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Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

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Posts posted by Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

  1. > @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

    > when doing the adventures you recognize how terrible the controls are.


    That's a bit off topic. But try using Action Camera, the controls are incredibly smooth then.


    > @tmorrow.5189 said:

    > There seem to be invisible walls blocking progress at the second sphere. After takeoff the 1st sphere you dive through to gain speed and flatten out so you can start a flat glide through the 2nd and later spheres. Almost every time I go through the 2nd sphere it's like i hit a brick wall. The pet appears (i'm a ranger) and the griffon with wings outstretched just falls to the ground. Restarting the race puts my character into a strange state. The griffon has outstretched wings but normal weapons bar has returned (not the griffons) . I have get off the mount 3 times before normal state is achieved again.


    > I've gotten gold for both expert and master in crystal oasis and desert drylands so this not a "he doesn't understand how to use the mount" issue. I have faced this issue ocassionally in other races but usually I can attribute it to running into a branch/rock at fast speed. In this case I've flown through the area slowly and there should be no branches or rocks protruding into the 2nd sphere that I can see. I've tried from different angles with the same result. Strangely in 1/10 runs I zip through with no problems.




    I haven't noticed that bug yet. Maybe I am just flying at the right angle to avoid it? Or it could just be a random thin polygon strip.

  2. > @Zenith.7301 said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > Deadeye doesn't have enough DPS to compete for a DPS spot.........

    > >

    > > A somewhere under 1K dps of Power Staff, with a much easier rotation, and with ALL of the utilities that a Deadeye can provide without donating their entire trait tree for DPS? Yeaaaah... qT can burn in hell with their speedrun meta.


    > Without anywhere close to the cleave/aoe or mobility.....


    > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > @Zenith.7301 said:

    > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > You see, my position is I have no desire to prove anything. This is a game. I know how to play and I play using meta builds and rotations. But I am not judging anyone with dps meter and I am against being judged without my consent.

    > > > >

    > > > > Also, I see no reason to play with you. You like dps meters, tryharding etc, so play with people like you. But I want to have this choice to. To decide whether I want to use this tool and share my numbers or not. Currently, I don't have this choice because it's on you to spy on my numbers.

    > > >

    > > > This is not tryharding. Some of us just don't want a Thaumanova or Cliffside fractal to turn into a 30 minute affair because some inconsiderate kitten felt like bringing a power reaper that solely uses mainhand axe, or a rifle deadeye that says he will might stack and then you see in the entire fractal you have might stacks no higher than 6 consistently.

    > > >

    > > > It's despicable how you want some people to be able to hide the fact that they're not even trying to be useful to the group. They just want to mash buttons mindlessly and receive loot no matter how much of other people's time they waste.

    > > >

    > > > Most people won't complain about my greatsword reaper when they see I don't die to mechanics, I break bars, I gather adds up and blind them, and I still put out respectable DPS. But those people should complain when instead I sit on longbow with my ranger and a moa or mainhand axe as a necromancer and just slowly pelt single targets and provide no use whatsoever to my team.

    > > >

    > > > Players who don't even try SHOULD be stigmatized. It's like I joined your soccer match and purposely kicked the ball inside your own goalie or passed it to opponents consistently. The team would be justified in deeming you incompetent and removing you.

    > > >

    > > > People who don't want to put in effort or run whatever crazy build they want already have the vast majority of the content, open world PvE. Where others will happily carry them with numbers in loosely tuned encounters.

    > > >

    > > > But fractals and raids are not loosely tuned encounters and they don't have a luxury of brute force by body count. You have no right to expect people to be happy with the fact that you're vastly increasing the effort they have to put in to compensate for your own lack of effort.

    > >

    > > I'm not about denying you your playstyle. I'm about giving me right to decide whether I want to share my dps meter or not. I won't join groups that would require it and you have right to kick me if I don't want to share. But I want this to be my choice, not yours to spy on me.



    > And if I'm "spying" on you it's because you inconsiderately joined my group and I have every right to look already. Not everyone is like you and decides not to join a group asking for specifics. The amount of kitten who have joined my groups after I asked for pots, food, and exp only to boot them minutes later for wasting my time because they had neither is enough motivation for me to "spy" on people.


    > Nobody even bothers to "spy" on DPS meters unless something is going seriously wrong with the run. The DPS meters simply provide truthful justification for assigning blame instead of extrapolating.


    > For example, my power greatsword reaper could be doing rather well in shattered observatory and the tempest is doing a rather mediocre job of DPS. The run is going bad because of slow DPS, and the group decides to blame me and boot me as the culprit if there's no DPS meter to dispel that notion. DPS meters protect people who play off-meta builds well just as much as they help people pick out the faulty players.


