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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @Vegeta.2563 said:

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > I am assuming you screenshot those without any other scores hitting: like PPK or sentries or dolyaks etc?

    > >

    > > That's 116 points extra from before the tick, then right after. We papered all of their EBG stuff, even took tier 3 Hills in SBI BL with no resistance. Attempted for Garri, but people actually showed up to defend that. The screenshots was taken after the Garri attempt, after we had intel someone was trying to take Hills back, then we broke up the squad soon after. For a few hrs hardly anyone from SBI was defending their stuff.

    > >


    > Yeah.. definately sounds like there is something else going on.


    > Did you send a bug report? It tends to be seen faster than in here.


    > Yeah, snails vs cold molasses..


    Well thing is I can't exactly use 2 screenshots in a bug report.. just 1. They do read the forums here too.

  2. > @Dawdler.8521 said:

    > that's a ton of activity on the 3rd in PPT, which is usually the one having the least amount of players on at that time... But it could be. PPK is 3 points with bloodlust I believe which could make the score difference just a zerg wipe away (assuming plenty of stomps). This assumes the extra points is lumped in after 5 minutes too, I always thought PPK/dolly etc got awarded at the time they happen but now when I think about it I havent looked so close, lol.


    Hardly anyone was on SBI for hours, at least in EBG.. and managed to paper a tier 3 hills in their BL with no defenders.


    If I noticed from playing lately.. PPK and Dolly points are added right away, and PPT is added every 5 mins.

  3. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > I am assuming you screenshot those without any other scores hitting: like PPK or sentries or dolyaks etc?


    That's 116 points extra from before the tick, then right after. We papered all of their EBG stuff, even took tier 3 Hills in SBI BL with no resistance. Attempted for Garri, but people actually showed up to defend that. The screenshots was taken after the Garri attempt, after we had intel someone was trying to take Hills back, then we broke up the squad soon after. For a few hrs hardly anyone from SBI was defending their stuff.


  4. In the current state... if you are trying to take a tower .. especially tier 3.. arrow carts inside the tower will be dominate since there is really no protection besides catapult bubbles, and those don't even last that long. Without shield gens, you would just be under heavy AC fire.

  5. > @Menadena.7482 said:

    > Mike, if I have one question it is this:


    > What are you supposed to do if you do not HAVE a particular mount nor intend to get it (most likely the griffon) then get a skin for it? That does not unlock the griffon so you are out $5 of gems for nothing.


    I can already see the answer.. "You'll have the mount eventually, so the skin will be waiting for you!" :tongue:

  6. > @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

    > our next planned mount skin releases will focus on individual sales like the Reforged Warhound

    > ~ MO


    Speaking of Reforged Warhound. It's a nice looking skin, but for 2000 gems, I would have expected it to be for all 5 mounts, not just 1. Just saying might wanna think about the price on some of that stuff. Not even the Balthazar outfit was that high in price when it came out.


  7. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Oh man, that's really rather exciting to know. Because honestly, who doesn't want a random, wandering candy corn node showing up when you least expect it, eh? ;)


    Are the Candy Corn nodes that blink in and out of existence at random, normal for when Halloween isn't active?

  8. > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

    > _1) What was the reasoning behind the change to Unhindered Combatant?_

    > **"One important balance change in this update is the change to Unhindered Combatant. While thieves, and by extension daredevils, are intended to be slippery combatants, the escape potential for this trait was a little too high."**

    > Unhindered Combatant has long been dominant in multiple game-types. It represents a longer distance movement option, condition-break, and swiftness generator. We like these things.

    > The issue, however, is that there is almost no 'counter' play to the functionality... in that neither players nor designers have a way to whittle down the thief's defensive capabilities short of one-shotting them in a time where there are no evade frames occurring. We want the thief to remain incredibly mobile, but need to introduce some soft-counters so that there are methods to hinder the super-defensive nature of UC builds. We'll keep watch of Exhaustion's interactions with Unhindered Combatant and will adjust as necessary.


    > _2) If it was meant for competitive changes, why do PvE Daredevils have to take the blow, too?_

    > First off: As a rule we don't split skill and trait functionality changes ("functionality" being the keyword here). There are some things that we are okay with splitting such as damage, condition duration/stacks, resource cost, etc. However we don't want to make skills which apply different buffs or have different cast times or number of hits based on game mode. This rule is in place to preserve skill cohesion and prevent confusion when switching game modes. It's not a rule that we plan on changing.


