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Posts posted by Firebeard.1746

  1. That's weird, my win rate has been much higher this last season than normal. I was about to make a post about it, because I have guildies also noticing that they're better off. I thought they'd finally fixed that gosh awful matchmaker. Also top players don't have the almost 0 lose rates they used to have. LIke yeah their win rates are high, but they're not lik 0-97 or something like that.

  2. > @"Zok.4956" said:

    > I answered "Yes, I'm spending more time farming relevant achievements/masteries" because there is no better matching answer, but the correct answer would be "Yes, but I'm NOT spending more time farming relevant achievements/masteries"


    > I never cared about legendary items in the past because I have more than enough ascended stuff for my main chars and for my other chars I have more than enough exotics. And if needed, I could stat swap ascended gear (or just buy new trinkets with S3/s4 map currency, or gear with raid currency etc etc.). I do not care about the skins and effects of legendary gear.


    > After the announcement of the the legendary armory I checked the requirements for legendaries and found out that I already could build two sets of legendary armor and some legendary trinkets from what I already collected over the years. So I build them.


    > I do not collect more, but items/currency/mats I collect during my normal play style and that may can be used for legendary items are stored (and not sold anymore or used for other things). I guess, at the time when the legendary armory (if it ever comes) comes into the game, I will be able to build a 3rd set of legendary armor and the last, missing trinket. But I do not farm for it.


    > With the freedom of easy stat/infusion/upgrade swapping with legendary gear my playstyle has changed a little. I experiment now more with my build.


    > If the legendary armory comes, I hope to be able to use the legendary gear easily with other characters.

    > If the legendary armory doesn't come, I'll still take advantage of the legendary gear I already have.



    How does "no, my play habits are unchanged" not match what you're saying here? It sounds like you did a one-time thing and more or less you're just doing the same thing.

  3. > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

    > > Legenday Armoury, the spiritual successor to Alliances.

    > >

    > > And if it ever does arrive, I expect a monetised train wreck at least as bad as the (so called) Build Templates.


    > Actually, it's already there and you said it yourself. The Armoury already ties directly into the templates. The measured releases and sequence make this appear as if they were already tied together. Create a template system, sell extra slots and then introduce the and this is why you want it part of the arrangement. They just introduced the gem store component prior to reason for it. From a business model it makes sense.


    I hope not, if you think about it, legendaries are already heavily monetized because of how expensive they are, I think right now, so many people exchange gems for gold that the ratio is really low. There's also some monetization around crafting them: a smart person will keep an extra character slot for going the relevant explorations for another set once they're out of Maguuma/desert/world exploration masteries.


    Also the gear templates themselves are a form of monetization: if they do it right, then people will be buying extra gear templates on characters to easily access a given stat combo.


    Really, this would make me say "screw you anet" and be done with gw2 forever. I actually liked build and gear templates because they actually gave people more freedom in how to use the 3 implicit templates we had and essentially gave each character more gear storage.

  4. So my question is this: in what context are people leaving?


    And what's the sunken cost that justifies punishing people so brutally?


    I completely agree it's impolite to join a group for dailies and leave after 1, and I do my best not to. But I've had times I've had to do this and so I don't judge when others have to.


    If we were talking M+ dungeons in WoW where you have waste who knows how many hours trying to level your key again, I'd say I'd agree with you, but Anet handed us a low ball here as far as ease of picking back up again goes, just find someone new.


    If you want to be REALLY sure people won't bail on you at the drop of a hat, try setting up a fractal group with guildies. When you PuG you get PuG behavior.

  5. > @"GewRoo.4172" said:

    > Unfortunately you have "to do this mode" in order to get rewards. Welcome to the mode where Anet does not blow rainbows up your kitten.


    It's too bad there's not a "haha" button. This made me lol. But it is tradeable, right? He doesn't HAVE to.


    EDIT: the two other game modes I would say are far, far worse are sPVP and Raids. sPVP because if you haven't been doing it, you're literally fighting people with 8 years of experience and built up reflexes, so prepare to have your butt handed to you all the time while learning, and fighting other players is MUCH more required than WvW (even a good thief will do a hit and run to aide their team before stealing the other team's home).


    Raids because of the insane amount of training runs required before you can get into a static/get clear runs in RA.


    WvW really isn't that bad. Just kill guards and cap camps if you really don't want to fight people. You'll get ganked but just move maps if you're being targeted too much. There's 3. But I will DEEPLY encourage joining squads if you can. The extra pips will be nice for conflux should you ever decide to go for it, assuming you can help your world get to the top. 3/pips a tick sucks.

