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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. > @"Aeon.4583" said:

    > I did a suggestion to add some form of Black Lion upgrade to existing Rare gathering tools, to promote them to Exotic with two Glyph Slots. But, speaking about Glyphs. Currently there are two types of glyphs: Aditional gathering Results and Improved Gathering Process.

    > Glyph of Industry, Glyph of Flight and Glyph of Bounty can be of same type of Glyph and can't be used together in Tools with two slots.

    > Exotic gathering tools can have one slot for 'Adiitional gathering Results' Glyphs and another for 'Improved Gathering Process' Glyphs.


    > Simple ex. You can have Glyph of Tailor + Glyph of Industry or Glyph of Scavenger + Glyph of Bounty. But, you can't have Glyph of Industry + Glyph of Bounty, or Glyph of Tailor + Glyph of Scavenger.


    Glyph of Industry + Glyph of Industry.. lightning speed gathering :grimace:

  2. > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

    > How much would you pay for an "insta-farm" glyph? or a double-item glyph? Imagine rich veins that give 20 pieces of ore.

    > Limited glyph choices force you to make decisions; to buy or not to buy, which one to buy, "Do I farm more wood than ore?"



    At this point, a tool that grants Karma per gather would be pretty interesting..


  3. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > > I would even pay for gems if it's per tool upgrade. There could even be a restriction of not allowing the same glyph twice on 1 tool.

    > >

    > > I just feel like 1 glyph slot is lackluster and needs some love <3


    > How is it lackluster to have the ability to get some kind of bonus on *any* gathering tool, as opposed to only specific ones?


    Once you go Industry, it's hard to use anything else. It feels so slow to gather.

  4. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > "The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time. This is most commonly caused by firewall or router settings, security applications, or connecting through a campus network. For additional support, please visit http://support.guildwars2.com."


    > Getting this message but my account logs in with no problem so it is not on our end.


    Same error as me?


    Build: 90556

    Error Code: 42:0:9001:4414

  5. > @"aspirine.5839" said:

    > 9k meteor does not sound that much to be honest. It is slow, it is highly telegraphed and easily dodged. I was not hit once by a meteor the whole evening as backliner.


    First meteor hits you before the red circle appears, and if you are in zerk or marauder gear, it only takes 1.

  6. > @"Ace Kenshader.1253" said:

    > I haven't played Guild Wars 2 in years, so my opinions don't hold much weight. But I do believe that ArenaNet handled this unbelievably poorly by firing the two developers and caving into the fringe mobs of kitten and the alt-right. And yes, I am aware that moderate voices were also part of the mix, but they were few and far in between when compared to the fringes.


    > All this does is make the gaming industry realize that if you value your job, never ever interact with your customer base.


    I can agree with half of this. I can agree Peter was only doing what he thought was right, at the most he only should have been warned.


    Jessica however, took what Deroir said way out of proportion. He was giving legitimate feedback, and she took it as he was telling her how to do her job. She then proceed with "Today in being a FEMALE dev" Like what does gender have anything to do with the subject. That's where everything went south. She then goes on to shooting down INKS, as well as Jebro. She even mocked TotalBiscuit's Death a week or so before that. Keep in mind she "isn't on the clock" (yeah ok that makes a difference when you are working for a well known game that has millions of players. o_O ). Later on in an interview, she basically said that the company wasn't a safe place for Women to work in. Like what?? She's pulled the Sexism card in the past before, and she's had a history of it before. The way ArenaNet looked at it, they don't want someone in their company that's going to make them look bad, or cause negativity towards their game's community.

  7. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > > This is just my opinion, and what I feel like needs to be adjusted.

    > >

    > > Comparing Rifle Deadeye to Longbow Ranger in term ranged skills..

    > >

    > > Long Range Shot .. has 1500 range, and can hit between 270 - 347 depending on range (base damage). Brutal Aim is 1200 Range and can hit for 253. (base damage)


    > Brutal Aim's damage increases over time based on the number the Vulnerability stacks. Plus the Marked target gets another 10% damage due to Iron Sight.


    > It's really misleading not including all these other effects.


    > > Rapid Fire .. has 1500 range, and can hit for 1440 (base damage). Three Round Burst has 1500 range and can hit for 948 (base damage).

    > >


    > Rapid Fire has 10 seconds cooldown which equates to 10 initiatives.


    > If you spend 10 initiatives on Three Round Burst, you'll find that you are dealing more than 1440 damage.


    > Within the 10 initiatives/10 seconds, you can use TRB twice meaning in the same timeframe, you'll be dealing 948x2 damage -- which is way more than RF --- and DE will only waite 8 seconds cooldown (Init regen) instead of 10s.


