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Posts posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. I like this idea. To answer Gaile's question, perhaps there should be options? One sound is all we really "need" (and, do we even "need" that?) But, it would be nice if we had some ring-tone possibilities.

    As long as we're on the subject, if there are several tones, then they should be "settable" by the user. For example, I might turn off the ding for map chat, but leave it on for party, squad, and guild chats. This would apply even if there was only one tone possible.

    Personally, I want the original series Star Trek communicator noise, but there are copyright problems with that. :)

  2. > @Aaralyna.3104 said:

    > I wasn't talking about candy corn nodes that disappear if you touch them. I could actually fully mine them (just like in the event)


    I would like that, especially if they have lore to explain it. But, I think it's a bug that they can't identify, so they have no control over it. And, if I were them reading this thread, I wouldn't look to hard for a fix.

  3. > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

    > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > > @Aaralyna.3104 said:

    > > > There are also candy corn nodes left in the world. Found some today in Brisban Wildlands. Not sure if intended they are there.

    > >

    > > These have been popping up all over the place since the very first halloween 5 years ago. I'm wondering if they're ever going to fix those.


    > Do you ever achieved to farm any? For me, they were disappearing much too fast to allow for any mining. Anyone with a different experience at those?


    I don't think you can. Sometimes I've actually seen the node itself, not just the symbol on the map. But, the one time I was next to one, I couldn't harvest it. I could only view it.

  4. > @AstralDusk.1670 said:

    > Yeah, lots of fun crossover links between the stories. I just went through my human thief's 'floating grizwhirl' storyline, and shortly afterward did my asura mesmer's, where her rival brags about her new grizwhirl invention.

    > My eyes went wide on that one. Teyo, you fiend!


    It's better than that, even. The human big bad guy is Caudecus, which is tied to Queensdale, a dungeon (with it's background story), the grizwhirl thing, and Living Story Season 3. And, there's a human who claims s/he bought it from a human-named inventor, but in the Asura storylineline, the real inventor shows up (as you found).


    I'm going to play some of those 30 characters through more of the storyline. I'm betting there's a much larger connection between the 3 orders, plus the 5 monster races we have to help in tier 5. Most of the ones I've taken that far were a long time ago, but I want to see if I can put any more connections into place.

  5. Thanks for the info, Gaile!


    And, I too don't mind the candy corn nodes popping up. It would actually be kind of fun if they turned out to be real, and part of a larger plot. I mean, 250 years ago, the Mad King could only break into our world one day a year. Now, he's here for weeks. Obviously, things could change.


    Or, maybe those nodes popping in and out of existence are really the netherworld's reaction to people using that potion to turn ambient creatures into candy cane creatures. That candy has to come from SOMEWHERE, doesn't it?

  6. Thanks, Ashen. But, I would call it more like bull-headedness.


    Yes, Vayne, there really is a large web of stories, especially in the early tiers. Certainly tiers 1 & 2 overlap all over the place, but even tier 3 and 5 have a lot of cross-connections.


    But, Ashen, I would say that there's still way over half of the zones that don't have a direct connection to the missions. So, even if you played through a lot, there's still a lot of mystery. I mean, gee whiz, where did Poobadoo come from? Or any of the guild bounties for that matter.

  7. A little over four years ago, I decided that I wanted to see all of the storyline missions that GW2 had to offer. Earlier today, I completed that goal of playing through all 309 missions.


    In the early days, it was tough going, because I had to take 6 different characters all the way to the Tier 8 storyline missions. But, once those were done, it was simply a matter of buying enough character slots: 30. (It takes 6 characters per race to see the Tier 1 and 2 missions.) Oh, and I waited a week between characters so I could get a BL chest key from each.


    **One thing amazed me through this:** there are remarkable story continuities scattered throughout core Tyria. Things that were missions turned into areas and events that either precede or follow the storyline missions. For example, the Centaur war in the middle of Queensdale is something all Human characters deal with in the very first event of the storyline. But, there are multiple camps of bandits, and you only see the connections to the storyline when you play through at least 3 paths per race/character. (For humans, they're Commoner, Noble, and Street Rat in Tier 1, and Unknown Parents, Dead Sister, and Missed Opportunity in Tier 2.)


    The writers really did their homework. My hat's off to them. **Good job, folks!**

  8. > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    > The whole buzz surrounding "condi burst" is a red herring and a silly attempt at rationalizing the problem as something other than what it actually is. Let's just drop this absurdity and call a spade a spade - condition damage is (generally) over-tuned and in need of significant nerfs. Being able to drop a lot of conditions quickly shouldn't be an issue, and wouldn't be if condition damage was properly tuned.


    > Condi being over-tuned is quite plainly demonstrated by the fact that it typically **outperforms direct damage even against glass builds and low-armor mobs**. Isn't the entire purpose of condition damage to bypass armor? Why, then, does it do more damage even when the target has low armor? That's completely wrong-headed. You should expect a power build to outperform a condi build against a low armor target _no matter how long the fight lasts_. Condi's advantage is that it circumvents high armor, which power builds should and do struggle with. This is one of the main reasons why Toughness is undervalued in pretty much all game modes. What's the point when it's usually conditions that kill you anyway?


    > Two years of condi being OP has also pushed the proliferation of cleansing and resistance mechanics to give players and mobs ways of dealing with it, and the whole combat system has suffered for it. Toughness hardly matters, players are forced to build around condi cleanse/immunity, non-bunkers die way too fast while bunkers are even more annoying than they should be. By nerfing condi damage, we can effectively scale all of this back and restore a modicum of balance and control to the combat system.


