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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. I was able to get 7 during the event just now. I could have gotten one more, but ran out of time.


    NOTE: Three of them were in the same quadrant of the map, so that helped a lot. But, they were solo, so ….


    Your tips helped a lot, Illconceived. I'll be doing this a lot more often.


    One thing I noticed, that you mentioned, but perhaps not clearly enough: you do not lose your Treasure Hunting Kit until you actually use it to dig up treasure. This means (as you mentioned) that you can re-zone without losing it. Also, it means you won't lose it if the clock runs out.

  2. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > is it possible for others to see your chests and open them? This could make for a fun guild activity.

    > @"Rauderi.8706" yes. All available locations are the same for everyone.


    > The advantage of solo is you can swap maps quickly to re-ping for something more convenient. The advantage of a larger group is that you're likely to have _someone's_ ping closer. I'd recommend voice plus a strong commander. Since the event doesn't last long, you want people to make the most of their time (i.e. it's a no skritt guild activity ... anyone chasing after that "one more node" can slow the group down).


    Another advantage to group farming is that you can take out the mobs that are at the spawn points. Some of the spawns are just too hard to go to solo (like, that valley where all the hydras are). With even two players, they become much easier and less time-consuming.


    Rauderi, I think this would be an EXCELLENT guild activity. So much so that I'm going to propose it to my guild.

  3. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"GW Noob.6038" said:

    > > @Illconceived Was Na.9781 Oh, I see. So the March sale "event" isn't really an event at all...

    > >


    > It's not an "in game" event; it's a marketing event. It's happened every year, since the first March.


    > > they're just putting things on sale that they couldn't sell before at the regular price.

    > Actually, they make all sorts of stuff available that sells plenty well, including Black Lion Keys, Character Slots, Bank Slots, Shared Inventory slots.


    > Many people, including myself, are content to wait until March to buy stuff.


    > FYI: usually the first few days aren't very interesting for the majority (although I guarantee, there's always someone waiting for a discount on any particular item you might name that is of no interest to you or I).


    > FYI #2: Culturally, in the US, "March Madness" sales are common, due to the associated "March Madness" college basketball tourney.


    > And final FYI: to get my name to link correctly, type the 'at' symbol (`@`) and a few letters of my name, then press tab; that ensures correct syntax. (Might take a little getting used to.)


    Correct again.


    And, they should have waited until after the March sales to do the layoffs, I think. I plan on spending a couple hundred dollars, and I know many others are, too. Might have spared a few.

  4. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"GW Noob.6038" said:

    > > > @"Etria.3642" said:

    > > > POF combo is on sale on my page.

    > >

    > > Uh, no, it's not.


    > It is being _sold_; it's not available at a _discount_ price. The phrase "on sale" in English could refer to either scenario; it's ambiguous in meaning and in the context of the conversation. Further, the PoF Prep package can only be sold twice to each account, so it won't be visible to everyone, regardless of the discount.






    But, the state of Minnesota in the USA has a law making "on sale" mean "for a lower price". Other states may have similar laws, which could be confusing GW Noob and Etria.

  5. ANet almost never listens to the community. With Gaile leaving, there will be even less contact between the company and the community.


    So, while I applaud the sentiment of your post, the reality will be the same as (almost) always: no comment.


    They need money. They need us all to buy gems. But, without a commitment from the company, any effort to generate funds for them via gems won't work.

  6. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > No, I thought it was an official statement from the company, that it would go directly to Season 5. Can't remember where I saw it though, and I may be mis-paraphrasing it.


    > They said we'd go directly from season 4 to season 5 without an expansion between. *That* statement didn't say anything clear about number of episodes.


    Yeah, that could be it. Sorry for the misinterpretation.

  7. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > I shouldn't even get started, because this subject really frosts me. But, OP, you are absolutely correct. Damage meters used by your teammates against you should be banned. I don't care if people use their damage meter to improve THEIR game, but stay away from me.

    > >

    > > In fact, in fractals, it would be the height of idiocy to use a damage meter against my character. My character specializes in breaking breakbars, removing boons, and staying alive. How can a damage meter ever see something like that? He doesn't do that much raw damage, but he digs the mass grave for the other party members to bury our enemies in.

    > >

    > > The same issue applies to healers and support characters. Only a complete idiot would use one against such characters. They're going to keep you alive, and I'm going to rescue you if they fail, and keep the boss from issuing a coup de grace.

    > >

    > > I'm OK if a friend tells me about my build being sub-par, IF (and ONLY if) the intent is to help me get better. But, if it's to chide me for not delivering as much damage as I "should", I just chuckle to myself. And block him, if he keeps it up.


    > Personally, I support comprehensive stats as a built-in feature. Allow players to hide their stats from other players, but also create filters to allow players to form groups according to their preferences. That should give the players who want it better information while reducing toxicity (which is the real issue here).


    I like it. It's probably too much to ask, but it would help.


    If they did so, they could also implement a system where it stops working when you accumulate too many "this guy is a jerk" penalties, a rating other players could give when someone is being toxic with the numbers. It's not going to happen, but I would support it.

  8. I'm of the exact opposite opinion: in most (not all) events, I think rewards should be removed from players who fail to attempt to revive their downed and defeated allies. And, dead players SHOULD keep the event scaled up. If people want to leave their comrades on the field when they could rally or revive them, then they should be treated as the traitors they are.


    But, I'm in the minority.

  9. I attained a goal about a year ago to play through a character on all of the storyline missions (including the alternate ones when a choice comes up). This required 30 characters and some bookkeeping, but it was well worth it. I discovered a whole raft of connections between the races that I never would have noticed had I not done this. For example, the Floating Grizwhirl that appears in the tier one Human story was entered into the Asuran Snaff Prize as the Inquest's submission.


    I also formerly had a goal to get the whole radiant armor set (the one that comes when you hit 39,000 achievement points). But, I've recently learned that this will be impossible for me to attain, so I've given up on it.


    My goals for the future are threefold. This list is not prioritized:


    First, outfit all 27 of my mains with all-ascended gear, with optimized stats where possible. I'm about half done.


    Second, is to have one character of each professions/race combination. I need to buy another 18 character slots to be able to pull that off. But, I'm unemployed right now, so this one is on hold. On the positive side, it has allowed me to proceed further on the ascended gear goals.


    My last goal is to outfit all main characters with a full compliment of 9 20-slot bags, plus at least one 32-slot bag for each character. An ancillary part of this goal is to have at least one of each type of bag on each character (normal, craftsman, oiled, etc.) Exceptions are:


    * Olmakhan bags (not very useful)

    * Pact Equipment bags (soulbound at all levels 20 and above)

    * All "safe" bags count as the just safe; I do not not separate them into cloth, leather and boxes.

  10. I shouldn't even get started, because this subject really frosts me. But, OP, you are absolutely correct. Damage meters used by your teammates against you should be banned. I don't care if people use their damage meter to improve THEIR game, but stay away from me.


    In fact, in fractals, it would be the height of idiocy to use a damage meter against my character. My character specializes in breaking breakbars, removing boons, and staying alive. How can a damage meter ever see something like that? He doesn't do that much raw damage, but he digs the mass grave for the other party members to bury our enemies in.


    The same issue applies to healers and support characters. Only a complete idiot would use one against such characters. They're going to keep you alive, and I'm going to rescue you if they fail, and keep the boss from issuing a coup de grace.


    I'm OK if a friend tells me about my build being sub-par, IF (and ONLY if) the intent is to help me get better. But, if it's to chide me for not delivering as much damage as I "should", I just chuckle to myself. And block him, if he keeps it up.

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