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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > I once had 60+ salvages available to me, and no equipment. Other times, I have had to buy kits. They more or less balance over time, but it's pure RNG (random-number generation). Be patient.

    > >

    > > One thing helps me: when I get 5-charge kits and 1-charge kits, I save them up until I have 20. Then, I go to the merchant who gives you 20-charge kits for 4 5-chargers. At least it saves room in the bank. Oh, and always use your partially-used 20-charge kit until all the charges are used up. You can't use it as a 5-chargerer just because you've used 15 charges.


    > Nice dident know you could combine 4 of the 5x kits into a 20 one in the mystic forge nice tip mate.


    AND you can combine five 1-charge kits into a 5-charger.

  2. I once had 60+ salvages available to me, and no equipment. Other times, I have had to buy kits. They more or less balance over time, but it's pure RNG (random-number generation). Be patient.


    One thing helps me: when I get 5-charge kits and 1-charge kits, I save them up until I have 20. Then, I go to the merchant who gives you 20-charge kits for 4 5-chargers. At least it saves room in the bank. Oh, and always use your partially-used 20-charge kit until all the charges are used up. You can't use it as a 5-chargerer just because you've used 15 charges.

  3. Ah, the wonders of race conditions in multi-tasking systems. I learned about these in my early 80s computer classes. They were a problem then, and they are still today.


    This likely cannot be fixed given the way the TP (Trading Post) works. They would have to stop the current order, reset a new order with the partial quantity, and then sell again. But, the same thing could happen again to the now-smaller new sell order.


    The only way to fix it properly would be to put a lock on the current buy offer until your transaction completes. But, what if your offer isn't the first? They would have to implement a lock/unlock process, and that's REALLY hard to do in an EXISTING multi-tasking database (which the TP is).

  4. So, it seems the bottom line is that the definitions are all over the map.


    So, I'll rescind my original reason for starting this thread. Instead of defining the labels, I'll just say


    Let's make sure we're talking about the same thing when we use a label of any kind. From now on, when I describe myself as casual, I'm going to say what that means to me (relaxed).

  5. In another thread (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/96377/wp-guild-wars-2s-biggest-problems-as-i-see-them), Astralporing gave one of the best examples of casual vs. hardcore I've yet seen:


    > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > Casual is not the same as newbie.


    > Let's give you an example:

    > We have two people. One is a veteran of the game, that played many years, generally knows how to play, and undestands the game mechanics. He never went out of his way to look for that info, though (and, specifically, practically never uses out-of-game sources), nor did he ever thought about, say, spending several hours at the golem practicing his rotations - everything he knows he picked up naturally, by playing the game. And while he may be aware that some builds/playstyles may be better than others, he picks what he plays by what he finds more fun, not what is most effective (and, as such, he is not above playing, say, a bearbow). He plays the game for story and relaxation, and isn't really interested in stuff like "being challenged" or "proving yourself" - he just wants to have fun. He is also blessed with good perception, hand coordination, timing sense, good reactions and the ability to learn fast.

    > The other person barely started playing, and is still very unskilled - but he intends to change that, fast. He intends to skip the story, and go straight for the challenging content, as he thinks that is what playing the game is all about. He is looking through all the build sites, already planning for his endgame gear, knows what classes and builds will be best and is trying to learn them, and constantly practices his skills. He's just not that skilled _yet_ - he's way too fresh, and frankly learning anything takes him a lot of time and effort (perhaps his real talents lie outside the game, who knows).


    > ...


    > It's not your skill at any given moment that makes you a casual or hardcore. It's your playstyle and attitude towards the game that makes the difference.

  6. I created this thread because there seems to be a common misunderstanding that says casual equals poor skills (or something not quite so demeaning). By the same token, there's another misunderstanding that hardcore means elitist or vicious. Neither is true in Guild Wars 2.


    This thread is created so we can help each other understand each other. Please keep any discussion civil. For THIS thread, it really doesn't matter which group is more numerous. Just discuss what the terms mean to you, and also your perspective as to what they mean to the rest of the player base.


    (I envision this thread being something we can point to whenever there's a discussion on other threads about the differences.)

  7. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > You seem to have a very different definition of casual than what I am used to. I interchange it with unskilled, and someone who is just as bad at the game as when they started after years of play has issues.

    > Of all the different definitions i've seen so far of "casual" your seems the least common and intuitive. Casual is not the same as newbie.


    > Let's give you an example:

    > We have two people. One is a veteran of the game, that played many years, generally knows how to play, and undestands the game mechanics. He never went out of his way to look for that info, though (and, specifically, practically never uses out-of-game sources), nor did he ever thought about, say, spending several hours at the golem practicing his rotations - everything he knows he picked up naturally, by playing the game. And while he may be aware that some builds/playstyles may be better than others, he picks what he plays by what he finds more fun, not what is most effective (and, as such, he is not above playing, say, a bearbow). He plays the game for story and relaxation, and isn't really interested in stuff like "being challenged" or "proving yourself" - he just wants to have fun. He is also blessed with good perception, hand coordination, timing sense, good reactions and the ability to learn fast.

    > The other person barely started playing, and is still very unskilled - but he intends to change that, fast. He intends to skip the story, and go straight for the challenging content, as he thinks that is what playing the game is all about. He is looking through all the build sites, already planning for his endgame gear, knows what classes and builds will be best and is trying to learn them, and constantly practices his skills. He's just not that skilled _yet_ - he's way too fresh, and frankly learning anything takes him a lot of time and effort (perhaps his real talents lie outside the game, who knows).


