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Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

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Posts posted by Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

  1. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > Yeaaah, no. Actually, M7 gave me 32,300+ dps It's a DJ heavy rotation using realistic buffs. Another note, any thing you get for hitting full malice is immediately triggered again when you refresh.


    > Get back to me when you compare the DPS using BQoBK with Trickery.



    You could try it yourself you know. I'm currently testing out P/P to see if I can get it up there. No good results yet.


    EDIT: gonna have to rain check that. Thundering something fierce here, and it's tearing apart my connection.

  2. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"blacknazgul.3906" said:

    > > The new Deadeye and Rifle buffs were interesting so I thought I'd do a quick test. The results are great, with [30k DPS benchmark seen in this video](


    > >

    > > I used alacrity and quickness as 100% here, if it turns out to not be the case anymore this would change, also alacrity has barely any impact on the numbers. I'd like to know if someone else could achieve something better. I know the opener can be improved a bit, and wondering if there can be more kneeling/unkneeling to take advantage of the stealth for cursed bullet or if more initiative regen traits through trickery would be better for more death's judgement.


    > Yes, the problem with your build is that you are not using Trickery so you're missing out on the damage bonus from Lead Attack. Not to mention, you get more base Initiative and bonus Initiative everytime you renew DE marks then more Initiatives for having shorter Steal/DE Mark CD.


    > Another problem is that you spec with Revealed Malice, which loses it's value since Malice no longer resets. Besides, you never even bother stealthing or kneeling/stand, so why even take this trait? You're also using Shadow Flare as part of your rotation, so why not take One in the Chamber? Once you hit max Malice, Revealed Malice is a dead trait.


    > The same reason that M7 is a dead trait once you reach max Malice. The two extra point in Malice is nothing compare to the damage you can get from BQoBK's quickness, +200 power, +200 precision which will boost bonuses you get from CS.


    > I'm sure you can get higher DPS (you only average 27k btw) if you switch things up and get rid of all the dead traits.


    Yeaaah, no. Actually, M7 gave me 32,300+ dps It's a DJ heavy rotation using realistic buffs. Another note, any thing you get for hitting full malice is immediately triggered again when you refresh.


    As for deadtraits... I'm not sure if you can call them that. Very few things in the deadeye's lineup actually gives bonus damage. Unless you go with one in the chamber. I haven't tried using deadlyarts yet to see what I can pull from having the ability to use a stolen skill twice. With alacrity, and the reduction to mark's cool down, I can see DE also introducing a support role for the thief.


    The only problem is Deadeye's stolen skills in raids are completely random. Where Core and DD both get unique and impressive sounding stolen skills.

  3. > @"SuperduperMLGbsns.9345" said:

    > Started around 8 months ago from 0 and Im at almost 300 LI now.

    > I do my runs every week with pugs because Im a late/nightshift worker with no fixed weekend that makes it very difficult to find a static group. Have seen ALOT groups and actually think toxicity isnt really a problem in most cases. People just get nervous if things go really wrong, like when one guy constantly using reflect on Cairn and wipes the whole group several times in a row. The only thing that IS a problem is the LI requirement, especially on mondays, that is way too high for my taste. On the flipside I see people with 100+ being so bad that they dont succeed a simple Escort run in under 30mins.


    > What people call toxicity there is mostly the fact that they cant just play 'yolo'-builds and actually have to pay attention. Considering the rest of gw2s content this IS an actual problem caused by the lack of required effort players had to have to succeed in that contents. And they just join raids, do literally nothing, are not willing to practice their char a bit and wonder why nobody want them. Even after wiping for several hours Ive seen LOTS of players that couldnt admit that they really need practice at their own chars. But with (just an example, but Ive really seen this) a DH that does 4k dps on VG, which isnt even the autohit dps with quickness, you really need to do something.


    > That so called elitsm stuff mostly starts at 509540 LI groups. You can mostly spot these ppl rather quickly and just avoid them. The average pug raid grp has an okay behavior, especially the grps under 100LI. But people in this game are buttmad by the slighest form of criticism and start crying like 3 yrs old children that didnt get a sweet in the supermarket. That is not a problem with the raid comunity actually.