    You are forgetting 1 thing though. Initiate is used for all skills 2-5 .. so if you spam TRB to match the damage from Rapid fire, you can't use anything else after that, until some of it regenerates. While ranger still has access to skills 3-5 in the meantime.

  8. > @"MikeLewis.7496" said:

    > Hi all,


    > As many of you have recently noticed, something has gone a bit wrong with the GW2 API system over the past weekend. We had a server fail which was responsible for tracking what sorts of content should be visible via the API. This server watches the game and every time someone picks up an item, unlocks an achievement, plays an event, and so on, it records the ID number of the content and adds it to a whitelist. The whitelist in turn controls what data we show via the API.


    > The reason for this mechanism is to avoid spoiling content that has not been found by players naturally. The whitelist allows us to safely show data on things players have found in the game, but keep a few things under wraps if they haven't been experienced by anyone yet. Essentially it keeps the API from leaking spoilers for new content.


    > I mentioned above that the server responsible for this whitelist had a failure. The bottom line is that the whitelist was effectively reset, and **every discoverable piece of content in the game has to be re-experienced in order to add it back to the whitelist**. Much of the game's data is already visible again, but a chunk of it will be hidden until players come across it in-game one more time.


    > We are of course trying to restore the whitelist data from backups and other measures. I wanted to share our current status in case those other measures don't pan out.


    > We're also tracking a number of other issues with the API, including map data availability, intermittent failures of different sorts, and various endpoints being inoperable. These issues are unrelated to this weekend's failure and will be addressed separately.


    > Thanks,


    None of the Living World Season 4 maps have ever had map tiles, and they have been discovered by 1000's of players. Nor has the world map ever been expanded to show these areas. The bottom of this image is the current cut off for the API, and it hasn't been updated since the end PoF release.


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/gnrH8ug.png "")


  9. This is just my opinion, and what I feel like needs to be adjusted.


    Comparing Rifle Deadeye to Longbow Ranger in term ranged skills..


    Long Range Shot .. has 1500 range, and can hit between 270 - 347 depending on range (base damage). Brutal Aim is 1200 Range and can hit for 253. (base damage)

    Rapid Fire .. has 1500 range, and can hit for 1440 (base damage). Three Round Burst has 1500 range and can hit for 948 (base damage).


    I can't really think of other skills between the 2 classes to compare appropriately.


    Anyways, I think Rifle needs it's base range up to 1500, then Kneel range at 1800. I know what you're thinking.. 1800 that's OP.. yeah it's pretty far distance, but you also have to be stationary to use it. So the enemy can just run in closer to attack you. Meanwhile Ranger can spam at 1500 while roaming, while deadeye has to be stationary to even match that range. Ranger hits for more damage at range and their skills have a lot shorter aftercast. So I believe at least Brutal Aim should have it's attack speed increased to match Ranger's Long Range Shot. In terms of Rapid Fire vs Three Round Burst. It's hard to really say what you could do with those 2.. rapid fire has a 10 second cooldown, while three round burst is based off of initiate spent, but the 1800 range on it would be only the thing you could do, and just up the range on double tap to 1500.


    Also Kneel. I suggest dropping Free Action from Kneel and just making it so if the player hits a movement key it cancels kneel out, and after they do that it put's kneel on a half second cooldown preventing it being spammable. Needing to press a key to disable kneel just makes it feel completely clunky and unfriendly to use :anguished:


    In short term.. what's the point in playing Rifle Deadeye, if Ranger can do more damage, attack faster, and still be mobile at the same time.

  10. Here's an interesting idea. Make rams mobile. They could be used to bust down 1 door, and then you can get in it and drive it at a slow pace to another spot (maybe at the pace of RP walk). Saves on supply.

  11. > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > > @"Ryan.9387" said:

    > > We're looking at a second season in a row where at least in NA, not a single person will reach legendary. The threshold should be lowered again, at least by 100 points.


    > No.


    > EU has a number of players in Legendary, it shouldn't be lowered just because the state of NA sPvP is a disaster. Honestly the ones who got banned for the wintrading and other things brought this on, and personally I'd rather no one in NA get to Legendary if it means Ranked gets looked at once more and things either change with the game mode or NA gets its act together.


    Sounds like if someone wants Legendary, transfer to EU :grimace:

  12. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Of course, you can't include the video, or any attachment in your initial ticket. You would have to post the video somewhere, and then provide a link; or wait for the CS Team to request you send them the video.


    > Good luck.


    Oh I have at least the clip link, and a copy of it, if they do delete the clip. So that works.


    I went with in-game issue, and report another player.

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