    > By your definition, the first player is a hardcore, and the second one is a casual. By my point of view (and probably by the point of view of a lot of people), it's exactly the opposite.


    > It's not your skill at any given moment that makes you a casual or hardcore. It's your playstyle and attitude towards the game that makes the difference.


    One of the best definitions of casual (GW2 casual) I've ever seen. Kudos!

  8. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > IMO, there are far more players who complain about the lack of new content. To stop producing new content, and focus on re-igniting old content, would be detrimental.


    You are correct that there are far more players "who COMPLAIN about ...". But, there are far FAR more players who are casual and don't complain as much. That's what happened with Heart of Thorns (HoT). The vocal minority was listened to, and much harder content was created. The results of listening to the vocal minority hurt the game severely.

  9. > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:


    > You seem to have a very different definition of casual than what I am used to. I interchange it with unskilled, and someone who is just as bad at the game as when they started after years of play has issues.


    I respectfully suggest you change your definition. "Casual" is a mindset in this game, and I would guess 80% of the player base holds that mindset. No other game I know of has a "casual" that matches GW2's.


    Casuals play for enjoyment, not to become the best. They are very different from hardcore players. A casual player DOES want to get better, but not at the expense of enjoying the game. Min-maxing isn't valuable to them. Whether their build is good or great is only marginally important to them. You'll almost never see a casual LFG ad that says "BM", "DPS", "alac", or similar code-words for specific builds.


    I would say the biggest differentiator is that casuals are willing to play with other people, regardless of the other players' skill levels, and will help others without being condescending.

  10. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > > This highest person EVER has hit just over 41,000. To do that, s/he had to be playing the whole time the game has been out, and had to be doing so at the top level of gamesmanship. All modes, top of the line, everything.

    > > > >

    > > > > I have little chance. I've played since the beginning, but I'm simply too old to play at that kind of level of play. I really wanted all of the radiant armor skins, but facts are facts: if the best player in the history of the game just got to it last year, I have no chance. But, I am close to 30,000, so getting the basic six radiant armor skins (i.e. minus the back piece) might be do-able. If the game survives for three or four more years. Crossing my fingers ...

    > > >

    > > > Very little AP is really locked behind skill-based achievements tho. It's mostly about the grind . . .

    > >

    > > While your statement is partly true, the grind itself is a problem, because I can't keep doing it at the level some folks do. I've played the game averaging a little more than four hours a day since inception. Yet, I'm only a little over 28,000 AP.

    > >

    > > It's not just skill (i.e. hand-eye coordination) I'm short on. Even at four hours a day, I still don't make anywhere near the amount of progress needed.


    > Fair enough but still, 28k is a lot to most ppl I would think . . .


    Yeah, you're right. As a third-string player, I do have one thing that helps: persistence. I don't really mind "grinding", as long as it's fun. Most of the time, "grinding" in GW simply means spending time playing the game. I can play wherever I wants and do whatever I want. (As opposed to spending long periods doing the same activity over and over again.)


    So, there's hope. If the game survives long enough, I'll get to 33k. Because I won't quit playing.

  11. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > This highest person EVER has hit just over 41,000. To do that, s/he had to be playing the whole time the game has been out, and had to be doing so at the top level of gamesmanship. All modes, top of the line, everything.

    > >

    > > I have little chance. I've played since the beginning, but I'm simply too old to play at that kind of level of play. I really wanted all of the radiant armor skins, but facts are facts: if the best player in the history of the game just got to it last year, I have no chance. But, I am close to 30,000, so getting the basic six radiant armor skins (i.e. minus the back piece) might be do-able. If the game survives for three or four more years. Crossing my fingers ...


    > Very little AP is really locked behind skill-based achievements tho. It's mostly about the grind . . .


    While your statement is partly true, the grind itself is a problem, because I can't keep doing it at the level some folks do. I've played the game averaging a little more than four hours a day since inception. Yet, I'm only a little over 28,000 AP.


    It's not just skill (i.e. hand-eye coordination) I'm short on. Even at four hours a day, I still don't make anywhere near the amount of progress needed.

  12. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > More game devs need to accept the fact that **casual pandering is short term gain for long term loss** ( BOLDED FOR F***ING EMPHASIS ), due to the fact that todays casual player is often tomorrows hardcore player.

    > Where is your evidence to support such a claim?



    Non-existent, since the claim is clearly false. Just recall the disaster called Heart of Thorns.

  13. This highest person EVER has hit just over 41,000. To do that, s/he had to be playing the whole time the game has been out, and had to be doing so at the top level of gamesmanship. All modes, top of the line, everything.


    I have little chance. I've played since the beginning, but I'm simply too old to play at that kind of level of play. I really wanted all of the radiant armor skins, but facts are facts: if the best player in the history of the game just got to it last year, I have no chance. But, I am close to 30,000, so getting the basic six radiant armor skins (i.e. minus the back piece) might be do-able. If the game survives for three or four more years. Crossing my fingers ...

  14. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > Would you be complaining if instead of karma, it required gold?

    > >

    > > Of course. The question was about converting MAP currencies, not karma.

    > >


    > Name me an LS3 or 4 map currency that can be converted without requiring another currency.


    All six from each of seasons 3 & 4. You just double-click them. Didn't you read the opening post?

  15. > @"zityz.6089" said:

    > > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

    > > Good lord, cheevos are some meaningless number. Vets are rewarded constantly, as we master the classes, the crafts, the gold game. Why should we need a silly number.


    > I think it's more for completionists and people who would like the achievement armour/chests. That would be my guess.


    I wanted radiant armor skins.

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