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Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

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Posts posted by Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497

  1. > @"Zlater.6789" said:

    > > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

    > > > > > @"Kallist.5917" said:

    > > > > > Honestly. They buff stuff and your not happy? Is it because you dont use these things? Is it because they didnt give you a button that says you win? Or maybe its because they didnt buff your meta play build? Im not sure what you want, they are finally working on giving a thief more options that you are mad about it.. Hybrid DE is in a far better place today than it was yesterday, and P/D is a great set for focused damage on a venom build, they helped both of those today with this. And considering we were all fully expecting a nerf to Condition, this is all welcomed news. Also, that Cursed bullet can hit for 20K. I would love to see you doing that with your auto attack.

    > > > >

    > > > > None of the buffs make it easy to faceroll. That's probably why. No other explanation makes sense.

    > > >

    > > > Nah, most of these buffs just don't matter, that's probably why.

    > > > I mean hey, they're buffs, that's good. But I REALLY don't understand the point of... well, probably most of them.

    > > >

    > > > -Weakening charge is indeed a good QoL change. Or it WOULD BE, except for the fact that the skill really wasn't (and still isn't?) worth using anyways.

    > > > -**Cursed bullet buff -ok. Actually ok, but the skill is still kind of weird to use and awkward to even land imo.**

    > > > -Spotter's shot buff for pve is just straight up useless. The skill is useless in pve -ok, it's a buff, why would anyone complain... But as I said above -what exactly is the point of this buff? I don't see it.

    > > > -**TRB dmg buff -solid.** I get why it's pve only, because the whole DE class will be hard to properly balance to make it not terrible and not simply overpowered. **But it's a cool pve buff.**

    > > > -Death's retreat cost buff is just... well, useless. It's simply not worth using in pve anyways, but at least on rare occasions when you missclick it when you're not kneeling, you'll have 1 ini more. Yay! Yay? ...really, again, I don't see the point of this change (for pve).

    > > > -DJ cost reduction for pve, when in the same patch the dmg of TRB is buffed also seems like it won't see a lot of use. Maybe some. Maybe not. Kind of meh, but w/e.

    > > > -Caltrops change, jesus kitten, give me a break. What. Was. The. Point?? I honestly don't know. It changes nothing.

    > > >

    > > > -Ok, here I was really wondering what the hell "The Ripper" is. Underwhatever skill. Hoooly moly, let me ask once again: WHAT'S THE POINT? :D

    > > > -**Shadow strike change... hmm.. meh? Doesn't change a lot? If literally anything? But hey, a slight buff, ok.**

    > > > -Pressure striking. I don't know. Someone who actually uses it can comment on this one.

    > > > -Sundering strikes/shade -IMO it wasn't a good trait. Now it's worse. Why. Why is this change even here?

    > > > -**and bugfix is a bugfix, yay!**

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > Overally that's how I see these changes (also I didn't read the patch notes so I just believe in the first post of this thread :p), I really don't see any reason to be ecstatic about these buffs (in most cases: """""""buffs""""""") or changes. Am I mad? Nah, why would I be. But if someone will go ahead and explain to me **what's the point** of most of these changes (other then "see? We DID buff a thief! HA!"), then I'm all ears.

    > > > And just a note: I REALLY don't think "not being able to faceroll" has anything to do with what I wrote above.

    > >

    > > Like someone else said in this thread the whole point of the condition changes was to make conditions less bursty while not nerfing the damage they could put out. Every profession got the same treatment more or less. But throwing a tantrum about buffs is more pointless and annoying than the buffs themselves.

    > >

    > > Its like Anet makes a change. Then suddenly:

    > > giphy.gif


    > So you're saying that those changes are meant to stop condi thief from being so bursty, I only see 1 change, that's right only 1 that will make it less bursty. And it's so small it's insignificant. Can you please explain every other change aside for the Caltrops change.


    You deal the same damage, but spread out across a longer duration. Most of the condi that professions uses applies them with short duration but multiple stacks. Thief was a major abuser of this because we don't have cool downs on our weapon skills, and our venom share is pretty insane.This patch reduces the DPS of Condi FOR ALL PROFESSIONS, but their effective damage PER affliction remains the same if not greater.

  2. > @"Tails.9372" said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > We got buffs this patch.

    > As well as nerfs.



    One major nerf, the condition rebalance that everyone is going through and it doesn't really hurt thieves too much. And more power buffs and initiative cost reductions in PvE.