  6. > @"borgs.6103" said:

    > I think that their reward goal was to cater to the most casual of casuals getting ascended gear. And by that I mean people playing for a little every once-in-a-while.


    > **If** I'm one of those people, and my goal was berserker or viper gear, I would just play most of the times during the red or green week. _Very slowly_ but surely, I would eventually get one of my characters fully geared-up in ascended gear without doing anything other than logging in, doing dailies and a couple of strike missions every now and then.

    > I just need 1300 red shards and 47g 50s to have a full ascended armor set and 1000 green shards and 30g-60g to have 2 to 4 ascended weapons. Then I can finally be one of the cool kids in all pink gear.


    I'll admit this is probably true. It's low-effort and doesn't require crafting whereas fractals often do because they'll give ascended mats in addition to the boxes and the gold is the huge leg-up, allowing you to quickly craft. I just don't really feel incentivized to do strikes.

  7. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Nothing compares to playing open world content if gearing and getting equipment is your metric.


    > At 30-50 gold per hour from dedicated open world farming, around half if you just half-kitten it, you are looking at around 10-20 hours for the 300 gold it takes to craft an entire ascended armor set. At 1-2 hours per day you are looking at 1-2 weeks of casual play to get geared IF focusing on acquiring gold.


    > The only content which comes close is fractals and only because the rewards are focused and well communicated (in form of daily fractals). It requires less opimization where to farm or where to go.


    > Most strikes are far below fractal difficulty, especially the easier ones. Strikes are also not daily gated.


    > That said, strikes are not that bad reward wise if factoring in their duration:

    > https://fast.farming-community.eu/instances/strikes

    > Also not factored into that reward is the ability to exchange Ice Shards for Season 4 materials, which in turn can be converted into Volatile Magic, which in turn can be converted into T5/6 crafting materials.


    > EDIT:

    > Fully agree on the mastery gating especially in relation to rewards. Not sure this approach works as a benefit to this content. A rework might be desirable.


    What exactly gives 30-50 g/h and how? I've heard this, but I don't think my actual numbers are that high and I know how to convert VM/UM into gold. (also I have like 254% base MF).

  8. Title, basically. Once you understand the game, crafting ascended gear for fractals is pretty trivial if that's your focus, and that's really the only barrier to them, like it would take a few months, but then you'd be golden. LIke sure you have to grind a bit for the AR, but the gold is way better than strikes once you hit t3.


    Raids are a bit strange: If you can reliably clear them fast, strikes are garbage. But even training constantly, it's not really that bad of a way to get ascended gear. It's not my recommended route, but I still think it might be more efficient than doing tons and tons of strikes if your squad can hurt the boss enough for the gaeting crystals/magnetite. You wouldn't get as much coin as strikes, but I still feel this might be more efficient depending on what you're doing on the side


    I still do them because I think they're fun every now and then, but I just feel like they won't age well, even if raiding dies. I was hoping the drop rate for ascended chests from the weekly chest would be decent but I've done months worth of them and never seen an ascended gear box or a precursor, so even though they're potential drops, the rates are so low fractals are arguably better.


    Completely unrelated but still a liability for strikes is the special mastery abilities that are basically required for breaking the bars fast enough. I'm already starting to see newer players who don't have all of icebrood unable to use them. So they may become unplayable depending on the churn in the player base. Not to mention not everyone likes maxing masteries.

  9. Please comment on what content you would be doing if not for the LA announcement if so. I actually really liked Icebrood saga whenever I play it, I just haven't touched it much, so I'm scared that the devs will look at /played metrics and be like "O Noes! Teh saga is bombing"! When really I'd be playing it more if I wasn't bogged down in legendary achievement grinds.


    I actually really want to collect the stormcaller and illuminated boreal weapon skins as I have time for them, but they're prohibitively expensive and I haven't been doing much IB saga right now.

  10. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:


    > Most statics form on a far far far higher experience level than you posess (based on what you have cleared). In fact, most statics form around full clearing either the old wings (w1-4) or all 7 wings and usually fill up key positions. That's for statics that fill up, which are in general the ones searching for players on forums directly.


