disconnected during a match. And, I don't know anybody else who has, although the pool of players is small.


    No, any backlash will pretty much only come from cheaters who don't want their favored way of winning made obsolete. No honorable player will object.

  5. Well, that's good to know. But, it's a hole, because the two I just checked (white mantle scroll and relic of Lyssa) allowed diviner's, but none of grieving, harrier's, or plaguedoctor's. So, it looks like either some got missed, or diviner's is just "better" somehow.

  6. The wiki says that, but I'm not sure the wiki is correct in this regard. Those rings do NOT include other PoF stats (grieving and plaguedoctor), so ….


    In any case, you are correct that there's a bug going on somewhere. Either they're supposed to have them and don't, or they're not supposed to and do.


    Unfortunately, I can't afford any winterberries to test the theory on either side.

  7. > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

    > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > This is an issue with the snowball mayhem from wintersday as well (where I know all too well the pain of being booted to the losing team at the last minute). People only want their wins and, the moment things aren't going in their favour, they bail. It drags down the whole experience for others. I generally don't bother with this event because I dislike the feel of playing it, but I would still be happy if anet gave some kind of punishment to leaving a match early.

    > Snowball Mayhem can be fixed by making the daily "_play_ a match" rather than "_win_ a match", like how the halloween ones are.


    > Also making volunteering actually credit you with a win, like it's supposed to. It's never worked in activities, for some reason.


    The daily IS play two matches. There's another daily for winning three matches.


    Perhaps a hybrid: if you leave early, you lose credit for one of your previously attained victories. THAT would get people to stay.

  8. Thanks. I guess I know that, but I'm hoping someone from ANet will be able to answer.


    To perhaps add incentive, I'm going to spend $100 on gems to buy BL chest keys, IF the answer is positive. But, I'll be buying the keys in March, when I expect them to go on sale, for use in April/May to get the minis, so I have to know by then.

  9. Last year in the April/May timeframe, Black Lion chests contain mini baby mount containers. I started building a collection, but then they stopped coming. Doing the collection is very expensive via the trading post, so I would like to buy BL chests again to fill it out.


    Does anybody know (for sure) if they plan on adding those back (to chests) in the spring?

  10. > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > Well, their response isn't hopeful: they're going to refund what I paid for it. No words about getting the items available in-game, so I have to assume they're not going to ever put any PoF-statted breathers into the game.


    > The people who handle support aren't the people who handle these bug fixes, so they gave you the only kind of answer that they can give to help you.


    > I am pretty certain ANet will add the missing stat eventually, whenever they manage to add such a fix into their limited resource pool. That's also why ANet doesn't give release date for stuff until it's nearly done and ready.


    Yeah, you're probably right. We won't know until they make an announcement.


    In that case, I'm glad they refunded me the cost. I can use the Celestial breather on a Mesmer I'm building.

  11. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > Well, their response isn't hopeful: they're going to refund what I paid for it. No words about getting the items available in-game, so I have to assume they're not going to ever put any PoF-statted breathers into the game.


    > I am intrigued by the build you use to need Nerashi stats. Genuinely intrigued!


    It's a strange situation. My daughter plays, and my guardian character is always out with her mage. So, I'm building a healing guardian that also adds a little bit of conditions to augment her build, and to keep her alive while she spreads her prodigious damage piles onto enemies.


    I'm not sure it would be viable solo, but since we're always together, it fits in.


    I think he could also be used as part of an organized team, although he's optimized strictly for healing and boons, so I'm not sure. Some day, I hope to talk her into fractals, and we'll find out. :)

  12. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > You're only counting ones where you are losing.

    > Bc those are the only ones where I'm affected. The game isn't ruined when a player is flipped from the winning to the losing side, it is only ruined for that one player. Everyone else's outcomes remain the same. Which again is not to say that player's experience being ruined is okay, it just goes to the severity of the issue. As it stands now it's fairly low on my stuff to care about list. I'd like for anet to address it but I'd rather they fix a lot of other things first, like the one where matches with incomplete teams never fill . . .


    Well, I care about everybody, so it matters to me.

  13. Sure. Instead of having glyphs (which reside in shared slots, presumably), buy a gem store item, which upgrades all (say) sickles to Industry (or whatever).


    However, I realized later that that doesn't allow for customization, and some people have already bought other glyphs. So, to some folks (who spent a LOT of money buying four or more glyphs), they would be getting screwed by such a change.


    So, I've refined my thinking to something like an item that adds a glyph to (say) five characters' sickles (or picks, etc.) That would allow for customization, and people who bought glyphs already wouldn't be getting shafted (like those who bought snowflakes before two Wintersdays ago, or during the magic find fiasco).

  14. Four tiny things bug the heck out of me, for some reason:


    First, why do some lower-level map merchants only sell tier 5 and 6 gathering implements to high-level characters? Why on earth would I buy a mithril or orichalcum pick when the map only has copper nodes? All merchants who sell implements should sell ALL implements (assuming your character is high enough level to use them.)


    Second, implements that let you farm too-high nodes. What person (in real life) would use a copper implement on an orichalcum node (if they existed)? Yes, I'll agree that for the first few times, getting ruined ore is appropriate. But, to continue to do it after millions of gatherings by a character is absurd. In a game that's all about immersion, such an obvious defect simply shouldn't exist. Just pop a warning "gathering at this node with this implement will result in ruined materials."


    Third, why doesn't /stuck credit you with the cost of the move to a waypoint (or even, the nearest uncontested waypoint)? In other words, why does MY character have to pay to get out of a hole in the code (and the map) that ANet hasn't fixed yet?


    Finally, invisible barriers. Why do they still exist after being reported? I'm not talking about walls meant to keep your springer out of areas you shouldn't be able to access. I'm talking about things like the barrier just before you get to Weyandt's treasure. They're all over Tyria. I've reported some, but they never get fixed, so I've given up reporting them. (Correction: one invisible wall was fixed after reporting it. It's memorable to me because it's the only one they've ever fixed.)

  15. They're slow, but when a Living World season is complete, the pieces inside it are also complete. You yourself made this argument when I complained of not being able to use difluorite earings with HoT stats.


    I'm waiting for support to respond. This could be an oversight, but unless it is, then they have no intention of ever adding PoF breathers. Thus, that insignia is indeed worthless. (I hope they'll at least offer to return the materials in exchange for deleting it. But, I'm not counting on that.)

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