    No, what people call toxicity is founded. Your biggest critic is always the guy who's strict about Li requirements but is also the worst player in that group. He'll often refuse this claim even when you have evidence from a DPS meter.


    At some point I just gave up on raiding in gw2 for a whole mess of reasons, and pretty much stuck to fractals, pvp, and pve.

  4. > @"arenta.2953" said:

    > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > > No nerfs! =D


    > yep. no pvp buffs.

    > but no pvp nerfs. so win =D


    > bad news is....mesmer still gonna mind wrack slaughter us X.x (unless i misunderstood their patch notes)


    Actually, the Malice change is a PvP and WvW buff too.

  5. I no longer feel like I am forced to commit into a bad situation in WvW thanks to the malice changes! I can just follow them around while they nervously shuffle. Death is patient. Death comes on swift wings. And death... always gets the last laugh you bastards.

  6. > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > > I take it you’re talking about Agony pulses when you reach a certain point in a fractal. It’s called an agony check. Some attacks from foes will also apply Agony. And it won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

    > > > Make sure you have the right amount of Agony Resistance for the Fractal scale you’re attempting. You will then take 1% damage from it.

    > >

    > > raids bosses have passive pulsing damage aura


    > Brutal aura on Samorog and Cosmic on Cairn is all I can find. But since raids were introduced you’ve always needed a ‘healer’. It gives variety to the standard dps check to have a support/healing check also I guess. /shrug mechanics are mechanics.


    First boss of chains has it

  7. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    > > @"Adriaen.7895" said:

    > > What is the condition corresponding to the new alacrity boon?


    > Chill.


    But Chill is currently being used by Resistance. Will Resistance get another corresponding conversion?


    On a side note. Will thief's initiative finally be affected by the alacrity boons? Or will they get something else? This is a small detail I found rather frustrating.


    Chill, the Polar opposite does not affect Thief's weapon skills or initiative. But it does hurt the cooldowns for utility and steal. But added onto that they are still slowed by 66%.


    Alacrity on the other hand, thief only gets half of the benefit from it. Utilities and steal/mark are sped up. But they get nothing else out of it while the other classes enjoys a healthy DPS boost in raids or PvP.

  8. > @"Dangus.6572" said:

    > If DD or Thief is so good why I do not see them in WvW so often after PoF? @"arenta.2953" had laid out things pretty well. I've been playing thieves from launch and I can tell you, players who know how to fight thief are not easy targets. my point is that lots of complains and frustration is because thief cannot be caught. but why do you want to do it? Chasing thief is not good idea. Every profession/build combo has fighting style with benefits and flaws. there are no superior class in every aspect of game. if some are good for 1 v 1/x another shines in group fights. Learn learn learn :).


    I don't know man. I've been playing Thief from day one as well. Back then, Thief worked really well for what it was designed to do in PvP and in dungeons. Which is to absolutely destroy people who got caught out alone. And you were a feared entity if people weren't ready for you. Now, thief got gimped pretty badly in most aspects. What is supposed to be a reward for a thief suddenly feels like a punishment in most cases.


    Backstabs don't hit as hard as they used to. Missing a backstab is annoying as hell as it locks you out of your second attempt for going after someone who hadn't sat still for one second.


    Acrobatics which is where half of core thief's survivability came from got gutted pretty badly when the Evasion modifiers were taken out to give Daredevil a defined role. For those who don't remember, after dodging, you immediately get back half of your consumed endurance.


    Movement is severely hindered by Navmesh design. Where the smallest rock suddenly stops your shadowstep attempt.


    Only deadeye is capable of providing group support, but some genius made some severely limiting design decisions that proved to make this benefit massively counter intuitive. A profession designed to sit back and cause massive damage!? Lets make his boon share be a tiny radius next to him instead of his entire freaking fire range!


