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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. The current mechanic is OK. But, near the end of a dungeon (or fractal), the requirement should go up from 3/5 to 4/5 (or 3/4 if someone else leaves). It shouldn't be possible to get kicked when you worked all the way to the end, or even close to it. Unless you're a real jerk (i.e. EVERYBODY else agrees to kick).

  2. > @"Adrianna.3092" said:

    > there is already a way to descend straight down... its not Anets fault that 90% of players dont know it exists... it defaults to the C key (unless you changed that in your bindings) it is mount skill 2.


    > youd know this if you ever got the griffon as its diving and rising uses this mechanic..


    Actually, yes it is their fault. By choice, in fact.


    And, perhaps the reason people don't know about it is because they don't have it. Like me, for example. For that matter, ANYBODY who doesn't have the skyscale masteries. Probably 90% of the people, in fact. (Since you pulled 90% out of thin air, I'll use it too. But, my use of it is probably far closer to accurate.)

  3. > @"Ratrace.5912" said:

    > Another issue I have is that the warning popup saying that you still have trinkets with unassigned stats in some cases doesn't disappear even though you reassigned all stats correctly. Just so happened with my condi ranger. The popup appears each time I enter a new map. First I thought this glitch was connected to the arcdps / build templates tool, but since I had no build templates saved for this specific character, I guess I can rule that out?


    I had that, too. It turned out it was some exotic-rarity armor that had selectable stats.

  4. ANet, I think there are multiple bugs with this, not just one. ONE of those bugs may be a tendency to fail to reset items for which they had core Tyria stats (berserker, assassin, etc.) But, there are other issues, too, because not everybody has reported that problem.


    I feel for you, because this isn't going to be easy to solve. Please let us know if there is any specific information you need. I still have over a dozen characters to go, so I (and others) might be able to spot specific things you may be looking for.

  5. So far I've checked four Coral Choker amulets. Three had the stats reset. The fourth did not.


    Also, a fractal capacitor wasn't reset (same character as the unreset choker.)


    Both were core stats (soldiers.) The others that worked were all HoT stats (vipers.)


    Guys, don't try to fix this by doing it again, hoping to hit the ones you missed. Instead, create a consumable that resets them on a character. First one should be free to each character. Future ones should be a gem store item.

  6. > @"Bobzitto.8571" said:

    > Guys, it takes literally two seconds to select the stats back again.


    It takes about 10 seconds each, and you're forgetting that we have lots of them. I personally have 142 ascended trinkets on characters that I need to reset. It's not two seconds.


    While I applaud the changes, I would much prefer a way to say "set them back to what I had before" than having to reset them all one-by-one.

  7. > @"Sparkly.9258" said:

    > Scale 81 (Underground Facility)

    > No Pain, No Gain

    > Vengeance

    > Afflicted


    > I'm a support firebrand using full harrier's and delicious rice ball / bountiful maintenance oil. The rest of the group was an alacrity renegade, tempest, reaper, and daredevil.


    > We didn't get past the second gate. My main issue was that trash would 1-2 shot me with regular hits or strong condition damage. I felt totally helpless even trying my best to dodge/heal. As for the group's behavior, there was a lot of dying/straggling and people rarely sticking together to try to get to objectives. Not sticking together seems normal from everything I've been through in T3 though so I'm reluctant to blame them. It feels like maybe I just wasn't good enough to deal with catching up to everyone on my own, and I felt extra guilty about other people dying because I couldn't be there to heal them.


    > For what it's worth, I typically load in last because I have an HDD (not SSD) and I'm usually left behind while trying to catch up and ready my mantras. In hindsight, I should probably ask people to give me a few seconds when we get in but I don't know if that's frustrating for them?


    > If someone could explain some things to me, that would be great. As it stands, I'm really embarrassed and discouraged and how upset some people were when they left had me feeling awful.


