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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > How is that not a bug?


    > How is it remotely a bug? It's technically accurate.

    > It's not helpful in making an informed decision and it gives a lot of people the feeling that we're being manipulated, so it might be a poor choice. Regardless, it's just a choice on how to present the data.


    Then why do almost all of the entries have the correct off-sale prices? It's not at all accurate.

  2. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > So.. why does it state under the sale price a normal price would be 5/625.. that's utter rubbish. It has always been 5/450gems without discount.

    > They are playing off the 1 key price .. bad practice is bad.


    It's probably a bug. Other sales have had issues like this. Look up March Sale in the wiki, and look back at previous sales. Last year there were two with the wrong prices.

  3. I just did a test with a dozen sets, and the wiki's percentages are pretty accurate. I got 8 tier 5 items and 4 tier 6.


    However, the wiki doesn't mention the chance of getting an amalgamated gemstone. **Is that an error (on the wiki)?** (I didn't either, but in only a dozen tests, that's not surprising.)

  4. Mystic Forging them might explain it. Amalgamated Gemstones are over a gold each.


    What really interested me the most is that the buyers frequently skip to one copper below the sell price, and they buy thousands at a time. The aforementioned Rabid has another 500+ at one copper lower, and then it drops a whole silver and change. I think some people are still fooled by the reversal of the terms "buyer" and "seller" for the columns.

  5. > @"MikeG.6389" said:

    > I might be wrong but I have a feeling that you meant [Crests. ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crest "Crests. ") Have a quick look through [here.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Amalgamated_Gemstone/Recipes "Have a quick look through here.") These things are used in the recipes on this page.


    No, I definitely mean medallions. The brown ones with a yellowish symbol in the middle. Medallion of the Rabid right now has a buy price of 2s 88c and a sell price of 2s 89c. There are 4405 offers at 2.88 and 447 offers at 2.89. Refresh (in the time I took to write this paragraph, maybe 15-30 seconds) shows 17 bought and 2 more offered for sale.

  6. I've noticed that there is an incredibly active market for medallions. The prices for buy and sell are nearly always a copper apart. And, there are always hundreds being bought at that price.


    But, I can't figure out what they're being used for. What do people do with all those things?

  7. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > >

    > > > > >They are, however, exactly a part of the game that some people love, which is why ANet added them back in the game, after leaving them out of Orr, maps introduced with LS1, and HoT maps.

    > > > >

    > > > > And yet ironically, I enjoy doing hearts in Core and S3, but hate, hate H-A-T-E doing them in PoF S4. They must have shifted philosophies in between Core and PoF.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Same, I think maybe the issue is in core I don't have my progress gone the next day. Renown hearts work best as a single accomplishment, not so much as a daily task.

    > >

    > > They seem to have changed this recently. Hearts' progress is saved even after you've achieved it fully.


    > I am not talking about for map completing the ls zones. I'm just talking in general that they don't feel like something that should be daily, not even as an option.


    Oh, I'm referring to that it used to reset to zero progress daily, once you got the original heart completion. Now, it saves progress, so it's better.


    I agree; I didn't like being able to redo them. But, it was one of the most requested features, so we're in the minority.

  8. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > >

    > > >They are, however, exactly a part of the game that some people love, which is why ANet added them back in the game, after leaving them out of Orr, maps introduced with LS1, and HoT maps.

    > >

    > > And yet ironically, I enjoy doing hearts in Core and S3, but hate, hate H-A-T-E doing them in PoF S4. They must have shifted philosophies in between Core and PoF.

    > >


    > Same, I think maybe the issue is in core I don't have my progress gone the next day. Renown hearts work best as a single accomplishment, not so much as a daily task.


    They seem to have changed this recently. Hearts' progress is saved even after you've achieved it fully.

  9. > @"dodgerrule.8739" said:

    > The devs are and have always been very strongly against having the game even mentioned as pay to win. Renown hearts being buyable would take away 90% of world exploration and content. There is no way that they would even think of doing this.


    They've also always been against grind, too.


    And, hearts are < 17%, officially. (Although, they are much more involved than the other four needed.) I would put it at about 50%.)

  10. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > Mistlock Sanctuary is the only lounge that allows you to go back to your original map.

    > >

    > > Create a gem-store upgrade to existing passes that adds a port to where you came from.


    > So you want to pay extra for ANet to fix something that should have been done by now for free?

