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Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

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Posts posted by Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

  1. Just... no. Just...... no.

    Not just that thief is already a capable assassin without it being in the name, and this doesn't even fit the style that Anet is going when they make new specs. But because this specialization sounds like all sorts of unfun to fight against.


    If anything, the next one is going to be this.


    Thief Mesmer hybrid, Arcane Trickster / Harlequin which is centered around CC, mind games, and support with spike damage on CCed targets. Thief gets Alacrity and improved initiative restoration. New Weapon is Great Sword.

    Thief Ranger Hybrid, Pathfinder and revolves around Spirits. New Weapon is Sword off hand.

    Thief Revenant Hybrid, Enlightened Thief? Access to Legends. New Weapon is Torch off hand.

    Thief Necro Hybrid, Some sort of Soul Thief? My guess is the mechanic is changed to let the thief rip someone's soul out of their body and hit the soul instead of their physical form. Or to use stolen souls to power themselves up. Axe both hands.


  2. > @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

    > Why do you do it when most Daredevil and core S/D builds are just better


    What makes you say that specifically? Most people who claim things forget about various situations, combos, and utilities. And just roll with what

    everyone else has been saying.


    I play deadeye for a number of reasons. Here's three.


    1. Is people get MAD when you kill them with a specialization that is called weak by a community that couldn't be bothered with just getting good, when it really isn't that weak or bad if you're used to how Core thief behaved back in 2012.


    2. It feels less button smashy. A well timed interrupt or cantrip from a deadeye who made a build that suits his playstyle is a death sentence to anyone running a meta pvp build. Headshot, Binding Shadow, swap weapon crouch DJ combined with sigils that increases damage on targets that are knocked down for example. Where with Daredevil and core thief, you just don't have the burst to completely murder someone who's been CCed before they can break out of it. Daredevil has pulmonary impact, but there's a pretty good chance it's gonna get nerfed (like how they nerfed everything in thief since 2012.)


    3. Where Daredevil is all about constant pressure, and core thief is about being a cheeky bastard while pressuring. I love how Deadeye is a cheeky doom timer if they don't kill you in the first second they caught you out. And also how you don't necessarily want to be smashing your face against someone else in melee, but you can sure as hell do it just fine while being frighteningly tanky.


    That being said... it's not too hard to fight a Daredevil with Deadeye and win. And that was before Daredevil's slipperyness got nerfed. Now I just gotta count your dodges if you take something to make you slippery, CC, and kill.


    I also learned that a lot of daredevils forget about their utilities, or what the core thief utilities were. So... a lot of fun was had with using traps, and better yet... infiltrator's signet, assassin's signet proced, and a backstab at 7 Malice, 25 might, and 25 stacks of precision and might. He had several stacks of vulnerability on him. The daredevil died immediately.

  3. They are good in Raids where mobility is pretty damn important. But as much as I hate to say it... there's very little reason to take a thief right now. DD might have one of the highest DPS, but guess what? Get a ele and suddenly it is a moot point.


    If you are doing what ever... then your choices don't matter. You can still beat raids with all thieves.

  4. Condi goes without being resisted by player stats.

    Power bursts pretty hard and is good for killing squishy players.


    At the moment, Anet agrees that Condi is a little too strong for what it was intended.

  5. > @Lyros.4673 said:

    > Honestly if the kneel was increased to a 600 range bonus, the range would actually be fine. One of the nail in the coffins for deadeye was going to WvW and trying to shoot across a palisade; the ranger next to me was dancing about the corner shooting the volley of arrows at one guy, but before my kneels even finished the opponent moved out of range. Short of a stealth gimmick build, Rangers can just outmanuever the ranges of the deadeye with ease at any point with greater utility, and cleave no less.


    > And in PVE, sacrificing mobility for 300 additional range means you have multiple seconds of vulnerability before you can even do damage, in which time 1500 range can very easily be closed by most mobile enemies. Deadeye has no cleave and can't handle a group of enemies either, so somehow assuming you do manage to kill your target without cleave and losing your shots against the group, you have the rest to contend with while malice becomes utterly irrelevant.