    I know you're mad. I've been thief since day one. But just take the damn gift horse.

  3. > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

    > >I don't wanna hear any physics talk about how arrows are supposed to fly farther because of their density or wing tips or any of that.


    > I'm sorry to say but arrows are supposed to fly farther because they are denser and have wing tips so they are more aerodynamic here see https://sites.google.com/site/technicalarchery/technical-discussions-1/drag-coefficients-of-bullets-arrows-and-spears







    Don't mean to derail this. But firearms around the days of arrows were pretty inferior to bows and crossbows. The main problem they had was accuracy - which reduced the range in which they could be effectively fired.


    Anyways... yeah. They still need to fix that.

  4. > @"Ivantreil.3092" said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > @"Haseno.6417" said:

    > > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > > How did thief get votes? When almost every god kitten update we get practically erased by one single nerf.

    > > >

    > > > The fact you voted Engineer is more puzzling.

    > >

    > > Back in launch, and during HoT, Engine was a meme to the community.


    > .... What?

    > .....

    > ......

    > .......

    > ...Since when being a meme equals to be the favourite...?


    Adding onto what Jinks said... in PvP The Scrapper and The Reaper were both pure BS in PvP during those days.


    The reaper was nearly indestructable and murdered you through a mass of condi, and the Scrapper had rediculous damage and area control.


    Through the patches, Engie was a clear favorite.

  5. > @"lpgfou.5327" said:

    > > @"Kallist.5917" said:

    > >

    > > Pretty much. Buddy was doing it with a stealth DE build. I'd have to see what his build is, but we min-maxed the crap out of it, and his CS was hitting 20K and his DJ was hitting 50K

    > >

    > a video in WvW to show it ? it's look really fake ..


    > this patch is just useless one little up for le the most slowy skill never created after judgement of death.... and it is bugged with wall



    I don't know what CS is, but it's very possible to hit 50k+ with DJ in PvP. It's also possible to hit 72k with DJ in PvE surprisingly - which threw me off when I saw that big number pop up.


    > @"Zlater.6789" said:

    > These are the changes


    > Weakening Charge: This skill now moves the thief toward a selected target, but will not allow them to travel through the target.

    > **small QoL fix for a build that is almost totally unviable** _if they just put this and nine of the other stuff it would have been the same._


    > Cursed Bullet: Increased base damage by 43%.

    > **GJ at making a long setup stealth attack finally do more damage than an auto attack on a weapon set that is worthless**


    > So all of the next changes are worthless because they are pve only rifle changes

    > Spotter's Shot: Increased damage by 18% in PvE only.

    > **Totally pointless because its a 100% useless skill in pve**

    > Three Round Burst: Increased damage by 18% in PvE Only.

    > **possibly the only ok change on rifle, it is still less useful than when it was in the beta**

    > Death's Retreat: Reduced initiative cost of this skill from 5 to 4 in PvE only. Poison has been adjusted from 2 stacks for 4 seconds to 1 stack for 8 seconds.

    > **PvE only is a joke and a waste of skill splitting** _the issue here is that in PvE this skill has never been clicked, because we have mounts now..._

    > Death's Judgment: Reduced initiative cost of this skill from 6 to 5 in PvE only.

    > **Its like it doesn't even matter, because you had no initative for this anyway after you used all of your 3 round burst for damage in pve**

    > Caltrops: Bleeding has been adjusted from 2 stacks for 5 seconds to 1 stack for 10 seconds.

    > **An extremely tiny nerf to the burstiness of condi thief**


    > It gets even worse

    > The Ripper: Bleeding has been adjusted from 3 stacks for 7 seconds to 4 stacks for 10 seconds.


    > Shadow Strike: Increased applied torment from 2 stacks for 5 seconds to 2 stacks for 6 seconds.

    > **A change to p/d what even?**

    > Pressure Striking: Torment duration has been adjusted from 3 stacks for 5 seconds to 2 stacks for 8 seconds.

    > **Nobody ever used this over Bountiful theft, ever!** _Like what is crazy is that if this is taken in pve, it's not even because of this change, it's because of the interrupt change. Like it makes you think it's interesting, but then you really look at it and you realise it's just a cop out._

    > Sundering Strikes: This trait has been renamed Sundering Shade. This trait now causes stealth attacks to inflict 5 stacks of vulnerability for 5 seconds with a 1-second cooldown.

