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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. > @"PyrateSilly.4710" said:

    > We have a Saga coming on the 17th. It will change then.

    > We also have the Halloween festival coming up ... it will change then too.

    > Then there is the Wintersday festival ... guess what? it will change again.

    > Then with the Lunar New Year it will change again.


    > Basically it will change with every festival and probably with every living story/saga update. It may even change in between all that too. Major updates are usually on a Tuesday so what till after 9am Seattle time on Tuesday, check the update notes to see what is changed. It's what I do to see if I want to open the chests I have.



    I know about those, but WHAT will it be? That's my question.

  2. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > > It's called gambling for a reason, i suppose

    > >

    > > This has nothing to do with gambling. I'm talking about the 2nd guaranteed item.


    > when and how they change it, I mean.

    > The entire chest concept is gambling.

    > Even if an item is fixed in place, it's still part of the concept 'gambling'.

    > Therefore, when and how they change, is also a gamble.

    > you signed up for that when you bought the keys.


    I don't care about the gambling aspect. It's no more gambling than getting critical hits.


    But, it would be nice if they gave us a schedule ahead of changes.

  3. > @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

    > People probably buy more keys if they don't know what the contents in the next set will be. There is little chance Anet would ever announce the changes in the future.


    Then they should SAY that. Frankly, I doubt it's true at all. I'll bet sales go up once a new item is announced, not before.

  4. ArenaNet, can we PLEASE get advanced notice of when BL chests will change contents? Even more importantly, can we get advanced notice of what the second guaranteed item will be?


    I really want to be able to intelligently decide whether to open chests now, or wait until the next "season". The statuettes are fine, since they never change. But, the second guaranteed item really matters. Some of them, I just have no interest in. Others are "must haves". Others, like the current one, are in the category "not very useful, but probably OK to buy; I might find uses for XYZ."

  5. My daughter has tried seven times tonight to salvage exotic 68+ gear, but received no dark matter. She used BL salvage kits for all seven salvages, but received none. At ~1 per salvage, she should have received several.


    Has the drop rate changed recently?


    I cant' compare mine to hers because I don't track it. So, I'm coming here to see if anybody else has noticed a change.

  6. > @"Jotunhammer.7029" said:

    > about reading of the comments, I read them all but did not understand how you meant.

    > Maybe because im new and did not fully understand the system

    > but now I do and now I got fun stuff... plus I gotten ingame help with getting the right gear

    > to survive better.


    > ty all


    Yeah, my writing has that problem: not being understandable. I'm trying to improve that, though. Thanks for letting me know it wasn't clear!

  7. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Jotunhammer.7029" said:

    > > > HEYY!!! I found a solution that works.... ALTS!! If I go through the story with primary until I meet a possible grind spot, just log in another toon

    > > > do the story until that point and if thats not enough just do it with a third, I got 5 slots so should be enough that way...while yes, technically I am

    > > > doing same quests over and over again, it does not FEEL like a grind because I am progressing other toons but the key things are shared, such as masteries

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > Then I met with the HP stuff....and while it was somewhat of a downer, once I hit a HP train (BY ACCIDENT, I was NOT looking for one, just happens

    > > > to come along as I was doing wq and I figure id see what it was about) and woooooo the HP added upp, did some meta thingi beating some heart with ghosts

    > > > or Exalted or whatever and before I knew it, I earned 50 HP, so...here it is...once in a lifetime....

    > > >

    > > > I was wrong....it is not as much of a grindfest as I perceived....once you "get into it" it feels natural to go from 1 wq to another, the major

    > > > thing I notice is timing, if you come it at right timing, get into a wave of good end to end wq, then your made, you can spend HOURS doing

    > > > back to back wq without repeating any, and it will FEEL meaningful (as rebuilding those bases for the pact etc) and helping allies fend off beasts

    > > >

    > > > so...yeah, I was wrong....now I am returning to enjoy pay painful attempt at Reverant....its like looking at a child with a hammer banging everything

    > > > on the ground in a whack-a-mole kind of way....

    > > >

    > > > enjoy!!!

    > >

    > > You should have read the replies. I suggested this a week ago.


    > People don't read replies if they just want to rant. LOTS of solutions were offered. Appears that none of them were taken.


    To be fair to the OP, most of them didn't address the problem, but rather his perception of the problem.