    Keep trying. You'll find some pick-up groups better than others. Look for a group with a healer or a support build on one of the other players. At even higher levels, you sometimes need both.


    And, know that tier four is much harder than tier three. Tier three was somewhat harder than tier two, and the same with tier two vs tier one. But, tier four is another level altogether. It takes time to play it well, and playing any kind of specialty-build (like you are) requires working on your skills and timing. Take what Cyninja said to heart.


    I also recommend coming back here and asking again after a couple dozen sessions. Because, in addition to being just plain harder, there are special situations that come up in tier four. (For example, in Shattered Observatory, they add floor tiles that disappear to the final boss.) It can take quite a bit to get used to it.


    Finally, watch for when a player rage-quits. Almost all the time, they complain about some aspect of playing in one or more players. Pay attention to the player that replaces the quitter, and compare to what the quitter was using. I've found this to be quite instructive. Glass cannons that leave and get replaced by either a support character or healer (which the party lacks) can REALLY change things. Make a mental note about what changed and how the party did. Learn from others' mistakes, in other words.

  8. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Your reaper should have taken Corrupt Boon (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Corrupt_Boon) or other boon corrupts (being the only class in you composition able to remove/corrupt boons). No Pain, No Gain will buff enemies significantly if not countered, on top of the already heavy boon pressure on Underground Facility.


    > This counts double for Vengeance, which enhances enemies even more when they die. Underground Facility has a lot of enemy packs which will receive boons from dying comrades (on top of the boons from No Pain, No Gain and innate boon abilities).


    > Afflicted is just the icing on the cake which causes your super buffed enemy group to now apply even more pressure in form of random conditions. You can deal with this as Firebrand by either using your Tome 2, or replace one of your utilities with Mantra of Lore (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mantra_of_Lore), replace Merciful Intervention or if you are running staff over axe, use staff 3 combined with staff 2s blast.


    > If you are having survival issues as FB, switch your Honor Grandmaster traits from Writ of Persistence (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Writ_of_Persistence) to Force of Will (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Force_of_Will) for both more personal vitality and more burst heal at the cost of sustained heal.


    > The group not sticking together means your healing does not reach them, neither do your cleanses. Do this against T4 dredge enemies who are running 3-5 boons from No Pain, No Gain, baseline buffs and Vengeance and every one will have a bad time.


    I use well of corruption because of the AoE boon-stripping that happens, and it also happens over time. It's only one boon stripped per pulse, but that can be huge with trash mobs.


    But due to your post, I'm going to consider swapping out another utility (minion) skill for corrupt boon, if BOTH of those boon-adding instabilities are up. Even though I have two boon-strips in my weapon skills, I usually can't keep up if both instabilities are up.

  9. I suspect it's very simple: All LW maps (season 2 and later) are level-80 zones. If you bring a character less than level 80 there, they don't give full rewards. This is true in dozens of other situations as well (like, jumping puzzle rewards of empyreal fragments, farming map-currency nodes in your homestead, etc.)


    I suspect they simply want to not reward people for map completion when they're also gaining levels in the process.

  10. I use celestial stats on two of my mains (a guard and a rev). I like both of them for PvE-only open-world stuff. I wouldn't take them into fractals or WvW, but they provide a nice mixture of survivability and punch. They're not going to win any DPS challenges, but they don't need to.

  11. > @"banJelacic.4201" said:

    > Sorry for a bit off topic but since you got your answer and I dont feel like opening a new topic for this will ask - how did you get all the fractals weapons?

    > I do up to t3 fractals dailies few time per week for last 6 months and have got zero fractal silver skins even though I really want few of them...


    I have obtained all of the ones I have directly as rewards in fractals. I have about half of the fractal weapons, and all but three of the golden fractal weapons. But, all came as drops from the places they can drop from (chests and such). (NOTE: Some of the gold ones were obtained by combining golden fractal relics, orichalcum ingots, stabilizing matrices, and crystalline dust in the Mystic Forge.)