    > **This is just a straight up nerf to a trait nobody ever used**


    > Don't Stop: Fixed a bug in which this trait failed to remove all instances of the listed conditions.

    > **thankyou finally for a bug fix** _literally the only thing here that is appreciated, even better it's in acrobatics so you know it will always be used_


    > Guys if this is what you are putting your money to, please just don't waste time on it, it is better to put that money into another expansion.


    What the heck did you want from this buff?

  6. > @"Nomad.4301" said:

    > Some nice changes, though it doesn't fix the sustained damage issue with rifle in PvE. What I don't get why they felt the need to nerf sundering strikes from:


    > Critical hits have a chance to cause vulnerability.

    > Chance on Critical Hit: 50%

    > Vulnerability (6s): 1% Incoming Damage, 1% Incoming Condition Damage


    > To a flat 5 stacks that ONLY applies with a stealth attack, lasts for 5 seconds (shorter duration) and has a 1 sec ICD (not like that matters given it's tied to a stealth attack anyways). With the old version you could stack up around 10-15 vuln permanently with just autos depending on your crit and if you had quickness.


    > I don't think anyone actually even ran this trait tbh, I guess stacking vuln is now OP? considering other classes got similar pointless nerfs.


    It got pretty stupid, fast. Especially on DD. I don't mind the Nerf too much, as it makes our backstabs more valuable than they were before.

  7. As nice as a true charr can be.


    Which I guess is **Naughty** to folks who aren't charr. I mean... it's not my fault that someone left a delicious looking Chicken just wondering the street without a collar or anything. And it's certainly not my fault that I shot some kids dad with a rifle on Ebonhawk. That was war, and it was well before the treaty became a thing! I was just doing my duty, right!?

  8. A thief's greatest weakness is pacing, and AoE. A lot of thieves first thought, is to blow through their initiative as fast as possible. Which will suddenly reduce their damage to nothing. Secondly, a lot of thieves in sPvP and WvW dumbly follow meta builds and don't take anything that'd be more useful on the utilities. Read up on the builds, and just take advantage of the fact that these builds do not give the thief a much protection or utility at all.

  9. > @"ArcanistSeven.8720" said:

    > > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

    > > > @Asur.9178 said:

    > > > Raid/cm comps provide 25 stacks of might without thief's presence. Assassins's Fury is a wasted trait, when you can gain 7% crit damage.

    > > >

    > > > Raid/cm comps provide 100% quickness and alacrity without thief's presence. BQoBK synergies with PT.

    > > >

    > > > Spider Venom shared with 5 people with 100% alacrity is a higher DPS than any other joke of a utility.

    > > >

    > > > It doesn't matter how hard you try to defend it, because a fact is a fact, even if you choose not to believe it.

    > > >

    > > > Deadeye is trash. Period!

    > >

    > > Deadeye is trash to you. That is your opinion. Opinions mean nothing.

    > >

    > > EDIT: Also, d/d conditions is meta for raids. Nothing else works in the thief repertoire, so whatever your justification is for that build is pointless.

    > > EDIT2: 7% is great! Then you get hit! Now there is no 7%!


    > No Deadeye is trash its numbers and performance compared with other classes proves that. Deadeye is good in your opinion and as you said opinions mean nothing when compared to facts.


    So... where does player skill and style come into play here in these facts?

  10. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > > > Keep the line of sight requirement, but make it a special case.

    > > > >

    > > > > Change the skill to a two pass solution.

    > > > >

    > > > > The requirement is that a valid path must at least exist.

    > > > >

    > > > > The first requires line of sight. If line of sight is granted, you may teleport at a 10k radius from the trap.

    > > > > If no line of sight exists, then a valid path must exist. This path must have a distance traveled no greater than 10k. If the path is between 10k-15k units you teleport as far as the 10k distance allows.

    > > > >

    > > > > This means that a thief that is visible to the trap will be able to teleport from a further distance. If a player can see the trap, they probably can see the thief. If the thief can not see the trap, than in reality he has a variable length that is less than 10k to teleport. Behavior becomes more consistent, and gives some amount of protection to other players against thieves. It's true, that mesmers can teleport without restrictions, as long as they've been to location a and b. But Thieves can really mess someone up from the cloaking they get, and it doubles as an alarm.

    > > > >

    > > > > When it is fixed, this skill will no doubt be kitten terrifying in the hands of core, DE, and DD.

