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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. GW has the most cooperative and least toxic players anywhere in gaming. Or, at least anywhere I've been to or known people who've been there. It is hands-down the friendliest community of players anywhere.


    Part of the reason is because of its most fundamental design element: no ongoing fees. While I myself have indicated I would pay if they changed, they won't change, because a VERY large percentage of players would go elsewhere. Why wouldn't they? If GW became just like one of the other cesspools, ….

  2. I've seen reports that scourges are overpowered. So, I ramped myself up and attained scourge. I cannot for the life of me figure out what they meant. Scourge seems almost completely worthless, at least for PvE. (I don't know if the posters who said it was OPed were referring to PvP and/or WvW.)


    My necro has full ascended carrion armor, but most of the infusions are for Fractals. Still, he has a full compliment of runes and sigils. But, the shades seem grossly underpowered, and barriers pretty much useless. I would consider converting to viper, but that doesn't seem suited for scourge, either (fewer condition skills).


    Can someone who has played a scourge in PvE tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or, what are your tricks for making the profession work?

  3. I have 27 mains. There are three of each profession. Six of them aren't level 80 yet, though, so maybe they don't count as "mains". I originally made them (and three mules) to see all of the storyline missions (without having to join other people in the missions).


    If the game doesn't add any more classes or races, I'll eventually I may go to 45, so I'll have one of each race/profession pair. (Assuming they ever put character slots on sale again -- it's way too expensive already. My budget requires a sale price.)

  4. I put "other", because while I wouldn't mind paying monthly (heck, I already fork over a few hundred dollars a year), it would have to serve a purpose. The problem is that once it serves a purpose, it becomes a form of pay-to-win, which isn't a good idea at all.


    I think what they need to is permanently lower the prices of some gem store items, to take into account the reduced revenue stream from the aging population of players. Only active players buy stuff, and as time goes on, there are fewer and fewer of those.


    So, lowering prices would have the effect of generating more income, which can offset the decline in the number of players.


    IMPORTANT: they can't do this with all items, lest they cut their own throats. Price reductions should exist for older items, especially those that used to sell well, but no longer do.


    One last thing is that sales should still exist. There's a subset of the player population that only buys stuff when it's "on sale" (like, me for instance). But, I buy a LOT when sales go on, so the perm. reductions should be done before sale prices are calculated.


    NOTE: "Permanent" can be tested to see if it works. If it doesn't help substantially, then it could be rescinded.

  5. > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > But, they ALL really need to have a slot for a rune, so you can get back up to 6 when underwater.


    > Don't they all already have that?


    ~~No. They have a slot for an infusion, but not a rune.


    I THINK this is a bug-like oversight, because the exotic and rare ones have a rune slot. ArenaNet?~~




    Well, now today they do. Very strange, because I was looking right at it when I typed my first statements.


    So, I retract and repent in dust and ashes.

  6. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > The first mistake is assuming people craft ascended rebreathers to begin with....

    > Nothing underwater requires that much AR so why waste the gold on it.


    So that in the open world, you have max armor when under water.


    But, they ALL really need to have a slot for a rune, so you can get back up to 6 when underwater.

  7. Yassith recipes can only be obtained from exalted chests. That's absurd all by itself. But, why on earth are they also account-bound? You have two forms of gating on one item.


    **Can someone from ArenaNet please explain that one to me?**


    An item of exceptional value (as in, priceless) that will automatically become completely worthless after you have collected the 18th of them (armor ones). Surely you must have had some logical reason for setting it up this way, but my little grey cells just can't fathom it.

  8. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > > > Inculpatus: I know that. I'm asking WHY. Or, rather, why can't I at least salvage it (or get the black diamond instead of the jewel in the first place).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Azizul: Seems odd, but it could be their logic. Sad, if true.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Drecien: It's a black diamond JEWEL, not a black diamond.

    > > > >

    > > > > I thought the jewel could be swapped for the diamond at that vendor?

    > > >

    > > > OP is not talking about a drop, but the jewel upgrade crafted to make exotic Viper's trinkets.

    > > >

    > > > To OP: none of the jewels are salvageable, unfortunately. The same thing happens with any other account bound stat jewel, like Celestial.

    > >

    > > I thought that might be the case. But, you can sell the lower-tier ones on the trading post, I think.

    > >

    > > Logically, it makes no sense. My wife has to go to a jeweler every few years to keep her diamond in its setting. It should be trivial to remove them. But, I suppose it would be trivial to turn a copper ingot back into ore in real life, and you can't do that in-game, either. It just seems a shame: the black diamonds were very expensive, but now they're almost worthless, because someone put some metal around them.


    > You can't devolve a copper ingot back into ore, it's not trivial or even feasible. On the other hand, if your wife has to return to the jeweler every few years to keep her diamond in it's setting I'd say someone got ripped off...and expertly placed diamond in a good setting will not come out nor get loose within a few years, it will be at least

    > 10 - 15 if not longer before it might need to be reset, and that's speaking from experience, for what it's worth.


    OK, I might have exaggerated it downwards with "every few years". We've been married 34 years, and I think she had to bring it in once, and then brought it in one other time, just to be safe.

  9. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > > Inculpatus: I know that. I'm asking WHY. Or, rather, why can't I at least salvage it (or get the black diamond instead of the jewel in the first place).

    > > >

    > > > Azizul: Seems odd, but it could be their logic. Sad, if true.

    > > >

    > > > Drecien: It's a black diamond JEWEL, not a black diamond.

    > >

    > > I thought the jewel could be swapped for the diamond at that vendor?


    > OP is not talking about a drop, but the jewel upgrade crafted to make exotic Viper's trinkets.


    > To OP: none of the jewels are salvageable, unfortunately. The same thing happens with any other account bound stat jewel, like Celestial.


    I thought that might be the case. But, you can sell the lower-tier ones on the trading post, I think.


    Logically, it makes no sense. My wife has to go to a jeweler every few years to keep her diamond in its setting. It should be trivial to remove them. But, I suppose it would be trivial to turn a copper ingot back into ore in real life, and you can't do that in-game, either. It just seems a shame: the black diamonds were very expensive, but now they're almost worthless, because someone put some metal around them.

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