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Everything posted by Westenev.5289

  1. I mean, we already have glittering wings... I wouldn't mind a glider for that skin.
  2. > @"Ashen.2907" said: > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > @"Danikat.8537" said: > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > > How exactly do you crowdfund something someone doesnt want to do? Use the money to force them to do it? > > > > > > Isn't that how jobs work in general? > > Not really, no. > > > > Imagine if you could just hand $1000 to a bank cashier and tell him *"Look man we are over 50 people that has worked to get this going, we crowdfunded you robbing the bank. Here's the cash, now do it."* And if he fails to do it everyone can just sue him in court. > > Except that the suggestion here is for ANet to decide what to put up for crowd funding. So the employee, in this case, would be asked to work on projects decided by their employer...just like pretty much every job in the world. I really hope gw2 is more than just a job to the dev's. A job is something where you get paid to work the least for your time... no passion or interest. Throwing money at problems is a poor start, and ultimately useless without drive, vision and planning and reward. In all likelyhood, the extra stimulus would likely be indirectly funding Anet's other asperations and behind the scenes projects.
  3. I believe players ultimately don't know what they want out of a game, so something like crowdfunding won't lead anywhere if the dev's aren't leading the charge. Personally, I think projects lead by money and not by the passion of the developers is a problem with todays society anyway, so I'd rather pay for a finished project than bankroll a multimillion dollar company to draft sales ideas they have a lukewarm interest in at best.
  4. My Christmas wish is for more customization options. Hairstyles, tattooes, horns, etc. For everybody. Although, a short cc immunity period (or even a damage immunity when cc'ed over a certain threshold) would be my second pick. Chain cc is a little too frustrating at the moment.
  5. I mean, if we're going to go silly, why not suggest legendary food where you select your own stat buffs?
  6. I didn't hate Traehearne personally, but I did let him suffer for a few minutes before I put him out of his misery. I mean, what was his plan for HoT? Bomb the jungle abomination out of existance with a fleet of warships? Did he think he was a character from Warhammer 40k?
  7. Thief has like one build (power staff berserkers), but I really like the flexibility of the build because I'm often changing my offhand weapon, traits or skills to suit the situation (generally to provide ranged damage or utility like stealth, cc, projectile blocks, shadowstep, spammable blast finishers, shadow portal and cc).
  8. > @"Nephalem.8921" said: > > @"medivh.4725" said: > > At least create some short cuts or extend the timings or something. I literally hate having to do swampland and the players kept leaving and leaving. I hated it. > > There are tons of shortcuts. It used to be 30sec even at level 1. Some classes can even solo it. They aren't the sort of shortcuts you stumble upon for a miraculous last second save. They're the sort of shortcuts you know through research and practice, and can feel kinda buggy with the weird collision, which kinda takes the fun out of it imho.
  9. I remember when wing 3 was released. I was silly enough to believe a commanderless "anyone welcome" squad would result in anything other than new commanders hijacking the party and kicking anyone without KP. So, yeah. I imagine new players who don't have a commander tag will struggle to join pugs or make their own groups. The whole experience is trash unless you have a group of discord friends willing to play with you - and not all of us do. Conversely, over time, PuG's have gotten better at bosses like Vale Guardian. Gone are the days when you'd have random test builds like settlers ele dealing negitive dps, or have your tank portaled across the map. If you're lucky, you can even clear it first time in a PuG 'anyone who fills xyz role welcome' party.
  10. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > Well, you have over 1500 hours of PvE. > > Was that great the first couple of hours? Where you able to jump from map to map and find some dragon boss killing action? Was people tagged up for level 80 metas in the starter zones? Did you know where every heart, waypoint and event was or did you have to run and find them? Did you know how to build your character for open world performance? > > Come back when you have over 1500 hours in WvW and we can discuss the more detailed experience. I mean, in my first 10 hours of PvE, I was exploring the shiverpeaks mining for silver. Was I playing the game wrong? yes, but at least I was having fun. In WvW, most players first 10 hours probably consist of getting run over by zergs, encountering cheese pvp builds, general confusion of where the commander is doing, PvD, and dying to tier 1 camps. It creates a situation so toxic that players often feel they don't want to come back.
  11. Sounds like you're on a losing world. Yeah, that can be rough if you're trying to get GoB, because very few commanders like playing a losing game for someone elses benefit.