    > Not to be mean, but with 12 LI, not even 1 week worth of boss kills, you are hardly static material for any of those yet. If you want a static, you have 3 approaches:

    > 1. Make your own

    > 2. Join a guild which does regular raids, become a fixed memeber of their raid roster

    > 3. Get lucky in finding that 1 static which forums around players wanting to train and get better together, but most of those are guild internal between members and very rarely search outside of their direct social connections


    > The easiest to think of is this: statics forum around common goals. Think of which goal in a static is important to you, then think about which goal might be important to others and how you are a benefit to them in accomplishing that goal.


    > If the common goal is to full clear, then you can hardly bring something to others and there are far more candidates with more experience (aka thebdtatics that just fill up their roster constantly).


    > If the common goal is to get better at raiding, think of where those might be found (regular guild raids often meet this requirement).


    > If the goal is to have fun with others on a regular basis, then get to know people you enjoy playing with and see if some of them are interested in playing together regularly.


    > Or a combination of those factors (say joining a guild, playing with people regularly while getting to know them, become a fixed member of the roster).


    > As with all things when you want something from others consider: what am I bringing to the table in return for what I want?


    I get the mentality, I really do, but here's issue: I've seen all bosses except maybe 6-8 total. The other 21 (I'm counting all raid encounters here) require special knowledge and/or training. The bosses I don't have down I don't believe is due to a lack of my skill. Like yes I had some wipes on those training runs that were my fault, but I normally wasn't the reason we wiped. Basically if I stick to training runs, where if I'm with a bunch of other people learning, I'll be seeing maybe 1 boss a week and I'll lose that expertise on every other boss over time. That's not frequent enough to actually learn the skills/keep the practice to reliably kill a boss.


    The reality is the only sane way to learn these in an efficient way and not lose the skill would be to start a group and start clearing a wing, get good at that wing and start branching out. Which is what progression raiding is. But like you said, 12 LI is paltry in terms of what the community wants so I'm kinda stuck in no man's land.


    If I wanted to become a raider, it feels like it'd be almost like starting a full time job. Train every boss every week, only succeed some of the time, hopefully catch up in LIs enough to be "liked".


  11. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > Also, come to think about it, plenty of guilds in WoW when posting for new players, even like really good guilds, will just state the role they're looking for. They don't talk about "Mythic last season" etc. That doesn't mean they don't vet at all, but alot of the constructs in the GW2 community are just plain weird. Like the idea of a training run. No one raids in WoW not trying to kill the boss. (o kitten, the one DPS died, everyone, GG now!) I mean sure, if the person is critical there's not a lot of choice, but outside that?

    > >

    > > One time, I got invited to a mythic level raiding guild, just for being on a mount that was exclusive to heroic mode. And they didn't even ask me if I bought the run. I didn't raid with them because of the time commitment that entailed, but these barriers people throw up, are just insane. The WoW community is toxic in a lot of other ways, but strangley enough, the culture around raiding is actually not that bad.

    > >


    > Oh give me a break. There is far more vetting in WoW than here. There is far more ability to inspect and pre judge a person in WoW than here without that person even knowing about it. People don't have to ask about last season mystic clears, they can simply look those up in the armory. The constructs here are exactly BECAUSE we don't have as intrusive systems as WoW so please don't turn this around as some kind of twisted benefit.


    > I get you are frustrated, but please keep the WoW love and bs in check. Guess what, if we had an armory system the way WoW does, with all past clears easily presented as well as players entire gear for everyone to see, I can guarantee you that no one would ask for KP.


    > So yes, let's get rid of KP at the cost of an all encompassing armor and achievement tracker that WoW has, after all as you claim WoW's approach is far better. Somehow I doubt that is in the interest of most players though...


    I love how both you and Ay will tell me my experiences are invalid or didn't happen because it doesn't fit your world view. I only had 1 clear. In heroic, you can choose not to believe me, but it did happen. You can call "bs" as much as you want!


    There's literally no point to talk to you about my experiences because you're on EU servers Cy. Or you've proactively blocked me. But I think the former is true. If you're in a completely different continent, with a completely different culture, you can't tell me what life is or isn't like on my servers.


    Also Ay isn't even a member of RA. That's probably why she assumed I went here for LFG as like my only thing and ignored my obvious refereence to them. Neither of you are qualified to talk to me about my experiences. You can disbelieve me that's fine, but arguing with me when you're not even involved in the communities I'm supposed to be interacting with isn't helpful. I've been searching for a static, and unable to find one (in fact, scrolling through the statics again in RA, there's lots of repeat posts, people are struggling to fill, I could assume for reasons the OP states, because there's spreads in experience and RA has frozen their static creation).