  8. > @"Jotunhammer.7029" said:

    > HEYY!!! I found a solution that works.... ALTS!! If I go through the story with primary until I meet a possible grind spot, just log in another toon

    > do the story until that point and if thats not enough just do it with a third, I got 5 slots so should be enough that way...while yes, technically I am

    > doing same quests over and over again, it does not FEEL like a grind because I am progressing other toons but the key things are shared, such as masteries



    > Then I met with the HP stuff....and while it was somewhat of a downer, once I hit a HP train (BY ACCIDENT, I was NOT looking for one, just happens

    > to come along as I was doing wq and I figure id see what it was about) and woooooo the HP added upp, did some meta thingi beating some heart with ghosts

    > or Exalted or whatever and before I knew it, I earned 50 HP, so...here it is...once in a lifetime....


    > I was wrong....it is not as much of a grindfest as I perceived....once you "get into it" it feels natural to go from 1 wq to another, the major

    > thing I notice is timing, if you come it at right timing, get into a wave of good end to end wq, then your made, you can spend HOURS doing

    > back to back wq without repeating any, and it will FEEL meaningful (as rebuilding those bases for the pact etc) and helping allies fend off beasts


    > so...yeah, I was wrong....now I am returning to enjoy pay painful attempt at Reverant....its like looking at a child with a hammer banging everything

    > on the ground in a whack-a-mole kind of way....


    > enjoy!!!


    You should have read the replies. I suggested this a week ago.

  9. I got the assortment of mini mounts that we received with the weekly supply drop stuff. I know how to combine them to make other colors.


    However, the Forge is allowing me to put four different minis in. (One jackal, one griffon, etc.)


    This isn't documented on the wiki. It only shows converting a number of colored minis into one of the same mini in a different color.


    Does anybody know what might come out if I combine them? I don't want to waste them getting another copy of one I already have.

  10. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"altermaven.7385" said:

    > > The wording is poor. Your portable composter will never break and it will consume any and all food you use it on.


    > Such items should be called "consumer" instead, but that might confuse some customers. ;)


    I like that idea! Or, maybe even "eater" or "salvager".

  11. > @"CeNedro.7560" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"CeNedro.7560" said:

    > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > Just hearing a new thing, that may be a bug, and possibly a very much unintended one.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you never loot the ascended seeds youve planted, and invite others. They can loot them, and the plants does not disappear.. So you can keep inviting more ppl for ascended foodstuffs for them.

    > > >

    > > > That would be a massive bug. No wonder the ascended ingredients are dropping below 50 silver.

    > >

    > > I'm HOPING that the bug is that you have to replant if you harvest them (once). Unless that gets changed, I won't be bothering with finishing to 500, because it's just not worth it.

    > >

    > > I mean, you have to salvage twenty-five food items of varying levels, to get only ONE ascended item? That's absurd, IMO.


    > Those 25 Food items are worth 10s in total? Come on, we're used to pay a lot more for food, and this is a dish you can share with even better stats and additional boosts. It's surprisingly cheap considering other useable dishes were like 1,5-3 gold. Sure, it's more expensive than the 2s-Non-Meta-but-some-kind-of-useable-food, but when you used metafood already before it won't get much more expensive for you(just takes a little time to craft). Making the seeds regrow without replanting would make all other food pretty much useless.


    Where do you get 10s? You have to salvage 10 level 80 foods for each seed. You yourself point out that they cost 1.5-3g each. And that doesn't count the lower-tier ones you have to make and salvage.

  12. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

    > > > > And Seimur's reaction to the oven was priceless.

    > > >

    > > > I wish I had paid better attention to him! My eyes were on the oven. :/

    > >

    > > You can talk to him again. The dialog doesn't change (I think).


    > His emote when he saw the new kitchen installed can't be triggered again by any means.


    Sorry, I didn't realize there was an emote. I guess I didn't see it, either.

  13. > @"CeNedro.7560" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Just hearing a new thing, that may be a bug, and possibly a very much unintended one.

    > >

    > > If you never loot the ascended seeds youve planted, and invite others. They can loot them, and the plants does not disappear.. So you can keep inviting more ppl for ascended foodstuffs for them.


    > That would be a massive bug. No wonder the ascended ingredients are dropping below 50 silver.


    I'm HOPING that the bug is that you have to replant if you harvest them (once). Unless that gets changed, I won't be bothering with finishing to 500, because it's just not worth it.


    I mean, you have to salvage twenty-five food items of varying levels, to get only ONE ascended item? That's absurd, IMO.

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