    The mobility is a none issue for most boss battles. Cairn is the only one where it is a problem, even then you can get by without it. Cleave is also hardly a problem as the few instances when you DO need to cleave are just special cases. Most of the time it is just focusing one target for Raids.


    In Fractals, cleave is definitely nice. But DE provides a massive amount of might in a very short time in two locations. And no, this is not speculation, I've tried this with Guild Claims, and T4 fractals. It works. If you concider that in fractals there's very rarely going to be anyone who will actually dump a load of boons for you (as is normally the case for me), a deadeye provides a net gain in DPS via the max stacks of might he can provide on such short notice to ranged and melee players (+750 power + 750 Condi). For melee, you can use Shadow Flare and S/D or S/P to cover close range cleave.


    Or you can use Rifle's 2 at range, or use Superior Rune of Flames for some AOE damage ontop of your single target on rifle.

  3. The whole process of taming creatures is to find a creature that is docile enough, and can become reliant on you for food, or is easily handled/intelligent. These particular griffons are docile, and is stated that their eyes holds a form of intelligence. They are also communicating telepathically with one of the sunspears, and even act as flying cameras for her.


    I don't think you own one of these griffon mounts. Just that you have an agreement or a contract with them.

  4. > @Sobx.1758 said:

    > > @Zacchary.6183 said:

    > > > @Sobx.1758 said:

    > > > First of all you say that "people look at DE as a pve-only spec", which is false, beacuse in fact it's a really bad pve spec.

    > > > Then -for pvp I assume- you say this:

    > > >

    > > > >The reality is that Deadeye is a sniper. A sniper stays still, kills from afar and then gets the kitten out of dodge.

    > > >

    > > > The thing about the "sniper playstyle" is that it doesn't really work unless you have allies that can guard you from the enemies. If you start the fight at ~max range and kneel, it's really easy to get out and you don't really have the mobility to catch up. If you start closer, most -if not all- of the classes can easly gap-close to you and simply kill you.

    > > > Combine that with the fact that you actually don't have the ability to insta-burst, because to reach your full potential (numbers hurr durr), you have to charge malice (which, whatever you like to claim, is not instant) aaaand it's quite easy to see why DE fails as a "sniper" concept.

    > >

    > > Just fyi, this was made in September


    > Ah crap, someone dug it out, didn't pay attention to the date it was posted.



    > >And you are wrong about it failing as a sniper concept simply because snipers usually wait before they kill their target.


    > Yeah, they do... but the whole thing that makes it possible is being unnoticed, as in their target can't be aware of their presence. Sooo not really wrong.


    > And jesus, linking to the sniper definition as an argument aside... Even by that standard you contradict yourself:

    > You LITEREALLY just quoted this:

    > >snipers wait patiently for the unsuspecting soldiers


    > And then commented with this:


    > >Deadeyes have to wait for malice to build before they can blow someone up with one Death's Judgement and they have to remain hidden or else they'll get pressured and possibly killed.


    > Once you apply malice, you're no longer able to be unnoticed by your desired target.


    You must have not been playing Deadeye in PvP. Most don't realize they are being targeted. And those that do usually have trouble finding the a deadeye that's 1/4th competent in maneuvering.

  5. > @Riddle.2714 said:



    > > @TwiceDead.1963 said:

    > > > @Riddle.2714 said:

    > > > > @TwiceDead.1963 said:

    > > > > I think P/P should be in-between Rifle Standing and Rifle Kneeling. Standing -> P/P -> Kneeling. That gives you a reason to still use Pistols. If you make Rifle overall superior in every way compared to P/P it becomes an outdated weapon combo that'll rarely be used.

    > > > >

    > > > > Weaponset should have its own merits, is all I'm saying.

    > > >

    > > > Main reason using Pistol is the mobility. Also Rifle standing skills are weak compared to pistols..

    > >

    > > Rifle-standing has more mobility than P/P though, and I know rifle-standing is weak, it's supposed to make up for that by kneeling, that's just how rifle is designed. Problem is standing isn't worth using because it lacks damage, and kneeling isn't worth doing as it's too risky (PvE). Something needs to be done to make the latter worth the risk.


    > Agree with you here. Kneeling is risky and unrewarding. Immobile while dps is just slightly 'higher' than mobile is just bad.


    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:


    > > I'm also not keen on the 10% damage increase across the board. The DE Rifle wrecks people in PvP pretty hard despite the current state. And most of the time, the reasonings players have for why DE sucks outside of damage, are just what ifs that could honestly go either way.

