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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. Rose-colored glasses much?


    As Mori said, they're boring, repetitive, and grindy. I've completed the map on six characters. Renown hearts are the worst part of it, by far. Once you've done it a few times, it just gets more grindy.


    And, ANet needs money. So, I'll stand by my idea.

  2. Most players aren't real fond of having to do all of the renown hearts in a zone to get map completion.


    How about issuing a one-zone renown heart unlock item in the gem store?


    * Is available only to accounts which have map completion on at least one character.

    * It probably should only be available for characters on accounts that already have that zone completed.

    * Should be character-based (one per character per zone).

    * Would have to be pretty cheap.

    * Optional: Unlock X hearts, where X is a number. All of the nearby locked hearts would become unlocked. (Nearby = a circle on the main map.) So, if you had an "unlock 50 hearts", it would find the 50 closest locked hearts to where the character is standing. Would be more expensive.




    _Edit 3/23: Added the new first bullet point, about requiring previous map completion._

  3. The title doesn't completely apply to me. I play WvW every day for the dailies.


    But, I don't play it any longer than I have to to earn the rewards. The biggest reason is because people almost never rally the downed. An army shouldn't just let its wounded soldiers die.


    It also bothers me that I can't get good enough to defeat players by myself. Oh, yeah, occasionally I win a battle or two. But, I'm way to old to have the reflexes to actually be competitive with most players.

  4. > @"mDane.7182" said:

    > My 2Copper.


    > Why not have a sub (lets say $10 as an example) then on every first day of the month you receive a certain amount of Gems that is slightly worth more than $10? So it's like you are purchasing Gems on a monthly basis and not really paying for a game subscription. Aside from that, you get a permanent discount on the Gemstore which increases the longer you are subscribed. Rewards can also be added for long time subscribers and these rewards can be designed to mimic PVP/WvW reward tracks and those that are subscribed can choose which reward track they like to complete after a certain number of months.


    > There is also the option for subscriptions plans -


    > 1 Month Sub - $10

    > 3 Month Sub - $28

    > 6 Month Sub - $55

    > So on, so forth.


    > This can be a good way to get that needed revenue injection that ANet needs(?).


    I like this idea, too.

  5. Now, the time element is a valid concern. I have a crude kit on each of my 31 toons, and another one in a shared slot. Managing that does take time, and it's highly questionable whether that time is paid for by the minimal cost savings.


    But, I'm a cheapskate. It's my nature. So .... :)

  6. > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

    > This idea does not address the real issue with the gem store. That issue is providing enough new items to whet the appetites of players. Let's face it, after 6.5 years, a lot of players have already purchased as many convenience items (e.g., bag/bank/character/shared inventory slots) as they need. This puts more of a burden on cosmetics, which are going to be hit or miss with different people. With the relatively slow rate of cosmetic offerings lately, there just has not been all that many things that I -- for one -- have wanted to buy.


    > That said, I'm not against the idea of a gems tore deal. However, it might be better if it were implemented a bit differently. Sign up, get the opportunity to buy a fixed amount of gems at a small discount. Over the course of several months of participation, the discount increases until it reaches a cap, which can then be maintained by not missing a month. If you were to miss a month, you'd have to start over. The advantage with this version of such a plan would be that money spent is buying gems at a discount, rather than buying access to minor item discounts. That's going to feel better to some players. If in a given month there is nothing appealing for sale, gems obtained via the plan won't go away, whereas the item price discount would not be used.


    I like this idea even better. But, I wouldn't have it start over if you fail a month. I would propose that you lose two months' worth of advantage. For example, say they give a cumulative 1% per month up to 10%. Then, if you skip a month, you drop to 8%, not all the way to zero. (Or, maybe 5% or 6% or something. Diminishing returns versus a hard drop to zero.)

  7. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > I salvage common items with them. And, I keep one on every character, plus a spare in a shared slot. At 1.3 copper per use, it's cheaper for commons.

    > Cheaper per use, but you only need to get a single extra ore from 15 uses Basic kits to obliterate the savings compared to 3.5c/use.


    But, basic kits don't give extra ore. They give a 10% chance at "rarer" materials, which I don't think I've ever seen.


    However, I did make a mistake in my earlier calculation. It's 2.13 copper per use.

  8. Here's an idea that might have merit: Allow a gem store subscription that grants discounted prices all the time, rather than only when "someone" decides to have a sale.


    Make the discount smaller than the usual discount (10% vs. 20% or more), so regular sales stay an option. But, allow it on more items in the list. The consistency of pricing would probably increase overall sales AND ANet would already be making something from the subscription itself.


    It might need to be capped, though. For example, $10 per month might buy you 10% off 16,000 gems worth of stuff. This example would be about the same as typical 20% discounts (if the player spent it all), but they could be had whenever the player wanted.

  9. I think Microsoft is desperately trying to get IE users to switch to Edge. It's clearly they are introducing bugs to IE that weren't there before. But, Edge is so grossly inferior to IE it's not even on the table, as far as I'm concerned.


    Chrome is OK, but it's such a memory hog I only use it if I absolutely have to. If one could cut down on the background crap Chrome brings up, it would be a useful alternative. But, as it, it's dead as far as I'm concerned.


    That leaves Mozilla and FireFox. I'll be trying those soon.

  10. You didn't say anything about basic mats. You asked for crafting materials.


    However, my point is that they're pricey because they're supposed to be pricey. Just like with the holding runes. If we want a legitimate economy, without runaway inflation or deflation, there has to be both cheap and expensive items. Just basic laws of economics.

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