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Everything posted by Westenev.5289

  1. If this was a novelty, we could wear it with outfits! I approve?
  2. DRM's exist to make me hate 4 strangers I will never make an effort to meet again.
  3. I wish the bosses in my public DRM's would melt. I'm always stuck with the bearbows, heal tempests and mesmer laser swords.
  4. the ancient asura gates. you know, the ones at the start of EotN?
  5. In Brisbane, I died at the boss. It happens. But when I went to waypoint, I found I was lost in the skritt tunnels. Maybe the path could be a bit more linear if we aren't going to make use of the space, or some indication of where to go?
  6. I played a free account, and I have to say, you have to play it to be informed of the many, many restrictions put on these accounts. It's almost like an ironman account.
  7. Dragon Age Inquisition had a dune map... and, frankly, even with rock faces, chasms and caves it gets old really fast. Personally, I was content with the dunes we got in Desert Highlands, Crystsl Oaisis and Elon Riverlands.
  8. I don't play strikes, because I have to kill deimos 50-200 times with kp to get into a group. Even if I had kp, I'm pretty sure these types of players don't know how to have fun anyway. Dragon Response Missions aren't my jam. Public groups are just a bunch of open world players tickling the health sponge of a boss to death with mesmer laser swords and ranger pewpew. A little too accessable, imho. I vastly prefer fractals and dungeons. Unlike DRM, people actually try to deal dps, and groups are MUCH more casual and accessable than ~raid~ strike squads. So I don't think it's fair to lump them altogether.
  9. > @"Silvia.9130" said: > > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > > @"Silvia.9130" said: > > > It's what I've been longing for too, since years. > > > And please, not only for humans like for PoF... > > > > Please not only for charr, like in lws4 episode 2** > > > > Regarding the hairstyles in PoF, few humans choose to use them due to a seeming lack of interest in Elonian themed characters. > > Charr have many less face and hairstyle default options than humans. And yet humans cling to a handful of hairstyles. I won't say they're bad, but many of the options provided clearly don't fill the niche human players are looking for. I can't comment on face selection, mainly because the character models don't look all that different to me unless you play with the sliders to comical degrees.
  10. > @"Silvia.9130" said: > It's what I've been longing for too, since years. > And please, not only for humans like for PoF... Please not only for charr, like in lws4 episode 2** Regarding the hairstyles in PoF, few humans choose to use them due to a seeming lack of interest in Elonian themed characters.
  11. Remove the cast time from banners and they'd be so much easier to play, especially if you're expected to play 2 banners. With such a long cd, it's not like you'll spam it in pve, and if you take banners to pvp you're probably trolling.
  12. I enjoyed the tidbits and gossip. Between Snargle's writings and Logans new social life, ice brood saga has to be the hottest season yet.
  13. A Sylvari finds a mordrem and a nightmare courtier nestled in a tree. The sylvari asks, "how does it feel to commit high treesome?" What do you call a Sylvari lumberjack? Treeson. What do you call a Sylvari who has been stabbed in the back? Caesar salad. What do you call an asura in berserkers armour? A dps meter. What's a norn's favorite drink? The next one! Why do Spellbreakers make great bartenders? Because they always stock a full counter! How does Pact Marshal Traehearne like his steak? Well done, commander! Why did the white mantle start the krytan civil war? I hear it was all a ploy to steal [Thackeray's Pants]! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Thackeray's_Pants
  14. Is Primordis actually awake, or is he in the process of awakening? I mean, destroyers rampage all the time even while he's asleep.
  15. I'm not going to lie, I kind of want the female inquest armor on a human/norn male. We already have the impossible boob tube, why can't we show off male pecks and abs?
  16. > @"Carnius Magius.8091" said: > Stocking up on Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup buffs could make up for the lack of a rune. Alternatively, you could make Cilantro Lime Sous Vide Steaks for less than 40 silvers (1 hour buff timer, +5% exp and you can share with friends!). It provides the same stats as Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash, but it also provides life steal on crit, so it's perfect for topping off Berserkers, Assassin's or Marauders (stats which have plenty of power and precision to actually make use of the +ferocity). That way, you can buff your dps build higher while also gaining some sustain. After all, death is the best form of cc, right? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cilantro_Lime_Sous-Vide_Steak alternatively, there is Peppercorn Crusted Sous Vide Steak, which is a bit more expensive at around 50 silvers, but lowers incoming damage by -10%. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Peppercorn-Crusted_Sous-Vide_Steak
  17. I guess Anet wants to push their favorite cast. Fan favorites, the likes of Canach and Blish, would take the spotlight from the characters that "matter".