    Initiative is a great design, and proved to be awesome in dungeons and fractals. But in RAIDs, the Thief suffers greatly. They lose their title for having the highest single target damage in the game thanks to elementalist being able to hit large hitboxes multiple times. And also that there's currently no boon outside of a signet that modifies the rate at which a thief can recover initiative. You'd think Alacrity would help with that... but well... no. True that Chill doesn't effect thieves cooldowns, but they get everything else it does to you.


    In PvP almost always required to take Trickery for that damned extra init and init regen instead of making that boon baseline like we've been asking for.

  9. > @"Javi.4359" said:

    > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > you have enough ini to use the skill twice, he might have used it twice as there is no hard CD on the skill. a screen of the battle log wont show if it was one shot that dealt damage twice, if that is what you claim - then no that is not normal. each shot should only hit once.


    > This was two hits in under .5s. I think they used the skill with quickness, but it was still far too fast to be two separate casts.


    With Quickness or haste, the DJ is actually very fast and hard to avoid as it dumps two bullets nearly instantly. The problem is that a Deadeye will be a sitting duck for doing that as they rip through their small pool of initiative. Working as intended.


    I've actually used that in PvP and WvW to 'one-shot' players instantaneously without waiting for malice to charge. Take Revealed Malice.


    Cloak relocate quickly, crouch, Haste or depends on your master trait. 1-5-5. Use Roll for Init to restore some of your ini so you can continue to fight or run. Because I often have a rune that increases damage on a knocked down opponent, I normally take Shadow Bind in the utilities. So if I didn't almost kill them immediately, shadow bind before rolling for initiative gives me a free DJ on them with bonus damage. If they don't have an instant heal skill on, shadow Bind will also prevent them from healing.


    You gotta be a little ballsy with Deadeye, which is pretty uncomfortable to do.

  10. I know it's been around for a long time. But this just gets more and more frustrating to see when you're in a situation where you shouldn't be taking damage. Say you're off in the back picking up a downed team mate, you backed off a bit to use ranged weapons because the area around the boss got spoopy, Or you backed off to go deal with some mechanics that are far from the boss. But you're still taking damage for absolutely no reason.


    It's even more annoying when you realize that this is probably the primary reason why a druid is around in the first place. As most of the damage I had incoming wasn't from the boss, but actually for just existing for three seconds at a time.

  11. > @"Arden.7480" said:

    > I don't mean the small attack like some portals appear and 5-10 Awakened appear and do nothing dangerous, but I mean a massive attack on one of Tyrian cities.


    > We heard Rox saying that the portals started appearing in Hoelbrak.


    > I think Joko will not be able to attack all the cities at once and successfully claim them.


    > So what city is his major target?


    > **The Grove**- I think it's unlikely. I wonder: what if Sylvari are immune to be Awakened?- as far I didn't see any Awakened Sylvari, also I didn't see any awakened charr etc, but we know Human and Asura can be Awakened. It's just 'what if', but that would be very interesting.

    > **Black Citadel**- it's likely, because charr are the military race, and taking control over so many weapons' ideas and tactics would be disasterous for us.

    > **Hoelbrak**- also likely, but I think this city is not Joko's target, if we look at Asura or Charr secrets etc, Norn have less to give.

    > **Rata Sum**- very, very likely. If Joko takes Rata Sum, then he has the open way to Rata Novus, and we know how many secrets are there.

    > **Lion's Arch**- unlikely, this city is very well defended, also a lot of free spaces are good for us, because we can easily kill the enemies, and a lot of cannons etc around the city will just shank every enemy. If other cities fall, LA will stand still.

    > **Divinity's Reach**- with the huge powers of Jennah, its very unlikely this city will fall. She and her army is very good, and they don't kneel before any enemy. Also we got the battle for Lake Doric/Divinity's Reach few months ago, and I thinjk it's not Joko's major target.



    > I think Rata Sum and Black Citadel may be Joko's 1st, major targets to start his influence over Tyria.





    **The Grove** I can see it as a great place to attack. You gain a metric heap of knowledge if you can awaken the pale tree, and intercept the dreams of the Sylvari.