    > >

    > >

    > > Increasing the rifle's damage by 10% is likely going to cause people to scream for nerfs when more players figure out how to play DE for themselves, and Thief will get another god kitten nerf it does not need.

    > >

    > > Something small like a nudge of 5-6%? sure.


    > Oor just increase DJ's damage modifier? Hey, It's supposed to be our trump card right? Just my thought :)


    > @Riddle.2714 said:


    > > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > >

    > > > > I'm also not keen on the 10% damage increase across the board. The DE Rifle wrecks people in PvP pretty hard despite the current state. And most of the time, the reasonings players have for why DE sucks outside of damage, are just what ifs that could honestly go either way.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Increasing the rifle's damage by 10% is likely going to cause people to scream for nerfs when more players figure out how to play DE for themselves, and Thief will get another god kitten nerf it does not need.

    > > > >

    > > > > Something small like a nudge of 5-6%? sure.

    > > >

    > > > Oor just increase DJ's damage modifier? Hey, It's supposed to be our trump card right? Just my thought :)

    > >

    > > That I wouldn't mind. 15% per stack is pretty kitten massive. But I've got no problems with it being higher.


    > PvE-wise -- It's hard to reach maximum damage possible, since all planets must be aligned to pop those big numbers. 25 mights, 7 malice, kneeling mode, invuln stacks, crit chance(very rarely, but it hurts so much when it happens :( ). I thought if they can't tune up the requirements, at least make DJ MUCH more rewarding once pulled off.


    > By increasing damage modifier, it shouldn't hurt PvP as much as other ways. Since it's easy to dodge, miss, etc,etc and if--someone got hit by a full-malice DJ, he should be dead in the first place.


    I've not had a problem with one shotting people without the stars aligning. It depends on how you build, which most people build to some sort of meta, instead of to their playstyle which would probably be a LOT stronger than a meta build. One of my favorite builds revolves around using traps, knock downs, and fast might stacking. Generally kills players in one or two stacks of malice.

  6. > @Kuulpb.5412 said:

    > It's already a stronger Boon "removal" than any of spellbreaker's skills, it doesn't need a buff.


    Except that it is pretty damn worthless at the moment. DJ is a much better stealth attack as you get bonus damage for being revealed, it reveals you before it fires. Doesn't have a stupid fucking cool down. And when combined with Malignant reveal, you get free malice.

  7. > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > @Hana.8143 said:

    > > > I wanted to fight a scourge this evening, he stayed in his aoes, I tried to attack him, got 7stacks of torment, cripple, and burning immediatly.

    > > > I left and never came back where he was.

    > > >

    > > > I’m scared of those scourges. Not being able to find a window to attack them with those 20sec aoes is so frustrating. They’re just waiting to melt you down the second you step into them.

    > >

    > > *Laughs in Deadeye*

    > > Strongest self heal, massive condi cleanse. Can one shot a scourge. Or combo-burst scourge dead in less than a second.


    > This is true. When I'm on Scourge, Deadeyes scare me the most. It doesn't help that most of them go full Sniper RP and actually use the terrain. I'm not used to people doing that. >.>


    I laugh stupidly hard when I get that one scourge that thinks it's wise to challenge a deadeye who hasn't marked anyone or used his intiative. Oh a well got thrown on top of me? I'm just going to eat it like the demon I am and blow you up.

    Mark, crouch, tripple tap, 2, (now at 20 might), DJ.

  8. > @TheVindelator.8239 said:

    > There's a caffeinated skritt and a decaffeinated skritt?


    > If so, that's pretty funny. And if not, that typo is pretty funny.


    > We're all winners here today.


    The skritt becomes decaffinated upon defeat. She experiences a hard crash when you defeat her.

  9. > @Hana.8143 said:

    > I wanted to fight a scourge this evening, he stayed in his aoes, I tried to attack him, got 7stacks of torment, cripple, and burning immediatly.

    > I left and never came back where he was.


    > I’m scared of those scourges. Not being able to find a window to attack them with those 20sec aoes is so frustrating. They’re just waiting to melt you down the second you step into them.


    *Laughs in Deadeye*

    Strongest self heal, massive condi cleanse. Can one shot a scourge. Or combo-burst scourge dead in less than a second.

  10. I don't think Greatsword would make an assassin. If anything it'd make a Marauder, Kensai/Sword Saint, or a Highwayman. Think a thief designed to charge in and do fast paced AOE wombo-combo shit with possible Initiative regen. Replace steal with Momentum. Charges as the thief deals out damage - and increases initative regen rate. Activating it launches the thief at the target for heavy damage based on the amount of momentum. Does great sustained damage, but doesn't have cases of spike damage due to AOE nature.