  12. > @"Braynz.2906" said:

    > Am I unlucky in getting the wrong map each time I travel to Drizzlewood lately?

    > All I seem to find are Necro Minions and Engi Turrets camping the supply runs, tourists at the base camp waiting to chute in when a chest appears and just a few doughty souls actually trying to take the various sites.


    The inventory bloat from having to manage seige methods doesn't help. Actually anytime an MMO adds inventory mechanics it's always a big "NOPE", neither Nazjatar nor Mechagon did that great and I felt like it was due to inventory bloat. Really MMOs in general should try to make inventory management easier, not harder as it's the most boring aspect of the game.

  13. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > > There’s a difference between players offering to teach you and expecting all of them to teach you.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Board games are also very different as players are not driven for rewards compared to those doing raids/fractals. Progress for board/card games is nonexistent in the sense that you’re simply playing the game whereas progress in fractals/raids can be slowed or even halted with having new players.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I don't expect all of them to teach me. The teaching doesn't happen enough. If I'm wrong the raiding community would grow. And I'm completely fine with being wrong.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You’re assuming that the reason that the raiding community isn’t growing is because veteran players are not teaching new players every chance that they get. You’re wrong.

    > > > >

    > > > > I never said every chance. That's narrative control hun.

    > > >

    > > > You became so hyper-fixated on training coming only from the LFG. If you see no training groups in the LFG then that apparently meant that veteran players do not train new players. You then brought up KP for some reason, in regards to training, when groups that require that are looking to do clears. They are not looking to train players.

    > > >

    > > > > I've posted in many places looking for a static and no one seems to want me, even though I've done many wings, seen almost all of all of them except two and have 12 boss kills under my belt. I'm fairly experienced, I feel I'm experienced enough to get through mechanics fairly quickly and I wouldn't be a drag to a static. In fact i know I won't because I've been invited to statics and we've still succeeded without wipes. You can't erase that fact. and Who knows, maybe just no one plays when I do, but most posts looking for more raiders are looking for people with tons and tons of KP. I'm done sitting through training sessions for hours with no intention of actually getting a kill.

    > > >

    > > > Sorry but 12 boss kills is nowhere near experienced. This is exactly why groups require KP. It's also why a lot of static groups won't take you because you're still in the learning process. I don't hold much weight to an individual player's performance in a static solely based on whether the static was successful without wipes. This is because it's very possible for a static to carry a player so using that as a basis is unreliable.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > > I'll still go my guild's every now and then, but your toxicity, assumptions about me etc, combined with my struggles getting a static when i believe I'm fairly skilled, based on my experience has me thinking "I should just pay those raid sellers to finish the coalescence collections just in case I ever get the LDS, and say screw it and WvW for the rest of my trinket leggies, slumbering conflux and conflux are equipable at the same time".

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Exactly where have I been toxic? Disagreeing with you is not toxicity.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > How about assuming my methods for finding groups for one? It's been ages since i used lfg for raids.


    > Assuming that you used LFG to find training groups isn’t toxic. The only reason I came to that conclusion was because you were so hyper-fixated on them in the first place. Every time options that new players had to be trained by veterans were given, you always went back to how the LFG didn’t have training groups. In another instance you brought up The advertisements that requires KP which were for clears and had nothing to do with training.


    I take it you don't look at postings looking for people for statics or RA much, do you? I believe when i looked on guild postings here too the ones I found were also requesting highly experienced people. Funny you think you're so qualified to talk about this but don't seem to be interacting with other avenues.



    > > Your automatic assumptions assume i'm picking the worst possible method. That's basically assuming i'm an idiot. There's other things i could go into, but you just aren't worth my time. Any intelligent person can see them.

    > >


    > I’m sorry but this isn’t my fault. Nowhere in my posts did I equate someone’s intelligence to the method that they find training groups.


    You kinda do, you're assuming that they don't know what they're doing. Whether intended or not, you're assuming that the other person must be doing everything wrong and is only having issues due to *THEIR* problems. That is the most toxic way to approach anyone having issues with anything.



    > > This isn't the first time you've made assumptions about me. I absolutely LOVE that someone, probably Cy, upvoted your comment. Like kitten all of you.

    > >


    > I make assumptions based on the information that’s made available. The reason that I asked for your raid experience was because you made comments about the impact an inexperienced player would have on a group doing clears.


    See comments about interactions with community.


    > > I'm so glad anet can see your toxicity in full display at the top of this forum page for who knows how much longer. It'll do wonders for their will to crank out more raid content i'm sure. Who knows mayne they won't let a bad apple spoil the bunch. Or maybe they will....