  18. > @"WorldofBay.8160" said: > > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > Why would you want to buff up your toughness and Ferocity specifically? > > > > Critical damage (ferocity) is neigh useless without power (ferocity adds 1% damage every 15 points at level 80) or precision (which is the stat that actually causes crit's to happen in the first place) > > > > And Toughness is a damage mitigation that is bypassed by condi's and doesn't really make you much tankier. Vitality would be the better option here, as it also scales with barriers (meaning scourge supports become a lot more valuable to you). > > > > If we follow this logic, what you want is... > > > > ... +Power, +Precision, +Vitality, +Ferocity... in other words, marauders. > > that's not true. > > when soloing pve toughness is far superior to vitality unless you run a barrier-build designed to be superior with vitality. In open world, I often run berserkers (no vitality or toughness), so I think this is subjective. In later content, condis become more common. And let me tell you, toughness does nothing against burning while vitality helps ALOT.
  19. Why would you want to buff up your toughness and Ferocity specifically? Critical damage (ferocity) is neigh useless without power (ferocity adds 1% damage every 15 points at level 80) or precision (which is the stat that actually causes crit's to happen in the first place) And Toughness is a damage mitigation that is bypassed by condi's and doesn't really make you much tankier. Vitality would be the better option here, as it also scales with barriers (meaning scourge supports become a lot more valuable to you). If we follow this logic, what you want is... ... +Power, +Precision, +Vitality, +Ferocity... in other words, marauders.
  20. I think gw2 has enough settings and new maps, I want to see modern core tyria and how the world, our home, our backyard has progressed after killing a god and 3 elder dragons. I do think the actual gameplay could use work (health sponge knockback spam is BORING), but I'm satisfied with the lore and story direction. As for strikes, I don't think they were used as a gateway to raiding - they were used by content starved raiders who set their own raiding li kp limitations to exclude the newbies, the same newbies strikes were meant to train. Good ridence, I say.
  21. I don't think Anet have a great touch with their playerbase - lb ranger has been popular in pve for years, and is about as useful as a wet noodle. It's the same for any open world build really. It's great for tagging mobs, but when you're actually expected to perform in a group setting... tagging mobs is not a viable method of play.
  22. How do you make a pvp/wvw expansion without segrigating players who bought the expansion fronm the unwashed masses, while also keeping things fair and avoiding p2w features? Are you expecting people to pay for a balance patch? Adding pvp/wvw expansion maps would be dead on arrival, imho.
  23. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"blp.3489" said: > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > > @"blp.3489" said: > > > > Although I only read two pages of the linked thread my thought is that it would be great if they brought the area of effect speed boost to PVE so that someone with the warclaw could help people without mounts move at a common faster speed, making it easier to play with others. For the short period of time I hadn't got the warclaw yet in wvw I thought that was one of the best features ever, now I just wish there were more players without warclaws in wvw that I could share speed with. :) > > > This would dis-incentivize people in PvE from purchasing mounts. Not sure that would be in Anet's best interests. > > > > I think the number of people who would say "I don't need/want a mount because I can sometimes hitch a ride with someone on a warclaw" is vanishingly small. > > You might be right. I might be right. Neither of us has any stats to prove one way or the other. I was basing my premise on the many threads here on the forum of players complaining how others with mounts shoot across the maps and finish events before non-mount players even arrive. If players are able to "hitch" with someone and get to these events, why then would they spend anything to get their own mounts? /shrug So they can drag their own friends across a map? /shrug So they can experience expansion content with said friends? /shrug
  24. I wasn't happy, to be honest. The concept initially shows promise (open world pandamonium), but just boils down to "follow the npc, kill enemy camps, fight the health sponge knockdown spam boss 3 times" I think they should have expanded on the opening concept - a 5 to 10 minute war where you have to save as much property/life as possible, while assisting the hero with their mission while you can.
  25. I think Gw2's true strength relies on the spirit of exploration, and the fact that you can log in after five years and still be somewhat relevant, so it's difficult to imagine an expansion without new maps. But I think I would be partial to expansions that focuses more on cosmetics (ie. hairstyles, horns, moustaches, armours, costumes), a well written story, an elite spec that changes the way I play the game, and/or instanced content - so I can't just outright say no.
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