    Sword off-hand would likely create a sword dancer, so most likely give thief a support role, reflects, and mesmer stuff.

  11. > @Elyxia.2943 said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > Anyways, I'm fine with Mark's Boon and Condi durations. Expertise and Concentration don't do very well on it. BUT... Griever's is pretty kitten beast with the mark given that it can be used to apply condi's at 1500 range, plus venoms if you use Deadly Arts Mug. A good way to open up on someone given that you normally need your mark on em.

    > >

    > > The boons provided by Mark also feels long enough when used with M7, instead of just five malice.

    > >

    > > I'm also not keen on the 10% damage increase across the board. The DE Rifle wrecks people in PvP pretty hard despite the current state. And most of the time, the reasonings players have for why DE sucks outside of damage, are just what ifs that could honestly go either way.

    > >

    > >

    > > Increasing the rifle's damage by 10% is likely going to cause people to scream for nerfs when more players figure out how to play DE for themselves, and Thief will get another god kitten nerf it does not need.

    > >

    > > Something small like a nudge of 5-6%? sure.


    > you play a crazy build ... no playable ... good guys eat you...




    That's not me? Perfectly playable. Also, you claim that good players would eat someone, but if you are at in the same game as them - it usually means you are of equal skill level. The fault then would have nothing to do with the specialization, the fault is completely the players.


    > @Riddle.2714 said:



    > > @TwiceDead.1963 said:

    > > > @Riddle.2714 said:

    > > > > @TwiceDead.1963 said:

    > > > > I think P/P should be in-between Rifle Standing and Rifle Kneeling. Standing -> P/P -> Kneeling. That gives you a reason to still use Pistols. If you make Rifle overall superior in every way compared to P/P it becomes an outdated weapon combo that'll rarely be used.

    > > > >

    > > > > Weaponset should have its own merits, is all I'm saying.

    > > >

    > > > Main reason using Pistol is the mobility. Also Rifle standing skills are weak compared to pistols..

    > >

    > > Rifle-standing has more mobility than P/P though, and I know rifle-standing is weak, it's supposed to make up for that by kneeling, that's just how rifle is designed. Problem is standing isn't worth using because it lacks damage, and kneeling isn't worth doing as it's too risky (PvE). Something needs to be done to make the latter worth the risk.


    > Agree with you here. Kneeling is risky and unrewarding. Immobile while dps is just slightly 'higher' than mobile is just bad.


    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:


    > > I'm also not keen on the 10% damage increase across the board. The DE Rifle wrecks people in PvP pretty hard despite the current state. And most of the time, the reasonings players have for why DE sucks outside of damage, are just what ifs that could honestly go either way.

    > >

    > >

    > > Increasing the rifle's damage by 10% is likely going to cause people to scream for nerfs when more players figure out how to play DE for themselves, and Thief will get another god kitten nerf it does not need.

    > >

    > > Something small like a nudge of 5-6%? sure.


    > Oor just increase DJ's damage modifier? Hey, It's supposed to be our trump card right? Just my thought :)


    That I wouldn't mind. 15% per stack is pretty damn massive. But I've got no problems with it being higher.

  12. Crafting is one of the ways to get Ascended equipment. The alternative is to go on raids. Depending on your role, you may not be able to buy the proper gear for raids on the market, so you have to craft them. Crafting is needed for some collections, especially specializations. Crafting is mandatory for Legendary unless you just buy it (expensive as hell to do so.)


    It is surprisingly a massive part of the GW2 experience.


  13. > @IllegalChocolate.6938 said:

    > > @"Rising Dusk.2408" said:

    > > > @IllegalChocolate.6938 said:

    > > > *awkwardly raises hand

    > > >

    > > > why is deadeye being compared to daredevil, I thought deadeye was suppose to be compared to other might stackers since that is kinda its main support focus.

    > > Because it does worse damage than a condition PS Warrior, stacks less might overall than a condition PS Warrior, and lacks all of the offensive buffs of a condition PS Warrior (which matters in this case since it's a power build and therefore wants EA). Unfortunately, Deadeye is bad right now.

    > >


    > Okay? still doesn't explain the daredevil comparison. If DeadEye did more damage than daredevil then, what would be the point of bringing daredevil? it would be obsolete. Can you imagine if Dead Eye could do more damage than daredevil WHILE stacking might? if that's not power creep then I don't know what is. Dead Eye has the potential to bring in some powerful group support if only some small changes were made, namely allowing allies to take advantage of the malice damage increase. Now we've got some solid profession defining group support under the guise of amplifying single target damage against a called target, turning the Dead Eye into essentially a legit spotter akin to shooters.