    > > >

    > > > soo if i put it inside sn on the cannon on upper floor i can teleport back there from outside of sn cause i have Los and therefor dont need path? cause you said for no LoS

    > > > a second time exclusivly that a path has to exist if no LoS, so bit confused.

    > > > anyway i like your idea. tho i am not sure if for 2nd version the 'in range' indicator below the skill will work.

    > > >

    > >

    > > First case requires path and LoS. As Long as you can see the trap, the distance is computed as if you can fly directly there.

    > >

    > > Second case is when you can't see it. Distance is then computed as if you had to walk to it on the shortest path. If you are around a corner you walk forward 10ft turn left walk 5ft to the trap.


    > thanks for clarification.

    > i just realized that this trap is super op on my deadeye...

    > i can mark a target and at 3-4 malice place trap, run away to like 2-3k range, start casting DJ with no target no noting and use shadow pursuit towards end, this will teleport me to the target and i will hit ..just tested it in guild arena so far, after a little sleep i will try in WvW this is amwazing if it works there .who will dogge cause a deadeye on 2-3k range appears out of stealth? most will expect a shadow step to get more in range and then the slow bullet so a dogge would be too early.


    > Edit: now after testing a bit i dont really want to give up the other utilities especially against multiple opponents, but vs only 1 especially thief/mesmer its good with 10 more might i got higher chance to 1 shot backstab.


    During PoF's beta, I was actually experimenting with defending a camp with Deadeye's traps. Traps on Deadeye are SUUUUUUUUUUPER stupid.

  11. > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

    > > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

    > > Well I finally ran the dps tests without food and with exotic viper gear, and without special runes, and as a baseline trying to make my trait and skills focused towards poison, I had 40% of my damage come from poison, but 20% from bleeding. So I think trying to max poison duration while trying to buff the power component of your damamge with Grieving might not be as effective as going with Viper


    > in any condition build, you'll want to maximise damage and duration. Viper's is usually the best because it supplements the condition damage with power.


    Adding onto Babazhook, Vipers is really only worth it if you expect the fight to be incredibly drawn out, or you do not have the ability to constantly reapply condi.


    The upcoming update will also spread the damage out across a longer duration now for Condi, making Grievings a better PvP option or a good alternative to the more expensive Vipers in Raids. And Vipers likely exclusively being used for Raids, or specializations who have condi's that do not last very long.

  12. > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

    > Now if you were talking about a 1 shot backstab (Where there virtually is no warning, unless you see a thief enter stealth), Like ive done before previously. (Not to 3300 armor), but 1 shot nonetheless with backstab. Then you'd have a plausible complaint. Because no backstab should be able to go through that much armor lol.


    I miss those days as a thief...

  13. > @"Lithril Ashwalker.6230" said:

    > why get close and backstab when you can do it from range? yea, for some mobility d/p and s/d better, but when you can one shot nearly everyone and get all the way to gold t3 start of season then its not bad. you need to know that if anyone gets close to you, youre screwed. if you can kill them and disappear then you are fine.


    > Throw in the insta stomp artifact on the arena map and you are golden.


    Only if you give up, DE has the tools to fuck people up in melee. Also, cantrip timing is probably the BIGGEST thing you need to get used to to smash opponents.


    Binding shadows delay let's you get a free DJ if you setup and fire before BS procs.

    Shadow Gust can be used just before someone lands on your face to negate damage and knock them down.

    Shadow Flare gives area control that just slams people who have malice on them.

  14. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > > Keep the line of sight requirement, but make it a special case.

    > >

    > > Change the skill to a two pass solution.

    > >

    > > The requirement is that a valid path must at least exist.

    > >

    > > The first requires line of sight. If line of sight is granted, you may teleport at a 10k radius from the trap.

    > > If no line of sight exists, then a valid path must exist. This path must have a distance traveled no greater than 10k. If the path is between 10k-15k units you teleport as far as the 10k distance allows.

    > >

    > > This means that a thief that is visible to the trap will be able to teleport from a further distance. If a player can see the trap, they probably can see the thief. If the thief can not see the trap, than in reality he has a variable length that is less than 10k to teleport. Behavior becomes more consistent, and gives some amount of protection to other players against thieves. It's true, that mesmers can teleport without restrictions, as long as they've been to location a and b. But Thieves can really mess someone up from the cloaking they get, and it doubles as an alarm.

    > >

    > > When it is fixed, this skill will no doubt be kitten terrifying in the hands of core, DE, and DD.