    > Everyone (including Anet) acts like conditions are the same as generic DoTs from other games, when that isn't how they were designed. They were largely designed with quick stacking and short duration because they need to be balanced in both PvP (short fights) and PvE (long fights), which is why balancing them primarily around fight duration as opposed to armor doesn't make any sense and will never lead to good balance. Again, let armor largely determine which is more effective, that way they both have a competitive place in the meta in both PvP and PvE.


    > Here's an example of how it should work, barring any gimmicks or specialized mechanics:


    > **low armor** - physical has advantage right out of the gate and never loses it, no matter how long the fight lasts

    > **mid-range armor** - physical has advantage at first, but swings slightly in favor of condition damage probably starting at around the 6 second mark.

    > **high armor** - condi has the advantage by the 2-3 second mark and maintains it from there.


    > And that's not even getting into the attribute dependency imbalances that exist between physical damage and condition damage builds.


    Then why does almost everybody recommend power builds? I've asked numerous times what builds would be nice for a character, and I'm always careful to say "don't specify berserker's" (because I don't want berserkers). Yet, well over half the respondents suggest berserker's. Even when I specifically asked for tips on how to play my condi-necro, people still said switch to a power build.


    So, your premise is not based on facts.

  9. OK, I finally was able to buy a copy, and have been playing. I say it's pretty darned good.


    Two things come to mind, though:


    First, the mini-map needs to be fixed (or rebuilt from the ground up). Verticality still exists, but at least there are only three levels on the three maps I've so far visited. Changes needed:


    * Allow us to tailor the up and down arrow colors. I'm partially blue/yellow colorblind, so they look nearly identical to me. I have to zoom in to see if the arrow points up or down, but zooming carries problems as well.

    * Once we've been to the levels on any spot on the map, show those levels in the mini-map. Perhaps as dashed lines of the same colors as the arrows (after they've been fixed -- see above).

    * SPOILER!!! - in the battle where Balthazar sends you to that other plane of existence, please note that the emotions you are trying to get characters to "feel" is exactly how many of your PLAYERS felt in some of the boss battles in HoT. And, it's not a good feeling. I mean, really, the only way to complete a couple of those (solo) is to die 50 times, until I exploit the game's saving of damage done. Ugly. Please avoid this for future bosses that are not a "Group Event".


    Overall, it's an excellent release.


  10. > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > > @Menadena.7482 said:

    > > > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > > > All this talk of changing maps brings up a point that's bugged me for some time. What are the options for changing maps? I've been getting out of the mad king's realm and coming back in. That seems to change the map, but is that the best/only way to do it?

    > > > And why isn't there some way to change maps easily - like a "Change Map" button in the Options or something? (Or is there?)

    > >

    > > You can join a squad on another map in lfg and there will be an option to change to their map when you rt click on the user list for the squad.


    > True, there is that, but it's such a clumsy way to do it. And not great at getting away from organised squad maps. I still think a random map change button would be nice.


    It's worse than clumsy, but there are other threads discussing squads in full maps, and how they should be aged out of the LFG window.

  11. I'm trying to make the dye colors on a character be the same as a certain university's colors. The university lists the colors by name (which obviously won't match), but also as Pantone colors. For example, the red color is listed as Pantone 186c.


    Does anybody know if there is a color reference for the dyes that would map to Pantone colors? Or possibly to the RGB scale, or any other non-game reference?

  12. > @nanomidgy.9180 said:

    > Yes please. I never understand why ppl dont wanna remove their group from lfg even if other ppl are telling them its full, some of them even state FULL in their lfg. Whats the point?! I get it so u can try spam join but I would personally like ppl start making new map lfg for less crowded/new instances instead of trying to spam every single one for a few mins. Anet shld just **add a swap map instance/ip function in world map** like in other mmos or just **auto remove it from lfg if the map instance they are on is full.**


    It's even worse than that. I just tried to get to a map that was "32/50". It let me in, and the squad had about 25 people. But, only two of them were in my map instance, and all of the others were in a truly full map, because it refused to let me join any of them.


    So, this isn't just an issue with people not putting up accurate messages (which ALSO needs fixing). It's a fundamental issue in the LFG tool. The "leader" of a "group" in LFG can change every time someone adds themselves. So, the person who made the advertisement has no clue that it's a problem. And, neither does the game itself, it would seem.


    This REALLY needs to be fixed. This has been a problem since day one of the LFG tool, and ANet has completely ignored it. There's really no excuse for this kind of sloppiness.

  13. > @Danikat.8537 said:

    > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

    > > > > The guy's a jerk. Leave the squad, and do your own thing, including opening doors ahead of the squad. He won't learn, but at least you won't be impacted by his behavior.

    > > >

    > > > Don't do that. Leave the map and find one that fits you. Commander might be a jerk, but they are doing the hard work of organizing, so cut them some slack. Also, the rest of the squad might support the commander's choices, in which case by opening doors ahead of the squad, you'd be ruining it for lots of people, not just the commander.


    > > Does he own that instance? Perhaps he paid ANet to buy it?


    > No, but it's much easier for one person to switch to a copy of the map without a commander and squad and then be free to do whatever they want without any hassle than for the entire squad to move, or to work around that one individual. It's a quick solution (probably just a matter of logging out and back in again) that allows everyone to get what they want.


    Why on earth should I spend my time accommodating someone who is trying to be emperor? I will continue to play as normal when there is a jerk running a group. I accept reasonable requests from commanders. But, I ignore unreasonable ones.

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