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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > So is there any point in having high Magic Find anymore, other than Mystic Toilet lottery, after this change?


    > It’ll determine the quality of bag you get (I think)


    Correct, however what isn't really explained is obscure loot .. like living world season 3 jumping puzzles .. which a low level character can get level 80 gear from. They said it's based on character level, but this one is a mystery to me.

  2. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    > To answer a few questions that have arisen:


    > ---


    > 1. Regional drops are on their own separate tables. So the uniqueness of things like Krytan weapons is preserved by those only being available on the appropriate maps.

    > 2. Gear that comes from champion bags and other regional bags that would yield generic equipment are replaced by unidentified gear at level 80.

    > 3. Opening _bags_ on lower level characters will continue to yield gear appropriate to that character's level.

    > 4. There won't be Path of Fire Unidentified Gear, Heart of Thorns Unidentified Gear and Core Tyria Unidentified gear. There are the different tiers of rarity for unidentified gear.


    What about things like Living World Season 3 jumping puzzles that drop level 80 gear even for a level 2 character? How will those be affected?


    Like for example. The Draconic Mons JP has a 100% drop chance for 1 rare per day per character. What will happen with that as there are a good number of people that have "invested" in parking alts there.

  3. > @"Grimmtooth.4163" said:

    > As things stand now if you open UI gear on a lower level character you still get level 80 gear.

    > Will this remain the same after the change?



    > Will the expanded UI gear drop changes ONLY affect the previous individual loot items that drop or will it also replace some of the various types of loot bags?


    Lets put it like this. Say you farm Silverwastes and get Bags of Gear and Embroidered Purses. If you open those on a lower level, you'll get gear appropriate for the level you open them on like you do right now. If you open those same Bags of Gear and Embroidered Purses on a level 80, you get unidentified gear instead, which those will only have lvl 80 gear inside of them.



  4. > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

    > So...


    > * Identifying gear: small chance to increase in rarity tier

    > * Not identifying gear: zero chance to increase in rarity tier


    > So, basically, identifying gear is always better than not identifying gear?


    > IMO, this new system isn't really an improvement. Years ago it would have been great, but now we have so many quality of life features in inventory management that just salvaging all fine items or less, then choosing "deposit all", is more than enough to avoid having a full inventory.


    This change just means if you play on a lvl 80 you will be doing less "salvage all > deposit all"

  5. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"cmpgamer.9628" said:

    > > How will this work for WvW when items drop? I am under the impression that WvW maps are considered Core Tyria maps and thus use the same drop tables.


    > It'll work as Irenio describes in WvW as well!



    What about people that have characters parked at a jumping puzzle, that rely on that loot for a somewhat steady profit? How does it affect those tables.

  6. > @"Kaatora.3186" said:

    > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > > Mount hp is 12,096.

    > Except it's not. It may depends on class, but I'm not entirely confident of that. My necro, engie, guard, ele have mount health of 10972. My rev has 12069.

    My Scourge has 12069(96? idr). Every other stream I've watched on Twitch had the same as me. Did you have all masteries unlocked on all those classes?

  7. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


    > Medium to Long-term

    > * Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This may also dismount yourself. We're still debating that. Feedback welcome.


    I forgot to add, this skill should only be available to people in enemy territory, as people in their own territory can easily hunt others down and dismount them. Giving them a clear advantage.


  8. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > Hey all, just wanted to put out a quick note about some upcoming Warclaw changes.


    > Short-term

    > * We're going to remove the jump on dismount. It's one of the biggest things used to bypass walls/gates and it was faster to remove the jump rather than try to fix each of those individually.

    Assuming this is only for the Warclaw? And is this only in WvW or will this affect the PvE side of it?


    > Medium to Long-term

    > * Working on a dismount trap

    Radius? Supply cost, so we can give feedback on that?


    > * Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This may also dismount yourself. We're still debating that. Feedback welcome.

    Skill should dismount both players without the knockdown and does 0 damage to either, but puts them in combat and remounting should have at least a 15 second cooldown after being hit with this skill including the user and the victim. Also dismounting and remounting normally should not have a cooldown.


    > Even Longer term

    > * We're considering adding break-bars to the WvW Mount. It's still a big if, as this will also require UI considerations.

    Considering the Trap and ability to dismount other players with the new skill. I don't see this being such a big deal. Some classes can already dismount players with a single skill (hammer rev). If anything maybe reduce the HP amount mounts get to like 9k.

  9. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


    This is complete BS. NCSoft said GW2 wouldn't be affected, but this proves otherwise.


    Sorry to see you go, hope to see you land on your feet and continue to do what you love doing.

  10. > @"Avatar of Indra.6908" said:

    > **Maguuma Forager Node Pack**


    > * Mussel Node: Normal node drops plus one _guaranteed_ Fresh Water Pearl.

    > * Jungle Plants Node: Normal drops for this node plus one _guaranteed_ Maguuma Lily.


    > With only one lily and one pearl per day, and the fact that it takes three per armor piece, this will still create a sort of "time-gate" of 18 days to create a full set of armor. So there won't be so much as a flood of supply, but rather even out supply and demand and lower prices in the long run.


    Except if you have multiple accounts to farm them each day. I would rather they put the Mussels and Jungle Plants on the Garden Plot Deeds instead and keep the RNG. Also increase Garden Plots by 2 more, so 4 plots total.

  11. > @"JMaarse.7086" said:

    > Is it considered an exploit to buy a +5 simple infusion from the fractal reliquary for 25 relics and then sell it to the fractal merchant for 5 bags of relics totaling 75 relics?

    > For those who don't know, the +5 infusion only comes up for sale very infrequently and you can only buy 1 item per day from the fractal reliquary, so it's not a big deal.


    Considering the cost it takes to get the Fractal Reliquary, I see this as reasonable trade off.

  12. Just put it as a simple message on a loading screen.. "Have you tried WvW yet? Why not start today!"


    It'll get the player wondering "What's WvW" .. and they'll figure out eventually how to get there. They could do a bunch of random messages on the loading screens.

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