    > All it needs is some minor adjustments and it'll be exceptional support.



    It's not power creep. It is two completely different specializations. One makes a massive trade off for his power. The other simply enhances what already exists. The primary reason you'd bring DD into raids if DE did overtake DD, is for his mobility and great cleave. Raids like Escort, and Cairn DD would definitely be a much better option than DE. If you have only one target, and don't need to move all that often, DE would be a better choice.

  14. > @Impendingdoom.5401 said:

    > In a mid gold ranked game there were two thieves running around with what I assume was a S/D or a D/D power gank build. I was running around on my Necro and the theif would open on me from stealth and I would have about a second or 2 then I would die(Im running a condi scourge build). In one instance of the above I watched as he ganked/downed me, then downed 2 others as they came to rez me.


    > Yes, I pre planted my cancer and once or twice I did manage to damage/kill the theif prior to them downing me, more over -


    > WHAT WAS THIS BUILD!!!!!, why have I not seen more of this non deadeye power gank build ? I tried to armory the players to no avail.


    > Has anyone seen this type of gameplay recently ? I assumed id hear about it long before I saw this


    No special build, you just got owned by a player with a non-meta build. Thieves are just good at what they are supposed to do. Catch you out like the sneaky bastards we are and murder you.

  15. > @Zeald.4596 said:

    > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

    > > Until thief is redesign or redone: i suggest you to not take the game seriously. 5 years of the same Bad Designs with Power Creeps should tell you something.

    > > (If you want to know what games are fun with competitive play and with learning skill, just ask :) it's where competitive players are )

    > >

    > > Build included in link video.

    > >


    > This is what i hate about thieves and certain builds. I dont want this call of duty kitten in an mmo. Mmo combat should be tactiful, not who sees who first or who gets the first shot off. One shot builds are judt no fun. Sure you can counter x with y, but when you have a class likr the thief that just runs leagues away if its burst doesnt kill, then whats the point. Thats why i find all thieves just straight up cowards. None of them are willing to carry out a fight.


    MMO combat should be 'tactful'. Just admit you got outclassed. Thieves have been getting rolled in the dirt by nerfs since launch. It's not because the thief is blatantly over powered. It's just the players are damned good with a class designed to wreck people's shit when they get the jump on them.

  16. > @ninjambo.3784 said:



    > People who have been saying Soulbeast is trash need to take a second look at it. Unblockable attacks when entering beastmode is by far the best trait we have ever had for PvP/WvW in this game. And Basically permanent 17% Damage bonus. Taking Rock Gazelle with a greatsword or sword also makes this build even more mobile than Druid. I made a video demonstrating this. I didn't include 1v1s in here because you will win 99% of fights with ease if you rotate your Beastmode correcly. The only thing hard to beat sometimes is a condi mesmer. Anyways, enjoy the video!


    You've been fighting a lot of shit deadeyes... they seriously did not bring their cantrips with STRONG cc?


    But other than that, good job man o.o. You've made ranger as god damn annoying and deadly as smoke scales.

  17. > @anduriell.6280 said:

    > The game mode is so broken i can't simply play it without getting sick.


    > The PvE side you can finish it in one weekend. After that you can do nothing with this game that is not grinding the same mobs.


    Well, don't let the door hit your bum on the way out. But when you do get some rationality back, remember that the expansions CONTINUES with the living story and later content that is released.


    Plus, I'm preeety damn sure you did not do any of the collections or achievements, as it takes longer than a week to do them due to time gates on some achievements. The Wiki and Dulfy not being completely documented for PoF. And the fact that you need three Level 80 characters to unlock one of the collectibles.

  18. Anyways, I'm fine with Mark's Boon and Condi durations. Expertise and Concentration don't do very well on it. BUT... Griever's is pretty damn beast with the mark given that it can be used to apply condi's at 1500 range, plus venoms if you use Deadly Arts Mug. A good way to open up on someone given that you normally need your mark on em.


    The boons provided by Mark also feels long enough when used with M7, instead of just five malice.


    I'm also not keen on the 10% damage increase across the board. The DE Rifle wrecks people in PvP pretty hard despite the current state. And most of the time, the reasonings players have for why DE sucks outside of damage, are just what ifs that could honestly go either way.


    Increasing the rifle's damage by 10% is likely going to cause people to scream for nerfs when more players figure out how to play DE for themselves, and Thief will get another god damn nerf it does not need.


    Something small like a nudge of 5-6%? sure.

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