    > There's just little to no benefit to using kneel. The point of "melee damage at range" is a ridiculous design philosophy, particularly for PVE. In PVP this would make more sense to even the grounds against player characters but in PVE it does nothing but kitten the class. What Deadeye tries to accomplish, Ranger can do better with a longbow. And the kicker is that Longbow gets the same range with mobility, more utility, and cleave. It's *usable* as opposed to the Deadeye Rifle which is a one trick gimmick and absolutely painful to use.



    Bring Shadowstep. You'll have the same dang problem if your range was further increased. Only worse, because now you're dealing with a longer travel time which they can side step.

  6. > @Burnfall.9573 said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > Right... so Mesmer is further invading Thief's territory, what else is new :/. What will Anet do? Nerf thief, buff mesmer.


    > both need to be seriously addressed

    > nerfing them will never be enough. (5 years should be evident of that) They must be re-designed from the ground up, at least that's the only solution i see that's available


    A redesign may be a bit much. Both were fine when the game originally released. People just did not like how dirty the Mesmer and Thieves were when players got good with them.

  7. > @"Crystal Black.8190" said:

    > I didn't see it mentioned so far: The first Caladbolg-weapon is free. The materials to craft your first one will be awarded by achievements. Since you can only do achievements one time you will need to buy/gather the materials if you wish to build a second one.


    Is one of the options a scepter?


    I know you can do Sword, Shield, Greatsword, I can't remember what the last option is.

  8. > @MUDse.7623 said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > @MUDse.7623 said:

    > > > against moving or in WvW gliding targets at least DJ doesnt even have 1500 range, against gliding ones sometimes not half that range and i am not talking about gliding high above but a bit over the ground, right in front of you and it says out of range. they keep gliding away and hit the ground and there eat the DJ. and people moving left or right mostly get an obstructed message even if there is nothing in between. if they fix those things id be ok with only 1,5k range - but till then demand as much as we can think of, so we might get at least bug fixes :D

    > >

    > > Did you forget that when you aim, you're actually aiming in a sphere? To hit gliders you want to be infront of them so it's harder for them to escape you. Or higher up in elevation so they're not on the tip of that sphere.


    > even if it is a sphere, i was not talking about gliders that are high above , maybe just 1,5 asura lengths off the ground and only like 400 units infront of me and it will miss sometimes being out of range, somtimes it will hit. its like to toss a coin if your lucky your are considered in range.


    I think two things are going on here then.


    The bug where the deadeye for some reason doesn't actually hit the target despite the target being stationary. It might be a tunneling problem or something janky. And the glider moving fast enough that the projectile couldn't reach the hitbox in time.

  9. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > The other thing that does is completely prevent players from getting out of combat during the encounter.


    > Which, ya know, is a good thing to not let them do.


    Most of the combat arenas are designed with something that instakills or locks you in though. I can understand the incentive to bring healers... but it should never be something like that - I don't care how many bosses actually have it. The bosses themselves already hit you incredibly hard, and most have mechanics to ensure that all ranges stay on their toes.

  10. > @Ariurotl.3718 said:

    > Sadly, ANet has been progressively more and more obsessed with shoving CC spam into everything, which makes the disparity between professions with easy access to stability and those without much more striking. It's still not extremely difficult (source: if I can do it, almost anyone can), but a lot more annoying.


    RIP dardevil. Am I right?



    But... yeah it depends> @Richard.1079 said:

    > I recently came back to Guild Wars after a five year break, and I’m having a progressively harder time doing the stories. I had finished HoT story before, but the last part was really hard for me. And the Season 4 story today was even harder for me in two of the fights. (I haven’t done much of Season 3 or PoF yet)


    > So, is it supposed to be getting harder?

    > Is it something I’m doing wrong? I feel like I run out of dodges, get stunned, then stunned while stunned until I did, etc.

    > Is the elementalist I’ve been using the exception, and I’ll find it easier on other characters?

    > Am I supposed to do some of this with a group?