    But, your comment makes me see that I wasn't totally clear in my second post. I've found that golden ones drop at a MUCH higher rate than the non-golden ones. This is probably because I do almost all of my fractal-farming in Tier 4.


    But, the reward for getting all of the standard fractal weapons is a gold fractal crate. By the time you can get all the basic weapons, the gold weapon achievement will already be complete, making the reward crate from the fractal set worthless.

  12. I'm guessing they won't, although I share your concern. The reason not? Because they haven't even noticed that the reward for getting all the fractal weapons and armor will be worthless for almost all players by the time they get them all. I suspect fractal rewards are not even on their radar.

  13. There are three pages on the wiki dealing with teal items:


    * [Teal Branded Mist](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Teal_Branded_Mist "Teal Branded Mist")

    * [Teal Petal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Teal_Petal "Teal Petal")

    * [Teal Bloom](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Teal_Bloom "Teal Bloom")


    I'm trying to figure out how to improve the wiki's descriptions. Since they're so new, there's very little information on these. I'll summarize what we do know here:


    1. Teal Branded Mists are obtained from Black Lion Chests. They give a chance to receive Teal Petals while adventuring.

    2. Twelve Teal Petals can be combined together to become a Teal Bloom.


    Here are some questions I came up with, but feel free to expand them:


    * How do branded mists work?

    * ^ Being a consumable, how long does the affect last? (Or, does it give you a bundle?)

    * ^ Do you have to equip them as a bundle?

    * ^ Or, do you have to have them in inventory?

    * Can you get petals adventuring everywhere, or just certain maps.

    * ^ Does that include WvW and PvP?

    * Is the only purpose for petals and blooms to sell them?

  14. HoT (Heart of Thorns) was more difficult than any other content. A tiny minority of elite players wanted more difficulty. ANet listened to them, because they were very loud, despite being a small portion of players.


    It almost killed the game. ANet learned their lesson, and toned things down in PoF and LS Seasons 3 & 4. But, they haven't fixed the problem in HoT completely (yet).

  15. It has pluses and minuses. The problem is that time-gating is a complete failure to accounts that are played a lot. The more time you play the game, the more loot you get. Then, you want to use it. One of the ways to use it is to create more characters.


    I have 27 main characters. While I'm able to outfit most of them in ascended equipment, the time-gating prevents me from doing all of them, except over VERY long periods of time.


    Now, for someone who only has the initial crop of characters (I don't know how many that was), it's not a big deal, because they can be outfitted.


    On the other hand, time-gating is essential to keep people from buying their way to success.


    The RIGHT way to do time-gating would be to use hours played, not calendar days. But, that would be a nightmare to code, so calendar-gating is probably their only option.


    Oh, and most account bindings are OK. There are a few that should be relaxed, but for the most part they're good.

  16. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > Again, there's only 5k AP unobtainable by new players.

    > How many new APs were introduced last year? How many years like that to equal/exceed 5k? How many years do you think this game will last?



    The answer is that it will take about 10-20 years to catch up to the top leaders (to earn that 5000 back with new APs), and then only if the leaders stop playing. Remember that the first person to make it to 39,000 did it this year (or maybe late last year).

  17. > @"reapex.8546" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > Without knowing why ANet went through the effort to install the cap in the first place, it's tricky to offer a compelling argument as to why they should remove it. I love the cap because it means I can take a break from the game (or go on vacation) without worrying that I'm missing something I can't get back. I hate the cap because it slows down AP gain. That doesn't make the cap good or bad; it just means it's a more nuanced situation than a lot of people seem to believe.


    > That was the reason anet stated for putting the cap in the first place. It lets people who started the game later catch up with those that have been playing since the beginning. If AP wasn't capped, new players would never be able to catch up with vets as time went on.


    They can't anyhow, unless the vet stops playing. There's just an illusion of gaining ground.

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