    > How I see it, as all passes cost the same, they should offer the same. Granted, not all passes were released at the same time so later passes have more QoL functionality, but that should mean that old passes are either updated to be on par with the newer ones or be sold at a lower price if they're not changed.


    You are correct. However, I'm also thinking of their revenue stream. IMO, they need more money, and this is one way to get it.

  11. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > And I contend that THIS is the reason for many of the objections to this idea. "I had to do it, so so should you."

    > >

    > > My contention is that the game is dying unless ANet can somehow generate new revenue.

    > >

    > > Now, they already know how many new players are joining the community of players. And that number is obviously declining. So, not only do they need new revenue, they need to acquire it from old players. Other than new content (which just got a lot harder to produce), this means new sales of items.

    > Obviously declining? Where is your evidence? Where are the facts? If this is determined by your observation, then this is pure conjecture.



    Layoffs, of course. You don't lay off a large percentage of your workforce unless you're short on money.

  12. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > The game is dying? Seems we've heard that for the last 5 years; and yet, the game is still here. And why, pray tell, is new content now 'harder to produce'?


    Because of the layoffs, of course.


    > Also, if this item was 'pretty cheap', how would it generate revenue? 'Pretty cheap' items are easily acquired with in-game gold. ArenaNet did state that the more inexpensive offering on the Gem Store didn't generate much revenue.


    That could be. But, I would buy a lot of them. And, I almost never buy with game gold. Twice in seven years, I think. But, you're right, the averages may not make this a good idea.

  13. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > >

    > > > I suppose they could move the other VIP areas to their own instance, except that would remove one of the benefits for me e.g. I like that the Royal Terrace is part of Divinity's Reach.

    > > >

    > > They would have to include a doorway to the city, but that would be pretty easy. After all, they already have a link to "cities".


    > One of the benefits to me of the _Royal Terrace_ is that it is already in DR. I don't have to wait out a loading screen to enter Wintersday, e.g.


    Yup, that's exactly why I proposed this idea. But, you guys are prodding me into a different idea: More lounges, in places where there isn't one now, but where one might be useful. If the price were right, I might buy a pass to the other four zones in the Crystal Desert, or for Silverwastes/Drytop (especially if the doors to the lounge opened to either SW or DT.) I might even be pursuaded to buy one for HoT zones, although that's not likely for me (because I despise most of the maps). But, it might be a bigger draw for players who like playing there.


    (Never mind that it's financially silly when I can just port there for a few silver. Having the crafting tables, etc. would be a draw.)

  14. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > I certainly wouldn't complain if it was added, but if it was a paid upgrade it would have to be pretty cheap to justify paying for something with a minimal benefit over the options I already have.


    Yeah, it wouldn't be a big cost. But, it would be something. Plus, it might generate a small number of sales of the tickets. I personally won't buy any other permanent passes, because I already have Mistlock Sanctuary (MkSy). But, if the other passes included (or I could upgrade to) reverting map travel, I would consider it, and probably buy some for places I like to go to.


    I had Lily of the Elon for a long time, but I didn't remember it. So, I always used MkSy. But, once I rediscovered it on a character, I started using it whenever I wanted to go to the PoF places, especially Crystal Oasis. I think I might buy passes for places in zones where it's more interesting to get to.

  15. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


    > I suppose they could move the other VIP areas to their own instance, except that would remove one of the benefits for me e.g. I like that the Royal Terrace is part of Divinity's Reach.


    They would have to include a doorway to the city, but that would be pretty easy. After all, they already have a link to "cities".

  16. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > They investigated the idea of offering "return to previous location" and weren't able to make it work, for a variety of reasons. The most important: each of the other passes is located in an existing PvE map. The game isn't setup to remember a PvE location.


    Bummer. This probably means it won't work.



  17. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > I am curious why you are suggesting people have to buy a whole new item to "upgrade" what they already bought instead of just asking anet to upgrade them to be more like the recently made lounge passes


    Because they need new revenue. And, they need to get it by not violating their core principles (like, subscriptions would.)

  18. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > And I've map completed on more characters than I can count on one hand and intend to map complete on every single one of my characters eventually.


    And I contend that THIS is the reason for many of the objections to this idea. "I had to do it, so so should you."


    My contention is that the game is dying unless ANet can somehow generate new revenue.


    Now, they already know how many new players are joining the community of players. And that number is obviously declining. So, not only do they need new revenue, they need to acquire it from old players. Other than new content (which just got a lot harder to produce), this means new sales of items.

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