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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. > @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

    > Anyone know how to get the "Cut of Quality Rare Meat" item? Wiki says it can drop for any enemy that can drop normal red meat, but I have been slaying those critters on various maps for hours (probably a couple hundred, mostly dolyaks) and not gotten one. Based on the the TP price it should be rare but not *that* rare. Any advice? I know I could just buy one but I'd rather get it myself.


    You have to farm with the character who is leveling chef. Another character can't do it.

  2. > @"Gorani.7205" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > @"Gorani.7205" said:

    > > > Question on "effective progression":

    > > > I am at 441 right now and could turn in the last steps of the collection (which all give you 10 levels each), bringing me to 491. Does it make a difference for discovering 400 level food (to gain the crafting XP) to close the gap between 441 => 450 or from 491 => 500?

    > >

    > > the gain from the collection is always 50 skill levels.


    > I meant, does the XP gain from Discoveries make a difference if you level from 441 to 450 or from 491 to 500?


    Yes. While you get the same number of XP, that moves you a lesser measure up the leveling tree when you're 490 vs. 440.


    It didn't matter for regular crafting, but this process is 10 levels, not 10 times whatever XP you need. Unless all of the levels from 401-500 require the same number of XP, it's definitely better to do it earlier.

  3. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > > @"videoboy.4162" said:

    > >

    > > > - Apparently, only your Chef can see the kitchen and none of your other toons

    > >

    > > Considering my cook is an alt character I will not waste my time building the kitchen as I will very rarely ever get to see it again.

    > >

    > >

    > > Me : Enters home instance on alt character cook, see's a nice shiny kitchen

    > > Me : Relogs

    > > Me : Enters home instance on main character, kitchen's gone

    > > Me : Such Immersion...

    > >

    > > Another failed attempt at content...


    > Have you tried it with a level 1 skilled cook?

    > If it works you can just train 1 skill in cooking for all and have it in the back ground as a third unused crafting discipline on every character


    No, it doesn't work. I tried it with a level 400 cook, and no dice.


    I have not tried it with another chef at 401 or higher, though. Mostly because I don't have any, but I'll be reluctant to spend that much money leveling another toon up.

  4. You're right: Heart of Thorns (HoT) is a grind-fest for masteries.


    However, I found a way to make it seem less grindy: take 2-3 characters through it at the same time, switching back and forth.


    This isn't ideal, but it also gives a couple benefits:


    * You know the lay of the land better.

    * You learn the day/night cycle, which is pretty important.

    * You collect map currencies faster.


    The biggest problem is that you're stuck with three characters all doing the same thing. Can't switch out to do other stuff as easily.


    But, it REALLY helps the grindiness, because the XP gathering is split up.

  5. It seems there are more of these types of things. So, generally, they exist in larger quantities than the handful I thought existed. So:


    Would it make sense to have some kind of marker (perhaps in tooltips) so you would know that the item is not available for any of selling, trading, forging, or salvaging? "Account bound" is usually enough to tell us that it can't be sold or traded (although, there are a lot of exceptions). But, both "can't be forged" and "can't salvage" are unknowns outside the wiki (which may not be correct ... yet.)


    Perhaps, "this item only has value when equipped". (Similar to the "this item only has value as part of a collection.")

  6. > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > You'd have to be very careful with stuff like this. There are people like me out there with multiple accounts who accumulate things on those alt accounts that they will never ever use, like mystic clovers or obsidian shards. So if those items could be transferred to the main, it would be of great benefit. I'm sure others out there make more use of their alt accounts so it wouldn't matter.


    I hadn't thought of this. This is a hard knock against the idea, I think.

  7. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > Oh, and charged quartz crystals. That's where the idea came from. I had hundreds, but she couldn't move through the skyscale stuff for many days, because she had hardly any.

    > >

    > > This..i agree with..

    > >

    > > I have 124 of them and no use for them whatsoever, id -love- to give them to guildies working through the skyscale collection.


    > Craft the items they need to make and send those to them.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Extra-Pungent_Skyscale_Treat

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Piece_of_Skyscale_Food

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Grow_Lamp



    Those are REALLY expensive, whereas the crystals are nearly worthless.

  8. > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > I can't see it ever happening, bound stuff is bound for a reason. What are you envisioning with this? Gear? Materials? Wallet currencies? Wouldn't just sending the gold be a big boost?


    Map currencies (that are items), time-gated stuff. It's open-ended.


    > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > It sounds as if the OP isn't accepting the concept of account binding in the first place.



    More like I'm envisioning a middle ground. Currently, there is an infinite gap between account-bound and not. The question is, more or less, are there any items for which the decision to make them account-bound wasn't cut-and-dried.


    The expense of creating the code for it is secondary. First, it has to be determined if it's even a good idea.


    > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > Which account bound items do you think should be transferable? Crafting materials? Equipment? Mini pets, skins etc. (cosmetic items). Only certain items from each category? e.g. maybe you could share account bound equipment up to exotics, but not ascended or legendary.


    > Also you mentioned it should be one-time only, but then also said it should be a gem store item so Anet can monitor use. If each person can only buy it once how are they supposed to interpret that data? How would they know what's a legitimate use and what isn't?


    I'm not sure what would be allowed. It seems time-gated items would be on the list. Not minis or skins. Things you need to advance playing, not cosmetic stuff.


    > @"Etria.3642" said:

    > And if it's crafting materials you can send almost all of them. The once daily things can be made into their final version and sent that way, ie spiritwood planks, deldrimor ingots, elonian leather squares.


    > Anything else account bound such as actual ascended items, should, in my opinion anyway, STAY account bound. Both my daughters play so I feel you, but this way she HAS to level her crafting which is good for her in the long run.


    I hadn't thought of the finished products (spiritwood) vs. stepping stones (residue). I forgot you can already transfer those.




    Obsidian shards and clovers might be a thing to transfer, but only in small quantities (like, 5 or 10). Gem store items that could have been gifted while purchasing. (That one is questionable.)


    Something else I thought of was that it should only be allowed to friends and possibly guildies. And, woe is me if I unfriend someone right after dumping stuff on them.


    By "one time", I meant you could only use one per friend. However, allowing more to other friends might open up the item to more abuse by RMTs. Maybe a lifetime cap would be appropriate to cover that? Or, a time-gated cap.

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