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Posts posted by Vegeta.2563

  1. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @"Scarlett.1605" said:

    > > > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

    > > > > @"Myrdreth.6829" said:

    > > > > > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

    > > > > > Does this work for HoT and PoF events/bosses, or only central Tyria? Want to make sure before I buy. thx

    > > > >

    > > > > Only for Central Tyria Bosses.

    > > >

    > > > Thanks so much. Dang, just went from "must buy" to "eh." :-(

    > >

    > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" since this only works with central tyria bosses, could/would you inquire about new bosses added or if there will be new devices created for each respective expansion (HoT/PoF)?


    > Hey there. I actually sorta answered this earlier, but I was testing accounts and it got wonky. Here I am **not** testing accounts, and I can say I did share this thread and your thoughts about the device and your general approval of the concept, which the devs appreciated very much. The short answer is that there aren't plans to expand or duplicate this device for other bosses or for the expansion packs. I imagine the team is always considering new ideas, though, so please do share them now and in the future! Plans can change, good ideas can be revisited -- you know how that goes. :)


    Since this is basically for Central Tyria, I hope the team considers adding Ley-Line Anomaly to it. My suggestion would be to drop the player on the central most waypoint for the map it will spawn in during that time.

  2. Can we get the following items as possible drops for the Chest of Black Lion Goods?


    * Teleport to Friend

    * Upgrade Extractor (single use)

    * Metabolic Primer

    * Utility Primer


    All items listed have similar values of other items currently on the Chest of Black Lion Goods. Teleport To Friend can't be bought directly on the gem store, but costs 5 statuettes, which is the same cost for Upgrade Extractor, which is 250 gems for 1. So safe to say Teleport to Friend would be the same price in this case. In terms of adding too expensive items, keep in mind Black Lion Salvage Kit was priced at 300 gems per kit before being removed from the Gem Store and those are a possible drop (they drop quite frequently as well). Both Primers are 150 gems each, so that should be well within reason.


    I understand that the more expensive items would be more rare to drop, but as long as it's a possibility is good enough for me.

  3. > @"Sanity Obscure.6054" said:

    > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > > @"Sanity Obscure.6054" said:

    > > > Can't they just give you a code on a paper when you buy a drink and mention the gw2 promo?

    > > >

    > > > This is just so convoluted and shady....

    > >

    > > How exactly are they going to give me a piece of paper?

    > >


    > Buy a drink in store and mention the game, or buy something online like a keychain or cup and get an email. Not hard to implement.


    I doubt in store people have a clue about this promo.. This is probably online only in terms of promoting. In store people just sell the drinks, and have nothing to do with the promotion at all.

  4. > @"notebene.3190" said:

    > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > I tried (and failed) multiple times at getting Facebook to connect to the app. It finally connected properly about 10 minutes ago. So, we'll see if the reward ever pops up. :p


    > After each failure, did you have to go to Facebook and de-authorize 'Social Rewards' before trying again? Or, did you just leave that there and keep trying to connect in the app itself? At one point when trying to connect to the app did it seem to work? Does that radio button show 'on' for you now?


    Wondering the same.


  5. > @"Majic.4801" said:

    > > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

    > > I just want my item to show up in the grey area. Instead of not knowing what I put in the active area..


    > Yeah, even if it has to be really teeny tiny, it would be better, and the interface designers are generally pretty good about that sort of thing.


    I'm guessing they'll add it in with Tonics once those are ready.

  6. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

    > > My question is regarding the ability to “trade the Vouchers,” not the ability to “purchase the Vouchers.” I know “purchasing Vouchers” is a limited time offer. However, if I stock up on Vouchers now and save the Vouchers to use later (say, 3 months from now), will the Voucher Dealers remain in the game so I can use my Vouchers in the future? Or will the Dealers be removed soon, meaning it’s pointless to stock up on Vouchers for later use, since they’ll be useless if the Voucher Dealers are removed.

    > >

    > > Basically, we don’t want to buy 10 Vouchers, save half for later, and have the Vouchers “expire” on us.


    > Yes, I understand there are two questions: duration of the voucher availability and how long the vendors will be in place. I had the one answer and will post the other when I get it.


    I honestly don't see a need for the vendors to go away. As you need the vouchers to use it anyway. So if the vouchers go away, if you don't have one you can't purchase. The vendors could remain indefinitely without any harm, as you need vouchers to use them. If the vouchers aren't on the gem store, the vendors are basically just for show for anyone that doesn't have any vouchers, but they could remain there for people that do have vouchers.


    I think people are expecting more outfits, weapon skins, and gliders / backpack skins to be added to the vendors over time. And those that purchased vouchers now while they are on sale, could buy the new skins later on if the vouchers make a return at some point.

  7. So they add these glyphs on new tools that come out about every month or so, but I have so many gathering tools as it is.. I don't need more cluttering up my bank or inventory. I just want the Glyph, and I don't want to delete the tool as I would feel bad for doing so. I would much rather spend the 1000 gems on just getting a glyph, with maybe a bonus item to replace the missing gathering tool. That way the price isn't any different than buying the tool. You could have the glyph priced at 550 gems, and then add in 5 black lion keys at 450 gems to equal 1000 if you want for example. All I know is the last thing I need is another gathering tool to add to my collection of unused items.

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