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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. Retaliation in WvW needs a tone down. Maybe an internal cooldown on how many times it can hit a target?


    For example.. an Ele can drop a meteor shower on a group of people, and if they have retaliation on them, that Ele will basically kill themselves. I get that retaliation is supposed to damage people hitting you, but at the rate it comes in is a bit much.


    Berserker's Arc Divider (Greatsword F1 while in Berserk Mode) still needs damage reduction, and I believe the 3rd radius is a bit too far out. Meteor shower doesn't even extend that far.

    Perhaps with range it could start at 180, then 2nd strike would be 240, then 3rd strike would be 360 to keep it in line with meteor shower distance. As it stands Arc Divider is the largest radius skill in WvW.

  2. > **Equipment Templates (character-bound)**


    > * Frees up bag space ¹

    > * A single piece of legendary equipment can be customized with different attributes in separate Equipment Templates ²

    > * Each character will start with two Equipment Template tabs and can have up to six tabs with additional purchases available in the Black Lion Trading Company Store ³


    ¹ This maybe the case with ascended or exotic gear, but people with Legendary gear, this does not save them anyspace, but its a minor thing.


    ² This is the biggest issue, and it absolutely devalues Legendary gear. We want to use 1 set of legendary gear for a single tab and be able to switch stats and rune sets (requires legendary runes) on the fly using that 1 tab without taking up multiple equipment tab slots. The stats could be saved in a different location and can be swapped on the fly, since it doesn't require gear and just the stats. There could be some sort of check in place to verify the character using the template has legendary gear on for those slots before switching stats.


    ³ This is simply just a limitation of equipment templates for people that run more than 10-20 builds for raids or other activities. 6 Is not enough. With the UI design seeming to be limiting to how many the future can hold. There needs to be a way to store 100s if a player chooses.

  3. This build is for scrapper, as I find it to be one of the best classes during lab farming.


    * Near 100% boon duration. (even uses chocolate omnomberry cream for 40% MF)

    * 88.24% crit chance (with traits & fury).

    * 100% uptime with Fury while attacking.

    * Quickness from Elixir U (12 seconds), Applied Force (scrapper trait, 6 seconds), and Superior Sigil of Rage (6 seconds)

    * Permanent swiftness from Superior Sigil of Speed, as well as Rocket Boots for Immobilize removal and Superspeed.

    * Utilizes Grenades for roaming between doors, and swap grenades out for flamethrower at doors.

    * Has Sneak Gyro to stealth past mobs if you need to get back to the squad.

    * Damage is lower to prevent mobs from dying too fast to let others get a tag in.


    You do not have to go with diviners, but if you want that boon duration you will need it. Diviner's is quite difficult to get considering the insignias take 3 exquisite jewels from thunderhead keep meta.




  4. > @"yoni.7015" said:

    > “Arenanet employees should not be paid. Here is why”


    I'm not saying that at all. They came up with a great idea with the build sharing, but charging for it when you can create a chat link and store them externally. People aren't going to be paying for something they can do for free (and no I am not talking about using arcdps).

  5. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > > That only works for trait templates.

    > > >

    > > > It doesn't work for gear templates, which is an important part of a build.

    > >

    > > Correct, but equipment templates are separate and can't be shared anyway. So monetizing those is perfectly fine. Since the account build storage can share builds with other people.. needing to buy more slots is pointless since you can use a text file to store your builds and just copy a chat code to swap.


    > yeah but trait changing, was never that annoying... it's gear sets and runes..and ultimately no matter how many trait templates you have a chat code for... you're limited to 6, because you only have 6 gear templates.


    I agree, switching between traits and utility skills was never really that much of a problem. However them charging for more slots for something that can be freely stored elsewhere is the point I'm trying to make.