    > Secondarily: Its condition-removal is built-in and is inseparable from the dodge-mechanic so long as you have the trait equipped. It's feasibly possible to 'remove' the trait and return you to a 'normal' dodge, but consistency is also important in that your dodge button should pretty much always do the same thing.


    > -SnB


    How are endurance regeneration foods affected by this change? Are they nulled until the 4 seconds are up and start working again?

  9. > @WingedLass.7456 said:

    > > @pah.4931 said:


    > > If you think this is appalling, then why not go to work for free for the next few days. Maybe then you'll realize that businesses need to make money or they close down.


    > Except no one is saying not to sell them. **In fact, some are saying to feel free to sell them for more gems per piece, and we'll still buy them**. We don't need them for free. People are saying that they would like to be able to pick what to spend their money on, not that they're not willing to spend money on cosmetics.


    > For Anet, this is probably a viable way to make the most possible money out of it, and it's entirely likely they'll put out more skins later (whether individually or also via the stables). But for part of the playerbase, the randomized aspect is where they object, as I am.


    > Yes, they're free to make money. They're even free to make this decision, as much as I may not like it. But it's not as if everyone is telling them not to sell them at all, or not to make money at all. The danger in the approach they've taken is that, while they may make more money instantly this way, it also makes for a lot of dissatisfied players. The same players they want encouraging others to play GW2.


    Halloween we got 5 skins for 1600 gems. Then they throw out 1 skin for 2000 gems ... given the skin looks sick, but it would be nice if it was for all 5 mounts.

  10. > @CrimeMaker.8612 said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @CrimeMaker.8612 said:

    > > > Arena Net seriously why dont you just give us players an invisible tag??? Its so annoying when you have to tag up to use the markers or when you just wanna raid as a guild and you dont want any pugs to join you... WvW isnt pve where players are gonna get salty if a guild is doing private raid and doesnt want pugs on them.. its the opposite here when a driver has to tag up to use markers and wants to private raid at the same time but you get pugs on you.. now you have to tell them to go away! yea thats what pisses players off not a guild wanting to have a private raid,

    > >

    > > The solution exists....


    > they patched it :/


    Nope, still works lol


    Also I think invisible tag would be nice in general, instead of enemy servers having alt accounts logging in to see where you are located so they know where to go (aka tag watching). A couple of guilds I run with in WvW has had to resort to the "running tagless" tactic because of this reason. And no if someone is running tagless it doesn't mean they are an elitist. It just means they don't want to deal with enemy spies.

  11. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > No, from all that I understand it's not at *all* possible to reinvoke/reinstate the former Lion's Arch. I know it seems logical, like "You have that chapter of your novel on your hard drive, just re-insert it into the book." But it's not nearly that simple, and in many cases, what may be seen as an "easy" suggestion is utterly impossible.


    > No one would love a "Return to Old Lion's Arch" story more than me. I spent literally thousands of hours in the original LA in GW, and then the first iteration of LA in GW2. *Nothing* touches my heart or reverberates more in my soul than Lion's Arch -- hands down. The first time I came across the ruins in the bay, I was so moved I had to log out and compose myself, I was so saddened to see it.


    > But I've asked about this before, and I was told that it was not possible to do it. I'll ask again, but I'm confident that the person with whom I spoke knew what he was talking about, and this is truly a case where, as Thomas Wolfe said, "You can't go home again." :'(


    > > @Ashantara.8731 said:


    > > Well, there is still the option to have Old Lion's Arch return for the next Halloween (only for the duration of the event) as a prank played by the Mad King. That was already designed for Halloween, so porting it back in wouldn't be that much of as hassle, no? Just adding the new NPCs, et voilà!




    I wouldn't be opposed to have another Destruction of Lion's Arch again. Not sure who would plan the attack, but there could be some story / lore involved stating that Lion's Arch need to be reborn in it's former glory. Something something, story lines, etc. This could make a great excuse to involve Season 1 lore (not actual content), and teach new players what really happened back then.

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