    > >

    > > Tot ziens!


    > Well so far the toxicity isn’t coming from me. All that I have done is disagreed with you which isn’t toxicity.


    You've done far more than that.


    Also, come to think about it, plenty of guilds in WoW when posting for new players, even like really good guilds, will just state the role they're looking for. They don't talk about "Mythic last season" etc. That doesn't mean they don't vet at all, but alot of the constructs in the GW2 community are just plain weird. Like the idea of a training run. No one raids in WoW not trying to kill the boss. (o crap, the one DPS died, everyone, GG now!) I mean sure, if the person is critical there's not a lot of choice, but outside that?


    One time, I got invited to a mythic level raiding guild, just for being on a mount that was exclusive to heroic mode. And they didn't even ask me if I bought the run. I didn't raid with them because of the time commitment that entailed, but these barriers people throw up, are just insane. The WoW community is toxic in a lot of other ways, but strangley enough, the culture around raiding is actually not that bad.


  14. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > There’s a difference between players offering to teach you and expecting all of them to teach you.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Board games are also very different as players are not driven for rewards compared to those doing raids/fractals. Progress for board/card games is nonexistent in the sense that you’re simply playing the game whereas progress in fractals/raids can be slowed or even halted with having new players.

    > > > >

    > > > > I don't expect all of them to teach me. The teaching doesn't happen enough. If I'm wrong the raiding community would grow. And I'm completely fine with being wrong.

    > > >

    > > > You’re assuming that the reason that the raiding community isn’t growing is because veteran players are not teaching new players every chance that they get. You’re wrong.

    > >

    > > I never said every chance. That's narrative control hun.


    > You became so hyper-fixated on training coming only from the LFG. If you see no training groups in the LFG then that apparently meant that veteran players do not train new players. You then brought up KP for some reason, in regards to training, when groups that require that are looking to do clears. They are not looking to train players.


    > > I've posted in many places looking for a static and no one seems to want me, even though I've done many wings, seen almost all of all of them except two and have 12 boss kills under my belt. I'm fairly experienced, I feel I'm experienced enough to get through mechanics fairly quickly and I wouldn't be a drag to a static. In fact i know I won't because I've been invited to statics and we've still succeeded without wipes. You can't erase that fact. and Who knows, maybe just no one plays when I do, but most posts looking for more raiders are looking for people with tons and tons of KP. I'm done sitting through training sessions for hours with no intention of actually getting a kill.


    > Sorry but 12 boss kills is nowhere near experienced. This is exactly why groups require KP. It's also why a lot of static groups won't take you because you're still in the learning process. I don't hold much weight to an individual player's performance in a static solely based on whether the static was successful without wipes. This is because it's very possible for a static to carry a player so using that as a basis is unreliable.



    > > I'll still go my guild's every now and then, but your toxicity, assumptions about me etc, combined with my struggles getting a static when i believe I'm fairly skilled, based on my experience has me thinking "I should just pay those raid sellers to finish the coalescence collections just in case I ever get the LDS, and say screw it and WvW for the rest of my trinket leggies, slumbering conflux and conflux are equipable at the same time".

    > >


    > Exactly where have I been toxic? Disagreeing with you is not toxicity.




    How about assuming my methods for finding groups for one? It's been ages since i used lfg for raids. Your automatic assumptions assume i'm picking the worst possible method. That's basically assuming i'm an idiot. There's other things i could go into, but you just aren't worth my time. Any intelligent person can see them.


    This isn't the first time you've made assumptions about me. I absolutely LOVE that someone, probably Cy, upvoted your comment. Like kitten all of you.


    I'm so glad anet can see your toxicity in full display at the top of this forum page for who knows how much longer. It'll do wonders for their will to crank out more raid content i'm sure. Who knows mayne they won't let a bad apple spoil the bunch. Or maybe they will....


    Tot ziens!

  15. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"voidek.5738" said:

    > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > Pretty sure it said with next release, but I could be wrong. Anyway, might be anything from in 2 weeks to in 2 months.

    > > There is longest streak so far i think between Saga releases (counting Visions of the Past). I hope we get some word next week. And im not even waiting or wanting actual new episode, just missing part from other episode(s) though.. I mean, if they release it separate but delay next episode im okay with this.


    > There is a certain achievement that is filling in a gap between episodes that has slowly been releasing small chunks of info and lore. There is only two more events left, which if space two weeks apart, would end on November 10th. People having been speculating that once this achievement is complete, the next update would occur. If that’s the case, the next release could be November 24th, 2020.