    **Rata Sum** EXTREMELY likely. Advanced technology, research, as well as portals? Hell yes!

    **Black Citadel** EXTREMEEEMELY UNLIKELY. Black Citadel is a god dang fortress. It's a tower of guns and big angry hell cats. And all of them, including their farmers, are trained for war. Black Citadel would be the last place you'd dare to attack with an army that doesn't know what the heck a siege devourer is. They're also pretty experienced with fighting the UNDEAD. That giant yarn ball of steel is packing so much gun, and steel that it will be a land slide victory for the charr. Who will then rush through the gates to rip, and praise him, joko apart. Plus flame throwers are good against the undead.

    **Hoelbrak** Low odds. There's not a lot to conquer. Not a whole lot to gain. Resources are marginal. There's no military advantage to it other than high ground... and even then the high-ground has a f*cking elder dragon next to it.

    **Divinity's Reach** A good shot. Humanity is dying out. And Divinity's Reach is the last major civilization of humans in Tyria. They're already weakened by the mess going on with the mursats.

    **Lion's Arch** A possibility. It's well defended, but most of its defenses are sea side.

  12. Make thief's weapon kit synergize much better with other skills than their current state. Honestly, we're fast, agile, and can spam abilities. But you'd think we can pull off some of the best combos to extreme effect... but we can't.

  13. I personally enjoy the vindicators. Much more terrifying than the avengers, and it enforces the idea that you can't risk going down a lot - and makes you second guess going in glass if you can't survive in it. They also encourage players to actually revive downed players rather than leave them to pick themselves up because "it hurts dps".

  14. > @"kappa.2036" said:

    > * Reduce deadeye rifle damage by a ton. The sniper mechanic is something that simply doesn't work in a conquest game, so incentivize the melee playstyle and add some survivability.


    You better be trolling partner. Deadeye just got some horribly needed buffs, and is still 'struggling' according to the thief sub-threads.

  15. > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > @"Lithril Ashwalker.6230" said:

    > > > new suggestion: Deadeye is forced to use First Person View and combat camera but in return can go up to 2000 range and gain faster initiative while kneeled

    > >

    > > no. if you want to change it into a sniper like in FPS games, then also with no indicator and allways oneshot on headshot. oh and no slow projectile or even dogging a bullet.

    > >

    > > if the class can make people create threads hat its OP and at the same time threads that it is garbage, then either side or both are wrong.


    > Conversely, both sides can be correct.

    > Everyone who denounced the sniper concept before the DE was even released knew that this would happen. You can't balance a sniper OHKO thief. It's a complete failure of design, not numbers.


    > With obvious counterplay to negate the damage, it's weak. Without such tells, it's absolutely broken. If you cut the OHKO potential out but keep the playstyle, it has no value anywhere and can't deliver the numbers the concept needs.


    > So at best assuming tradeoffs are made and it's just not completely busted, it becomes "good" against people who don't understand it or simply in environments with too much going on to notice the tells/lag in WvW. Which is exactly what the DE is and always will be unless totally redesigned from the ground up to be something entirely different. It will never be a competitive spec and will never be good unless ANet makes it both numerically and conceptually overpowered. Which I hope they don't. Because fighting against something like that is anti-fun.


    > But let's face it: That's not gonna happen. People without any semblance of understanding of the balance identity of thief demanded a sniper almost daily, and not enough people spoke against it, and ANet delivered because like the people suggesting the concept, they went by "rule of cool" versus gameplay integrity.


    Just putting a note up here... the tells and weaknesses that Deadeye has can be dampened or completely negated with clever use of the Thief's utilities or positioning. It's like people forget that thief has utilities that were designed for fighting other players. Also... players reaction times vary from person to person, and even more to circumstance. How good Deadeye really is in PvP just depends on the player. PvE wise, he's great against small shit that can be bursted down quickly. Raid wise... he's really only helpful on Wing 5 and Escort.

  16. > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > > > > Keep the line of sight requirement, but make it a special case.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Change the skill to a two pass solution.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The requirement is that a valid path must at least exist.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The first requires line of sight. If line of sight is granted, you may teleport at a 10k radius from the trap.