    It depends on what you call difficult to be honest. Some of the encounters are just god damn annoying for some professions and specs. The opening episode in particular is SUUUUUPER annoying on Deadeye and Daredevil. There's a fuck load of 5second long stuns, and sometimes you'll only get to move three steps before being stunned again. There's a crap load of mobs that will jump on your face and cripple you. And for Daredevil, this is pretty damned bad as one of the traits has been spontaneously transformed into driving thirty fucking nails through your foot and using your pure leg muscles to rip the pinned foot out of the ground - then you walk on it. That trait is responsible for Daredevil's escape by the way! So... yeah... I died a number of times in that fucking episode. Eventually I swapped to some tanky traits and just soaked up damage :/

  11. > @Swagger.1459 said:

    > At what point does the team become accountable for this stuff? Will we need to be at 75k, 100k, 125k... damage before there is some sense of urgency to work on the problematic issues, like this, plaguing the game? Should we continue waiting for bandaids on gushing wounds in-between the dead esports seasons? At what point in the lifecycle of the game does the team really take an interest in most important aspects (professions and combat) of the game?


    > If these damage numbers are perfectly acceptable, even with players probably averaging 20k hp, then I propose we assign a weapon from each profession to have this 50k capability. Fair to suggest?


    > Full quote...


    > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

    > > May i also add 30k-50k+ damage after the 'fix' as well.

    > > Thief player, ' **its kinda broken ( too broken ) but its funny that you can 1 shot people and stay perma stealth all the time** '

    > > (Yup! Things are better and better than ever, with more build diversity and with more balancing...Spectacular!!)

    > > Enjoy

    > >

    > >

    > >




    Let thieves be who they are! Fuckers who gank people when they really need it. No class should be allowed to step into theif's territory, like how thief is not allowed to step into anyone else's territory.

  12. First boss


    All melee will have a really rough time trying to stay alive due to the sheer volume of AOEs. Spreading out is a good way to keep your sanity.

    You can probably put a Might Stacking Deadeye and Druids further back where they won't have to worry about watching out for the bosses personal AOEs.


    The two designated tanks will want to keep the boss away from the main group while the group works on killing the wurms. This isn't to speed run anything. This is to make sure people stay alive because there is so much shit to look out for.


    You can do this with one druid. But it'd mean that everyone would need to bring some amount of healing power to keep themselves alive (Bullshit Chilling Aura procs forces you to keep healing at all times).


    The Wurms may have the name elite on them... but they are extremely squishy and will die pretty quickly. However they hurt, and need to be delt with ASAP.


    Things to watch out for...


    Wurm Volleys. Each worm sprays out a projectile volley of 3. Which seems to target where the most players are standing. Spreading out is the best way to avoid taking damage from them as just one hit can flatten anyone who does not have tougness in their build.


    Moving Scythes with red Circle. I don't know what they do, nor do I want to. I'm not sure what causes them, I think they are caused by enemies running to the outer circle and dying.


    Rectangle field of death. These things are slow moving, they are large but you can avoid them. You can not dodge through them, but you can blink past them safely. The are completely random in how they spawn, and they make it so lingering near the edge is a seriously bad idea. A guranteed one shot. But from what I can see... there can be no more than 4 on the field at a time.


    Unhighlighted AOE from Souless Hunter. This is just a red ring as far as I can tell. It is extremely hard to see coming and it hurts. You're only given about a second and a half to get out of the way.


    Yellow AOE from Souless Hunter. This one is a double attack. First it strikes near her. The second is a donut that's outside of the first You're not given a lot of time on the second one to get out of the way. I think the range for the outer most one is about 900 units. Anyone with access to rifle and longbow will be able to stand comfortably outside of this range.


    It may not be a bad idea to ask all melee users to put either Magi, Marshal or Cleric trinkets on for the healing power boost.

  13. So... I've just noticed for the first time that I was taking nonsense damage. A quick look at the combat log tells me that the new Raid Boss has an aura called "Chilling Aura", which pulses damage onto players every 3 seconds. I learned later that more bosses apparently have this unlabeled mechanic.


    So my question is... why? Why is this a thing? You wanted to promote off meta team comps. But this crap here basically means you either need to bring healing power on everyone to make any self regen worth a damn. Or always have Druids speced for healing with you. Heck, this even strongly cements the stacking meta.