    What achievement? Is it not earnable after the next episode comes?

  16. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > There’s a difference between players offering to teach you and expecting all of them to teach you.

    > > >

    > > > Board games are also very different as players are not driven for rewards compared to those doing raids/fractals. Progress for board/card games is nonexistent in the sense that you’re simply playing the game whereas progress in fractals/raids can be slowed or even halted with having new players.

    > >

    > > I don't expect all of them to teach me. The teaching doesn't happen enough. If I'm wrong the raiding community would grow. And I'm completely fine with being wrong.


    > You’re assuming that the reason that the raiding community isn’t growing is because veteran players are not teaching new players every chance that they get. You’re wrong.


    I never said every chance. That's narrative control hun. I've posted in many places looking for a static and no one seems to want me, even though I've done many wings, seen almost all of all of them except two and have 12 boss kills under my belt. I'm fairly experienced, I feel I'm experienced enough to get through mechanics fairly quickly and I wouldn't be a drag to a static. In fact i know I won't because I've been invited to statics and we've still succeeded without wipes. You can't erase that fact. and Who knows, maybe just no one plays when I do, but most posts looking for more raiders are looking for people with tons and tons of KP. I'm done sitting through training sessions for hours with no intention of actually getting a kill. I'll still go my guild's every now and then, but your toxicity, assumptions about me etc, combined with my struggles getting a static when i believe I'm fairly skilled, based on my experience has me thinking "I should just pay those raid sellers to finish the coalescence collections just in case I ever get the LDS, and say screw it and WvW for the rest of my trinket leggies, slumbering conflux and conflux are equipable at the same time".



  17. > @"Ragi.7291" said:

    > Yes, weapons exchangeable with "Black Lion Claim Ticket" for a long time are **extremely beautiful and well finished.**


    > Next to that, they recycled the worst weapon skin of the game "Haunted skin" to make something uglier "Demon-Haunted skin", a lot of time and energy wasted for nothing.


    I like both the haunted and demon skins....

  18. > @"MMOStein.3872" said:

    > I do not care about pvp. Unfortunately, Anet believe they can force PvEers to care about pvp, so they gate pve rewards behind pvp with no alternative to earn them. But in reality, the only thing this forces me to want to do, is uninstall the game, and play an actual enjoyable RPG. _So good job Anet._ This has forced me to become toxic, and join WvW squads just to tag objectives, then basically go afk, not because I'm actually toxic, but because I have **literally zero** clue what I'm doing to begin with, and jut want to get my rewards and scurry back to carebear land....Sorry.


    > Ok lite trolling aside, I have been trying to find a squad or zerg for hours(days) and there is just no squads or tags up....ever. It's becoming a huge waste of time. I don't know the prime times for this gamemode. I (obviously) don't have the gear/skill/experience/willpower to just start roaming solo, so that is out of the question.

    > Is there a **reliable** time or day I can come to WvW and actually find zergs doing stuff???? I just want to farm some pips/reward tracks, and head out, seriously.


    It's really server dependent. HoD (my server) has a lot of SEA guilds for example so it's really active when those players are (early morning PST is their evening). So that tends to be late night to early morning.


    That being said, you don't actually have to PVP or zerg. 95% of the time when I've captured a ruin in the middle of the map no one has come. Kill some guards, move to the next objective. I believe I earned my first gift of battle doing this. I probably killed some people because I sPvp a nontrivial amount and there's tons of people who aren't good at PVP in WvW, but i was ganking other roamers.


    You also get one free server transfer so if you find a server with a community that matches you, then do that. Also I joined TIME, an HoD based guild before I was in HoD, so you could just find a guild that does WvW, then transfer servers, Make sure they're active when you are.