    > > > > > > If no line of sight exists, then a valid path must exist. This path must have a distance traveled no greater than 10k. If the path is between 10k-15k units you teleport as far as the 10k distance allows.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > This means that a thief that is visible to the trap will be able to teleport from a further distance. If a player can see the trap, they probably can see the thief. If the thief can not see the trap, than in reality he has a variable length that is less than 10k to teleport. Behavior becomes more consistent, and gives some amount of protection to other players against thieves. It's true, that mesmers can teleport without restrictions, as long as they've been to location a and b. But Thieves can really mess someone up from the cloaking they get, and it doubles as an alarm.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > When it is fixed, this skill will no doubt be kitten terrifying in the hands of core, DE, and DD.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > soo if i put it inside sn on the cannon on upper floor i can teleport back there from outside of sn cause i have Los and therefor dont need path? cause you said for no LoS

    > > > > > a second time exclusivly that a path has to exist if no LoS, so bit confused.

    > > > > > anyway i like your idea. tho i am not sure if for 2nd version the 'in range' indicator below the skill will work.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > First case requires path and LoS. As Long as you can see the trap, the distance is computed as if you can fly directly there.

    > > > >

    > > > > Second case is when you can't see it. Distance is then computed as if you had to walk to it on the shortest path. If you are around a corner you walk forward 10ft turn left walk 5ft to the trap.

    > > >

    > > > thanks for clarification.

    > > > i just realized that this trap is super op on my deadeye...

    > > > i can mark a target and at 3-4 malice place trap, run away to like 2-3k range, start casting DJ with no target no noting and use shadow pursuit towards end, this will teleport me to the target and i will hit ..just tested it in guild arena so far, after a little sleep i will try in WvW this is amwazing if it works there .who will dogge cause a deadeye on 2-3k range appears out of stealth? most will expect a shadow step to get more in range and then the slow bullet so a dogge would be too early.

    > > >

    > > > Edit: now after testing a bit i dont really want to give up the other utilities especially against multiple opponents, but vs only 1 especially thief/mesmer its good with 10 more might i got higher chance to 1 shot backstab.

    > >

    > > During PoF's beta, I was actually experimenting with defending a camp with Deadeye's traps. Traps on Deadeye are SUUUUUUUUUUPER stupid.


    > Lol did they actually work?


    When they work, it was pretty rediculous. Especially when you take sigils that increases damage for someone being CCed.


    Deadly Arts, and Trickery With leading attacks. Sigil of Impact, Sigil of Fraility (because I am too stingy to buy Sigil of Force) or Chill if you want to be a jerk. Brings the hurt.


    Basically... a damage ramping and spiking build with area control.

  17. > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

    > > @Volrath.1473 said:

    > > i've been playing around with your (DE) build in SPvP, it works most of the times but i do struggle allot with condies.... this build has almost no way of removing condies and SPvP now days is filled with condi specs... necros guardias, thieves, mesmers... very hard to deal with wile using this spec


    > DE rifle needs to be played strategically, but yes unfortunately the condi removal is limited. My method of attack with everyone is to engage first, burst quick, make them use CD's then reset mark. With rifle you're not supposed to be within range of a condition inflicting individual, but I know that although as ideal as i made that sound, it's not always easy. "Easier said then done". This is especially true with Mirage condi. Mesmers are a huge weakness to my build unfortunately.


    > Condi Guards, and Necro's are fairly straight forward to fight. In my next montage I have a clip of me fighting kiritsugu Emeya's burn build, and i have plenty of clips of me fighting Necro's in the next montage :)


    Try taking Infiltrator's Signet or Shadow Step and Blinding Gust. Or just Binding shadow. When I go into WvW with deadeye, the first combo is when I plan on bursting them hard in melee. Activate the Shadow gust, and then infiltrator's signet when its about to go off to get a quick knock down, and lay into them. Most people don't expect a Deadeye to go melee, and thinks they are pretty weak in melee - when they are actually pretty damn scary.


    Binding Shadow I take when I am focusing on rifle. I use it for tricky people who can easily get away from a DJ. I cast it, kneel, and DJ. By the time the bullet is in the air, BS will knock them down giving them a few miliseconds to save themselves.

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