  12. People generally go into dungeons or fractals looking for quick cash - the story isn't quite relevant or gripping enough for many people to care. Generally if you lfg for a slower group, you'll find these groups are filled by long term players who perform varying speedrun tactics
  13. To be fair, maybe mounts was such a great idea that Anet could reintroduce new mounts in EoD that serve similar (or the same) utility. That way you won't need PoF to complete (or have a significant advantage while playing) EoD, and it means everyone would get new mount cosmetic options and better open world design options. Because, after gliding and mounts, I don't see where else they can go.
  14. > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said: > > @"Hannelore.8153" said: > > I'd love to see the bounty system added to Core maps, and I think it'd revitalise the game. The only problem is, this is (mostly) currently the ONLY content available in PoF maps, unlike with HoT and its complex metas, so it'd make the Crystal Desert abandoned. To implement this properly they'd first have to do a quality pass over PoF metas to make them more engaging and rewarding. > > I think adding world bosses to HoT maps would be a good start at bring players back. Do you mean PoF? People play HoT metas to this day.
  15. > @"MokahTGS.7850" said: > The whole point of a racial skill is that it is for a particular RACE. They already nerfed the skills to complete uselessness because they were afraid people would complain that one races skill is stronger than another...now you want to make the race choice even more meaningless? > > I'm all for racial skills...but I'd want them buffed so that it actually matters what you pick. I'm pretty sure it's working as intended then, because Anet doesn't want meta races. But it does beg the question - why do racial skills exist, if they're among the skills so weak you couldn't even theorycraft a roleplay build around them.
  16. Makeup could be nice, or maybe scars, bandages or piercings. But honestly, I would be happy with more beards/hairstyles. Honestly, I don't think I would mind if Anet put Living Story on hold for 3 or so chapters to focus on this kind of stuff.
  17. Hmm, I think this stat set could be fun on a burn weaver. Problem with using this set on a healer is that you don't have precision to proc sup. sigil of water, or on crit hit traits like sharpened edges on ranger/druid.
  18. Npc's already wear gemstore skins. I mean, the boss of the new fractal wears shrine guardian outfit, in fact!
  19. You have the option of using your mouse buttons to pan the screen (with your character following the direction of the camera), which is my preferred style of movement (WASD doesn't cut it for me, it feels so clunky and walking backwards has a movement penalty!). You can also keybind autorun, although I suggest keeping walk forward, strafe right/left for jumping puzzles and the like. But, no, this game does not have a click to move feature like Runescape or Gw1.
  20. > @"hugo.4705" said: > I do like the arts too. But brawler, for engie, meh. And ranger with hammer? Wow. Nice work with the art anyway. I mean, "bunnyhammer" ranger was a thing back in gw1.
  21. > @"sorudo.9054" said: > > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > > > @"lokh.2695" said: > > > There are two sets that have a "worn" variant, if I remember correctly. But the effect isn't all that eyecatching and with only two sets the variety just isn't there. > > > > But we literally have this armour in the game right now: > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/YqYsyBT.png "") > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/xv99od6.png "") > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/35DXNoy.png "") > > > > > > Players can not use it but NPC's wear it, this would be such an easy start to providing damaged armour to the players. Battle damage shows a sign of experience. A hero with no damage was either standing at the rear of the lines or a poser. > > > > or has new armor, or is really that good of a fighter. > think about that for a sec. Or can afford new armour, maintenence or repairs. It's reassuring to know your managers aren't pennyless hobo's and that there's enough in the kitty for the rank and file to get paid every week. Still, more options are always nice.
  22. If you could buy mastery points, wouldn't you feel EXTREMELY silly when you end the season with 10-20 spare?
  23. > @"Black Storm.6974" said: > The fighting experience is not frustrating, there are not annoying movement impairing conditions. The enemies are manageable and don’t move too much. No movement impairing conditions, this is true... but they also cc players regularly (sometimes feeling undodgeable, like with the Gandarren Fields Fire Tornados), which on top of other players low damage, can make them extremely frustrating to fight.
  24. > @"Linken.6345" said: > > @"Anchoku.8142" said: > > > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > > It's soldiers, but somehow worse? > > > > > > Please don't add more noob traps into the game. > > > > I second this but realize some builds cannot crit very often. Then, again, not every profession has extra precision, > > Whats the point in criting if your power is to low to benefit much? Superior sigil of air, fire and water come to mind. Hit on cit effects!
  25. It's soldiers, but somehow worse? Please don't add more noob traps into the game.
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