    > soo if i put it inside sn on the cannon on upper floor i can teleport back there from outside of sn cause i have Los and therefor dont need path? cause you said for no LoS

    > a second time exclusivly that a path has to exist if no LoS, so bit confused.

    > anyway i like your idea. tho i am not sure if for 2nd version the 'in range' indicator below the skill will work.



    First case requires path and LoS. As Long as you can see the trap, the distance is computed as if you can fly directly there.


    Second case is when you can't see it. Distance is then computed as if you had to walk to it on the shortest path. If you are around a corner you walk forward 10ft turn left walk 5ft to the trap.

  15. Keep the line of sight requirement, but make it a special case.


    Change the skill to a two pass solution.


    The requirement is that a valid path must at least exist.


    The first requires line of sight. If line of sight is granted, you may teleport at a 10k radius from the trap.

    If no line of sight exists, then a valid path must exist. This path must have a distance traveled no greater than 10k. If the path is between 10k-15k units you teleport as far as the 10k distance allows.


    This means that a thief that is visible to the trap will be able to teleport from a further distance. If a player can see the trap, they probably can see the thief. If the thief can not see the trap, than in reality he has a variable length that is less than 10k to teleport. Behavior becomes more consistent, and gives some amount of protection to other players against thieves. It's true, that mesmers can teleport without restrictions, as long as they've been to location a and b. But Thieves can really mess someone up from the cloaking they get, and it doubles as an alarm.


    When it is fixed, this skill will no doubt be fucking terrifying in the hands of core, DE, and DD.

  16. > @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

    > Please explain how DE is so much tankier. All they have are 5s protection that is unpredictably applied with the Perfectionist trait, and the Iron Sights trait that reduces damage by 15% ONLY FROM MARKED TARGETS. Thief does not sustain by damage reduction and healing, it sustains by not getting hit. How much evade uptime does DE have vs DD?


    Something tells me you didn't take the time to think and look at it yourself. So you're either one of the people who jumps on the bandwagon, or


    15% damage reduction from marked target. If you are ever fighting out numbered, your primary target should always be the one who is capable of dealing the most damage to you. This is a very BASIC PvP rule.

    Shadow Arts synergizes extremely well with Deadeye on PvP. "Resiliance of Shadows" grants an additional 25% damage reduction for being stealthed.

    Finally the Grandmaster traits can give you

    1. Health and Initiative regeneration that scales on healing power. This is a lot stronger than people give credit for and has helped me easily smash a 1v5 fight.

    2. Blinds for five seconds, and prevents you from being critically hit in stealth.

    3. Boon strips, and grants an additional 10% reduction outside of stealth against people with no boons.


    You can have 15% damage reduction, 25% damage reduction, or 50% damage reduction depending on what you choose.


    Also, when stealing from an engie, you gain Protection, 33% damage reduction. When you steal from a warrior you are granted Resistance, immunity to condi. When stealing from Guardian, you are given Aegis, blocks the next attack. Mesmers get hit with slow, and you get quickness. Necros will heal you while they bleed. Thieves get instaniously blinded. Elementalist gives you Vigor, and they get chilled which slows down their cool downs, and their movements.


    And before you say "That requires you to be in stealth" you're a thief, not a warrior. Combined with Deadeye rewarding patience... this is pretty strong when played right. Stealth will let you absorb damage from their AOE and auto spamming, or give you a chance to regenerate lost health while you reposition. Keep in mind that Deadeye has a trait that grants malice and might for being revealed, and that DJ deals bonus damage for being revealed.


    You also have the strongest self heal in the game, and probably one of the best condi cleanses on your heal skill. Dependent on your Malice, and removes as many condi as you have malice stacks.


    Now you can choose between Rifle or Shortbow. Rifle's Standing 4 behaves similarly to Shortbow 5. Meaning that you can teleport onto platforms if you angle your camera correctly.


    All in all... pretty damn tanky while being able to maintain good damage and have escape options. You also don't have to worry about that stupid nerf on Unhindered Combatant.

  17. > @Zacchary.6183 said:

    > > @Dahkeus.8243 said:

    > > Unless you have something that can DPS in the range of 30-35k with realistic buffs, it really doesn't matter.


    > Yeah, unfortunately there isn't. Until anet gives Deadeye that sm0l damage buff and people start using Deadeye like it was meant to be used we will never see anything else other than Staff and d/d conditions on their lists.