  19. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > > No, other games invalidate old content allowing skill less players to have a sense of success by beating content which otherwise would be unbeatable to them at a later point. Or they introduce difficulty tiers which are barely above free loot, to make even the worst players feel accomplished.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Nox100. I agree but you're moving what i was saying a different direction. The refresh helps make getting into groups easier.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > No, it doesn't. Players who did not properly tackle challenging content gain NOTHING with gear depreciation in other MMOs in regards to improving game skill wise. What they gain is the ability to out-gear old content and experience it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In that regard GW2 is actually superior. There is no required "cut-off" point one has to wait for. If you want to take on challenging content, you can start doing so at any point in time. Most often all it requires is a different approach to content in this game, often ideally paired with a more social approach and making contacts, but even that is only beneficial and not needed.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Simply put:

    > > > > > If you lacked the knowledge, experience and underlying understanding how to approach challenging content, you are/were in the exact same spot in every other MMO even after a new gear set.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > > > We have that in GW2. We have that in lower tier fractals. What we do not have is the gear deprecation and dumbing down of content to the same extent, though power creep is certainly present.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > If you want to be successful in other MMOs and take on challenging content, the approach there is exactly the same as here: join a guild, practice, improve, succeed.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > What % of guilds are doing progression runs?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Irrelevant in that most players who want to get into CMs never even take that approach. They demand others take them "as is" via LFG groups. You are demanding just that in this very thread. I linked you youtube video of a fractal training guild member/leader. There obviously are discord and guilds.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Even if not, here is what I did:

    > > > > > I asked guildies in one of my more casual guilds which were already doing T4 semi regularly if they would be interested in-trying CMs. I did so AFTER actually spending a ton of time as duo with a friend in learning how to run CMs. I trained up 3 roster worth of guildies to be able to run CMs because eventually people don't have time or take a break from the game or fractals, etc.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The point is: the key in succeeding at this content is playing with other players regularly.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > > As for your comment on time, if nourishing the community around raiding is too time consuming then the game mode isn't sustainable.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > No, a game mode becomes unsustainable if the amount of players playing it drops to far or the developers decide that they have to move on due to technical reasons (dungeons were by far not underpopulated but a mess code wise) which is far more related to updates that content receives.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Nourishing happens, just not the way you like it: between random parties all the time constantly. It happens in social groups of different degree most of the time.

    > > > >

    > > > > I agree with you.

    > > > > It seems to me people always seem to confuse being friendly with being social.

    > > > >

    > > > > People don't just stroll to random people playing boardgames and ask then to teach it to them.

    > > >

    > > > Actually, that is usually how people learn new board games or card games. You go somewhere and people are playing a game and they want you to play so they sit you down and teach you. I've been watching it happen for 35+ years.

    > > >

    > > > I have never once sat down and read a ruleset for monopoly or scrabble or poker or hearts, nor basketball or soccer or baseball. I learned these games because there were people around who wanted to get others involved in them, rather than push them away.

    > > >

    > > > Strangely enough, I can't help to imagen that people wanting to teach other people these games, must have something to do with why these games are undying and have stood the test of time. And as much can be said in contrast for why raids are dying Guild Wars 2, because people want to isolate instead of create community cohesion.

    > > >

    > > > It truly is an interesting difference in sociology to evaluate. The difference between how things work IRL vs. an online video game, and why.

    > >

    > > So, if I was now to make the case that every person you walk up to is unsocial because they might not be interested to teach you a board game right at that very moment in time, I'd have a strong argument?

    > >

    > > Yes, friends or family teach each other new board games. It's a social interaction. Or people go to comic/board game/trading card game shops and play and teach others. That's on their terms. That is akin to taking a guild member along or doing a training run.

    > >

    > > At no point in time does this happen though when the other party is not interested or lacking time.

    > >

    > > The differences between RL and online video game are not that different, IF one accounts for the fact that in RL you have spacial distance which manages interest and goals. In online games you do not since it's basically a binar state: online or offline.

    > >

    > > All you have to imagine is this:

    > > Players who are not in the mood to train others are basically not in your spacial vacinity. In real lifey, you wouldn't have met them at that point in time, aka they wouldn'thave shown up to that game night. If you want something from them, do so at the appropriate time and place, just as you would when interacting with them im real life. Easy peasy.


    > This conversation has somehow deviated far far away from where it started.


    > My OP post was never about player reluctance to take the time and effort to train someone new.


    > My OP post was about experienced players discriminating against experienced players because someone has 9000 LIs and someone else only has 6000.


    > A veteran wanting to get his clear done quickly on a night rather than taking hours and hours to train new players is certainly reasonable. But veterans discriminating against other veterans over some diminutive difference in skill value, could only be viewed as ridiculous at best.


    > Big difference there.


    They're kind of the same problem though: The veteran is so paranoid about having to help someone they're enforcing KP requirements above and beyond what is necessary. With willing people, sitting there in front of them. With at worst, slight issues clearing the content. They probably spent more time waiting than it would have for them to take that TINY chance on even an experienced player and explain something if necessary.

  20. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > There’s a difference between players offering to teach you and expecting all of them to teach you.