  6. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > To my mind that just puts it into the same category as other convenience items in the gem store. No one needs a home instance portal or world boss portal because they can use waypoints. No one needs infinite salvage kits or gathering tools because they can buy infinite numbers of consumable ones in-game relatively cheaply. No one needs home instance nodes because they can get the same materials out in the world.


    > What you're paying for is making it slightly more convenient. Whether that's worth doing will vary between people of course (and between items). I know I don't need infinite gathering tools, but I like having them so I don't have to worry about making sure I've got spares. I doubt I'll buy build (or equipment) templates because I don't change my build that often so using text codes instead is fine for me. (Honestly I'm mostly ok with changing them manually, except I can never remember which traits I need.)


    > But IMO it's important that we don't need to buy them, because otherwise it goes from a convenience to a required upgrade and even expansions haven't really hit that point.


    When you can use a personal guild to store them via motd with different builds in it... how much more of a convenience is it really to use them with the account build storage instead? You are essentially just opening a different window in game.

  7. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > That only works for trait templates.


    > It doesn't work for gear templates, which is an important part of a build.


    Correct, but equipment templates are separate and can't be shared anyway. So monetizing those is perfectly fine. Since the account build storage can share builds with other people.. needing to buy more slots is pointless since you can use a text file to store your builds and just copy a chat code to swap.

  8. Since you can store builds in the account build storage that can be shared via chat codes, anybody with a text editor can store as many builds as they want. This is why charging for account build storage slots is redundant with the build sharing functionalities.


    I for one will not put a dime towards them as long as I can store them externally, or via guild message of the day.

  9. > @"GloomxWar.8793" said:

    > Why do you force players to pay for something that they already got for free with a third party program?

    > I think making players pay for this is one of the worst things Anet could do.


    Because that feature is going to be disabled on that program once the official build templates releases.




    Also I'm confused on how equipment templates will work with Legendary Gear since it uses it for 1 tab.. so can you still access it for another tab or do you need another full set?

  10. This was during NA reset on tier 1.





    Last I heard @"Stephen ClarkeWillson.1802" was working on this. Back on August 26th which he stated..



    >2019 08 26: I went into Blackgate and watched the CPU and some fights; pretty sure this is a problem with too much CPU requirements and it only happens in big battles with lots of skills flying. Sometimes players, who are clever and amazing, figure out a new way to use a skill that is expensive so we'll be evaluating skill performance.


    Just wondering what has been going on since then? Is this something that's being put on the back burner until after world reconstructing?

  11. Copied from this reddit post.


    > Legendary Runes and Sigils will not always accept internally a change, providing no error or feedback, so you can for example change a rune to a passive effect and never find out it isn't working.


    > The problem isn't new as I have seen other previous reports on this same reddit as well on the forum, but I still believe it merits a repost because the problem persists and i would hope that arenanet would have the professionalism of making sure that what they ship out of the door they fix it.


    > I understand this is not the only bug in the game but I find very telling of a companies work ethic when they hype a new feature, put it behind quite a big investment of time and resources and this bug makes it literally unusable since like I said before if a bonus is like 25% movement speed you can tell when it isn't working, not as easy if its 10% more damage.


    > I am not asking for a new raid, a roadmap or even something more unimaginable like communication, all I am asking is if something doesn't work please start by telling people and then fix it.


    > Arenanet doesn't owe me anything, I don't feel entitled to anything at all, but I still retain my own personal right to an opinion and like I said this lack not of content but of an ability to follow through is very telling, at least to me.


    > If anything of this sticks to you reading it let it be that you should not pursue this items as it is very possible that the bug will continue for quite some time (still hoping one day arenanet fixes the predator legendary sounds to not overlap core sounds on thief when activating the option for no legendary weapon sounds).


    > Thank You for your time and patience.

  12. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > I think it will be awkward to use now because once you place it you HAVE to use another to reposition. You cannot unsummon a shade. Once you use them all it's straight melee shading.


    I still think having the increased cooldown on the trait should be removed to help normalize this, that or have a way to unsummon a shade.

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