    Eh, deadeye is pretty useful in Escort style segments at least. They can burn soft enemies down faster that I ever could with a Daredevil, and remain relatively safe from hazards. That, and bosses with a small opening for massive damage.

  18. > @Sojourner.4621 said:

    > > @Zacchary.6183 said:

    > > > @Sojourner.4621 said:

    > > > > @Zintrothen.1056 said:

    > > > > Really now? The perma 25 might you can stack up and maintain 100% uptime with is something you "CAN NOT" do?

    > > > >

    > > > > Your malicious vulnerability suggestion is interesting, but way too OP. This would make Deadeyes _required_ in every raid group. _NO_ profession should be required. A 15% damage boost to the entire raid would be insane. A 5% damage boost would be a lot already, but I would accept that and no more.

    > > >

    > > > YOU can stack permanent 25 might... only on yourself... if you want party might you have to trait venoms to give might as well, or make stolen skills used twice and cantrips give a second stolen skill. So you are both wasting a trait AND a utility to make a viable 25 might stacks, and it's not even permanent on bosses because the might will expire before your steal is recharged on anything that survives that long, even with 100% might uptime, which will severely nerf your damage even more to take. Realistically you will only have the 45% from strength runes.

    > >

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire_for_Effect

    > > FfE affects anyone near you and near your target. With Improv and Sleight of Hand you can easily maintain 20+ stacks of might.


    > Sleight of hand is a given if running trickery, 100% duration on 12 seconds DOES break the 24 second mark, but it's only 8 stacks... stolen skills twice puts you at only 16. In order to get the full 25, or even break 20, you also need to take "One In The Chamber" and even then all of the cantrips have very long cooldowns. JUSt using strength runes only breaks 17 seconds which is STILL lower than Sleight's reduced steal recharge. Then that's not mentioning that it still has a smaller radius than literally any other might stack AFTER the buff, and that power thief is the worst damage "raid viable" spec and already won't be taken in Raids, and that you lose 20% damage 50% of the time by taking improvistation, Then add in that Strength runes are not optimal for damage on thief and the fact that a single druid can maintain 25 might on an entire 10 man party and this is already dead in the water. Again, we're talking PARTY might stacks.... you the thief will have 100% uptime of 25 stacks, but the party needs to lose about 17% damage on average to have that while already suffering in the DPS meta (Remember that you also lose a lot of damage by not having Maleficent Seven). No one... ever... ever... will want a might stack thief in anything over even a PS warrior.


    > Edit: It's worth noting that ofc FFE effects allies near you and your target... but since rifle damage and ranged damage are terrible compared to dual dagger... it will only affect targets near you, because you and your target will be in the same location. This makes me sad because ANet uses the "two locations" thing to justify not buffing the radius on it. And no matter how you look at it (double stacks because you're standing at your target, but still no way of justifying the loss of Maleficent Seven and Executioner DPS loss) the fact that it is point blank only so if they are not stacked directly on top of you, unlikely while doing raid mechanics, it misses your allies. This isn't even mentioning that taking Trickery over Crit Strikes is a DPS loss as well. The max DPS D/D thief rotation for raids uses almost no initiative and doesn't gain max stacks of Lead Attacks.


    The simple solution here would be for every deadeye to beg for ANET to buff Deadeye without nerfing anything in return instead of saying "lets wait and see."

  19. Thieves guild provides a decent damage steroid in Raids. The CC is not worth relying on as it can be random if they choose to use it or not. They double as body guards, and can accept any boons that the thief may throw out. They aren't like normal AI, in the sense they are super aggressive and will not stop attacking or pause.


    All in All... they are pretty good. More reliable than Dagger Storm.

  20. Thief's insane mobility comes from Shortbow 5. When in WvW or PvP, the Shortbow makes you a god damn pathfinder. It also created a meta where people assume that thief must always go back cap or go far.


    With Shortbow 5, and now Standing Rifle 4, you can actually teleport to high platforms that would normally take a player 15 seconds to get there. Which allowed the thief to engage and disengage when ever he chooses. And it gave thief an uncontested terrain advantage over other players, which hopefully they keep... because mesmer is already starting to take our job from us and do it better. Thanks anet... thanks for all the f*cking nerfs.


    Back in 2012, before a shit load of thief's nerfs. The shortbow was also very strong for Condi-Thieves. As it provided most of the condi in thief's weapon kits, and still gave insane mobility.

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