    > Board games are also very different as players are not driven for rewards compared to those doing raids/fractals. Progress for board/card games is nonexistent in the sense that you’re simply playing the game whereas progress in fractals/raids can be slowed or even halted with having new players.


    I don't expect all of them to teach me. The teaching doesn't happen enough. If I'm wrong the raiding community would grow. And I'm completely fine with being wrong.

  21. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > >

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > > You totally sidestepped the fact that people who did the cms already were in lfg. Those backflips are amazing.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Since when were CMs part of the discussion? CMs are for experienced players, not new ones...

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > The op is about cms. It extrapolates quite well though. Should i report your posts as off topic?

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > The CMs had nothing to do with whether veteran players are obligated to train new players. That's why it seemed odd that you suddenly brought them up.

    > > >

    > > > > > > Vets don't have to do anything and anet doesn't have to do anything in return if the game mode dies.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Unless they have officially stopped supporting it then they still do.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Your posts are kind of going all over the place with what you're saying and grasping at whatever you can. If that doesn't work then you twist things around.

    > > > >

    > > > > Well still waiting for that next wing....

    > > > >

    > > > > You're right i'm not responding to every little thing you say, but i think it's funny that you think taking someone with 50 kp in the group isn't a smooth run.

    > > >

    > > > I never said that 50 kp was or wasn't a smooth run. Why are you saying that I did when it's fairly clear that I didn't say that?

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > You did:

    > >

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:?

    > > >

    > > > > 100 kp is not "i'm willing to teach " especially when there's people in LFG who have already cleared it. At least 50 times.

    > > >

    > > > As I said before, veteran players are not obligated to train new players. Those KP runs are veteran players looking for quick and smooth clears. You do not get that if you have to train one or more players.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > That's your response to me talking about the op.

    > >

    > >

    > > So people just spontaneously do cms at some magic moment with no help from others after doing non cms. Got it.


    > This is you taking the post out of context. You can clearly see that I was responding to your post when you stated that 100 KP is not willing to teach. I then replied that those KP advertisements were for those not looking to train but instead looking to have quick and smooth clears.


    > You added that statement which didn't make sense to what was being discussed, I responded to it, and now you're twisting it around. Seriously?



    Even if that's your line of thinking i was still referring to that. You're claiming people willing to teach when there's crazy kp requirements including others in the lfg, capable of clearing the content, sounds pretty far fetched in context. I don't feel the toxicity is isolated to cms. In fact it's not. I've had other experiences. And you're ignoring what i'm typing. That was your response to me referring to 2 experienced groups in lfg.


    > Edit: Come to think about it, you probably brought up the KP thing because you were trying to equate all of the KP advertisements in the LFG as there not being anyone willing to train. This is obviously false.


    > You're also ignoring that, when it comes to fractals, anybody can post a LFG looking to attempt the CM and players with similar experience can join them. You don't need veteran players to teach them.


    Apparently you can't get groups together at certain times of day that way, and as i game late i'm in the ops boat.


    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > You totally sidestepped the fact that people who did the cms already were in lfg. Those backflips are amazing.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Since when were CMs part of the discussion? CMs are for experienced players, not new ones...

    > > >

    > >

    > > The op is about cms. It extrapolates quite well though. Should i report your posts as off topic?

    > >


    > The CMs had nothing to do with whether veteran players are obligated to train new players. That's why it seemed odd that you suddenly brought them up.


    > > > > Vets don't have to do anything and anet doesn't have to do anything in return if the game mode dies.

    > > >

    > > > Unless they have officially stopped supporting it then they still do.

    > > >

    > > > Your posts are kind of going all over the place with what you're saying and grasping at whatever you can. If that doesn't work then you twist things around.

    > >

    > > Well still waiting for that next wing....

    > >

    > > You're right i'm not responding to every little thing you say, but i think it's funny that you think taking someone with 50 kp in the group isn't a smooth run.


    > I never said that 50 kp was or wasn't a smooth run. Why are you saying that I did when it's fairly clear that I didn't say that?




    You did:


    > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:?


    > > 100 kp is not "i'm willing to teach " especially when there's people in LFG who have already cleared it. At least 50 times.


    > As I said before, veteran players are not obligated to train new players. Those KP runs are veteran players looking for quick and smooth clears. You do not get that if you have to train one or more players.




    That's your response to me talking about the op.



    So people just spontaneously do cms at some magic moment with no help from others after doing non cms. Got it.

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