  14. > @MUDse.7623 said:

    > against moving or in WvW gliding targets at least DJ doesnt even have 1500 range, against gliding ones sometimes not half that range and i am not talking about gliding high above but a bit over the ground, right in front of you and it says out of range. they keep gliding away and hit the ground and there eat the DJ. and people moving left or right mostly get an obstructed message even if there is nothing in between. if they fix those things id be ok with only 1,5k range - but till then demand as much as we can think of, so we might get at least bug fixes :D


    Did you forget that when you aim, you're actually aiming in a sphere? To hit gliders you want to be infront of them so it's harder for them to escape you. Or higher up in elevation so they're not on the tip of that sphere.

  15. > @Alatar.7364 said:

    > I am not running anything special, D/P mostly, Staff is my Main but not when I want to get Serious, D/D Power when I wanna have challenging fun, S/P just for the fun and banter.


    > About your topic though, as you mentioned, past few months I really felt the weight of this absolutely unsubstantiated attention Thief got. However I can put up with that, always was up for a challenge, but what I really can't stand anymore is the insane hate it generates and supports.

    > Everywhere I go I feel hated. PvE players hate Thief, WvW hates Thief, PvP despises Thief. Deleted from any usefulness, hell people don't even want us as Scouts anymore. All because of the Nerfs that were based on salty whines rather than actual constructive criticism.


    You're a profession that is supposed to fight dirty and be slippery as hell. And the players who are good with thieves do. This is what makes us so god damn hated, and why we get so many god damn unjustified nerfs. Meanwhile, we got mesmers creeping into our territory and no one complains about them!

  16. > @Myth.2679 said:

    > Hi guys,


    > So I finally decided to give GW2 a shot and after doing a bit of research, played a bunch of classes upto 21 to check out the specs.


    > I believe thief is what I am looking for, but wanted to ask a few questions before I dive in.


    > First of all, I basically intend on just doing solo, open world 100% on this char. I have little to no interest in any serious endgame or group content. I also dislike a lot of skill-switching or complicated rotations. That being said, I like to play as a ranged class over melee. I def prefer pistols/rifles to longbow/shortbow from a personal perspective. I would also like to level pretty close to the playstyle i'll be using at max-level.


    > So.. given all that, is thief what I am looking for or is ranger a better fit? :confused:


    > Thanks!

    > ~Myth


    Ranger is a solid Ranged profession. However, you can unlock deadeye. Despite what people say about it, it is actually a pretty solid elite specialization. Though it does a need a little help from Anet, and they aren't being too understanding.

  17. > @Lunateric.3708 said:

    > No, raids are fine as they are, if you're mechanically good you'll be able to clear them no matter what, they are very lenient DPS wise.


    They are not fine when the community railroads you into following a god damn speedrun meta, leaving multiple professions in the dust.

  18. > @"yakuza snowdragon.4639" said:

    > Ok sorry if it's been covered but how do you get spirit shards without grinding for a year? I know they come from bags etc etc but is there no way to get them without grinding for months? 1 shard per tome is a joke? Any help would be appreciated!


    You'll need to complete all masteries for what ever part of the game you are in. The easiest and fastest one is probably the Elonian Desert as all the masteries are pretty damned cheap and fast to level.


    You then need to gain experience in that area.

  19. > @Taelac.7036 said:

    > You will at minimum need to finish the entire story, have a Skimmer mount, and have a Springer mount mastered through High Vault. You'll probably find it easier to fully master the Springer and to take the Skimmer at least as far as Ride the Wind.


    You need a Jackal mount as well. One of the collection items is inside a jackal puzzle.


    ... I think.

  20. The easiest and cheapest way would probably to do the Elite Spec collection if there is one for it. If not, then well... you can try grinding Raids for it (Good luck). You can craft it yourself, which ascended weapons surprisingly aren't expensive compared to the f*cking medium Armor. The materials for weapons are easy to stockpile, vs the leather for armor. Or you can build tokens and purchase it from the fractals ( I think).

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